561 research outputs found

    Economy and Environmental Problems in the Mexican Coastal States

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    A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for environmental and economic variables was performed for 17 Mexican coastal states. The ordination method allowed us to identify three groups, namely hydroelectric energy generation (I), pollution (II) and harbours (III), which were associated to different human activities. Furthermore, CCA is efficient to help us generate hypotheses for future research. It is therefore advised that CCA should be used for routine analyses into economics.Coastal States of Mexico, Canonical Correspondence Analysis, Diversity Index, Economic Development, Environmental Variables.

    Codex Alimentarius: a segurança alimentar sob a ótica da qualidade

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    As crises e escândalos alimentares, ocorridas principalmente a partir de meados de 1990, tiveram repercussões negativas no mercado mundial de alimentos, perturbando o fluxo de comércio e a confiança dos consumidores. Para que este mercado não entrasse em colapso foram acionados mecanismos que restabelecessem a dinâmica do ambiente institucional do mercado de alimentos, o qual engloba entre outros, o setor público, organismos não governamentais e consumidores. Assim, garantir a inocuidade dos alimentos passou a ser uma meta conjunta de todos os agentes econômicos envolvidos neste mercado. Entre esses mecanismos, destaca-se o Codex Alimentarius. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar o papel e o funcionamento do Codex no mercado mundial de alimentos. Conclui-se que, ao fazer parte dos Acordos da Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC), o Codex passou a integrar a agenda política internacional, fazendo parte de um poderoso arcabouço legal para regulamentação do mercado de alimentos. Os países desenvolvidos são os maiores beneficiários desses acordos, uma vez que possuem maior grau de organização, tanto no campo científico-tecnológico, quanto no jurídico, para seguir essas normas e cobrar suas aplicações. Entretanto, os países em desenvolvimento precisam definir políticas públicas e de aperfeiçoamento de seus sistemas de controle, prevenção e inspeção, cuja capacidade e custos vêm apresentando dificuldades

    Coevolutionary architectures with straight line programs for solving the symbolic regression problem

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC), held in Valencia (Spain) on 2010To successfully apply evolutionary algorithms to the solution of increasingly complex problems we must develop effective techniques for evolving solutions in the form of interacting coadapted subcomponents. In this paper we present an architecture which involves cooperative coevolution of two subcomponents: a genetic program and an evolution strategy. As main difference with work previously done, our genetic program evolves straight line programs representing functional expressions, instead of tree structures. The evolution strategy searches for good values for the numerical terminal symbols used by those expressions. Experimentation has been performed over symbolic regression problem instances and the obtained results have been compared with those obtained by means of Genetic Programming strategies without coevolution. The results show that our coevolutionary architecture with straight line programs is capable to obtain better quality individuals than traditional genetic programming using the same amount of computational effort.This work is partially supported by spanish grants TIN2007-67466-C02-02, MTM2004-01167 and S2009/TIC-165

    Fuzzy Modeling of Electrical Impedance Tomography Images of the Lungs

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    OBJECTIVES: Aiming to improve the anatomical resolution of electrical impedance tomography images, we developed a fuzzy model based on electrical impedance tomography's high temporal resolution and on the functional pulmonary signals of perfusion and ventilation. INTRODUCTION: Electrical impedance tomography images carry information about both ventilation and perfusion. However, these images are difficult to interpret because of insufficient anatomical resolution, such that it becomes almost impossible to distinguish the heart from the lungs. METHODS: Electrical impedance tomography data from an experimental animal model were collected during normal ventilation and apnea while an injection of hypertonic saline was administered. The fuzzy model was elaborated in three parts: a modeling of the heart, the pulmonary ventilation map and the pulmonary perfusion map. Image segmentation was performed using a threshold method, and a ventilation/perfusion map was generated. RESULTS: Electrical impedance tomography images treated by the fuzzy model were compared with the hypertonic saline injection method and computed tomography scan images, presenting good results. The average accuracy index was 0.80 when comparing the fuzzy modeled lung maps and the computed tomography scan lung mask. The average ROC curve area comparing a saline injection image and a fuzzy modeled pulmonary perfusion image was 0.77. DISCUSSION: The innovative aspects of our work are the use of temporal information for the delineation of the heart structure and the use of two pulmonary functions for lung structure delineation. However, robustness of the method should be tested for the imaging of abnormal lung conditions. CONCLUSIONS: These results showed the adequacy of the fuzzy approach in treating the anatomical resolution uncertainties in electrical impedance tomography images

    Determination of phthalic acid esters and di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate in fish and squid using the ammonium formate version of the QuEChERS method combined with gas chromatography mass spectrometry

