807 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial orientation and the threat of imitation: the influence of upstream and downstream capabilities

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    This paper uncovers the complexity between Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and performance. The paper explores the effect of the threat of imitation, which is a key external factor to explain competitive dynamics, and hence highlights effectiveness of EO. Also the paper accounts for the role of upstream (technical) and downstream (marketing) capabilities as they influence effectiveness of EO. Our results show that, under threat of imitation, downstream marketing capabilities facilitate taping into opportunities derived from EO, which positively affects performance. Conversely, available upstream technical capabilities do not aim at EO when imitation threats exist in the environment. Of importance is that we question the complexity between EO and performance can be better understood using a configurational approach

    Valoración de la ecografía y biopsia ganglionar axilar en la estadificación del cáncer de mama

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    El cáncer de mama es el tumor más frecuente en la mujer. Las campañas de detección precoz y los avances diagnósticos, han permitido diagnosticar el cáncer de mama en estadios iniciales, disminuyendo la mortalidad de esta enfermedad. Tradicionalmente, el tratamiento del cáncer de mama ha consistido en una cirugía radical de la mama con mastectomía y linfadenectomía axilar. Actualmente, la tendencia es hacia tratamientos menos invasivos, sustituyendo la mastectomía por la cirugía conservadora y la linfadenectomía por la biopsia selectiva del ganglio centinela. Estas técnicas han conseguido disminuir la morbilidad del tratamiento y mejorar la calidad de vida de las pacientes, no obstante conllevan consumo de recursos, y no están exentas de riesgos. Por ello, la correcta estadificación pretratamiento ha cobrado un interés especial en el cáncer de mama, no solo porque la afectación ganglionar es un factor pronóstico importante, sino porque influye en la decisión del tratamiento de la paciente. La valoración ecográfica de la axila es útil en la caracterización ganglionar axilar, con la posibilidad de realizar estudio citohistológico de los ganglios sospechosos. En nuestro trabajo incluimos un número importante de pacientes con cáncer de mama a las cuales se les ha realizado valoración ecográfica de la axila y biopsia percutánea con aguja gruesa de los ganglios sospechosos y/o ganglios benignos, demostrando la utilidad de estas pruebas en el manejo de las pacientes

    Efficacy and safety of trabectedin in metastatic uterine leiomyosarcoma: A retrospective multicenter study of the Spanish ovarian cancer research group (GEICO)

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    Objective: We assessed trabectedin in patients with advanced uterine leiomyosarcoma (uLMS) in real-life clinical practice given according to the marketing authorization. Methods: Thirty-six women from 11 tertiary hospitals across Spain who received trabectedin after anthracycline-containing regimen/s were retrospectively analyzed. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Results: Median PFS and overall survival (OS) since starting trabectedin treatment were 5.4 (95%CI: 3.5–7.3) and 18.5 months (95%CI: 11.5–25.6), respectively. Median OS was significantly higher (P = 0.028) in patients receiving trabectedin in = 2nd line (25.3 months) than in = 3rd (15.1 months) and with ECOG performance status = 1 at trabectedin start (19.8 months) than ECOG 2–3 (6.0 months, P = 0.013). When calculating OS since diagnosis, patients had longer OS with localized disease at diagnosis (87.4 months) vs. locally advanced (30.0 months) or metastatic (44.0 months, P = 0.041); and patients who received adjuvant therapy (87.4 months) compared with those who did not (30.0 months, P = 0.003), especially when receiving radiochemotherapy (106.7 months, P = 0.027). One patient (2.8%) had a complete response (CR) and nine patients (25.0%) achieved a partial response (PR) for an objective response rate of 27.8% with median response duration of 11 months (range: 4–93). Eighteen patients (50.0%) had disease stabilization for a disease control rate (DCR) of 77.8%. More patients receiving trabectedin in 1st-line of advanced disease achieved CR (16.7%) and PR (50.0%) than those in = 2nd line/s (0.0% and 20.0%), whereas the DCR was similar across treatment lines. Reversible neutropenia was the most common grade 3/4 laboratory abnormality (19.4%). Conclusions: Trabectedin confers clinical benefit in patients with recurrent/metastatic uLMS, given after failure to an anthracycline-based regimen being comparable to those reported in clinical trials and with a manageable safety profile

    A comprehensive hydrodynamic analysis of a full-scale oxidation ditch using Population Balance Modelling in CFD simulation

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    This work exhibits the importance of the experimental validation when full-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models are developed to provide a detailed analysis of the spatial variations in 3D of the fluid flow inside aerated tanks. Single-phase and two-phase CFD models were performed to study the fluid behaviour carefully by means of the velocity profiles and the aeration pattern in a full-scale oxidation ditch. Air hold-up, bubble size distribution and interfacial area density were calculated by polydisperse models where Population Balance Model (PBM) was governed by break-up and coalescence; the free-surface approach allowed the CFD model to describe the three-dimensional effect of bubbly plumes in large scales in detail. Tracer tests were carried out to obtain the flow pattern and the hydraulic distribution of the flow into two wastewater treatment lanes in order to define the boundary conditions for the model correctly. Despite the difficulty of performing velocity measurements of the fluid in 3D, with and without air bubbles, these provided essential information to validate the CFD model. From this analysis, several simulations were performed to improve the hydrodynamics and the operation of the process by relocating the propellers

