504 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of a Chopper Controlled DC Motor by Boosting

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    This paper proposes a methodology to diagnose a transient state of a dynamic system using boosting. The methodology is composed by two steps: one off-line process and another on-line process. The off-line phase begins gathering data from the system, both when it is running free of fault and when the system is running in each fault mode. A segmentation and normalization algorithm is used to reduce the large amount of gathered data. The final step is the generation of a decision tree by a classification tool. The boosting technique is used with the aim of improving the classification results. The on-line process of the methodology consists of evaluating a new reading of the system sensors with the generated decision trees. The diagnosis of the system is the result of this evaluation which has very low computational cost due to the simplicity of the decision trees. Also, the implementation cost is very low due to this simplicity.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    Tectono-stratigraphic basin evolution in the Tehuacán-Mixteca highlands, south western México

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    The morphological evolution of the basins in the Sierra Madre del Sur (SMS), southern México is poorly understood. This work explains for the first time the geomorphological development of the tectonic, fluvially-interconnected SMS basins named San Juan Raya (SJRb) and Zapotitlán (ZAPb). The evolution of the SJRb and ZAPb are analysed within the context of the transformations of the well-studied Tehuacán basin (TEHb). A new interpretation of a series of tectonic features of the TEHb valley area is also presented. Published geological data and extensive field work provided the basis for our geomorphological and evolutionary interpretation of basin evolution of this part of Mesoamerica during the late Cenozoic. Stratigraphic and sedimentary records suggest that after the late Cretaceous-early Cenozoic orogeny the TEHb and ZAPb were closed basins, and that the TEHb graben system was activated during the Paleogene as a response to the dominant regional NW-SE trending faults. We propose that the ZAPb and SJRb formed sequentially during the Neogene as a result of new E-W, N-S and NE-SW faults. The continuation of the TEHb extension during the Oligocene widened its lowland area and allowed the formation of an extensive lake. No alluvial or fluvial records of this interval are found in the ZAPb and SJRb. No sedimentation rather than formation and subsequent erosion of such sediments is supported by the basin morphology and by the absence of re-worked alluvial deposits at the outlet area where both connect to the TEHb. By middle to late Miocene the TEHb lost its endorheic configuration, ending the lake-type deposition while new faults initiated the opening of the ZAPb. Intensive tectonics, alluvial deposition and the confinement of the Tehuacán lake to the north sector of this basin characterised the Pliocene. During the late Pliocene to the early Pleistocene the formation of the SJRb was initiated. Quaternary faulting related to basin extension along the north watershed of the SJRb and ZAPb is supported by independent data on the biogeography of the cactus Mammillaria pectinifera. We introduce the idea that the departure from the regional NW-SE fault alignment that formed the major Miocene basins to a more local E-W trend that formed Neogene-Quaternary basins was probably a response to the latest post-orogenic relaxation of the crust in the Mixteca terrane

    Multi-Classification by Using Tri-Class SVM

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    The standard form for dealing with multi-class classification problems when biclassifiers are used is to consider a two-phase (decomposition, reconstruction) training scheme. The most popular decomposition procedures are pairwise coupling (one versus one, 1-v-1), which considers a learning machine for each Pair of classes, and the one-versus-all scheme (one versus all, 1-v-r), which takes into consideration each class versus the remaining classes. In this article a 1-v-1 tri-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) is presented. The expansion of the architecture of this machine into three categories specifically addresses the decomposition problem of how to prevent the loss of information which occurs in the usual 1-v-1 training procedure. The proposed machine, by means of a third class, allows all the information to be incorporated into the remaining training patterns when a multi-class problem is considered in the form of a 1-v-1 decomposition. Three general structures are presented where each improves some features from the precedent structure. In order to deal with multi-classification problems, it is demonstrated that the final machine proposed allows ordinal regression as a form of decomposition procedure. Examples and experimental results are presented which illustrate the performance of the new tri-class SV machine.Junta de Andalucía ACPAI-2003/014Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2002-04371-C02-0

    Inherently Safer Design and Optimization of Intensified Separation Processes for Furfural Production

