1,821 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Decision-Support System for Safeguarding Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage

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    In the current world economic situation, the maintenance of built heritage has been limited due to a lack of funds and accurate tools for proper management and implementation of these actions. However, in specific local areas, the maintenance and conservation of historical and cultural heritage have become an investment opportunity. In this sense, in this study, a new tool is proposed, for the estimation of the functional service life of heritage buildings in a local region (city of Seville, South Spain). This tool is developed in Art-Risk research project and consists of a free software to evaluate decisions in regional policies, planning and management of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, considering physical, environmental, economic and social resources. This tool provides a ranking of priority of intervention among case studies belonging to a particular urban context. This information is particularly relevant for the stakeholders responsible for the management of maintenance plans in built heritage

    The minimum doses in Colombia

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    La dosis mínima en Colombia es un tema que causa debate, porque no hay claridad sobre la cantidad mínima de sustancias de estupefacientes que una persona puede portar para su consumo personal, la Ley 30 de 1986 establece las cantidades mínimas, sin embargo a través de este artículo quiero poner en evidencia que hay muchas discrepancias y puntos de vista diferentes sobre el porte y consumo de sustancias alucinógenas, se hace énfasis que el consumo de drogas estupefacientes es una decisión personal que cada individuo decide si hacerlo o no aunque afecte su salud, pero las actuaciones que el sujeto pueda realizar por el efecto de las sustancias si puede vulnerar los derechos de otras personas y la sociedad en general, por tal razón existen varias normas que la regulan, entre ellas las leyes 1453 de 2011 y 1566 de 2012, les expondré un contexto de las drogas estupefacientes en Colombia.ningunaThe minimum dose in Colombia is a topic that causes debate, because there is no clarity about the minimum amount of narcotic substances that a person can carry for personal consumption, Law 30 of 1986 establishes the minimum amounts, however through this article I would like to point out that there are many discrepancies and different points of view about the size and consumption of hallucinogenic substances, it is emphasized that the consumption of narcotic drugs is a personal decision that each individual decides whether to do or not affect his health, but the Actions that the subject can perform by the effect of the substances if it can violate the rights of other people and society in general, for that reason there are several rules that regulate it, including laws 1453 of 2011 and 1566 of 2012, I will expose you A context of narcotic drugs in Colombia

    Variation in the prevalence of enteropathogenic Yersinia in slaughter pigs from Belgium, Italy, and Spain

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    Tonsils of 829 fattening pigs originating from Belgium (n = 201), Italy (n = 428), and Spain (n 200) were collected between 2005 and 2007 to study the prevalence of enteropathogenic Yersinia in slaughter pigs. Isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was done by selective enrichment and by cold enrichment for 7 and 14 days. Pathogenic Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis isolates were identified by polymerase chain reaction targeting the chromosomal genes ail and inv, respectively, as well as the plasmid-encoded virF of both species. A significantly higher (p < 0.001) prevalence of ail-positive Y. enterocolitica in Spain (93%) than in Belgium (44%) or Italy (32%) was observed. virF-positive Y. enterocolitica was present in 77% of ail-positive samples. Bioserotype 4/O:3 was the most common type in all three countries. Bioserotypes 2/O:5 and 3/O:9 were found in Italy (1%) and Belgium (9%), respectively. The prevalence of inv- and virF-positive Y. pseudotuberculosis was 2% and 1% in Belgium and Italy, respectively. Y. pseudotuberculosis was not detected in pigs from Spain. Bioserotypes 1/O:1 (20%), 1/O:2 (20%), and 2/O:3 (60%) were found in Belgium, and 1/O:1 (60%) and 2/O:3 (20%) in Italy. The most efficient method for isolation of Y. enterocolitica was combined cold enrichment for 7 and 14 days; however, the isolation method for Y. pseudotuberculosis was cold enrichment for 14 days. Fattening pigs seemto be an important reservoir of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica in Belgium, Italy, and Spain. Bioserotype 4/O:3 of Y. enterocolitica and bioserotypes 2/O:3 and 1/O:1 of Y. pseudotuberculosis have been shown to predominate

    Influence of different interatomic potentials in void growth, dislocations emission and temperature evolution

