754 research outputs found

    Plan de empresas y estudio de viabilidad con hoja de cálculo

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    Con el desarrollo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado el principal objetivo que busco es plasmar las competencias, capacidades y habilidades que he adquirido durante los cuatro años de formación en el grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Grado que comencé en el año 2011 en la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena ya que siempre tuve claro que era esto lo que quería estudiar, y así poder formarme de la mejor manera en este ámbito. Es en 2015 al finalizar mis estudios de grado cuando decido realizar el Trabajo Fin de Grado sobre un plan de viabilidad económica de una empresa dedicada al sector de comercialización de teléfonos móviles. Para la realización de dicho plan de empresa, se ha realizado toda la formulación necesaria en nueve hojas de cálculo en fichero Excel y se ha trabajado por tanto con datos de la empresa que se quiere crear en un futuro. Así todo el modelo necesario para el plan de viabilidad se ha elaborado de forma que cualquier usuario pueda realizar su propio plan de empresa utilizando dicho fichero, lo que hace que este plan tenga otro valor añadido.Facultad de Ciencias de la EmpresaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Estudio correlacional: evitación experiencial, insomnio y rumiación en adolescentes

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    The main objective of the study was to analyze the relationship of the variables experiential avoidance, ruminant response style and insomnia according to sex, age and academic level. It is a cross-sectional correlational observational study, with a non-clinical sample in an adolescent population, selected by non-probabilistic sampling. The instruments used were the AAQ-II, the RRS and the ISI, which measure experiential avoidance, ruminant response style, and insomnia, respectively. The results show a positive linear correlation between the administered questionnaires (AAQ-II, RRS and ISI), the highest being between AAQ-II and RRS (0.648). In addition, significant differences have been found as a function of sex for experiential avoidance (sig. 0.001, assuming different variances) and for rumination (sig. 0.090, assuming equal variances). There could be an association between these three variables, in addition to reciprocal feeding in adolescents.The main objective of the study was to analyze the relationship of the variables experiential avoidance, ruminant response style and insomnia according to sex, age and academic level. It is a cross-sectional correlational observational study, with a non-clinical sample in an adolescent population, selected by non-probabilistic sampling. The instruments used were the AAQ-II, the RRS and the ISI, which measure experiential avoidance, ruminant response style, and insomnia, respectively. The results show a positive linear correlation between the administered questionnaires (AAQ-II, RRS and ISI), the highest being between AAQ-II and RRS (0.648). In addition, significant differences have been found as a function of sex for experiential avoidance (sig. 0.001, assuming different variances) and for rumination (sig. 0.090, assuming equal variances). There could be an association between these three variables, in addition to reciprocal feeding in adolescents

    Sexual harassment among peers and adolescent dating violence

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    El presente estudio ha analizado la presencia de violencia sexual entre compañeros y en las parejas adolescentes y jóvenes. Específicamente se han estudiado las diferencias por sexo, edad y estadio de la relación sentimental tanto en violencia sexual entre iguales como en las parejas, en una muestra de 490 adolescentes (55,7% chicos, 44,3% chicas, edad media 16.08 años). Los resultados descriptivos mostraron la misma incidencia de violencia sexual entre iguales y en las parejas. Respecto al sexo, los chicos presentaron mayor implicación como agresores de sus iguales y de sus parejas, pero no se encontraron diferencias con relación a los índices de victimización. Se encontró un efecto importante del estadio de la relación: la violencia sexual entre iguales fue más frecuente entre los que se encontraban en “relaciones casuales” y “grupos mixtos” mientras que la violencia sexual entre parejas fue más frecuente entre los que se encontraban en “relaciones serias”. Para la edad, solo se encontraron diferencias en la violencia sexual entre parejas, siendo que los chicos y chicas más mayores resultaron más implicados que los más pequeños.This paper presents a study about peer and dating sexual harassment among adolescents. Specifically, differences by sex, age and the developmental stage of the romantic relationships were analyzed in both, peer and dating sexual harassment in a sample of 490 adolescents (55,7% boys and 44,3% girls, mean age 16.08). Descriptive data showed that the presence of peer and dating sexual harassment was similar. Boys were more perpetrators in both, peer and dating contexts but no differences by sex were found for victimization indexes. An important effect of the developmental-stage of the relationships was found: peer sexual harassment were more frequent in “casual” and “mixed gender” stage whereas dating sexual harassment was more frequent in “serious relationship”. For age, just differences in dating sexual harassment were found: older adolescents were more involved than younger ones