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    Currently furfural production has been the subject of increased interest because it is a biobased chemical able to compete with fossil-based chemicals. Furfural is characterized by flammability, explosion, and toxicity properties. Improper handling and process design can lead to catastrophic accidents. Hence it is of most importance to use inherent safety concepts during the design stage. This work is the first to present several new downstream separation processes for furfural purification, which are designed using an optimization approach that simultaneously considers safety criteria in addition to the total annual cost and the eco-indicator 99. The proposed schemes include thermally coupled configuration, thermodynamic equivalent configuration, dividing-wall column, and a heat integrated configuration. These are compared with the traditional separation process of furfural known as the Quaker Oats Process. The results show that because of a large amount of water present in the feed, similar values are obtained for total annual cost and eco-indicator 99 in all cases. Moreover, the topology of the processes has an important role in the safety criteria. The thermodynamic equivalent configuration resulted as the safest alternative with a 40% reduction of the inherent risk with respect to the Quaker Oats Process, and thus it is the safest option to purify furfural

    Raman Optical Activity Monitoring the Interaction of Globular Proteins with Surfactants

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    Protein denaturation by surfactants is related with topic as pharmaceutics, cosmetics, paints or biotechnology. This phenomenon is highly dependent on the physico-chemical properties of the denaturing agents. In this communication we report the ROA spectra of bovine serum albumin in the presence of different surfactants, which share a common hydrophobic tail, with the objerctive of correlating the structural specificities of the surfactant-protein interaction with the ROA signatures by following the protein unfolding process.In our work we propose two new groups of ROA marker bands related with the protein unfolding induced by surfactants. This work represents one of the first applications of ROA to study the interaction of a protein with surfactants, and a new proof of the ability of this chiroptical technique to see beyond that can be seen with conventional Raman spectroscopy.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La agrupación de balnearios de Villavieja (Castellón). Origen de sus aguas. Condicionantes geológicos e hidrogeológicos

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    La Villavella Health Spas Association is situated in the province of Castellón, in the township limit of La Vilavella in the Southeastern area of the Castellón plain surrounded by the township of Nules. In the connection between the plain and the mountain areas, there are several springs and some water wells, with warmer waters then the others in their surroundings. Some of these natural fountains are exploited as health spas since roman times. The actual spa has a special quality water because of its facies and high temperature classified, by the valid legislation, as a mineral‐medical and thermal water. The land lithology in the spa surroundings has an important permeability which the underground waters flow and store, making a big hydrogeological formation known as Sistema Sierra de Espadán‐Plana de Castellón, where a series of important aquifers are placed, like the Sierra de Espadán very interesting for their composition and high temperature waters in some places. The aquifer is made by sandstones belonged to the medium Buntsandstein section whose natural recharge is the rain infiltration or side flow from others formations. These waters will flow througt different channels depending on the faults or fractures system, ones deeper than others, meaning that some circuits are longer and deeper than others. Along that run, the waters have a different physical‐chemical composition due to the contact with different lithology materials and the temperature in the geothermical gradient. These reasons fixe the physical‐chemical characteristics of the waters on the well‐drilling exploited by the La Vilavella Spa Association, different from the natural ones that rise in other area surroundings. La Agrupación de Balnearios de Villavieja, enclavada dentro del núcleo urbano de esta localidad de la provincia de Castellón, se sitúa en el sector suroriental de la comarca de La Plana. En dicho sector, coincidente con la ruptura de pendiente entre la zona llana que conforma La Plana y la montañosa de la sierra del Espadán, se encuentra una serie de manantiales y pozos con aguas de temperatura elevada y muy superior a la de zonas aledañas, circunstancia que ha permitido el aprovechamiento de alguna de estas fuentes naturales como balnearios desde la época romana. Por sus facies y alta temperatura el agua del actual Balneario presenta unas características especiales, motivo por el cual está catalogada por la legislación vigente como agua minero‐medicinal y termal. Por su litología, las formaciones geológicas en el entorno de las instalaciones presentan una permeabilidad significativa que permite la circulación y almacenamiento de las aguas subterráneas. Estas formaciones tienen especial interés por la composición de sus aguas y la alta temperatura que registran en algunas zonas. Las surgencias termales de La Vilavella están relacionadas con los acuíferos de areniscas ortocuarcíticas del tramo medio del Buntsandstein y de calizas y dolomías de la base del Muschelkalk, materiales que han sido afectados por intensos procesos tectónicos. En concreto, estas manifestaciones termales están especialmente asociadas a la presencia de dos grandes fracturas o conjunto de fracturas que hunden las formaciones del macizo mesozoico varios centenares de metros bajo la llanura de la Plana de Castellón. Dichas formaciones se alimentan de manera natural por infiltración directa del agua de lluvia, que recorren caminos diferentes según sea interceptada por sistemas de fallas y fracturas de menor o mayor profundidad. En este último caso, los circuitos son más largos con tiempos de residencia también más altos, por lo que las aguas adquieren progresivamente una mayor temperatura, debido al gradiente geotérmico, y diferente composición físico‐química condicionada por la litología de los materiales sobre los que transitan. Finalmente, ascienden a la superficie de forma rápida en ciertos puntos, o sectores especialmente favorables, a través de fracturas de gran entidad que minimizan, en mayor o menor grado, los procesos de mezcla con aguas más superficiales, más frías y menos mineralizadas. Todas estas circunstancias confluyen en el entorno de la localidad de La Vilavella, y son la causa de las particulares características físico‐químicas de las aguas aprovechadas por su Agrupación de Balnearios.

