1,485 research outputs found

    Grinding as an approach to the production of high-strength, dispersion-strengthened nickel-base alloys

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    Mechanical process produces dispersion-strengthened metal alloys. Power surface contamination during milling is removed by a cleaning method that involves heating thin shapes or partially-compacted milled powder blends in hydrogen to carefully controlled temperature schedules

    Method for alleviating thermal stress damage in laminates

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    A method is provided for alleviating the stress damage in metallic matrix composites, such as laminated sheet or foil composites. Discontinuities are positively introduced into the interface between the layers so as to reduce the thermal stress produced by unequal expansion of the materials making up the composite. Although a number of discrete elements could be used to form one of the layers and thus carry out this purpose, the discontinuities are preferably produced by simply drilling holes in the metallic matrix layer or by forming grooves in a grid pattern in this layer

    Antechamber facilitates loading and unloading of vacuum furnace

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    Antechamber facilitates the use of a furnace in which materials are heat treated in a high vacuum or a gas atmosphere. It has a high vacuum pumping system, a means for backfilling with a selected gas, an access door, glove ports, and a motor driven platform

    Interplanetary propulsion using inertial fusion

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    Inertial fusion can be used to power spacecraft within the solar system and beyond. Such spacecraft have the potential for short-duration manned-mission performance exceeding other technologies. We are conducting a study to assess the systems aspects of inertial fusion as applied to such missions, based on the conceptual engine design of Hyde (1983) we describe the required systems for an entirely new spacecraft design called VISTA that is based on the use of DT fuel. We give preliminary design details for the power conversion and power conditioning systems for manned missions to Mars of total duration of about 100 days. Specific mission performance results will be published elsewhere, after the study has been completed

    Flavour singlet pseudoscalar masses in N_f = 2 QCD

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    We perform a lattice mass analysis in the flavour singlet pseudoscalar channel on the SESAM and TXL full QCD vacuum configurations, with 2 active flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions at beta = 5.6. At our inverse lattice spacing, a^-1 = 2.3 GeV, we retrieve by a chiral extrapolation to the physical light quark masses the value m_eta' = 3.7(+8)(-4) m_pi. A crude extrapolation from (N_f = 3) phenomenology would suggest m_eta' \approx 5.1 m_pi for N_f = 2 QCD. we verify that the mass gap between the singlet state eta' and the pi flavour triplt state is due to gauge configurations with non-trivial topology.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    The Quest for Light Sea Quarks: Algorithms for the Future

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    As part of a systematic algorithm study, we present first results on a performance comparison between a multibosonic algorithm and the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm as employed by the SESAM collaboration. The standard Wilson fermion action is used on 32*16^3 lattices at beta=5.5.Comment: LaTeX, 3 pages, Lattice2001(algorithms

    Competing magnetic phases and itinerant magnetic frustration in SrCo2 As2

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    Whereas magnetic frustration is typically associated with local-moment magnets in special geometric arrangements, here we show that SrCo2As2 is a candidate for frustrated itinerant magnetism. Using inelastic neutron scattering (INS), we find that antiferromagnetic (AF) spin fluctuations develop in the square Co layers of SrCo2As2 below T approximate to 100 K centered at the stripe-type AF propagation vector of (1/2, 1/2), and that their development is concomitant with a suppression of the uniform magnetic susceptibility determined via magnetization measurements. We interpret this switch in spectral weight as signaling a temperature-induced crossover from an instability toward ferromagnetism ordering to an instability toward stripe-type AF ordering on cooling, and show results from Monte-Carlo simulations for a J(1)-J(2) Heisenberg model that illustrates how the crossover develops as a function of the frustration ratio -J(1)/(2J(2)). By putting our INS data on an absolute scale, we quantitatively compare them and our magnetization data to exact-diagonalization calculations for the J(1)-J(2) model [N. Shannon et al., Eur. Phys. J. B 38, 599 (2004)1, and show that the calculations predict a lower level of magnetic frustration than indicated by experiment. We trace this discrepancy to the large energy scale of the fluctuations (J(avg) greater than or similar to 75 meV), which, in addition to the steep dispersion, is more characteristic of itinerant magnetism

    The effects of the spontaneous presence of a spouse/partner and others on cardiovascular reactions to an acute psychological challenge

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    The presence of supportive others has been associated with attenuated cardiovascular reactivity in the laboratory. The effects of the presence of a spouse and others in a more naturalistic setting have received little attention. Blood pressure and heart rate reactions to mental stress were recorded at home in 1028 married/partnered individuals. For 112 participants, their spouse/partner was present; for 78, at least one other person was present. Women tested with a spouse/partner present showed lower magnitude systolic blood pressure and heart rate reactivity than those tested without. Individuals tested with at least one nonspousal other present also displayed attenuated reactivity. This extends the results of laboratory studies and indicates that the spontaneous presence of others is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular reactivity in an everyday environment; spouse/partner presence would appear to be especially effective for women.\ud \u

    Transition from participant to spectator fragmentation in Au+Au reaction between 60 AMeV and 150 AMeV

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    Using the quantum molecular dynamics approach, we analyze the results of the recent INDRA Au+Au experiments at GSI in the energy range between 60 AMeV and 150 AMeV. It turns out that in this energy region the transition toward a participant-spectator scenario takes place. The large Au+Au system displays in the simulations as in the experiment simultaneously dynamical and statistical behavior which we analyze in detail: The composition of fragments close to midrapidity follows statistical laws and the system shows bi-modality, i.e. a sudden transition between different fragmentation pattern as a function of the centrality as expected for a phase transition. The fragment spectra at small and large rapidities, on the other hand, are determined by dynamics and the system as a whole does not come to equilibrium, an observation which is confirmed by FOPI experiments for the same system.Comment: published versio