99 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico do Sistema de Práticas Pedagógicas: o caso da Faculdade de Educação e Humanidades da Universidade do Bío-Bío, Chile

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    This article gives an account of the diagnosis to the process of pedagogical practices, from the study plans of pedagogy of the Faculty of Education and Humanities oriented to continuous improvement and which has allowed to compile the evidence that accounts for the diverse perceptions of the training, mentoring, collaborating, and graduated teachers from the University of Bio-Bio. This information is constituted from the training experience of the graduated cohorts in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The results were obtained from the participation and contributions of all the participating actors.Este artículo da cuenta del diagnóstico al proceso de las prácticas pedagógicas, de las carreras de pedagogía de la Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, orientadas al mejoramiento continuo y que ha permitido recopilar las evidencias que dan cuenta de las diversas percepciones por parte del profesorado en formación, profesorado tutor, profesorado colaborador y profesorado egresado de la Universidad del Bío-Bío. Esta información se constituye desde la experiencia formativa de las cohortes egresadas en los años 2017, 2018 y 2019. Los resultados se obtuvieron de la participación y aportes de todos los actores intervinientes.Este artigo dá conta do diagnóstico do processo de práticas pedagógicas, das carreiras pedagógicas da Faculdade de Educação e Humanidades orientadas para a melhoria contínua e que permitiu compilar evidências das diversas percepções por parte do corpo docente em treinamento, do corpo docente tutor, do corpo docente colaborador e do corpo docente graduado da Universidade do Bío-Bío. Esta informação é constituída a partir da experiência formativa dos coortes formados em 2017, 2018 e 2019. Os resultados foram obtidos a partir da participação e das contribuições de todos os atores envolvido

    Toxic Effects of the Cylindrospermopsin and Chlorpyrifos Combination on the Differentiated SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cell Line

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    Due to climate change and anthropogenic activities, the levels of pollution of aquatic and terrestrial environments have increased in the last decades. In this sense, the rise of cyanobacterial blooms, which release secondary metabolites with toxic properties, and the global use of pesticides for agricultural purposes have a negative impact on ecosystems. Thus, it would be interesting to study the concomitance of both types of toxicants in the same sample, since it is possible that they appear together. The aim of the present work was to state the effects of the interaction between the cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin and the pesticide chlorpyrifos in differentiated SH-SY5Y neuronal cells to assess how they could affect the nervous system. To this end, cytotoxicity, morphological, and acetylcholinesterase activity studies were performed during 24 and 48 h. The results revealed a concentration-dependent decrease in viability and interaction between both toxicants, together with clear signs of apoptosis and necrosis induction. In this sense, different stages on the differentiation process would lead to differences in the toxicity exerted by the compounds both isolated as in combination, which it is not observed in non-differentiated cells. Additionally, the acetylcholinesterase activity appeared not to be affected, which is a clear difference compared to non-differentiated cells. These results show the importance of studying not only the toxicants themselves, but also in combination, to assess their possible effects in a more realistic scenario.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID 2019-104890RB-I0

    D2.1 Analysis of existing MOOC platforms and services

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    The main objective of this task is to analyze features and services of MOOC platforms that are used in ECO and, secondly, in other commonly used MOOC platforms. This task takes into account the functionality that is required by the different pilots from two viewpoints: technological and pedagogical aspects. Firstly, to ensure this objective, this task performed a state-of-the-art review, mainly research papers and all annotated scientific literature. Secondly, we elaborate a Competitive Analysis Checklist for MOOC platforms. An approach based on technological and pedagogical items is suggested to define specific dimensions for this task. This Checklist will be a useful tool for evaluating MOOC platforms. Thirdly, five of the ECO platforms have been evaluated by using the authoring and delivery environment to check for the availability of features that are essential for the implementation of the pedagogical model as described in D2.1. It became clear that these platforms are not very suitable for the pedagogical model. Finally, a Guide for the Effective Creation of MOOCs has been drawn up indicating to assist course designers to compare the functionality, features, pedagogical and instructional advantages so they can choose the most suitable one for their areas of interest and needs.Part of the work carried out has been funded with support from the European Commission, under the ICT Policy Support Programme, as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) in the ECO project under grant agreement n° 21127

    Análisis del Suelo y su Importancia en el Cultivo del Nogal Pecanero en el Distrito de Riego 05 Delicias

