119 research outputs found

    A note on stability criteria in the periodic Lotka–Volterra predator-prey model

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    We present a stability result for T-periodic solutions of the periodic predator–prey Lotka–Volterra model. In 2021, R. Ortega gave a stability criteria in terms of the L1 norm of the coefficients of a planar linear system associated to the model. Previously, in 1994, Z. Amine and R. Ortega proved another stability criteria formulated in terms of the L∞ norm. The present work gives a Lp criterion, building a bridge between the two previous results.Grant “Margarita Salas” funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades with NextGenerationEU funds of the European UnionFCT projects UIDB/04621/2020 and UIDP/04621/2020 of CEMAT at FC-Universidade de Lisbo

    Validez predictiva del triage de Manchester aplicado por los profesionales de enfermería en los servicios de urgencias de centros hospitalarios de nivel (I) y (II)

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    [Resumen] Introducción: La clasificación por prioridades de atención se considera uno de los sistemas más oportunos para resolver la sobresaturación en los servicios de Urgencias. El Triage de Manchester es uno de los dos sistemas más difundidos en España. Sin embargo, su confiabilidad no se cuestiona lo suficiente, y hoy día, nos encontramos los servicios de Urgencias con un aumento considerable en su demanda. Objetivos: Conocer la validez predictiva del Triage de Manchester realizado por enfermeros en los Servicios de Urgencias de los Centros Hospitalario y Universitario de Ferrol y de A Coruña con relación a la gravedad del diagnóstico o hipótesis diagnóstica de Urgencias del paciente. Además de conocer el estado óptimo ideal del enfermero en Triage con respecto a su experiencia profesional, turnos laborales y afluencia de pacientes para realizar un trabajo efectivo de éxito. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo-observacional (estudio de concordancia) con enfermeros profesionales del Triage que tengan mínimo un año de experiencia laboral en un Servicio de Urgencias. Se seleccionarán 86 enfermeros (seguridad=95%, precisión=±1%).[Resumo] Introdución: A clasificación segundo as prioridades de atención é considerado un dos sistemas máis oportunos para resolver a sobresaturación nos servizos de Urxencias. O Triaxe de Manchester é un dos sistemas máis difundidos en España. Non obstante, a confiabilidade non é cuestionada o suficiente, e hoxe en día, atopámonos cos servizos de Urxencias cun aumento considerable na súa demanda. Obxectivos: Coñecer a validez preditiva do Triaxe de Manchester realizado por enfermeiros do no Servizo de Urxencias dos Centros Hospitalarios e Universitarios de Ferrol e da Coruña con relación a gravidade do diagnóstico, ou hipótese diagnóstica, de Urxencias do paciente. Ademais de coñecer o estado óptimo ideal do enfermeiro no Triaxe con respecto a súa experiencia profesional, quendas laborais e afluencia de pacientes para realizar un traballo efectivo de éxito Metodoloxía: Estudo descritivo-observacional (estudo de concordancia) con enfermeiros profesionais de Triaxe que teñan o mínimo dun ano de experiencia laboral no Servizo de Urxencias. Seleccionaranse 86 enfermeiros (seguridade=95%, precisión=±1%).[Abstract] Introduction: The classification of attention by priority is considered one of the most appropriate systems to solve overcrowding in the emergency services. The Manchester Triage is one of the two most widespread systems in Spain. However, its reliability is not questioned enough, and nowadays, we find emergency services with a considerable increase in demand. Objectives: To know the predictive validity of the Manchester Triage performed by nurses in the Emergency Services of the Hospital and University Centers of Ferrol and A Coruña in relation to the seriousness of the diagnosis or diagnostic hypothesis by Emergencies for the patient. In addition, to know the optimal ideal state of the nurse in Triage in respect to their professional experience, work shifts and influx of patients, to be able to work effectively and successfully. Methodology: descriptive-observational study (concordance study) with professional Triage nurses who have at least one year of work experience in an Emergency Department. Eighty-six nurses will be selected (safety=95%, accuracy=±1%).Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2019/202

    La evolución del pensamiento del profesorado en cuatro centros constituidos como comunidades de aprendizaje

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    En una Comunidad de Aprendizaje, todos los agentes educativos y sociales participan conjuntamente para poder cumplir el sueño de una escuela ideal, pero el rol del profesorado es esencial haciendo posible el cambio y llevando a cabo dicha tarea. Uno de los grandes problemas que percibimos es la respuesta del profesorado ante las exigencias que plantea la sociedad para un sistema de enseñanza obsoleto donde resulta habitual la homogeneización del alumnado en los agrupamientos de aula y una atención a la diversidad que dista mucho de lo que requiere la educación inclusiva. En esta comunicación presentamos aspectos parciales de un estudio que se ha realizado con el profesorado de cuatro comunidades de aprendizaje para comprobar cómo transforma su pensamiento profesional, tres de la ciudad de Córdoba y la cuarta de la localidad de El Guijo (Córdoba)

