122 research outputs found

    Habits of Use and Consumption of the Audience of Museums. The Communicative Crossroads Revealed

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    Esta investigación se centra en los hábitos de uso y consumo digitales de la audiencia en los museos de Castilla y León, teniendo un doble objetivo: primero, conocer la importancia que tienen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en los museos; y, segundo, estudiar cómo estas tecnologías digitales influyen en el comportamiento de los visitantes. Se ha implementado un contraste de preguntas de investigación mediante una metodología cuantitativa utilizando un cuestionario específico, de 19 preguntas-ítems, y distribuido en entrevistas mediante un T-CAPI (Tablet and Computer Assisted Personal Interview) realizado en los museos. Los resultados nos indican que existe una escasa participación de la audiencia joven en los perfiles sociales, página web y Apps de los museos que conforman la muestra. Los visitantes consideran igualmente que las tecnologías digitales son esenciales para atraer al público y el Smartphone se posiciona como el dispositivo más utilizado durante la visita. En consecuencia, se deduce que la inexistencia de una estrategia planificada de comunicación digital en los museos está motivando que las redes sociales y las páginas web de éstos tengan un escaso impacto en sus públicos.This research focuses on the habits of digital use and consumption of the audience in the museums of the region of Castile and León with a double objective: first, it intends to know the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in museums; and second, it aims to study how these digital technologies influence behavior. A con-trast of research questions has been implemented using a quantitative methodology using a specific questionnaire of 19 question-items, and it was distributed in interviews through a T-CAPI (Tablet and Computer Assisted Personal Inter-view) conducted in museums. The results indicate that there is a low participation of the young audience in the social profiles, website and Apps of the museums that make up the exhibition. Visitors also consider that digital technologies are essential to attract the public and the Smartphone is positioned as the most used device during the visit. Conse-quently, it follows that the absence of a planned digital communication strategy in museums is motivating social net-works and their websites to have little impact on their audience

    Self-reported psychological development in cosmetic breast surgery patients

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    Cosmetic breast surgery is the only therapeutic alternative for psychological and physical complications associated with micromasty, breast ptosis, and macromasty. We analyzed the effects of 2 variables, time, and type of cosmetic breast surgery, on anxiety symptomatology and quality of life. Following a mixed 3x4 design, 3 groups of women with breast augmentation (n=63), mastopexy (n=42), and breast reduction (n=30) were selected and evaluated using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey at 4 different times, the preoperative stage, and at 1, 6, and 12 months postoperative. Pearson’s chi square, Welch’s U, Games-Howell tests, mixed analysis of variance, and Cohen’s d and w for effect size were calculated. Results relating to anxiety (state and trait) showed that the time factor was significant (P<0.001) with differences between the preoperative stage (higher anxiety levels) and the 3 postoperative stages: at 1 month (P<0.001), 6 months (P<0.001), and 12 months (P<0.001). In quality of life, type of surgery and time factors were found to have interactive effects on vitality (P=0.044) and role-emotional (P=0.023) dimensions. Compared to the other 2 groups, women who had undergone mastopexy felt worse (vitality) at 1 month since surgery than in the other stages, and better at 6 months since surgery (role-emotional). In the rest of the dimensions, and focusing on the most relevant effect sizes, the type of surgery made a difference in the physical functioning (P=0.005) and role-physical (P=0.020) dimensions, where women who had had breast reduction felt worse than those who had had augmentation. Time also resulted in differences in the physical functioning (P<0.001), role-physical (P<0.001), and bodily pain (P<0.001) dimensions, where women felt worse at 1 month since surgery than during the rest of the stages, as well as in the social functioning dimension (P<0.001) at 1 month, compared to 6 months postoperative. We conclude that in the long term, women who have cosmetic breast surgery recover their physical and psychological well-bein

    Commercial mobile applications in the therapeutic approach to stroke: Review in main application repositories and scientific evidence

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    Fundamentos: El ictus es la principal causa de discapacidad física en la población adulta. La tecnología al servicio de la medicina aporta nuevas soluciones para la valoración, tratamiento y seguimiento de sujetos con afectaciones neurológicas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una revisión sobre el uso de aplicaciones móviles comerciales en el abordaje terapéutico de sujetos que han sufrido ictus, así como analizar si existe evidencia científica sobre el uso de dichas apps. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda de apps útiles para el abordaje terapéutico del ictus y de sus posibles secuelas clínicas, en los principales repositorios de aplicaciones: “Google Play” y “App Store”. Se analizó la posible evidencia científica de cada app obtenida, en las siguientes bases de datos: Web Of Science, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scopus y Google Scholar. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 45 apps que cumplían los criterios de selección. Éstas se subdividieron en diferentes categorías: herramientas de valoración (13), programa de ejercicio terapéutico (8) percepción de la lateralidad y esquema corporal (7), manejo de trastornos secundarios (7), movilidad, destreza y coordinación manual (5) y corrección postural y ergonomía (5). De las 45 apps obtenidas, solo 10 de ellas habían sido utilizadas en estudios incluidos en las bases de datos científicas consultadas. Conclusiones: Existe amplia variedad de apps móviles comerciales de gran utilidad y bajo coste, aplicables en la valoración y tratamiento de sujetos que han sufrido ictus, existiendo evidencia científica, aunque escasa, sobre la validez de dichas apps