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    En México el principal productor de nogal pecanero (Carya illinoinensis (Wangeh) K. Koch), es el estado de Chihuahua, representando el 61.0 % de la superficie del nacional. Para el 2020, la superficie de nogal en el Distrito de Riego 05 fue de 29,114 ha, con rendimiento promedio de 1.91 ton por ha (SIAP, 2020). Para lograr el adecuado rendimiento del nogal es importante que se proporcionen los nutrientes esenciales que el árbol requiere, por lo cual es necesario conocer la caracterización de las propiedades físicas y químicas. Las plantaciones de nogal en el Distrito de Riego 05, continúan incrementándose sin tomar en cuenta las características de suelo adecuadas para el desarrollo del árbol, manejándose de forma similar en toda la región. La población bajo estudio fue representada por los productores de los municipios de Delicias, Saucillo, Meoqui, Rosales y Julimes. La información se obtuvo de los análisis de suelo realizados durante el año 2018 al mes de mayo 2021 en la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas y Forestales. Se caracterizó las propiedades físicas químicas de los suelos de las huertas, los resultados encontrados indican que la mayoría de los suelos presentan concentraciones bajas de nitrógeno, fosforo, zinc, hierro y cobre así mismo; solo el 14% de los suelos tienen un pH de 6.7 a 7.3, el resto de los suelos presentan un pH alcalino ligero hacia arriba

    The shipbuilding and naval repair sector in the Atlantic area.

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    Maritime activities are one of the key elements of the Lisbon Strategy. According to the European Union, those sectors related to the exploitation of the seas represent 3-5% of the Union GDP. Those sectors have contributed to the building of the Atlantic Area identity. Some subsectors from the maritime economy face tough times, while other o_er great opportunities for economic growth and employment. In this context the HARVEST ATLANTIC (Harnessing All Resources Valuable to Economies of Seaside territories on the Atlantic) project is developed, approved by the Atlantic Area Interreg IV-B Program. This study includes the main results obtained from the above mentioned project related to the shipbuilding and repair sector in four countries from the Atlantic area (Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Scotland). The surveys that were conducted among companies from the sector included different aspects related with their location, innovation, human capital and policy making

    Sports training program on cognitive variables in athletes of Colombian selection of artistic gymnastics. Number of cases

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    [Resumen] La gimnasia artística es un deporte que involucra en gran medida funciones ejecutivas. El objetivo fue determinar el efecto de un programa de entrenamiento (Mentality) sobre variables cognitivas (tiempos de reacción, toma de decisiones y el volumen de la atención) en los deportistas pertenecientes a la selección colombiana de gimnasia artística masculina. Es un estudio de series de casos con evaluación pre y post intervención, se aplicó el programa mentality en el sitio de entrenamiento de los deportistas y en el laboratorio de psicología del deporte de la Ciudad de Cúcuta Colombia. 8 gimnastas la media de edad fue de 21,6 años ±1,06 años. Se aplicaron los test de volumen de la atención, de toma de decisiones y el speed react. Se encontraron como resultados que al comparar las variables psicológicas hubo mejoría en los resultados del post frente al pre, se resalta que estas diferencias son estadísticamente significativas para todas las variables. Se concluye como una adaptación importante o automatización en su proceso atencional, que les conllevo a mejorar la selección de los estímulos relevantes para la práctica de su deporte e inhibir aquella información que no representa relevancia para la práctica del mismo; como resultado, aumentó la capacidad de los deportistas para tomar decisiones rápidas y acertadas al momento de la competencia.[Abstract] Artistic gymnastics is a sport that largely involves executive functions. The objective was to determine the effect of a training program (Mentality) on cognitive variables (reaction times, decision making and the volume of attention) in athletes belonging to the Colombian selection of male artistic gymnastics. It is a case series study with pre and post intervention evaluation, the mentality program was applied at the training site of the athletes and in the sports psychology laboratory of the City of Cúcuta Colombia. 8 gymnasts the average age was 21.6 years ± 1.06 years. The attention volume, decision-making and speed react tests were applied. It was found as results that when comparing the psychological variables there was improvement in the results of the post versus the pre, it is highlighted that these differences are statistically significant for all variables. It is concluded as an important adaptation or automation in their attention process, which led them to improve the selection of the stimuli relevant to the practice of their sport and inhibit that information that does not represent relevance for the practice of the same; As a result, it increased the ability of athletes to make quick and accurate decisions at the time of competition

    Factibilidad de mercado y financiera de una empresa de productos de chile chipotle en Delicias, Chihuahua

