244 research outputs found

    Virginia Woolf and Gertrude Stein’s Repurposing of Feminine Domestic Language through the Lens of Bakhtinian Heteroglossia and Dialogic Theory

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    This essay examines the ways that Virginia Woolf in A Room of One’s Own and Gertrude Stein in The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas and “The Good Anna” recapture feminine domestic language in order to produce a new form of feminist heteroglossia, a reworking of Bakhtinian heteroglossia and dialogic theory

    Análisis de influencia cultural del turismo en la población local: salinas-Santa Elena

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    Salinas Canton in the province of Santa Elena is one of the finest beach resorts in Ecuador with more tourism development since the 19th century; tourism is a dynamic economic axis of the Canton in addition to fishing, salt and other sources of income. This document analyzes the positive and negative socio-cultural impacts exerted by tourism on local community. This has been evaluated through surveys, observations and interviews, same tools that allow to establish and to identify the behavior and cultural impacts in the touristic sector. During this research it has emerged that the cultural influence of the tourism can be perceived in the young people, in those who the changes occurred in a subtle form and without noticed, however the old adult reflect in their behavior and keep trying to inculcate them to their descendants. The authorities should continue fomenting cultural spaces that promote Salinas not only as a sun and beach resort but a place where all the local people participate

    Estrategias de promoción del Circuito turístico místico de huacas – Chuspilloq, Cusco 2019

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    El siguiente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad promocionar en base a estrategias de promoción el circuito turístico místico de huacas Chuspilloq, Cusco para el desarrollo del turismo, teniendo como recurso cinco Huacas importantes cerca de la ciudad del Cusco aledañas al parque arqueológico de Saqsayhuaman, siendo así un recurso importante en aspecto cultural y mágico religioso. En la actualidad estas Huacas están consideradas como sagradas, asociadas al camino denominado religioso y administrativo Qhapaq Ñan. Su función es de carácter religioso ya que así lo demuestran las evidencias de esta investigación. Por ello es importante el desarrollo de las estrategias de promoción de estas, para la realización del turismo y el conocimiento de estas. El tipo de investigación es básico – descriptivo – cuantitativo, la población está constituida por 50 personas que visitaron el circuito. Para la elaboración del siguiente trabajo se hizo el uso de varias fuentes como libros, documentos, artículos, etc., así como fuentes primarias; la observación de campo y encuestas fueron primordiales para la elaboración de este trabajo de investigación. Haciendo un análisis y teniendo evidencias de la investigación se pudo observas personas de diferentes condiciones, realizando trabajos relacionados con la religión andina, al margen del rito de agradecimiento que se hace a la Pacha Mama, astros, meditación o yoga. No solamente los partícipes de estos rituales en las diferentes huacas son personas de nacionalidad peruana, sino también se puede ver la participación de personas extranjeras ya sea por curiosidad o por algún conocimiento impartido por alguna fuente. Para ello se ha realizado algunas propuestas que nos pueda ayudar a mejorar la demanda turística.The following research work aims to promote, based on promotional strategies, the mystical tourist circuit of Huacas Chuspilloq, Cusco for the development of tourism, having as resource five important Huacas near the city of Cusco adjacent to the archaeological park of Saqsayhuaman, being thus an important resource in cultural and magical religious aspect. Currently, these Huacas are considered sacred, associated with the path called religious and administrative Qhapaq Ñan. Its function is of a religious nature as evidenced by the evidence of this investigation. Therefore, it is important to develop their promotion strategies for tourism and their knowledge. The type of research is basic - descriptive - quantitative, the population is made up of 50 people who visited the circuit. For the elaboration of the following work, several sources were used, such as books, documents, articles, etc., as well as primary sources; Field observation and surveys were essential for the development of this research work. Making an analysis and having evidence of the investigation, you could observe people of different conditions, carrying out works related to the Andean religion, apart from the rite of thanks to the Pacha Mama, stars, meditation or yoga. Not only the participants of these rituals in the different Huacas are people of Peruvian nationality, but also the participation of foreign people can be seen either by curiosity or by some knowledge imparted by some source. For this, some proposals have been made that can help us improve tourism demand

    High sporulation and overexpression of virulence factors in biofilms and reduced susceptibility to vancomycin and linezolid in recurrent Clostridium [Clostridioides] difficile infection isolates