    Geochemical characterization of the mining district of Linares (Jaen, Spain) by means of XRF and ICP-AES

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    Linares (Jaen, Spain) has been subjected to an intense mining and metallurgic activity during 2500 years. Basically, lead and silver have been extracted from galena; as well as copper and zinc. Different studies have been conducted to evaluate trace element concentrations to obtain relationships with anthropogenic and geologic factors. The analytical results of these studies have been obtained with ICP-AES. This analytical technique is relatively expensive and inaccessible in zones with scarce economic means. In this study, XRF analyses have been conducted and the obtained results are presented, as well as a comparison with the previously obtained ICP results. In both cases, a cluster analysis has been made to try to identify the same relations in the target area. 5 groups have been identified, mainly related with lithology. Only 10 of the 122 grid squares (each one of 1 km2) are classified in different groups if the cluster analysis is conducted with XRF results or ICP results. ICP classifies better where these grid squares are located, mostly, in contact zones of different lithologies

    Low Background Micromegas in CAST

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    Solar axions could be converted into x-rays inside the strong magnetic field of an axion helioscope, triggering the detection of this elusive particle. Low background x-ray detectors are an essential component for the sensitivity of these searches. We report on the latest developments of the Micromegas detectors for the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST), including technological pathfinder activities for the future International Axion Observatory (IAXO). The use of low background techniques and the application of discrimination algorithms based on the high granularity of the readout have led to background levels below 106^{-6} counts/keV/cm2^2/s, more than a factor 100 lower than the first generation of Micromegas detectors. The best levels achieved at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) are as low as 107^{-7} counts/keV/cm2^2/s, showing good prospects for the application of this technology in IAXO. The current background model, based on underground and surface measurements, is presented, as well as the strategies to further reduce the background level. Finally, we will describe the R&D paths to achieve sub-keV energy thresholds, which could broaden the physics case of axion helioscopes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Large TPC Conference 2014, Pari

    El uso del portafolio para la enseñanza en Enfermería. Experiencia de tres cursos académicos

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    El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) parece configurarse como un diseño de cambio estratégico para crear un espacio común de reconocimiento de la enseñanza-aprendizaje que profesores y alumnos realizan para dar respuestas profesionales a las demandas y necesidades sociales. Así, surgen nuevas propuestas y numerosos escenarios para reflexionar sobre esa tarea y numerosas oportunidades para la innovación pedagógica. Consecuentemente diseñamos un plan de innovación educativa experimental que hemos desarrollado con alumnos de Enfermería durante los tres últimos cursos académicos

    Efficacy and safety of trabectedin in metastatic uterine leiomyosarcoma: A retrospective multicenter study of the Spanish ovarian cancer research group (GEICO)

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    Objective: We assessed trabectedin in patients with advanced uterine leiomyosarcoma (uLMS) in real-life clinical practice given according to the marketing authorization. Methods: Thirty-six women from 11 tertiary hospitals across Spain who received trabectedin after anthracyclinecontaining regimen/s were retrospectively analyzed. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Results: Median PFS and overall survival (OS) since starting trabectedin treatment were 5.4 (95%CI: 3.5–7.3) and 18.5 months (95%CI: 11.5–25.6), respectively. Median OS was significantly higher (P = 0.028) in patients receiving trabectedin in ≤ 2nd line (25.3 months) than in ≥ 3rd (15.1 months) and with ECOG performance status ≤ 1 at trabectedin start (19.8 months) than ECOG 2–3 (6.0 months, P = 0.013). When calculating OS since diagnosis, patients had longer OS with localized disease at diagnosis (87.4 months) vs. locally advanced (30.0 months) or metastatic (44.0 months, P = 0.041); and patients who received adjuvant therapy (87.4 months) compared with those who did not (30.0 months, P = 0.003), especially when receiving radiochemotherapy (106.7 months, P = 0.027). One patient (2.8%) had a complete response (CR) and nine patients (25.0%) achieved a partial response (PR) for an objective response rate of 27.8% with median response duration of 11 months (range: 4–93). Eighteen patients (50.0%) had disease stabilization for a disease control rate (DCR) of 77.8%. More patients receiving trabectedin in 1st-line of advanced disease achieved CR (16.7%) and PR (50.0%) than those in ≥ 2nd line/s (0.0% and 20.0%), whereas the DCR was similar across treatment lines. Reversible neutropenia was the most common grade 3/4 laboratory abnormality (19.4%). Conclusions: Trabectedin confers clinical benefit in patients with recurrent/metastatic uLMS, given after failure to an anthracycline-based regimen being comparable to those reported in clinical trials and with a manageable safety profile