     Immunomodulatory, antioxidant and anti-tumor capacity of acidic polysaccharides from Euglena gracilis.

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    Euglena sp. is a microalga producer of important molecules for the Biotechnology industry, since it is a producer of substances such as vitamins A, C and E, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, β-carotenes and paramilon (β-1,3-glucan). It has a modulating effect on the immune system, moderates blood glucose and the response to insulin, has anti-tumor activity and a cholesterol-lowering effect. In addition, its sulphated derivatives have anti-HIV activity. The present study was carried out with the objective of determining the immunomodulatory, antioxidant and anticancer activity of the acid polysaccharides extracted from Euglena gracilis. MTT colorimeter tests were carried out for the analysis of cytotoxicity on healthy cell lines murine macrophages (RAW 264.7) and human gingival fibroblasts (HGF-1) and for the anticancer activity cell lines were used colon cancer (HCT-116), breast cancer (MCF-7) and human leukemia (U-937) .The polysaccharide concentration at which cell survival was reduced by half (IC50) was estimated with these assays, showing that these polysaccharides have antitumor activity mainly on U-937 cells. (IC50 = 0.027 mg ml-1) against HCT-116 cells (IC50 = 0.036 mg ml-1) and MCF-7 (IC50 = 0.11 mg ml-1) An immunological test was performed to see the immunomodulatory capacity of the polysaccharides with which the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α was determined by macrophages RAW 264.7 It was observed that these polysaccharides have a great stimulating capacity in the synthesis of these interleukins. Antioxidant capacity was (7.19 μmol TE g-1). In agreement with these results, it is suggested that E. gracilis polysaccharides could be considered for future studies as potential nutraceuticals that require their application when the activation of macrophages is needed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Romantic relationships in adolescence: satisfaction, conflicts and dating violence

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    El presente estudio supone una primera aproximación descriptiva al estudio de la calidad de las relaciones sentimentales adolescentes y a la presencia de comportamientos violentos en estas primeras relaciones. Se entrevistó a 446 adolescentes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato (47.50% chicos, 52.50% chicas, edad media 16.08 años) con relación a la satisfacción con sus relaciones de pareja, sus expectativas, grado de comunicación, presencia de conflictos, poder, comportamiento transgresivo y violencia. Los resultados descriptivos han mostrado que las relaciones de pareja durante la adolescencia son muy importantes para los chicos y chicas dado que el 90% de éstos afirmaron haber tenido alguna experiencia sentimental. Los adolescentes afirmaron estar muy satisfechos con sus relaciones sentimentales, siendo las chicas y los participantes de mayor edad los que más satisfacción y expectativas mostraron. Con relación a los problemas de violencia, los resultados han mostrado una implicación alta, aunque ocasional, de chicos y chicas con independencia de la edad y del comportamiento analizado: agresión y victimización.This study aims at analysing adolescents’ romantic relationships and dating violence. 446 Secondary Schools students were interviewed (47.50% boys, 52.50% girls, mean age 16.08 years old) in terms of satisfaction, expectations, communication, conflicts, transggressive orientation and dating violence. Results have showed that 90% of participants affirmed have had a sentimental experience, expressing how romantic relations in adolescence become a very important aspect in these years. Adolescents declared that they were very satisfied with their dating relations, and girls and older participants showed more satisfaction and future expectations than boys and younger ones. Dating violence was very present, but occasionally, among boys and girls. No differences were found either for age, sex, or for aggression and victimizatio