    La investigación en comunicación en la academia en español y portugués : las revistas científicas presentes en los rankings WoS-JCR y Scimago-SJR (sección de comunicación). Un mapa del flujo de investigación en España y América Latina entre 2009 y 2019

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    En este artículo se realiza una evaluación de las revistas en español mejor indexadas en el área de la comunicación en el periodo comprendido entre 2009 y 2019 en España, Portugal y América Latina. Para ello, se analiza el estado de la cuestión de las revistas científicas en este ámbito tomando como referencia el índice SJR-Scimago-Scopus, situadas en los cuartiles uno y dos (ranking a fecha de 31 de diciembre de 2019). Se ha analizado una muestra compuesta por 4.098 artículos pertenecientes a ocho revistas de investigación en comunicación que han sido analizados a través de un libro de codificación en el que participaron cinco codificadores entrenados. Como parámetros de análisis se ha tomado en cuenta el género de los autores, del primer y segundo autor, su índice h, el número de autores por artículo, la internacionalización de los artículos, la financiación competitiva de los mismos, las regiones de publicación preponderantes de los autores y la tipología de artículos más frecuente. Tras desarrollar el análisis de las variables, se ha hallado una presencia significativa de autores e interés social en la investigación en esta área. Sin embargo, también se han detectado otras debilidades y amenazas, como escasez de financiación, una publicación muy focalizada en determinadas regiones españolas (Madrid, Cataluña, Andalucía) o la falta de revistas científicas en español y portugués, indexadas en los cuartiles 1 y 2 en los índices Scopus o JCR. Junto con estos datos, se han identificado numerosas oportunidades.En aquest article es fa una avaluació de les revistes en espanyol millor indexades en l'àrea de la comunicació en el període comprès entre 2009 i 2019 a Espanya, Portugal i l'Amèrica Llatina. Per dur-la a terme, s'analitza l'estat de la qüestió de les revistes científiques en aquest àmbit prenent com a referència l'índex SJR-Scimago-Scopus, situades en els quartils u i dos (rànquing amb data de 31 de desembre de 2019). S'ha analitzat una mostra composta per 4.098 articles pertanyents a vuit revistes de recerca en comunicació que han estat analitzats a través d'un llibre de codificació en el qual van participar cinc codificadors entrenats. Com a paràmetres d'anàlisi s'ha tingut en compte el gènere dels autors, del primer i segon autor, el seu índex h, el nombre d'autors per article, la internacionalització dels articles, el finançament competitiu d'aquests, les regions de publicació preponderants dels autors i la tipologia d'articles més freqüent. Després de desenvolupar l'anàlisi de les variables, s'ha trobat una presència significativa d'autors i interès social en la recerca en aquesta àrea. No obstant això, també s'han detectat altres febleses i amenaces, com ara escassetat de finançament, una publicació molt focalitzada en determinades regions espanyoles (Madrid, Catalunya, Andalusia) o la manca de revistes científiques en espanyol i portuguès, indexades en els quartils 1 i 2 en els índexs Scopus o JCR. Juntament amb aquestes dades, s'han identificat nombroses oportunitats.This article evaluates the highest-ranked journals in Spanish in the field of communication in Spain, Portugal and Latin America between 2009 and 2019. Using the SJR-Scimago-Scopus index, the current status of scientific journals in this field in the first and second quartiles (according to the rankings on 31 December 2019) is analysed. A sample consisting of 4098 articles from eight communication research journals was analysed, using a coding book developed by five qualified coders. Analysis parameters were: gender of the authors, first and second author, their h-index, the number of authors per article, the internationalisation of the articles, the competitive funding of the articles, the predominant publication regions of the authors, and the most frequent typology of articles. After running an analysis of the variables, we found a significant presence of authors and social interest in research in this area. However, other weaknesses and threats were also detected, such as a shortage of funding, publication very focused on certain Spanish regions (Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia) and the lack of scientific journals in Spanish or Portuguese ranked in the first and second quartiles of the Scopus and/or JCR indexes. Along with these data, numerous opportunities were identified

