512 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Nano-structured materials for storing hydrogen as an alternative source to fossil fuels derivatives.

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    The decline in global reserves of fossil fuels due to the increasing energy demand has caused the petrochemical industry to be interested in finding new energy sources. An alternative that should be considered is the technology based on hydrogen as it is friendly to the environment and its combustion is greenhouse


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    Bis{μ-2,2′-[(3-aza­pentane-1,5-di­yl)bis­(nitrilo­methyl­idyne)]diphenolato}dicopper(II) dimethyl sulfoxide disolvate

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    The title compound, [Cu2(C18H19N3O2)2]·2C2H6OS or [Cu2(SalenN3H)2]·2DMSO, where SalenN3H is the multidentate Schiff base 2,2′-[(3-aza­pentane-1,5-di­yl)bis­(nitrilo­methyl­idyne)]diphenolate dianion and DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide, is a solvated dinuclear CuII complex. The neutral complex is built from two Cu(SalenN3H) units related by an inversion center. All heteroatoms in the Schiff bases coordinate the CuII ions, which display highly distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometries. The solvent mol­ecules are located in the structural voids of the complex and are disordered over two positions with occupancies of 0.642 (15) and 0.358 (15). The previously characterized acetone disolvate of the same complex presents identical mol­ecular and crystal structures, and crystallizes with cell parameters very close to those of the DMSO disolvate reported here

    Influência do marketing desportivo na gestão organizacional da Universidade APolitécnica de Moçambique (Original)

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    Sport, with its characteristic of emotional and pleasurable involvement with different audiences, is constantly used in marketing that involves differentiation, approximation of specific customers and search for the development of fundamental values important for the competitive environment.Thus, this study aimed to analyze how sport was inserted in Higher Education Institutions in Mozambique and how it is used in marketing, through the case study of the Polytechnic University of Mozambique. It was decided to carry out the study in an exploratory way, with a qualitative analysis, in order to obtain more in-depth information on the subject.It was found that sport is a fundamental variable in organizational management much more than a simple communication channel. Initiated through partnerships with traditional clubs in the city of Maputo. Thus, the relationship with sport strengthens the brand in a social context and competitive advantages are obtained in the market, making the institution an example with regard to the union between sport and marketing.O desporto, com sua característica de envolvimento emocional e prazeroso com diferentes públicos, é constantemente utilizado no marketing que envolve diferenciação, aproximação de clientes específicos e busca de desenvolvimento de valores fundamentais importantes para o ambiente competitivo. Assim, este estudo teve como objectivo analisar como o desporto foi inserido nas Instituições de Ensino Superior em Moçambique e como é utilizado no marketing, através do estudo de caso da Universidade A Politécnica de Moçambique. Optou-se por realizar o estudo de forma exploratória, com uma análise qualitativa, a fim de obter informações mais aprofundadas sobre o tema. Verificou-se que o desporto é uma variável fundamental na gestão organizacional muito mais do que um simples canal de comunicação. Iniciado através de parcerias com clubes tradicionais da cidade de Maputo. Assim, a relação com o desporto fortalece a marca num contexto social e são obtidas vantagens competitivas no mercado, tornando a instituição um exemplo no que diz respeito à união entre desporto e marketing

    La conciliación en conflictos con el estado como una herramienta para el desarrollo

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    The main objective of this research work is to analyze the function of Conciliation as a tool for development, within the framework of conflicts with the State; The foregoing, based on the fact that conciliation, as it has been conceived, seeks to resolve or prevent conflicts without the need to go to the judge. However, this possibility is complex in the case of conflicts with public entities, among other things, because the State must guarantee and protect public order and the general interest, representing the public patrimony. For this reason, it is required that the agreements to be concluded be reviewed by a specialized judge. However, this process reduces the effectiveness of the figure since it denatures the self-compositional essence of the conciliation and also because this judge, the administrative litigation judge, has in his DNA the function of advising the executive in his actions. A change in procedure is imperative that enables the implementation of a true culture of peace in this special category of conflicts.Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal Analizar la función de la Conciliación como herramienta para el Desarrollo, en el marco de los conflictos con el Estado; lo anterior, partiendo de que la conciliación, tal y como ha sido concebida, busca resolver o prevenir los conflictos sin necesidad de acudir al juez. Sin embargo, esta posibilidad es compleja tratándose de conflictos con entidades públicas, entre otras cosas, porque el Estado debe garantizar y proteger el orden público y el interés general, representados en el patrimonio público. Por esa razón se exige que los acuerdos que se pretendan celebrar sean revisados por un juez especializado. Sin embargo, este proceso resta eficacia a la figura ya que desnaturaliza la esencia autocompositiva de la conciliación y además porque este juez, el de lo contencioso administrativo, tiene en su ADN la función de asesorar al ejecutivo en sus actuaciones. Es imperativo un cambio en el procedimiento que posibilite la implementación de una verdadera cultura de paz, entendida ésta en el marco de los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible

    A Multicentre Study of Psychological Variables and the Prevalence of Burnout among Primary Health Care Nurses