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    Clostridium [Clostridioides] difficile infection (CDI) is one of the leading causes of diarrhea associated with medical care worldwide, and up to 60% of patients with CDI can develop a recurrent infection (R-CDI). A multi-species microbiota biofilm model of C. difficile was designed to evaluate the differences in the production of biofilms, sporulation, susceptibility to drugs, expression of sporulating (sigH, spo0A), quorum sensing (agrD1, and luxS), and adhesion-associated (slpA and cwp84) pathway genes between selected C. difficile isolates from R-CDI and non-recurrent patients (NR-CDI). We obtained 102 C. difficile isolates from 254 patients with confirmed CDI (66 from NR-CDI and 36 from R-CDI). Most of the isolates were biofilm producers, and most of the strains were ribotype 027 (81.374%, 83/102). Most C. difficile isolates were producers of biofilm (100/102), and most were strongly adherent. Sporulation was higher in the R-CDI than in the NR-CDI isolates (p = 0.015). The isolates from R-CDI patients more frequently demonstrated reduced susceptibility to vancomycin than isolates of NR-CDI patients (27.78% [10/36] and 9.09% [6/66], respectively, p = 0.013). The minimum inhibitory concentrations for vancomycin and linezolid against biofilms (BMIC) were up to 100 times and 20 times higher, respectively, than the corresponding planktonic MICs. Expression of sigH, spo0A, cwp84, and agrD1 was higher in R-CDI than in NR-CDI isolates. Most of the C. difficile isolates were producers of biofilms with no correlation with the ribotype. Sporulation was greater in R-CDI than in NR-CDI isolates in the biofilm model of C. difficile. The R-CDI isolates more frequently demonstrated reduced susceptibility to vancomycin and linezolid than the NR-CDI isolates in both planktonic cells and biofilm isolates. A higher expression of sporulating pathway (sigH, spo0A), quorum sensing (agrD1), and adhesion-associated (cwp84) genes was found in R-CDI than in NR-CDI isolates. All of these factors can have effect on the recurrence of the infection.Peer reviewe

    Circulation of Highly Drug-Resistant Clostridium difficile Ribotypes 027 and 001 in Two Tertiary-Care Hospitals in Mexico

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    © 2018, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.OBJECTIVE: To assess drug susceptibility and characterize Clostridium difficile ribotypes in isolates from two tertiary-care hospitals in Mexico. METHODS: Isolates were evaluated for genotyping, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and detection of mutations associated with drug resistance. PCR ribotyping was performed using a combination of gel-based and capillary electrophoresis-based approaches. RESULTS: MIC50 and MIC90 were ≥128 mg/L for ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, clindamycin, and rifampicin. There was no reduced susceptibility to metronidazole or tetracycline; however, reduced susceptibility to vancomycin (≥4 mg/L) and fidaxomicin (≥2 mg/L) was detected in 50 (40.3%) and 4 (3.2%) isolates, respectively. Furthermore, the rpoB Arg505Lys mutation was more frequently detected in isolates with high minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) to rifampicin (≥32 mg/L) (OR = 52.5; 95% CI = 5.17-532.6; p < 0.000). Of the 124 C. difficile isolates recovered, 84 (66.7%) were of ribotype 027, 18 (14.5%) of ribotype 001, and the remainder were other ribotypes (353, 255, 220, 208, 176, 106, 076, 020, 019, 017, 014, 012, 003, and 002). CONCLUSION: Ribotypes 027 and 001 were the most frequent C. difficile isolates recovered in this study, and demonstrated higher MICs. Furthermore, we found four isolates with reduced susceptibility to fidaxomicin, raising a concern since this drug is currently unavailable in Mexican Hospitals.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Prevalencia de neumatización del seno maxilar en pacientes edéntulos parciales o totales según la clasificación de Carl Misch, diagnosticados mediante CBCT en un centro radiológico privado de la ciudad de Cuenca, 2021 - 2022