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    Chihuahua es el principal productor de chile chipotle a nivel nacional, por su sabor es uno de los consentidos de los paladares del mundo. Su consumo se remonta a la época pre-Hispánica. En este estudio se pretende determinar la factibilidad de crear una empresa que elabore productos a base de este chile, conocer las preferencias que tienen las familias en Delicias sobre él y sus diversas presentaciones (en adobo, escabeche, seco, etc.), además de la frecuencia de su consumo. Se tratará de posicionar en un corto plazo como un producto de alta calidad, gran sabor y buen precio, siendo una empresa responsable, con valores y amable con el medio ambiente, además  de  que  sea  una fuente de empleo en la comunidad.  Es  un producto que tiene mucha aceptación y goza de popularidad. Existen en nuestro país, cientos de platillos que en su elaboración llevan chile chipotle, agregando con ello un sabor especial que no se logra con ningún otro, ya que su proceso de ahumado le brinda un sabor peculiar que es aceptado y preferido por muchos. Es una oportunidad de negocio, ya que no hay muchas presentaciones de chipotle en adobo, únicamente el mundialmente conocido en lata, el cual es un producto muy consumido y popular internacionalmente

    Assessment of Paraspinal Muscle Atrophy Percentage after Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion and Unilateral Instrumentation Using a Novel Contralateral Intact Muscle-Controlled Model

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    Study DesignRetrospective comparative clinical study.PurposeThis study aimed to assess paraspinal muscle atrophy in patients who underwent minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MI-TLIF) and unilateral pedicle screw fixation using a novel contralateral intact muscle-controlled model.Overview of LiteratureThe increased incidence of paravertebral lumbar muscle injuries after open techniques has raised the importance of implementing minimally invasive spine surgical techniques using tubular retractors and minimally invasive screw placement. The functional cross-sectional area (FCSA) represents the lean muscle mass; furthermore, FCSA is a useful marker of the contractile ability of a muscle following a spine surgery. However, the benefits of unilateral fixation and MI-TLIF on paraspinal muscles have not been defined.MethodsWe performed a retrospective imagenological review on eleven patients who underwent unilateral MI-TLIF and unilateral transpedicular screw lumbar placement. FCSAs of the multifidus and erector spinae were measured 1 year after surgery at adjacent levels and were compared to the contralateral intact muscles. Measurement differences between the surgical and nonsurgical sites were compared. The interobserver reliability was calculated using an intraclass correlation coefficient.ResultsThe mean FCSA at the surgical site was 20.97±5.07 cm2 at the superior level and 8.89±2.87 cm2 at the inferior level. The mean FCSA at the contralateral nonsurgical site was 20.15±5.95 cm2 at the superior level and 9.20±2.66 cm2 at the inferior level was. The superior and inferior FCSA measurements showed no significant difference between the surgical and nonsurgical sites (p=0.5, p=0.922, respectively).ConclusionsUsing a mini-open tubular approach through the sulcus between the longissimus and iliocostalis, MI-TLIF and unilateral pedicle screw instrumentation produced minimal paraspinal muscle damage at the superior and inferior adjacent levels

    Gallstones, Body Mass Index, C-Reactive Protein, and Gallbladder Cancer: Mendelian Randomization Analysis of Chilean and European Genotype Data

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is a neglected disease with substantial geographical variability: Chile shows the highest incidence worldwide, while GBC is relatively rare in Europe. Here, we investigate the causal effects of risk factors considered in current GBC prevention programs as well as C-reactive protein (CRP) level as a marker of chronic inflammation. APPROACH AND RESULTS: We applied two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) using publicly available data and our own data from a retrospective Chilean and a prospective European study. Causality was assessed by inverse variance weighted (IVW), MR-Egger regression, and weighted median estimates complemented with sensitivity analyses on potential heterogeneity and pleiotropy, two-step MR, and mediation analysis. We found evidence for a causal effect of gallstone disease on GBC risk in Chileans (P = 9 × 10−5) and Europeans (P = 9 × 10−5). A genetically elevated body mass index (BMI) increased GBC risk in Chileans (P = 0.03), while higher CRP concentrations increased GBC risk in Europeans (P = 4.1 × 10−6). European results suggest causal effects of BMI on gallstone disease (P = 0.008); public Chilean data were not, however, available to enable assessment of the mediation effects among causal GBC risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: Two risk factors considered in the current Chilean program for GBC prevention are causally linked to GBC risk: gallstones and BMI. For Europeans, BMI showed a causal effect on gallstone risk, which was itself causally linked to GBC risk. (Hepatology 2021;73:1783-1796).Fil: Barahona Ponce, Carol. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; Alemania. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Scherer, Dominique. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; AlemaniaFil: Brinster, Regina. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; AlemaniaFil: Boekstegers, Felix. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; AlemaniaFil: Marcelain, Katherine. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Gárate Calderón, Valentina. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; Alemania. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Müller, Bettina. Instituto Nacional del Cáncer; ChileFil: de Toro, Gonzalo. Hospital Puerto Montt; Chile. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Retamales, Javier. Instituto Nacional del Cáncer; ChileFil: Barajas, Olga. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Ahumada, Monica. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Morales, Erik. Hospital Regional de Talca; Chile. Universidad Católica del Maule; ChileFil: Rojas, Armando. Universidad Católica del Maule; ChileFil: Sanhueza, Verónica. Hospital Padre Hurtado; ChileFil: Loader, Denisse. Hospital Padre Hurtado; ChileFil: Rivera, María Teresa. Hospital del Salvador; ChileFil: Gutiérrez, Lorena. Hospital San Juan de Dios; ChileFil: Bernal, Giuliano. Universidad Católica del Norte; ChileFil: Ortega, Alejandro. Hospital Regional; ChileFil: Montalvo, Domingo. Hospital Regional Juan Noé Crevani; ChileFil: Portiño, Sergio. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Bertrán, Maria Enriqueta. Ministerio de Salud; ChileFil: Gabler, Fernando. Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Hospital Clinico San Borja Arriaran; ChileFil: Spencer, Loreto. Hospital Regional Guillermo Grant Benavente; ChileFil: Olloquequi, Jordi. Universidad Autónoma de Chile; ChileFil: Fischer, Christine. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; AlemaniaFil: Jenab, Mazda. International Agency For Research On Cancer; AlemaniaFil: Aleksandrova, Krasimira. German Institute Of Human Nutrition; AlemaniaFil: Katzke, Verena. German Cancer Research Center; AlemaniaFil: Gonzalez-Jose, Rolando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas; Argentin

