1,874 research outputs found

    Redefining The Impact of Public-Access Media in Worcester, MA

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    This research presents findings from a study of how Worcester’s current public-access media center can serve as an anchor institution for two-way communication between the producers and the audience. More generally, it addresses two questions: 1) How to ensure maximum participation and 2) How can active communication be preserved (or maintained) between the producers and the audience. Drawing on case studies done around the U.S. this paper offers a model of community based media that can be essential for empowering people to serve as active receivers of information. The concept for community based media should allow as a grassroots oriented approach to creating viable media content. I discuss the implementation efforts for a sustainable, multi-faceted public access media model to educate, inform and mobilize any community in Worcester

    Pairing off: a bottom‐up approach to the human gut microbiome

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    The human gut microbiome has been implicated in a variety of health outcomes, and extensive research has aimed to understand its composition and function, primarily via metagenomic analyses. An examination of how the microbiome develops and interacts through interspecies competition and cooperation has been lacking so far. In their recent work, Venturelli et al (2018) build a synthetic gut community and accurately predict its dynamics with a simple network of pairwise interactions


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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre estilos de crianza y conducta prosocial en estudiantes de nivel secundario, para ello se utilizó un diseño no experimental de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 100 estudiantes, el 66% son hombres, cuyas edades oscilan entre 15 y 18 años, (M=16.2; D.E= 0.46), provenientes en su mayoría del departamento de Lambayeque, donde el 46.0% viven con sus padres, 32.0% viven con su madre, 16.0% viven solo con padre y finalmente 6.0% vive con otros. Se utilizó la escala de estilos de crianza creada por Steinberg (1994), adaptada por Merino (2004) y baremada por Incio y Montenegro (2009), y el Test de Actitud Prosocial, creado por Almario y Galindo (2009), baremada por Jaime y Moreno (2013). Los resultados revelaron que no existe una relación significativa entre ambas variables (Rho= -0.072, p < 0.05) concluyendo que ambas variables son independientes. Finalmente, los estilos predominantes son el permisivo (53%) y negligente (41%).Tesi

    Gestión de almacén y cumplimiento de metas en las áreas usuarias de la Municipalidad Provincial de Ambo 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre la gestión de almacén y cumplimiento de metas en las áreas usuarias de la Municipalidad Provincial de Ambo 2022. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivo correlacional, diseño no experimental, además se aplicó el cuestionario como instrumento de estudio a una muestra de 62 sujetos, cuya muestra fue obtenida aplicando un muestreo probabilístico de una población de 197 trabajadores. Para la contrastación de hipótesis se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, cuyo resultado arrojó de 0,218 y significancia de 0,030 inferior al 0,05 (véase la Tabla 20) la cual indica que existe una correlación positiva muy débil entre la “gestión de almacén” y el “cumplimiento de metas”. Se concluyó que, el cumplimiento de las metas en la Municipalidad Provincial de Ambo se da en merito a las funciones eficientes que realiza el área de almacén, porque sin la oportuna y asertiva recepción de bienes, y sin la eficiente distribución y control para la entrega de bienes no se lograrían cumplir funciones en las áreas usuarias, perjudicando así a la consecución de los objetivos y metas institucionales

    Implementación de la gestión de inventario para mejorar la productividad en la empresa Grupo Cobra S.A., Lima 2021

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    La presente tesis de investigación tiene como objetivo la implementación de la gestión de inventario para mejorar la productividad en la empresa GRUPO COBRA S.A., Lima 2021, se genera la necesidad de mejorar la eficiencia y la eficacia en el área de almacén aplicando las herramientas que nos brinda la gestión de inventarios, ya que así lograremos el aumento del control y manejo de los inventarios, reducir el tiempo de despachos y lograr cumplir con las metas establecidas por la empresa. La investigación realizada en la empresa que compromete el uso y ejecución de otras herramientas que engloban la gestión de inventarios, tales como la clasificación ABC, codificación de materiales y tipos layout, para mejorar el manejo y control de almacenamiento de materiales con mayor rotación, mejorando también el orden en área de almacén. La investigación se planteó en el total de despachos realizados en un periodo de 24 días antes y después de la implementación de la mejora, mediante los indicadores se obtuvieron los datos analizados los cuales nos hacen referencia y comparación de la productividad, eficiencia y eficacia promedio de las dimensiones de los despachos. Según los datos obtenidos tuvo como resultado que la implementación de la gestión de inventario mejora la productividad en la empresa, obteniendo un resultado de mejora del 33%

