2,205 research outputs found

    Policies and regulations in Mexico with regard to genetic technology and food security

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    In 1988 the first application for field trials of a GMO was formally received in Mexico. Since then a Biosafety law, few bylaws and national official standards were enacted in order to regulate the safe use of GMOs and to evaluate, control and avoid adverse effects to human health and the environment. The Law on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms was enacted in 2005 in order to comply with international obligations derived from the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety signed by Mexico in 2000. This law established a biosafety legal framework to regulate the use of GMOs, protect biodiversity, and promote the conservation of organisms which Mexico is center of origin and center of genetic diversity. Since then, 561 permits for the release of GMOs into the environment have been granted between 2005 and 2014. This report gives and overview of the country’s approach to the use of GMOs, the current status of the biosafety legislation in Mexico and the development of policies and regulations since the first introduction of GM crops in the country

    Loose Sketch

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    Wire Bunny

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    Spatial Awareness in Locative Media Projects

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    This MRP focuses on the different applications that location technologies take part of such as, free based navigational systems like Google Maps, and Locative Media art projects; and analyzes their impact on people and their experience of space. By determining that Google Maps and Locative Media are on different sides of the spectrum of location technologies, I suggest that they are developing different territorial discourses through the use of digital mapping. I suggest that Google Maps is developing a territorialization of space by modifying the way in which the body recognizes space, by creating an image of the world that is designed towards a single user—the Google user—and by imposing itself as a map that is able to represent space. Using a theoretical approach towards understanding these effects, I then analyze three Locative Media project that challenge these ideas, they are: Cary Peppermint’s project, “Indeterminate Hikes,”“Megafone/Montreal in*accessible” by Antoni Abad, and “Amsterdam Real Time” by the Waag Society

    Factores de riesgo en la agricultura

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    Enfermería ocupa un lugar estratégico y privilegiado para abordar muchas de los factores de salud laboral que afectan a la población trabajadora. Una de las competencias de la enfermería del trabajo está enfocada en la formación de los trabajadores. Tras consultar bibliografía sobre este tema, se refleja que la principal causa de los accidentes laborales es la falta de información y formación. Sobre esta base se propone un programa de salud enfocado al uso de los plaguicidas y el golpe de calor. Desde el área de atención primaria y enfermería del trabajo se debe de profundizar más en la prevención de este tema ya que el número de accidentados es muy elevado

    Evaluación de los conocimientos didáctico-matemáticos para la enseñanza de la probabilidad de los profesores de educación primaria en activo

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    La finalidad de esta investigación es evaluar el conocimiento didáctico-matemático para la enseñanza de la probabilidad que poseen los profesores de Educación Primaria en activo. Este propósito cobra importancia si consideramos que la probabilidad se ha incorporado de forma progresiva en el currículo escolar de numerosos países (NCTM, 1989; NCTM, 2000; CCSSI, 2010; MEC, 2007; MINEDUC, 2012), lo que representa un verdadero desafío para el profesorado en activo, sobre todo para los maestros de Educación Primaria, quienes en su mayoría no han recibido preparación sobre la probabilidad y su didáctica durante su formación inicial.La finalitat d'aquesta recerca és avaluar el coneixement didàctic-matemàtic per a l'ensenyament de la probabilitat que posseeixen els professors d'Educació Primària en actiu. Aquest propòsit cobra importància si considerem que la probabilitat s'ha incorporat de forma progressiva en el currículum escolar de nombrosos països (NCTM, 1989; NCTM, 2000; CCSSI, 2010; MEC, 2007; MINEDUC, 2012), la qual cosa representa un veritable desafiament per al professorat en actiu, sobretot pels mestres d'Educació Primària, els qui en la seva majoria no han rebut preparació sobre la probabilitat i la seva didàctica durant la seva formació inicial

    Sustainable Regional Legal Experiences in Biotechnology in the European Union

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    Genetic modification in plant cells in the early 80´s allowed Biotechnology to introduce characteristics in plants creating stronger crops (compared to the ones created by conventional breeding) to be used in different sectors: Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Production and Industry. A new technology was developed to face the upcoming global challenges: climate change, overpopulation, erosion, and a new socio-economic environment. This new technology is subject to international regulations to ensure environmental sustainability of crop production on the basis of which genetically modified organisms have to be assessed for safety before being released in to the environment or on the market. Although there is a wide range of biotechnology legislation applying to the use of GMO’s in order to implement the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity, legislation is not uniform. In the European Union, the Precautionary Principle or Precautionary Approach is one of the major legal arguments originating law conflicts within third states. For example, the alleged general EC moratorium on approvals of biotech products (Dispute DS291) brought by the United States and other third countries to the WTO triggered strong disagreements between these two major trade partners. As a result, there was not only an adoption of an extensive review over all the EU legislation policies on gmo’s regardless the new EU rules to approve GM products agreed in 2004. The European Union has developed research programs and practices to evaluate risks and benefits to the environment of GMOs; on the basis of the Precautionary approach (Article 191 (2) of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) and under its secondary law, specifically on its Environmental Liability Directive (Directive 2004/35EC); as an early conclusion, it is clear that, the interaction between law and policies on the Precautionary Principle will continue to be contentious; the purpose of this research is: 1) To demonstrate how this important legal principle, has been shaping the legal approaches in the WTO and the European Union on regards of biosafety disputes and policies. 2) Determine the status quo of the existing biosafety regulations in the European Union and identify the initiatives and proposals from the EU Institutions and other organisms towards effective and uniform regulations