    Participatory cartography, as a support for decision-making in public health, case: Metropolitan Area of Toluca

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    The work aims to revalidate environments participatory mapping, know the origin this practice, and the epistemological basis. Since this type of research can create links for reflection and action, between social perception and stakeholders focused on promoting social development and investigative actions. It articulate collective knowledge by the researcher becomes a challenge, involving a group of people in research and methodological schemes without losing objectivity cohesive give opinions, criticisms. From this idea analysis methodologies of the IAP, Geography of perception and participatory mapping was performed, and how they can help uncover the major public health problems currently facing the metropolitan area of Toluca because diagnoses by the Institute of health of the State of Mexico that identifies two focuses: environmental pollution, and chronic degenerative diseases (ISEM, 2015)

    Las relaciones sentimentales en la adolescencia: satisfacción, conflictos y violencia

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    This study aims at analysing adolescents' romantic relationships and dating violence. 446 Secondary Schools students were interviewed (47.50% boys, 52.50% girls, mean age 16.08 years old) in terms of satisfaction, expectations, communication, conflicts, transggressive orientation and dating violence. Results have showed that 90% of participants affirmed have had a sentimental experience, expressing how romantic relations in adolescence become a very important aspect in these years. Adolescents declared that they were very satisfied with their dating relations, and girls and older participants showed more satisfaction and future expectations than boys and younger ones. Dating violence was very present, but occasionally, among boys and girls. No differences were found either for age, sex, or for aggression and victimization.El presente estudio supone una primera aproximación descriptiva al estudio de la calidad de las relaciones sentimentales adolescentes y a la presencia de comportamientos violentos en estas primeras relaciones. Se entrevistó a 446 adolescentes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato (47.50% chicos, 52.50% chicas, edad media 16.08 años) con relación a la satisfacción con sus relaciones de pareja, sus expectativas, grado de comunicación, presencia de conflictos, poder, comportamiento transgresivo y violencia. Los resultados descriptivos han mostrado que las relaciones de pareja durante la adolescencia son muy importantes para los chicos y chicas dado que el 90% de éstos afirmaron haber tenido alguna experiencia sentimental. Los adolescentes afirmaron estar muy satisfechos con sus relaciones sentimentales, siendo las chicas y los participantes de mayor edad los que más satisfacción y expectativas mostraron. Con relación a los problemas de violencia, los resultados han mostrado una implicación alta, aunque ocasional, de chicos y chicas con independencia de la edad y del comportamiento analizado: agresión y victimización

    Romantic relationship quality in the Digital Age: a study with young adults

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    Recent studies suggest that the online and offline behaviors young people display in romantic relationships are closely related. However, the differential effects of the dimensions of couple quality in the online context have not yet been explored in depth. The aim of this study was to explore online couple quality in young-adult relationships, and its association with romantic relationship satisfaction, also looking at effects of gender, age, and length of the relationship. 431 university students currently in a romantic relationship (68.2% females; mean age = 21.57) participated in this study. They completed different self-report measures to tap the online quality of their romantic relationships (online intimacy, control, jealousy, intrusiveness, cyberdating practices, and communication strategies) and level of satisfaction with those relationships. Results showed that participants more often reported online intimacy (Mmen = 2.49; Mwomen = 2.38) than the negative scales of online quality (mean ranged from .43 to 1.50), and all the online quality scales decreased with age (correlations ranged from –.12 to –.30) and relationship length (correlations ranged from –.02 to –.20). Linear regression analyses indicated that online intimacy (b = .32, p = .001) and intrusiveness (b = .11, p = .035) were positively related to rela-tionship satisfaction, while cyberdating practices (b = –.20, p = .001) and communication strategies (b = –.34, p = .001) were negatively correlated with relationship satisfaction. Moreover, gender and relationship length moderated some of these associations. Results indicate that while online quality and relationship satisfaction are related, the impact of different online quality dimensions on relationship satisfaction differs depending on a participant’s sex, age, and relationship lengt