    Estrategias de comunicación alternativas

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    En este reporte se presentan los resultados que trabajo el equipo de diseño durante el semestre con base al festival “Arribazón 2019” en la que incluye la identidad del festival de este año, manual de marca, iconografía, y toda la imagen que fue usada en esta edición. El festival Arribazón nace principalmente con el fin de ayudar al campamento tortuguero llamado “Punta Ixtal” ubicado en la playa de Ixtapilla, Michoacán, esto con la intención de salvaguardar la vida de las muchas tortugas golfinas que llegan a esta playa.ITESO, A.C

    Aproximación a los sensores biométricos para medir el perfil de stress

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    n este artículo se realiza un estudio sobre los sen sores biométricos que pueden ayudar a tomar me didas sobre el estrés que sufre una individuo con el objetivo de combinar esta información con la infomración obtenida de los entornos inteligentes y que éstos últimos sean capaces de adaptarse a las condiciones de los individuos moderando la situación de estrés. Se realiza un estudio sobre los cambios biométricos que se producen en situa ciones de estrés así como una taxonomía de los sen sores biométricos del mercado además de presentar un entorno inteligente donde desplegar estos sen sores y dos escenarios de trabajo futuro

    Seasonal abundance of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in citrus groves in Cazones, Veracruz, México

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    Se evaluó la abundancia estacional del Psílido Asiático de los Cítricos Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, en plantaciones de cítricos en la región de Cazones, Veracruz, México. Durante el período de Febrero de 2010 a Febrero de 2012 se realizaron registros quincenales de adultos de D. citri en trampas amarillas, así como la presencia de huevos, ninfas, adultos y enemigos  naturales en los brotes. Las poblaciones del psílido se presentaron durante todo el periodo de estudio, detectando picos poblacionales en Febrero, Marzo, Abril y Julio en las plantaciones. Los incrementos en las infestaciones del psílido mostraron una relación positiva con respecto a la abundancia de brotes, y éstos a su vez, con latemperatura y precipitación. Durante el periodo de estudio, los enemigos naturales no fueron un factor determinante en la regulación de las poblaciones del psílido, mientras que la abundancia de brotes en los árboles de cítricos, representa un factor clave en el manejo integrado de esta plaga.Seasonal abundance of the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, wasevaluated on citrus groves in the region of Cazones, Veracruz, Mexico. For the period from February 2010 to February 2012, biweekly records for adult specimens were made using yellow sticky cardboard traps, as well as the presence of eggs, nymphs, adults, and natural enemies on the flush shoots were also registered. Psyllid populations occurred throughout the period of study, detecting population peaks on February, March, April and July in the citrus plantations. Increases of psyllid infestations were positively related to the abundance of new shoot flushes, and these in turn, were related to the temperature and rainfall. Natural enemies were not a decisive factor in regulating liviid populations, while the abundance of shoot flushes produced by citrus treescould play an important role in integrated psyllid management