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    We have studied the process of void growth by dislocation emission in Cu and Al under different loads using a nonequilibrium thermodynamic QC method. In addition, we have compared the results with different interatomic potentials to understand the influence of them in dislocation emission, void growth, and temperature evolution during the ductile failure of the material. We have observed that Mishin’s potential predicts the formation of shear and prismatic dislocations loops due to cross slip. On the contrary, Johnson’s potential predict a local change in the microstructure making a self-locking structure near the void that allows its grow only in the load direction. Because of the self-locking structure, a linear behavior of the material up to high levels of deformation is observed. Interestingly, because the different set the dislocations emitted from the void surface, the temperature evolution has also shown a different behavior for both potentials modifying the heat conduction process during the ductile failure. In fact, our simulations have shown that with the flux of material due to the dislocation emission there is a heat flux which is strongly connected to the plastic work generated in the material

    Mitigación de impacto antrópico mediante estrategias de diseño: El caso del sistema lagunar interdunario asociado a la costa

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    The lack of knowledge of the complexity from the natural systems within the city generates an irregular urban development because the cities grow without a coherent planning; those issues develop problems like the ecological fragmentation, the social and cultural decomposition, because these problems are being analyzed as an isolated element, without noticing the relation between them. Architecture needs to rethinks the role it plays in the environment in order to find a way to equilibrate the natural stage with the artificial environment, making people a crucial player in this process. The main objective of this research is to develop architectural design strategies that promotes understanding of the complexity of the interdunal lagoon system associated with the coast, as an starting point to mitigate the anthropic impact that the fragmentation press in this and other natural systems, so we can make a way to generate habitability and a community responsibility. The main components of the Interdunal lagoon system are wetlands, these are surrounded by sand dunes, those are connected with the coastal zone, this system is involved with many biological cycles, and they are important to give natural services and resources to populations, humanity is one of them, to make life affordable in the Sotavento zone, in the state of Veracruz, México. In the city of Veracruz, where the ecosystems have been pressing because of the anthropic impact, we propose the development of a case study in a place where the urban area is pressing an uncatalogued ecological patch, from the landscaping design perspective. In this case and other ones that are being developing, we propose design elements to establish strategies that will serve as an starting point to mitigate the damage that this absence of knowledge of our environment has made, offering alternatives that allow the development of infrastructure without risking the life of the ecosystems and the community.El desconocimiento de la complejidad de los sistemas naturales inmersos en la ciudad genera que el crecimiento asentamientos humanos, urbanizaciones y desarrollos inmobiliarios sea de forma irregular, sin planificación coherente con el entorno; lo que detona la fragmentación ecológica y descomposición social y cultural, debido a que estas situaciones son vistas como elementos aislados, sin tomar en cuenta la relación que estos tienen entre sí. El papel que juega la arquitectura debe replantearse para buscar equilibrio entre entornos naturales y artificiales, haciendo participe a la población en el proceso. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es desarrollar estrategias de diseño arquitectónico que promuevan el entendimiento de la complejidad de los sistemas lagunares interdunarios asociados a la costa, como punto de partida para la mitigación gradual del impacto antrópico en el proceso de fragmentación que ejerce sobre éste y otros sistemas naturales, de tal manera que mejore el equilibrio natural y que se pueda generar habitabilidad y una corresponsabilidad en la comunidad. En la ciudad de Veracruz, donde la presión antrópica sobre el ecosistema ha tenido un gran impacto, se plantea el desarrollo de un caso de estudio desde la óptica del diseño de paisaje, en una zona urbana que ejerce presión sobre un parche ecológico no catalogado. En este y otros casos que se están desarrollando, se proponen elementos de diseño para establecer estrategias que servirán como punto de partida para mitigar gradualmente el daño que el desconocimiento de nuestro entorno ha provocado, ofreciendo alternativas que permitan desarrollar infraestructura sin poner en riesgo los ecosistemas y a la población

