863 research outputs found

    La enseñanza del Derecho Romano a través de problemas.

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    Se presenta una experiencia docente en la que se ha aplicado la metodología del aprendizaje basado en problemas para el estudio de la asignatura de Derecho Romano en el grupo de primer curso de Grado M6 de la Facultad de Derecho. Pese al número elevado de alumnos/as se ha conseguido que se llevara a cabo un aprendizaje activo y de carácter autónomo, a través del cual los estudiantes han cons-truido sus bases teóricas sobre el propio caso y para ello se ha conjugado el trabajo individual con el grupal todo ello bajo la orientación y la tutoría docente

    Concepte d’“equivalència”: gènere i traducció. Jocs de perspectives no equivalents entre la teoria feminista i les escoles lingüístiques

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    Conferència dictada en el Congrés Internacional "Traducció i Intercanvi Cultural en l'Època de la Globalització", Universitat de Barcelona, 16-19 Maig 2006. La publicació de les actes d'aquest congrés està prevista per a 2008.This paper analyzes general features and most important objectives of feminist translation. One of the main principles of this theory is the non-acceptance of the traditional definition of equivalence. For this reason, we will compare feminist conception of equivalence with that of four essential authors pertaining to linguistic theories (Roman Jakobson, Georges Mounin, J.C. Catford and Eugene A. Nida).Aquesta investigació s’emmarca en el context del projecte de recerca per a la “Promoció exterior de la llengua, la literatura i la cultura valenciana a través de diferents programes d'actuacions” [IVITRA-UA/Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (ACADEMIAVALENCIANA2-05N)]. A més, també se situa quant a la metodologia a l’empara de la “Xarxa de Excel·lència Europea “Translation, Multilingualism, Information and Communication Technologies, and Transference of Knowledge” (TRAMICTEK)” [UE-6FP-IST/NG-NoE/STREP-2004-64988, UE- 6FP-IST/NG-NoE-STREP-2002-UE, MEC- HUM2004-22980-E, GV- IIACDI/2004/8, UA- ACPE2-01, UA- ACPE4-01

    Active Tectonics of the Pyrenees: A review.

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    The Pyrenees have experienced at least seven earthquakes with magnitude M > 5 in the last 400 years. During the last decades, several seismotectonic, neotectonic and paleoseismological studies have focused on identifying the main active structures of the areas experiencing damaging earthquakes. In spite of these studies, the regional stress regime is still discussed and there is no unequivocal seismotectonic model at the scale of the range. In this paper, we first present a revision of the former works on active faults in the Pyrenees, and then we discuss the main results in terms of their neotectonic setting. We have distinguished five neotectonic regions according to their seismicity, faulting style and morphologic evolution: the westernmost Pyrenees, the North Western Pyrenean zone, the Foreland basins, the Lower Thrust Sheets Domain and the Eastern Pyrenees. This review lead us to differentiate the range into two major domains: the High Chain, where active faults are controlled by vertical maximum stresses, and the Low Chain, where horizontal maximum stresses of variable orientation seem to be dominant. We propose that these different stress domains are related to the isostatic rebound in response to either the difference in crustal thickness and/or the distribution of the Plio-Quaternary erosion

    El sector vinícola en España: El caso de “Bodegas La Purísima”

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    Active fault control in the distribution of Elevated Low Relief Topography in the Central-Western Pyrenees

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    The activity of normal faults in the Central-Western Pyrenees is mainly detected by the disruption of paleic landforms surviving to Plio-Quaternary incision: the remnants of a Low-Relief Topography (LRT) that probably originated asynchronically during the Oligocene and Miocene. We propose a new method for mapping the LRT remnants that combines automatic analysis of digital topography and cross-checking with regional databases of Quaternary landforms. We focus on an area where the location of the main-drainage divide seems to be influenced by the activity of the Bedous-Pic de Midi du Bigorre set of faults and by the North Maladeta Fault. Neotectonic markers defined by the remnants of LRT envelops are tectonically displaced up to ~700m by the previously identified faults, but also along new faults observed in between them. A western prolongation of the North Maladeta Fault has been identified for the first time, implying a 75km total trace length, almost twice the previously published value. A restoration of the fault block motion was performed assuming a regional uplift across the range, enhanced in the northern part of the Axial Zone. This uplift leads to an outer arch extension along the Maladeta-Bedous Fault System. The resulting paleo-topography shows a broad southern paleo-flank (up to ~120km long) with a gentle regional gradient (~1º) and a much shorter and steeper northern paleo-flank (~4º gradient, up to 30km-long). This configuration suggests that the LRT remnants now located North of the main divide were connected to the Ebro Basin. The results are supported by previous studies on age and source provenance of major alluvial systems mantling the northern and southern flanks of the chain