    Towards understanding of magnetic interactions within a series of tetrathiafulvalene- conjugated- verdazyl diradical cation system: a density funtional theory study

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    The intramolecular magnetic exchange coupling constants (J) for a series of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and verdazyl diradical cations connected by a range of p conjugated linkers have been investigated by means of methodology based on unrestricted density functional theory. The magnetic interaction between radicals is transmitted via p–electron conjugation for all considered compounds. The calculation of J yields strong or medium ferromagnetic coupling interactions (in the range of 56 and 300 K) for diradical cations connected by linkers with an even number of carbon atoms that are able to provide a spin polarization pathway, while antiferromagnetic coupling is predicted when linkers with an odd number of carbon atoms are employed. The topological analysis of spin density distributions have been used to reveal the effects of the spin polarization on both linkers and spin carriers. The absence of heteroatoms that impede the spin polarization pathway, and the existence of a unique spin polarization path instead of several possible competitive routes are factors which contribute to large positive J values favoring ferromagnetic interactions between the two terminal p-radicals. The magnitude of J depends strongly on the planarity of the molecular structure of the diradical cation since a more effective orbital overlap between the two p-systems can be achieved. Hence, the dependence of J on the torsion angle (y) of each spin carrier has been analyzed. In this respect, our findings show that this geometrical distortion reduces largely the calculated J values for ferromagnetic couplings, leading to weak antiferromagnetic interactions for a torsion angle of 90

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Across Two Concrete Construction Courses

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    The goal of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy that was implemented in two different concrete construction courses. Both courses are a part of an industry focused four-year undergraduate concrete degree program. One of the classes focused on concrete problems, diagnosis, and repair of existing concrete, while the other class focused on handling and management methods of various concrete mixtures. In both courses, a PBL pedagogy was implemented such that students were self-learning and discovering the knowledge through an action-research case study. The action-research case study was specific to the course outcomes relevant to each course, but were assessed similarly. A total of eight different assessment methods were implemented across both courses’ multiple times from 2012 – 2019. The results showed that the students are highly benefiting from the PBL pedagogy, which was indicated across all assessment methods. Each assessment technique provided a unique insight into student comprehension or benefits of the PBL pedagogy. The most beneficial assessment techniques were; pre- and post-student assessment, level of understanding and confidence, pre- and post-objective student assessment, and report assessment. These four assessment techniques provide both direct (objective) and indirect (subjective) assessment, while only requiring four total surveys

    A spectroscopic and electrochemical study of chlorotitanates in molten salt media

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    Thesis (Sc.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, 2000.Vita.Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-87).Ultra-high purity titanium is used as a barrier metal in integrated circuitry. Metallothermic reduction does not produce titanium sufficiently pure for micro-electronics applications so electro refining of the metal in a molten chloride bath at temperatures above 700°C is necessary. The present study focused on the electrorefining of titanium in a bath consisting of the CsCl-NaCl-KCl eutectic as the solvent. Interfacial phenomena (multiple reaction steps and the kinetics associated with each) related to the faradaic process were investigated with electroanalytical techniques. The bulk chemistry of the electrolyte (the structure of the chlorotitanate complexes) that describes the nature of the species present during the electrorefining process was investigated using spectroscopic techniques. Recommendations were made concerning the potential for the various technologies to be used for on-line control to improve operating practices. Electrode kinetics were studied by ac voltammetry. Phase angle information was used to determine the value of the standard rate constant ([alpha) and the transfer coefficient (a) for the reduction couples Ti3+/Ti2+ and Ti2+/Ti0 at a glassy carbon electrode. The reduction from Ti2+ to metal has been identified as the slow step in the electrorefining process. The utility of electrochemical sensing to observe concentration changes has been judged poor. Industrial use of reference electrodes is recommended for controlling the overpotential in the electrorefining process and to improve efficiency. Absorption spectroscopy has established that a temperature sensitive equilibrium between TiC16 3- and TiCl4- exists in the CsCl-NaCl-KCl eutectic. Fiber optic absorption spectroscopy was shown to be capable of detecting additions of Ti2+ to melts containing Ti8+ , as well as sensing Ti3+ concentration fluctuations at a level of ±+5mM. Raman spectroscopy was found to be ill suited for investigating complexation in this system due to the deeply colored nature of the melts.by Luis A. Ortiz.Sc.D