    Precarious Empowerments: Sexual Labor in the Coffee Shops of Santiago, Chile

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    Precarious Empowerments analyzes sexual labor in ‘tinted cafes,’ spaces hidden from public view where women dance for their male clients and clandestinely perform sexual services. Drawing from an embodied ethnographic account of the everyday lives of five coffee shops that fit into the lower status ‘tinted cafes’ where sexual labor is common, this thesis examines sex workers’ experiences at the intersection of class, racial, and gender hierarchies. From an intersectional perspective, my study examines how inequalities based on class, gender, race, nationality, and body capital are reproduced and contested by sex workers. Based on the multiple facets of the precariousness marking sex workers’ experiences, beyond socioeconomic marginalization, it asks; how are inequalities reproduced through women’s embodied labor? How do women negotiate inequalities and exclusion? In intertextuality with the literature on sexualized and emotional labor in the global South, this thesis explores sex work as a service that embodies gendered, transnational social structures, but also as a practice that represents sex workers’ resourcefulness and resilience. Moving away from conceptualizations of sexual labor as a totalizing patriarchal oppression per se, it conceives sexual labor as situated and operating relationally with other forms of exclusion. Interweaving an ethnographic narrative with a theoretical and a historical contextualization, Precarious empowerments reveals how differences in terms of class, gender, race, and nationality are integral to the daily practices and the consumption of sexual services in ‘tinted’ coffee shops. Women’s empowerment gains value when seen in opposition to hegemonic power relations and the social and symbolic dimensions of the precarity marking working-class women’s lives. Sex workers’ narratives point to the strategies, arrangements, and resources they rely on to improve their socioeconomic status, how they face stigma, and the tactics used to navigate a context simultaneously marked by precariousness and condemning the work they perform. Understanding how sex workers experience this precarity, due to the criminalization and the stigmatization of their labor, highlights the need for a radical transformation in how sex work is signified and addressed by the Chilean state and society

    Robots de ordeño y sistemas AMS

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    Los robots de ordeño se introdujeron en Holanda en1992. Hoy, más de 5(b granjas de todo el mundo ordeñan de forma robotizada. En Europa, estos sistemas se reparten en un 70% en los Países Bajos, 2% en Suiza y Alemania, 6% en Gran Bretaña y 1% en los Países Escandinavos. Todo ello indica que la industria ha resuelto los aspectos técnicos iniciales, y una cierta disposición del sector ganadero hacia la innovación tecnológica. La automatización de los sistemas de ordeño (Automatic Milking Systems, AMS) ha ido más allá de las cuestiones iniciales que supusieron la adaptación automatizada de las pezoneras a la ubre mediante manipuladores automáticos de alta precisión (robots). En los sistemas AMS se da paso al estudio de la gestión mínimamente supervisada de la explotación mediante: gestión del movimiento del ganado y automatización de tareas colaterales al ordeño (limpieza anterior y posterior al ordeño, análisis y control de la calidad de la leche, transporte a los tanques de pre-enfriado y almacenamiento...)

    La mujer en el entorno urbano

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    Tradicionalmente, la planificación urbanística de las ciudades se ha realizado teniendo en cuenta las funciones a que se destina el espacio urbano. De esta forma, el espacio masculino se ha identificado con el ámbito de lo productivo, de lo público, mientras que el femenino lo ha hecho con el ámbito de lo privado, como es el hogar. Ello ha propiciado que el diseño urbanístico de lo público esté pensado teniendo en cuenta las prioridades y necesidades masculinas, y lo que es más importante, ofrezca importantes carencias desde el punto de vista femenino, respondiendo, en ocasiones, a situaciones pretéritas en las que la incorporación de la mujer al trabajo no se daba en las proporciones, y sobre todo, en la progresión en la que se produce en la actualidad. Este artículo pone de manifiesto muchas de las carencias del diseño urbanístico de las ciudades y sus equipamientos respecto a los roles femeninos._______________________________Traditionally, urban planning of cities has been carried out bearing in mind the functional aim of the urban space. In this way, male space has been associated with the productive or public spheres whereas female space has had more to do with the so-called domestic sphere, such as home. As a result, public urban planning has been designed keeping in mind male priorities and necessities but, most important, neglecting the current female workforce. In fact, public urban planning often responds to past situations in which, female workforce was not present in the same proportion and in the same progression as it is nowadays. The aim of the article is to highlight the fact that urban planning and facilities often neglect the current female roles