    Commemoration of the emergence of the Geological Society of Spain Commission on Tectonics

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    In the 1980s, and after years of socio-political instability, several circumstances had given a strong impetus to geological studies in Spain. Among them, the generalized growth of Spanish universities, including Geology faculties and departments. Several emerging issues in Structural Geology were object of research, discussion and controversy. Within this framework, a group of structural geologists promoted the Comission on Tectonics (CT) in the bosom of the recently created Geological Society of Spain. The CT officially started in June 1989, through a constitutional meeting at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. This was followed by the first annual field trip of the CT, hold in Cap de Creus. Since then, the CT has organized uninterrupted annual meetings and field trips through which the main issues of the structural geology of Spain and neighbouring territories have been shared and discussed. The organization of field trips has involved a large number of structural geologists. At present, the CT has 150 members. The achievement of a better gender balance and the generational renewal are key issues that will ensure its future relevance. We aim to pay tribute to the people who allowed the emergence and survival, through the last 30 years, of this remarkable scientific initiative

    Study of the phraseological units belonging to the ‘third sphere’ from a diachronic perspective

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    Fins ara, les unitats fraseològiques havien estat tradicionalment estudiades en sincronia o, a tot estirar, tenint en consideració un punt concret en el passat. Amb aquest estudi, pretenem fer una anàlisi diacrònica —de l’evolució— d’algunes UFs que considerem especialment representatives, com ho són les de la tercera esfera, que, segons Corpas, són els enunciats fraseològics. Iniciarem l’article amb una breu descripció del concepte d’unitat fraseològica i, posteriorment, ens centrarem en les unitats que conformen la tercera esfera. Tractarem amb més profunditat la definició, l’origen i el tipus d’unitats que s’apleguen sota aquest terme. A continuació, analitzarem amb més aprofundiment un parell d’exemples representatius, com són una oronella no fa estiu i fer orelles sordes. Aquests exemples ens permetran observar les característiques generals del processos de fraseologització i canvi fraseològic.Phraseological units have traditionally been studied from a synchronic perspective or, at the utmost, focusing on a certain period of time in the past. In this paper we aim to carry out a diachronic analysis of the most representative phraseological units, those belonging to what Corpas defines as the Third Sphere, that is, phraseological sentences. Firstly, we will briefly describe the concept of phraseological unit and, subsequently, we will focus on those belonging. We will firstly deal with the definition, the origin and the types of units gathered together under this term. Secondly, we will focus on two representative examples: una oronella no fa estiu (literally, ‘one swallow does not make a summer)’ and fer orelles sordes (‘to turn a deaf ear’). These examples will allow us to analyse the main features of phraseologization and phraseological change processes.Aquest treball s’inscriu en la matriu dels projectes d’investigació, dirigits pel Prof. Josep Martines (Universitat d’Alacant, Institu d’Estudis Catalans), Gramàtica del Català Antic (finançat pel MICINN [Ref.: FFI2009-13065/FILO]), «Constitució d’un Corpus per a la Gramàtica del Català Antic» (fiançat per l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans [IVITRA-IEC/PT2008-MARTINES01]), «Gramàtica del Català Modern» (1601-1834) (finançat pel MINECO, Ref. FFI2012-37103). D’altra banda, també al si dels projectes Digicotracam (Programa PROMETEO de la Generalitat Valenciana per a Grups d’Investigació en I+D d’Excel·lència [Ref.: PROMETEO-2009-042], aquest és un projecte cofinançat pel FEDER de la UE), i el Grup d’Investigació en Tecnologia Educativa en Història de la Cultura, Diacronia lingüística i Traducció (finançat pel Vicerectorat de Tecnologia i Innovació Educativa de la UA [Ref. GITE-09009-UA]). Tots quests projectes se situen en la matriu de l’Institut Superior d’Investigació Cooperativa IVITRA [ISIC-IVITRA] de la Generalitat Valenciana (ISIC/012/042)