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    In the present study, the ammonium formate version of the QuEChERS method, considered highly advantageous in relation to instrument maintenance and other issues, was applied for the first time to extract a group of twelve phthalic acid esters (PAEs, i.e. dipropyl phthalate, DPP; diisobutyl phthalate, DIBP; dibutyl phthalate, DBP; diisopentyl phthalate, DIPP; di-n-pentyl phthalate, DNPP; dihexyl phthalate, DHP; butyl benzyl phthalate, BBP; dicyclohexyl phthalate, DCHP; di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, DEHP; di-n-octyl phthalate, DNOP; diisononyl phthalate, DINP; and diisodecyl phthalate, DIDP) and one adipate (di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate, DEHA) from two species of fish (Scomber colias and Katsuwonus pelamis) and one of squid (Loligo gahi). The method was validated in terms of linearity, trueness and matrix effects. Determination coefficients (R2 ) for matrix-matched calibration curves were higher than 0.99 in all cases, being the lowest calibration levels in the range 0.5–10 ng/g. Mean recovery values were between 70 and 117% with relative standard deviation values ≤20%. Matrix effects were soft (between − 20 and +20%) for most analytes and matrices, except in squid samples, which was mostly medium with a moderate ion suppression. The analysis of 10 samples of each type showed the presence of DIBP, DBP and DEHP at concentrations up to 44.2 ± 2.1 ng/g of wet weight in some of the samples and species, still not representing concerning values when considering the daily intake of such species of seafood in the human diet (tolerable daily intake -TDI- values were not exceeded). Results demonstrated that the ammonium formate version of the QuEChERS method can be applied with success for the extraction and determination of the selected PAEs and DEHA in fish and squid samples.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extraction of emerging contaminants from environmental waters and urine by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with solidification of the floating organic droplet using fenchol:acetic acid deep eutectic mixtures

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    In this work, several eutectic mixtures formed by fenchol and acetic acid at seven molar ratios (between 4:1 and 1:4) were characterized and studied for the first time for their possible application as extraction solvents in dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on the solidification of the floating organic droplet (DLLME-SFO). A group of 13 emerging contaminants (gemfibrozil, bisphenol F, bisphenol A, 17β-estradiol, testosterone, estrone, levonorgestrel, 4-tert-octylphenol, butyl benzyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, 4-octylphenol, 4-nonylphenol, and dihexyl phthalate) was selected and determined by liquid chromatography with ultraviolet and tandem mass spectrometry detection. Among the studied mixtures, only those of 2:1 and 1:1 provided the suitable features from an operational and repeatability point of view, suggesting that several eutectic mixtures of the same components may also provide similar results. Once the extraction conditions of both mixtures were optimized, the method was applied to the extraction of sea water, urine, and wastewater at different concentration levels, allowing the achievement of absolute recovery values between 49 and 100% for most analytes with relative standard deviation values below 19%. In addition, several samples of each type were analyzed, finding bisphenol A and gemfibrozil in some of them. The greenness of the method was also evaluated using the AGREEprep metric. The DLLME-SFO procedure was found to be very simple, quick, and effective and with a good sample throughput

    Is type of work associated with physical activity and sedentary behaviour in women with fibromyalgia? A cross-sectional study from the al-Ándalus project

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    Objectives To analyse the association between the type of work (productive vs reproductive work) and the levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in women with fibromyalgia. Method This cross-sectional study involved 258 women with fibromyalgia from southern Spain. Of them, 55% performed reproductive work (unpaid, associated with caregiving and domestic roles) exclusively, while 45% had productive job (remunerated, that results in goods or services). Physical activity of light, moderate and vigorous intensity in the leisure time, at home, at work, and totally were measured through the leisure time physical activity instrument and with the physical activity at home and work instrument, respectively. Sedentary behaviour was measured by the Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire. Results After adjusting for age, fat percentage, education level and marital status, the multivariate analysis of covariance model informed the existence of significant differences between type of work groups (p<0.001). Women with productive work engaged in more light physical activity at work (mean difference =448.52 min; 95 % CI 179.66 to 717.38; p=0.001), and total physical activity of light (809.72 min; 535.91 to 1085.53; p<0.001) and moderate (299.78 min; 97.31 to 502.25; p=0.004) intensity. Women with reproductive work engaged in more light physical activity at home (379.14; 175.64 to 582.64; p<0.001). Leisure time physical activity and sedentary behaviour were similar in both groups (p>0.05 for all comparisons). Conclusions Women with productive work had greater levels of physical activity compared with those who only did reproductive work, except for physical activity at home. Having productive work might facilitate movement of women with fibromyalgia towards a more active lifestyle.Spanish Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness I+D+i DEP2010-15639 I+D+i DEP2013-40908-RSpanish Government FPU15/00002University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) SOMM17/6107/UGREuropean Union (EU) 70740