    Non-compliance with community directives and the patrimonial responsability of the member states : the spanish case

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    En el presente trabajo analizaremos la evolución jurisprudencial que ha sufrido el principio de responsabilidad de los Estados por el incumplimiento en materia de transposición de directivas. Para ello, partiremos de un análisis sistemático y conceptual de los principios que rigen el Ordenamiento Jurídico de la Unión, de los problemas existentes al respecto de ellos y de sus características principales. Además, podremos observar como el papel del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea ha sido elemental al respecto de estas cuestiones, siendo el encargado de la protección, salvaguardia e interpretación de los Tratados. En líneas posteriores, el presente estudio muestra un análisis jurisprudencial respecto del principio de responsabilidad de los Estados y de las indemnizaciones a los particulares por la violación de sus derechos. El examen parte de una necesaria distinción entre la concepción de este principio antes de la Sentencia Francovich, durante la propia resolución y después de ella. Veintisiete años desde que el Tribunal afirmara su existencia inherente a los Tratados por medio de la citada decisión, han dado lugar a una cobertura casi completa del desarrollo de dicho principio, enmendando todas aquellas lagunas no resueltas por fallo inicial. Cobertura esta, que es empleada a día de hoy por los Tribunales de manera uniforme, como veremos. Para finalizar, consideramos menester ofrecer una visión general acerca de la complicada situación que en la actualidad afronta la Unión Europea y sus países miembros con respecto a la aplicación del derecho supranacional. Las cifras diagnostican un futuro complicado y es que cada vez los Estados transponen peor; Ello, generará un panorama difícil para la sostenibilidad de la protección y salvaguardia de los derechos de los individuales suscitando un aumento de casos de indemnizaciones por la Responsabilidad de los Estados al no transponer el Derecho de la Unión. Asimismo, analizaremos la nefasta actuación en la que se encuentra Estado español en esta materia, como principal incumplidor del Derecho Comunitario. En virtud de esta situación, ofreceremos una serie de elementos clave que detallan necesarias actuación por parte de España para solventar dicha situación, desde la perspectiva de un Estado regionalista compuesto por Comunidades Autónomas en virtud del cual, elementos como el principio de responsabilidad son generadores de matizaciones necesarias de un régimen general al que son fácilmente adheribles la mayoría de Estados miembros.In the present work we will analyze the jurisprudential evolution that has suffered the principle of responsibility of the States for the breach in the matter of transposition of directives. To do this, we will start from a systematic and conceptual analysis of the principles that govern the Legal Order of the Union, of the existing problems in this regard and of their main characteristics. In addition, we can see how the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union has been elementary in these matters, being responsible for the protection, safeguarding and interpretation of the Treaties. In subsequent lines, the present study shows a jurisprudential analysis regarding the principle of responsibility of States and compensation to individuals for the violation of their rights. The examination is based on a necessary distinction between the conception of this principle before the Francovich Judgment, during and after the resolution itself. Twenty-seven years since the Court affirmed its inherent existence in the Treaties by means of the aforementioned decision, they have resulted in an almost complete coverage of the development of said principle, amending all those gaps not resolved by initial judgment. This coverage, which is used today by the Courts in a uniform way, as we will see. Finally, we consider it necessary to offer an overview of the complicated situation that the European Union and its member countries are currently facing with regard to the application of supranational law. The figures diagnose a complicated future and that is that every time the States transpose worse; This will generate a difficult panorama for the sustainability of the protection and safeguarding of the rights of individuals, resulting in an increase in cases of compensation for the Responsibility of States by not transposing Union law. Likewise, we will analyze the disastrous action in which the Spanish State is in this matter, as the main breach of Community Law. By virtue of this situation, we will offer a series of key elements that detail the necessary action by Spain to solve this situation, from the perspective of a regionalist State composed of Autonomous Communities under which, elements such as the principle of responsibility are generators of necessary qualifications of a general scheme to which most Member States are easily adhered.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155