    Interventions in the first 1000 days to prevent childhood obesity: a systematic review and quantitative content analysis

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    Background: Childhood obesity poses a global health challenge. In recent years, there has been an increase in interventions that begin in pregnancy, putting the concept of early programming and early risk factors into practice. The present study aims to update the findings regarding interventions in the first 1000 days of life. Methods: A systematic review based on the PRISMA guidelines was carried out in PubMed, WoS, Scopus and CINAHL to obtain the articles to be analysed. We included those studies published between 2016 and 2021. Human interventions that started within the first 1000 days of life and acted on at least one programming factor were included. Once selected, coding and quantitative content analysis was carried out to obtain a profile of the interventions during the first 1000 days. Results: From all screened articles, 51 unique interventions, which met the selection criteria, were included. The majority of interventions (81%) took place in high-income areas. Almost all (86%) were targeted at the general population. The majority (54%) started in the second trimester of pregnancy. A clear majority (61%) ended at the time of birth. 44% of the interventions included all pregnant women. Only 48% of these interventions were focused on improving the nutritional status of the offspring in the short term. Most interventions collected the baby's weight at birth (68%). Conclusions: It can be concluded that current interventions are not covering as many aspects as they should. Future research should be conducted more frequently in developing countries and target disadvantaged groups. These interventions should include all pregnant women, regardless of their nutritional status, aiming to cover as many programming factors as possible and extending through the first 1000 days of life, with body mass index or skinfolds as measures of effectiveness during this period.11 página

    Extra Virgin Oil Polyphenols Improve the Protective Effects of Hydroxytyrosol in an In Vitro Model of Hypoxia-Reoxygenation of Rat Brain

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    Hydroxytyrosol (HT) is the component primarily responsible for the neuroprotective effect of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). However, it is less effective on its own than the demonstrated neuroprotective effect of EVOO, and for this reason, it can be postulated that there is an interaction between several of the polyphenols of EVOO. The objective of the study was to assess the possible interaction of four EVOO polyphenols (HT, tyrosol, dihydroxyphenylglycol, and oleocanthal) in an experimental model of hypoxia-reoxygenation in rat brain slices. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) efflux, lipid peroxidation, and peroxynitrite production were determined as measures of cell death, oxidative stress, and nitrosative stress, respectively. First, the polyphenols were incubated with the brain slices in the same proportions that exist in EVOO, comparing their effects with those of HT. In all cases, the cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of the combination were greater than those of HT alone. Second, we calculated the concentration–effect curves for HT in the absence or presence of each polyphenol. Tyrosol did not significantly modify any of the variables inhibited by HT. Dihydroxyphenylglycol only increased the cytoprotective effect of HT at 10 μM, while it increased its antioxidant effect at 50 and 100 μM and its inhibitory effect on peroxynitrite formation at all the concentrations tested. Oleocanthal increased the cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of HT but did not modify its inhibitory effect on nitrosative stress. The results of this study show that the EVOO polyphenols DHPG and OLC increase the cytoprotective effect of HT in an experimental model of hypoxia-reoxygenation in rat brain slices, mainly due to a possibly synergistic effect on HT’s antioxidant action. These results could explain the greater neuroprotective effect of EVOO than of the polyphenols alone

    Commercial mobile applications in the therapeutic approach to stroke: Review in main application repositories and scientific evidence