    Hábitat sustentable

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    1 archivo PDF (286 páginas) : incluye ilustraciones blanco y negro y colorConsta de cuatro artículos que plantean principios y lineamientos básicos sobre temas de sustentabilidad y 13 casos que ejemplifican intervención sustentable o que abordan temas relevantes del mismo de sitios singulares en el mundo donde estas prácticas del hábitat sustentable presentan diferentes niveles de desarrollo e instauración: Norteamérica, América Latina y Europa... PALABRAS CLAVE: Sustainable architecture. Sustainable development. City planning.1. Presentación / Sergio Padilla Galicia y Víctor Fuentes Freixanet -- 2. Estrategias y proyectos sustentable en el urbanismo internacional. Experiencias del SUI / Sergio Padilla Galicia -- 3. Conceptos para ciudades sustentables, la experiencia de Albert Speer & Partner (AS&P) / Christof Göbel -- 4. El libro verde del urbanismo: la apuesta europea de sostenibilidad / Elizabeth Espinosa Dorantes -- 5. Movilidad sustentable y equitativa / Bernardo Baranda Sepúlveda y Xavier Treviño Theesz -- 6. Densidad y calidad ambiental: lo inevitable, lo deseable y lo posible / Denise Helena Silva Duarte -- 7. El clima urbano de Oporto: oportunidad para repensar la sustentabilidad del territorio y retomar los ritmos de la naturaleza / Ana Monteiro y Helena Madureira -- 8. Áreas verdes en una ciudad sustentable: el caso de Wroclaw, Polonia / Leszek Maluga -- 9. Chicago Climate Action Plan: lo verde en la ciudad / Jorge del Arenal Fenochio -- 10. Reciclamiento urbano: arte y espacio público en Seattle / Guillermo Díaz Arellano -- 11. Hacia un desarrollo urbano sustentable en la ciudad de México / Jorge Legorreta Gutiérrez -- 12. Escenarios hacia la sustentabilidad en Tepotzotlán, Estado de México / Gloria Castorena, Aníbal Figueroa y Carl Stenitz -- 13. Desarrollos urbanos integrales sustentables (DUIS c): una opción para las futuras ciudades de México / Alfonso Rivas Cruces y Eduardo Langagne Ortega -- 14. Hacia la certificación regional de la edificación sustentable / Aníbal Figueroa Castrejón, Silvia de Schiller, Jhon Martín Evans, Bruno Stagno y Susana Colmegna -- 15. Alemanía: aplicación de estándares energéticos en la arquitectura / Michael Peters y Christof Göbel -- 16. Arquitectura responsable: la sustentabilidad en Chile / Javier del Río Ojeda -- 17. Arquitectura vernácula y sustentabilidad: dos casos del sureste mexicano / Víctor Fuentes Freixanet y Olinka González Mejía -- 18. Diseño de vivienda social en México, su adaptación al cambio climático y catástrofes naturales / Dulce Romina Gómez Menéndez