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    The gender focus tries to solve the problem of the powerrelationships among two sexes. To evaluate the current state and perspectives of the gender focus for the agroecological development at local level in Venezuela was carried out in this investigation. Aparticipative ruraldiagnosis with a population’s sample of 20 families was selected,everybody agricultural farmers, organized socially in communal advice, from its interest for the agroecological cultivation. The most of the population (70%) unknow the gender equity. Poor agroecological knowledge and application was demonstrated, before &nbsp;the application of sustainable agricultural development projects. The implementation of these with actions of participative innovation allowed strengthening the agroecological development at local level with gender focus and &nbsp;its valuable socioeconomics, productive and environments benefits&nbsp;for&nbsp;the&nbsp;community.El enfoque de género intenta resolver el problema de las relaciones de poder entre los dos sexos. La investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el estado actual &nbsp;y perspectivas del&nbsp; enfoque de género para el desarrollo agroecológico a nivel local en la comunidad Las Ventosas, Venezuela. Se realizó un diagnóstico rural participativo donde se seleccionó una muestra de la población que estuvo&nbsp; conformada por 20 familias, todas productoras agrícolas, organizadas socialmente en consejo comunal, a partir de su interés por el cultivo agroecológico. Se&nbsp; constató que la mayor parte de la población (70%)&nbsp; desconocía el significado de equidad de género. Se demostró pobre conocimiento sobre la agroecología y baja aplicación de&nbsp; las técnicas agroecológicas,&nbsp; antes de la aplicación de proyectos para el desarrollo agrícola sostenible. La implementación de los mismos&nbsp; con acciones de innovación participativa&nbsp; permitió fortalecer&nbsp; el desarrollo agroecológico a nivel local con enfoque de género y sus valiosos beneficios socioeconómicos, productivos y ambientales para la comunidad

    Is type of work associated with physical activity and sedentary behaviour in women with fibromyalgia A cross-sectional study from the al-Ándalus project

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    Objectives To analyse the association between the type of work (productive vs reproductive work) and the levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in women with fibromyalgia. Method This cross-sectional study involved 258 women with fibromyalgia from southern Spain. Of them, 55% performed reproductive work (unpaid, associated with caregiving and domestic roles) exclusively, while 45% had productive job (remunerated, that results in goods or services). Physical activity of light, moderate and vigorous intensity in the leisure time, at home, at work, and totally were measured through the leisure time physical activity instrument and with the physical activity at home and work instrument, respectively. Sedentary behaviour was measured by the Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire. Results After adjusting for age, fat percentage, education level and marital status, the multivariate analysis of covariance model informed the existence of significant differences between type of work groups (p<0.001). Women with productive work engaged in more light physical activity at work (mean difference =448.52 min; 95 % CI 179.66 to 717.38; p=0.001), and total physical activity of light (809.72 min; 535.91 to 1085.53; p<0.001) and moderate (29

    Total flavonoid content determination in aereal parts of Passiflora alata Dryander (maracuja)

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento e validação do método espectrofotométrico de doseamento de flavonóides totais, presentes em partes aéreas de Passiflora alata. O material vegetal foi extraído sob refluxo, durante 30 minutos, utilizando etanol a 40 % (V/V), sem hidrólise prévia dos glicosídeos flavonoídicos e sem uso de outros solventes orgânicos. A interferência de substâncias lipofílicas no comprimento de leitura foi avaliado por remoção destas mediante extração em fase sólida, utilizando soluções extrativas obtidas com etanol a 20, 40 e 80 % (V/V). Os flavonóides foram complexados com cloreto de alumínio e a absorção lida, 30 minutos após, a 397 nm, utilizando amostra não complexada como branco. O teor de flavonóides foi expresso em gramas de apigenina por 100 g de droga vegetal seca. Os testes de reprodutibilidade, realizados com amostras diferentes e considerando análises realizadas em dias diferentes, foram satisfatórios. O teste de recuperação indicou, porém, que o teor de flavonóides calculado é dependente da proporção droga:solvente, utilizada na fase de preparação da solução extrativa. Para efeitos comparativos, a confiabilidade dos resultados fica restrita ao estabelecimento de condições experimentais precisas. O teor de flavonóides calculado para P. alata (0,55 g%) foi comparativamente menor ao calculado para P. incamata (0,94 g%) e P. edulis (0,90 g %), sob as mesmas condições experimentais. A análise comparativa utilizando o comprimento de onda de 425 nm, preconizado por diversas farmacopéias, revelou falta de especificidade e a presença de erros analíticos evidentes.This work aims the development and validation of an assay for the total flavonoid content determination, in aerial parts of Passiflora alata. The drug was extracted by refluxusing ethanol 40%(V/V), without previous acid hydrolysisnor other organic solvents. The interference effect due to lipophilic substances was determined by solid phase extraction using 20, 40 and 80%(V/V) hydroalcoolic mixtures. The flavonoids were complexed with aluminum chloride reagent and the absorption was determined at 397 nm, 30 min after the aluminum chloride addition. The total flavonoid content was expressed as apigenin (g %) related to 100 g of dried drug. The reproducibility tests led to satisfactory results when different samples and analysis daytimes were considered. The recovery assay, however, showed that different extraction drug:solventratios brought about unlike flavonoid contents. Consequently, for comparative purposes the results confidence is attached to well defined experimental parameters. Under the same analytical conditions, P. alata showed smaller flavonoid content (0.55 g %) than P. incamata (0.94 g %) and P. edulis (0.90 g %). On the other hand, a comparative study carried out using the 425 nm wavelength, as recommended by several pharmacopoeias, indicated lack of specificity and analytical errors occurrence