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    El antro de Highmore es considerado el seno paranasal más grande, ubicado en el cuerpo del hueso maxilar. Su proceso de neumatización forma parte de su crecimiento y desarrollo. Tras la pérdida dentaria se produce una actividad osteoclástica iniciada en la membrana de Schneider causando que los senos maxilares aumenten su tamaño; situación que complica la rehabilitación protésica y la colocación de implantes. Objetivo: Determinar el grado de neumatización del seno maxilar en base a la clasificación de Carl Misch en pacientes edéntulos parciales o totales, atendidos en un centro radiológico privado de la ciudad de Cuenca diagnosticados mediante CBCT en los años 2021-2022. Metodología: estudio de tipo observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Se evaluaron 73 estudios tomográficos de haz de cono de edéntulos totales y parciales considerando la zona de caninos hasta segundos molares, en base a la clasificación de Carl Misch para determinar el grado de neumatización y la profundidad del seno maxilar. Resultados: el grado III de neumatización fue el más prevalente en un 43,41% del total de 129 senos maxilares evaluados, un grado IV estuvo mayormente en edéntulos totales (17,05%), mientras en edéntulos parciales fue más predominante un grado III (27,13%). Conclusión: La relación entre el grado de neumatización y la profundidad del seno maxilar fue evidente, determinando que la neumatización del seno está ligada con la pérdida de dientes, estos resultados pueden ser útiles para planificar procedimientos quirúrgicos y para tener en cuenta posibles complicaciones en pacientes con mayor grado de neumatización.Highmore's antrum is considered the largest paranasal sinus, located in the body of the maxillary bone. Its pneumatization process is part of its growth and development. After tooth loss, osteoclastic activity begins in Schneider's membrane, which causes the maxillary sinuses to increase in size, a situation that complicates prosthetic rehabilitation and implant placement. Objective: To determine the degree of pneumatic sinus pneumatization based on Carl Misch's classification in partial or edentulous patients treated in a private radiology center in the city of Cuenca diagnosed by CBCT in 2021-2022. Methodology: Study of observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional types. Seventy-three cone-beam tomographic studies of total and partially edentulous patients considering the area from canines to second molars were examined, based on Carl Misch's classification, to determine the degree of pneumatization and the depth of the maxillary sinus. Results: grade III pneumatization was the most prevalent in 43.41% of the total 129 maxillary sinuses evaluated, a grade IV was mostly in total edentulous (17.05%), and partial edentulous a grade III was more predominant (27.13%). Conclusion: The relationship between the degree of pneumatization and the depth of the maxillary sinus was evident, determining that the pneumatization of the sinus is linked to tooth loss, these results may be useful for planning surgical procedures and to take into account possible complications in patients with greater degree of pneumatization.0000-0003-1320-292

    The efficiency of thermomechanical obturation

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    Introducción: Uno de los requisitos para una buena obturación es un sellado lo más tridimensional posible, hermético y permanente. Para cumplir con esto debemos considerar una buena preparación del sistema de conductos, adecuada desinfección y correcta obturación. Descripción del caso: En la Asignatura Endodoncia B se realizó el tratamiento endodóntico en 6 piezas dentarias anteriores. Se llevó a cabo el protocolo de preparación de conductos con técnica híbrida, utilizando limas K (Maillefer) y sistema rotatorio reciprocante (Wave One Gold - Dentsply Sirona).Introduction: One of the requirements for a good obturation is a seal that is as three-dimensional as possible, hermetic and permanent. To comply with this, we must consider a good preparation of the duct system, adequate disinfection and correct obturation. Description of the case: In Endodontics B, endodontic treatment was performed on 6 anterior teeth. The root canal preparation protocol was carried out with the hybrid technique, using K files (Maillefer) and a reciprocating rotary system (Wave One Gold - Dentsply Sirona).Facultad de Odontologí

    Clases medias y vulnerabilidad a la pobreza: reflexiones desde América Latina

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    A partir de una definicion de clase media que incluye a personas con baja probabilidad de caer en pobreza, este articulo presenta algunas tendencias para America Latina. El porcentaje de personas en clase media ha aumentado de 21.9% en 2000 a 34.3% en 2012, y desde el 2009 el tamano de la clase media es mayor que el porcentaje de personas en pobreza. No obstante, formar parte de la clase media en America Latina sigue siendo una posicion privilegiada. Los grupos en pobreza y vulnerabilidad concentran aun alrededor de dos terceras partes de la poblacion total de la region. En este sentido, la region no se puede considerar una sociedad de clase media, al menos no por el momento.Based on the definition of middle class as that population who face low probability of falling into poverty, we present some trends for Latin America. The percentage of middle class has increased significantly, from 21.9 percent in 2000 to 34.3 percent in 2012. Since 2009, the size of the middle class is greater than that of the poor. Nevertheless, being part of the middle class in the region is still a privileged position. In fact, the poor and the vulnerable concentrate approximately two thirds of the region’s population. In this sense, Latin America is most definitely not, at least not yet, a middle class society.Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociale

    Nanosafety: an evolving concept to bring the safest possible nanomaterials to society and environment

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    The use of nanomaterials has been increasing in recent times, and they are widely used in industries such as cosmetics, drugs, food, water treatment, and agriculture. The rapid development of new nanomaterials demands a set of approaches to evaluate the potential toxicity and risks related to them. In this regard, nanosafety has been using and adapting already existing methods (toxicological approach), but the unique characteristics of nanomaterials demand new approaches (nanotoxicology) to fully understand the potential toxicity, immunotoxicity, and (epi)genotoxicity. In addition, new technologies, such as organs-on-chips and sophisticated sensors, are under development and/or adaptation. All the information generated is used to develop new in silico approaches trying to predict the potential effects of newly developed materials. The overall evaluation of nanomaterials from their production to their final disposal chain is completed using the life cycle assessment (LCA), which is becoming an important element of nanosafety considering sustainability and environmental impact. In this review, we give an overview of all these elements of nanosafety.European Union’s H2020 project Sinfonia (N.857253). SbDToolBox, with reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000047, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fun