615 research outputs found

    High performance computing for a 3-D optical diffraction tomographic application in fluid velocimetry

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    Optical Diffraction Tomography has been recently introduced in fluid velocimetry to provide three dimensional information of seeding particle locations. In general, image reconstruction methods at visible wavelengths have to account for diffraction. Linear approximation has been used for three-dimensional image reconstruction, but a non-linear and iterative reconstruction method is required when multiple scattering is not negligible. Non-linear methods require the solution of the Helmholtz equation, computationally highly demanding due to the size of the problem. The present work shows the results of a non-linear method customized for spherical particle location using GPU computing and a made-to-measure storing format

    Influence of the surface properties of nanocapsules on their interaction with intestinal barriers

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    Despite the convenience of the oral route for drug administration, the existence of different physiological barriers associated with the intestinal tract greatly lowers the bioavailability of many active compounds. We have previously suggested the potential polymeric nanocapsules, consisting of an oily core surrounded by a polymer shell, as oral drug delivery carriers. Here we present a systematic study of the influence of the surface properties of these nanocapsules on their interaction with the intestinal barriers. Two different surfactants, Pluronic¼F68 (PF68) and F127 (PF127), and two polymeric shells, chitosan (CS) and polyarginine (PARG) were chosen for the formulation of the nanocapsules. We analyzed nine different combinations of these polymers and surfactants, and studied the effect of each specific combination on their colloidal stability, enzymatic degradation, and mucoadhesion/mucodiffusion. Our results indicate that both, the polymer shell and the surfactants located at the oil/water interface, influence the interaction of the nanocapsules with the intestinal barriers. More interestingly, according to our observations, the shell components of the nanosystems may have either synergic or disruptive effects on their capacity to overcome the intestinal barriersThe authors acknowledge financial support from the TRANS‐INT European Consortium −FP7, under grant agreement No. 281035 and the Xunta de Galicia (Competitive Reference Groups ‐FEDER Funds; Ref 2014/043). Irene Santalices acknowledges a predoctoral grant from the FPU program (No. FPU13/02015) from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, MECD, Spain. The authors acknowledge Servier for providing Servier Medical Art (http://smart.servier.com/), being the small intestine, intestinal villi and laboratory material and equipment (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) modified from the original work and used for the creation of the graphical abstract and Figure 1.S

    Capillary microfluidic platform for sulfite determination in wines

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    A microfluidic paper-based analytical device integrating a chromoreactand – a formylazo dye– has been fabri- cated and used for a colorimetric assay of sulfites. The chromoreactand was covalently linked to paper by vinyl sulfone chemistry. This work presents two robust capillary microfluidic devices to determine sulfite in wine without any pretreatment. One of them based on thread (”TPAD) useful to determine it in white wine and another based on paper (”PAD) to specifically determine sulfite in red wine as well as in white wine. Both are based on the selective recognition of sulfite by means of a chromoreactand that turns from orange to yellow in the presence of sulfite. The colour information acquired (H coordinate) using a digital camera readout allows for a range of appli- cation of the ”TPAD from 7.8⋅10−5 M (8.1 mg L−1) to 2.7⋅10−3 M (279.3 mg L−1) with a limit of detection (LOD) of 78 ”M. The strong interference caused by the dyes present in red wine is eliminated by including a laminated paper channel in the ”PAD structure that allows for the separation of colorants from red wine before the recognition of the sulfite. This makes it possible to adjust the ”PAD procedure to the usual sulfite concentration in wine, with an LOD of 2.2⋅10−4 M (22.7 mg L−1) and a CV of 2.6%.This work was founded by Spanish “Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad” (Projects PID2019-103938RB-I00) and Junta de AndalucĂ­a (Projects B-FQM-243-UGR18 and P18-RT-2961). The projects were partially supported by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF)

    Characterization of Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of 17-4 PH Stainless Steel by Cold Rolled and Machining vs. DMLS Additive Manufacturing

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    The 17-4 PH stainless steel is widely used in the aerospace, petrochemical, chemical, food, and general metallurgical industries. The present study was conducted to analyze the mechanical properties of two types of 17-4 PH stainless steel—commercial cold-rolled and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) manufactured. This study employed linear and nonlinear tensile FEM simulations, combined with various materials characterization techniques such as tensile testing and nanoindentation. Moreover, microstructural analysis was performed using metallographic techniques, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results on the microstructure for 17-4 PH DMLS stainless steel reveal the layers of melting due to the laser process characterized by complex directional columnar structures parallel to the DMLS build direction. The mechanical properties obtained from the simple tension test decreased by 17% for the elastic modulus, 7.8% for the yield strength, and 7% for the ultimate strength for 17-4 PH DMLS compared with rolled 17-4 PH stainless steel. The FEM simulation using the experimental tension test data revealed that the 17-4 PH DMLS stainless steel experienced a decrease in the yield strength of ~8% and in the ultimate strength of ~11%. A reduction of the yield strength of the material was obtained as the grain size increased

    The effect of an online exercise programme on bone health in paediatric cancer survivors (iBoneFIT): study protocol of a multi-centre randomized controlled trial