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    Nurses in primary health care (PHC) have multiple responsibilities but must often work with limited resources. The study’s aim was to estimate burnout levels among PHC nurses. A Quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, multicentre study of 338 nurses working in PHC in the Andalusian Public Health Service (Spain) is presented. A total of 40.24% of the nurses studied had high levels of burnout. The dimensions of emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation were significantly associated with anxiety, depression, neuroticism, on-call duty and seniority-profession and inversely related to agreeableness. In addition, depersonalisation was significantly associated with gender, and emotional exhaustion correlated inversely with age. Personal achievement was inversely associated with anxiety and depression and positively correlated with agreeableness, extraversion and responsibility. There is a high prevalence of burnout among nurses in PHC. Those most likely to suffer burnout syndrome are relatively young, suffer from anxiety and depression and present high scores for neuroticism and low ones for agreeableness, responsibility and extraversion.Funding for this study was provided by the Andalusian Government Excellence Project (P11HUM-7771

    Estado actual de la avifauna en Quijos Huayco, parroquia Cuyuja, provincia de Napo, para promover el aviturismo

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    The diversity of birds in Ecuador is a key factor for the development of avitourism, a modality that involves the displacement, observation, identification and recording of the species that occupy their natural environment. In addition, it contributes to the conservation of habitats, landscapes and the promotion of the local economy through the provision of tourist services. In the study, birds were recorded for two years (February 2019 - December 2020) in the Quijos Huayco sector, in the Cuyuja parish, Quijos canton, Napo province to determine the opportunities to promote birdwathching activities in the area. It is a descriptive research and documentary analysis, which includes an inventory of bird species, their state of conservation and abundance, as well as the identification of services, tourist events and visitor sites. The analysis was based on the review of data available from previous investigations and sighting records, information that covered 28 lists, with a total of 141 species, 1169 individuals, from 15 orders and 36 families. Likewise, service establishments and potential observation sites were identified. Cuyuja, is in a special connection site with Papallacta, Baeza and Cosanga, where important birdwatching sites have been identified, and events such as the Christmas bird count take place. These characteristics are favorable to promote spotting routes in the northern area of ​​Napo province.La diversidad de aves en el Ecuador constituye el factor clave para desarrollar el aviturismo, modalidad que involucra el desplazamiento, observación, identificación y registro de las especies que habitan en su entorno natural. Además, contribuye con la conservación de hábitats, de paisajes y fomento de la economía local a través de la prestación de servicios turísticos. En el estudio se registraron aves durante dos años (febrero 2019 - diciembre 2020) en el sector Quijos Huayco, en la parroquia Cuyuja, cantón Quijos, provincia de Napo, con el fin de determinar las oportunidades para fomentar el aviturismo en la zona. Es una investigación de tipo descriptivo y análisis documental, que contempla un inventario de especies de aves, su estado de conservación y abundancia, así como la identificación de servicios, actividades turísticas y sitios de visita. El análisis se fundamentó en la revisión de información disponible de investigaciones previas y registros de avistamientos, información que cubrió 28 listas, con un total de 141 especies, 1.169 individuos, de 15 órdenes y de 36 familias. Asimismo, se identificaron establecimientos de servicios y lugares potenciales de observación. Cuyuja se encuentra en un sitio especial de conexión con Papallacta, Baeza y Cosanga, donde han sido identificados importantes sitios de observación de aves y se desarrollan eventos, como el conteo navideño de aves. Estas características resultan favorables para promover rutas de avistamiento en la zona norte de la provincia de Napo

    Overall key performance indicator to optimizing operation of high-pressure homogenizers for a reliable quantification of intracellular components in Pichia pastoris

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    The most commonly used cell disruption procedures may present lack of reproducibility, which introduces significant errors in the quantification of intracellular components. In this work, an approach consisting in the definition of an overall key performance indicator (KPI) was implemented for a lab scale high-pressure homogenizer (HPH) in order to determine the disruption settings that allow the reliable quantification of a wide sort of intracellular components. This innovative KPI was based on the combination of three independent reporting indicators: decrease of absorbance, release of total protein, and release of alkaline phosphatase activity. The yeast Pichia pastoris growing on methanol was selected as model microorganism due to it presents an important widening of the cell wall needing more severe methods and operating conditions than Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. From the outcome of the reporting indicators, the cell disruption efficiency achieved using HPH was about fourfold higher than other lab standard cell disruption methodologies, such bead milling cell permeabilization. This approach was also applied to a pilot plant scale HPH validating the methodology in a scale-up of the disruption process. This innovative non-complex approach developed to evaluate the efficacy of a disruption procedure or equipment can be easily applied to optimize the most common disruption processes, in order to reach not only reliable quantification but also recovery of intracellular components from cell factories of interest

    Agronomic biofortification with selenium improves the yield and nutraceutical quality in tomato under soilless conditions

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    Selenium (Se) is an essential element for humans. Its consumption comes from food of animal or vegetal origin; whose content varies widely depending on its availability in soil or anthropogenic sources. Biofortification improves food nutritional quality, and its consumption has a positive influence in human health. Thus, the objective of this research was to assess agricultural biofortification with Se in tomato fruit and its effects on yield, nutraceutical quality, and antioxidant capacity.  Five Se doses (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mg L-1) in the form of sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) were added in a nutritional solution in a hydroponic system.  The results obtained indicated that agricultural biofortification with Se applied in the nutritional solution improved yield, nutraceutical quality, and Se concentration in tomato fruit. The optimum Se dose that maximized yield and nutraceutical quality, as well as the recommended consumption concentration in tomato fruit in this study was 2 mg L-1 (Na2SeO4) because higher doses decreased yield and bioactive compound biosynthesis. Incorporating Se in the nutritional solution is an alternative to increase phytochemical compound biosynthesis in tomato fruit and yield with the possibility of improving public health with its consumption