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    Fundamentos: El ictus es la principal causa de discapacidad física en la población adulta. La tecnología al servicio de la medicina aporta nuevas soluciones para la valoración, tratamiento y seguimiento de sujetos con afectaciones neurológicas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una revisión sobre el uso de aplicaciones móviles comerciales en el abordaje terapéutico de sujetos que han sufrido ictus, así como analizar si existe evidencia científica sobre el uso de dichas apps. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda de apps útiles para el abordaje terapéutico del ictus y de sus posibles secuelas clínicas, en los principales repositorios de aplicaciones: “Google Play” y “App Store”. Se analizó la posible evidencia científica de cada app obtenida, en las siguientes bases de datos: Web Of Science, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scopus y Google Scholar. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 45 apps que cumplían los criterios de selección. Éstas se subdividieron en diferentes categorías: herramientas de valoración (13), programa de ejercicio terapéutico (8) percepción de la lateralidad y esquema corporal (7), manejo de trastornos secundarios (7), movilidad, destreza y coordinación manual (5) y corrección postural y ergonomía (5). De las 45 apps obtenidas, solo 10 de ellas habían sido utilizadas en estudios incluidos en las bases de datos científicas consultadas. Conclusiones: Existe amplia variedad de apps móviles comerciales de gran utilidad y bajo coste, aplicables en la valoración y tratamiento de sujetos que han sufrido ictus, existiendo evidencia científica, aunque escasa, sobre la validez de dichas apps.Background: Stroke is the leading cause of physical disability in the adult population. Technology at the service of medicine provides new solutions for the assessment, treatment, and monitoring of subjects with neurological disorders. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the use of commercial mobile applications in the therapeutic approach of subjects who have suffered a stroke, as well as to analyze if there is scientific evidence on their use. Methods: A search of specific apps for the the rapeutic approach to stroke, as well as its possible clinical after-effects, in the main applications repositories was made: “Google Play” and “App Store”. Besides, the possible scientific evidence for each app obtained was analyzed using the following databases: Web of Science, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Google Scholar. Results: A total of 45 apps were obtained meeting the criteria established in the study. These were subdivided into different categories: assessment tools (13), therapeutic exercise program (8) perception of laterality and body scheme (7), management of secondary disorders (7), mobility, dexterity and manual coordination (5) and postural correction and ergonomics (5). From the 45 apps obtained, only 10 of them had been used in scientific studies. Conclusions: There is a wide variety of commercial mobile applications of great utility and low cost, applicable in the assessment and treatment of subjects who have suffered a stroke, there is even scientific evidence, although limited, about the validity of such apps

    The Effect of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Minor Phenolic Compound 3′,4′-Dihydroxyphenylglycol in Experimental Diabetic Kidney Disease

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the possible nephroprotective effect of 3’,4’-dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG), a polyphenolic compound of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), on renal lesions in an experimental model of type 1 diabetes. Rats were distributed as follows: healthy normoglycemic rats (NDR), diabetic rats treated with saline (DR), and DR treated with 0.5 mg/kg/day or 1 mg/kg/day of DHPG. DR showed a significantly higher serum and renal oxidative and nitrosative stress profile than NDR, as well as reduced prostacyclin production and renal damage (defined as urinary protein excretion, reduced creatinine clearance, increased glomerular volume, and increased glomerulosclerosis index). DHPG reduced the oxidative and nitrosative stress and increased prostacyclin production (a 59.2% reduction in DR and 34.7–7.8% reduction in DHPG-treated rats), as well as 38–56% reduction in urinary protein excretion and 22–46% reduction in glomerular morphological parameters (after the treatment with 0.5 or 1 mg/kg/day, respectively). Conclusions: DHPG administration to type 1-like diabetic rats exerts a nephroprotective effect probably due to the sum of its antioxidant (Pearson’s coefficient 0.68–0.74), antinitrosative (Pearson’s coefficient 0.83), and prostacyclin production regulator (Pearson’s coefficient 0.75) effects.This study was supported, in part, by the Consejería de Salud. Junta de Andalucía (Spain), Proyectos de Investigación en Salud [Regional Ministry of Health. Junta de Andalucía (Spain), Health Research Projects] (PI-0129-2017). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Social inequalities in multimorbidity patterns in Europe: A multilevel latent class analysis using the European Social Survey (ESS)

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    Multimorbidity is associated with lower quality of life, greater disability and higher use of health services and is one of the main challenges facing governments in Europe. There is a need to identify and characterize patterns of chronic conditions and analyse their association with social determinants not only from an individual point of view but also from a collective point of view. This paper aims to respond to this knowledge gap by detecting patterns of chronic conditions and their social determinants in 19 European countries from a multilevel perspective. We used data from the ESS round 7. The final sample consisted of 18,933 individuals over 18 years of age, and patterns of multimorbidity from 14 chronic conditions were detected through Multilevel Latent Class Analysis, which also allows detecting similarities between countries. Gender, Age, Housing Location, Income Level and Educational Level were used as individual covariates to determine possible associations with social inequalities. The goodness-of-fit indices derived in a model with six multimorbidity patterns and five countries clusters. The six patterns were "Back, Digestive and Headaches", "Allergies and Respiratory", "Complex Multi -morbidity", "Cancer and Cardiovascular", "Musculoskeletal" and "Cardiovascular"; the five clusters could be associated with some geographical areas or welfare states. Patterns showed significant differences in the cova-riates of interest, with differences in education and income being of particular interest. Some significant dif-ferences were found among patterns and the country groupings. Our findings show that chronic diseases tend to appear in a combined and interactive way, and socioeconomic differences in the occurrence of patterns are not only of the individual but also of group importance, emphasising how the welfare states in each country can influence in the health of their inhabitants