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    Background: New approaches on paediatric cancer treatment aim to maintain long-term health. As a result of radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery, paediatric cancer survivors tend to suffer from any chronic health condition. Endocrine dysfunction represents one of the most common issues and affects bone health. Exercise is key for bone mass accrual during growth, specifically plyometric jump training. The iBoneFIT study will investigate the effect of a 9-month online exercise programme on bone health in paediatric cancer survivors. This study will also examine the effect of the intervention on body composition, physical fitness, physical activity, calcium intake, vitamin D, blood samples quality of life and mental health. Methods: A minimum of 116 participants aged 6 to 18 years will be randomized into an intervention (n = 58) or control group (n = 58). The intervention group will receive an online exercise programme and diet counselling on calcium and vitamin D. In addition, five behaviour change techniques and a gamification design will be implemented in order to increase the interest of this non-game programme. The control group will only receive diet counselling. Participants will be assessed on 3 occasions: 1) at baseline; 2) after the 9 months of the intervention; 3) 4 months following the intervention. The primary outcome will be determined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and the hip structural analysis, trabecular bone score and 3D-DXA softwares. Secondary outcomes will include anthropometry, body composition, physical fitness, physical activity, calcium and vitamin D intake, blood samples, quality of life and mental health. Discussion: Whether a simple, feasible and short in duration exercise programme can improve bone health has not been examined in paediatric cancer survivors. This article describes the design, rationale and methods of a study intended to test the effect of a rigorous online exercise programme on bone health in paediatric cancer survivors. If successful, the iBoneFIT study will contribute to decrease chronic health conditions in this population and will have a positive impact in the society.The iBoneFIT project is funded by a fellowship from 'la Caixa' Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is LCF/BQ/PR19/11700007. This study has been partially supported by the University of Granada, Plan Propio de InvestigaciĂłn 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), and by the Junta de AndalucĂ­a, ConsejerĂ­a de Conocimiento, InvestigaciĂłn y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR

    From bioavailability science to regulation of organic chemicals

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    The bioavailability of organic chemicals in soil and sediment is an important area of scientific investigation for environmental scientists, although this area of study remains only partially recognized by regulators and industries working in the environmental sector. Regulators have recently started to consider bioavailability within retrospective risk assessment frameworks for organic chemicals; by doing so, realistic decision-making with regard to polluted environments can be achieved, rather than relying on the traditional approach of using total-extractable concentrations. However, implementation remains difficult because scientific developments on bioavailability are not always translated into ready-to-use approaches for regulators. Similarly, bioavailability remains largely unexplored within prospective regulatory frameworks that address the approval and regulation of organic chemicals. This article discusses bioavailability concepts and methods, as well as possible pathways for the implementation of bioavailability into risk assessment and regulation; in addition, this article offers a simple, pragmatic and justifiable approach for use within retrospective and prospective risk assessment

    Morphometry ofDiaphorina citri(Hemiptera: Liviidae) on Six Rutaceae from Veracruz, Mexico

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    RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar la caracterizaciĂłn morfomĂ©trica de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), asĂ­ como conocer si el hospedero ejerce alguna influencia importante en la definiciĂłn de variantes especĂ­ficas. Los caracteres medidos fueron la longitud del cuerpo, longitud y amplitud de alas anteriores y procesos genales, y longitud de antenas. Los machos y hembras se analizaron de manera independiente. Las medidas obtenidas se sometieron a un anĂĄlisis de varianza y a un anĂĄlisis de componentes principales. La mayor variaciĂłn morfomĂ©trica y menor talla se encontrĂł en especĂ­menes machos colectados en hospederos no preferenciales como Citrus limetta Risso, C. sinensis (L.) ‘SelecciĂłn 8’ y C. paradisi Macfad.; mientras que los mĂĄs grandes y menos variables en C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. ‘Marrs ‘, C. sinensis (L.) cv. ‘Valencia’ y Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack. Los caracteres con variaciĂłn notable fueron la longitud y amplitud de las alas anteriores y de los procesos genales. Se encontrĂł mayor variaciĂłn morfomĂ©trica en machos que en hembras. Los resultados mostraron que D. citri es una especie con variantes morfomĂ©tricas y probablemente el hospedante posee un efecto determinante en la definiciĂłn de caracteres. ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to characterize Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) morphometrically, as well to determine whether the host has a relationship to a specific morphometric variation. The traits measured were body length, antenna length, lengths and widths of genal processes, and forewing length and width. Females and males were analyzed separately. The measures obtained were subjected to an analysis of variance and principal components analysis. The greatest morphometrical variation and smallest sizes were found in males collected from non-prefered hosts such as Citrus limetta Risso, C. sinensis (L.) ‘Selection 8’ and C. paradisi Macfad.; while, the least variations and largest sizes were found on C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. ‘Marrs’, C. sinensis (L.) cv. ‘Valencia’ and Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack. The traits with notable variation were lengths and widths of forewings and genal processes. Greater morphometrical variations were found in males than in females. The results indicate that D. citri is a species with morphometrical variants and probably the host is a determinant in the definition of characters

    The reproductive capacity of Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus is higher in their invasive range

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    Breeding parameters for Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus nesting in Barcelona, Spain, were collected for 651 nests over five breeding seasons. This invasive population has a high reproductive capacity compared with the species in the native range: fledging success was double, the percentage of pairs attempting second broods three times higher and 55% of first-year birds bred compared with almost zero in South America

    Hongos liquenizados y liquenícolas de la Sierra de Albarracín (Teruel, España)

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    Se presenta un catålogo de 462 hongos liquenizados y liquenícolas de la Sierra de Albarracín (Teruel, Aragón, España), como resultado de la IV Campaña de Recolección organizada por la Sociedad Española de Liquenología (SEL). Diplotomma hedinii es novedad para la Península Ibé- rica y Lepraria leuckertiana constituye una segunda cita peninsular, 69 taxones son novedad para Aragón y 86 lo son para la provincia de Teruel