    Habla mal de mi pero, ¿dónde? Un análisis sobre la influencia de los comentarios online según la plataforma

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    Con el paso del tiempo y el avance tecnológico en el que nos encontramos inmersos, los comentarios digitales se han consolidado como una de las formas más comunes de generar eWOM (Electronic Word of Mouth). La importancia de éstos es tal, que muchos son los expertos que han estudiado la importancia de los mismos como fuente de información del consumidor moderno y condicionante en su comportamiento de compra. A pesar de ello, todavía son muchas las dudas que despierta. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo completar el conocimiento de este campo de índole digital y social investigando de qué manera la plataforma donde los comentarios sean generados y leídos condiciona el comportamiento del consumidor en lo que a intención de compra, intención de cambiar de marca, credibilidad y utilidad de los comentarios se refiere. Para ello, se recurrió a la elaboración de un experimento con el que se pudo comprobar que los usuarios presentan el mismo comportamiento y percepciones independientemente de la plataforma elegida, exceptuando la intención de compra que aumenta cuando los comentarios proceden de una Web Oficial

    Dental anxiety, cardiovascular changes and patient preconceptions toward implants and root canal treatments : an observational study

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    There is little information about dental anxiety and the patient?s vital signs during dental procedures. This study evaluates and compare patient anxiety levels and cardiovascular changes before and during root canal treatment (RCT) and single-tooth impl

    Bulk PPKTP by crystal growth from high temperature solution

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    International audiencePeriodically-poled ferroelectric crystals show unprecedented efficiency and properties otherwise impossible to obtain. Unfortunately, the sample thickness obtainable today limits their use to low and moderate power application. With the aim of increasing the size of periodically domain-structured crystals with a controlled and regular grating period, we proposed an epitaxial growth process using seeds made of thin plates domain engineered by electric field poling. We demonstrated this process with the ferroelectric crystal KTiOPO4 (KTP) which is one of the most promising candidate materials for that purpose. The poling step requires a sample exhibiting (001) and (00 (1) over bar) faces, so that the growth step has to be performed onto these faces. This constraint is a difficulty to circumvent as these faces are not present in the standard equilibrium morphology. It is then necessary to find the growth conditions enabling to work below the roughening temperature of these faces. By using a high temperature solution method, the so-called "flux method", and by choosing an appropriate chemical composition of the flux solution, we obtained periodically domain-structured KTP layers with thicknesses up to 800 mu m and regular periodicity onto (001) and (00 (1) over bar) faces of the initial PPKTP seeds

    Adolescent pregnancy, a real public health problem in Mexico

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    This article presents information that shows the reality regarding pregnancy in adolescence, a serious public health problem in Mexico. As serious consequences are the high rates of early pregnancies, school dropouts, maternal deaths, sexually transmitted infections that concern society in general, in each of these topics some progress, delays and needs for adolescents are described, for this group age 10 to 19 years. Knowing the factors that predispose to a teen pregnancy is a very important step, be aware of this problem to seek positive impact in terms of preventing the incidence of pregnancy and changes in their lifestyles with negative impact, so that adolescents and their decision making for their future life, finally, avoid or interfere in the course of teenage pregnancy and therefore negative impact on a turn of lif

    Cholera, re-emerging disease in Mexico: Community outbreak in Hidalgo

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    Acute diarrheal diseases and cholera are nowadays a public health problem worldwide. Acute diarrheal disease has a higher incidence of cases, particularly in underdeveloped countries and tropical climates, within which it can have a serious course and lead to the death of individuals in a short period of time when it is not attended adequately and in a timely manner, disease has the tendency to present itself in an epidemic form. Objetive. was to analyze the socio-contextual conditions regarding the possibility of outbreaks of cholera in Hidalgo, Mexico considering the background of the cholera outbreak in 2013. Methodology. An information search was carried out on the internet network, in SciELO, based on the key words; Cholera, cholera in Mexico, cholera n Hidalgo, Mexico, cholera outbreak in Hidalgo, Mexico, cholera reemergence in Mexico. And information was obtained from Hidalgo's Health Department and Federal's Health Department. Results. Cholera continues to pose a global threat to public health and is a key indicator of the lack of social and economic development. Sanitary conditions and access to drinking water are the main determinants for the occurrence of cases in humans. Conclusion. After the emergence of the first indigenous outbreak in Continental America presented in the municipality of Huejutla, Hidalgo México in 2013, cholera is in relative epidemiological control in Mexico, where despite this experience the lifestyles potentially denote the risk and negative impact on the health of the human population

    Influenza and Bacterial Coinfection in Adults With Community-Acquired Pneumonia Admitted to Conventional Wards: Risk Factors, Clinical Features, and Outcomes

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    Background. Relevance of viral and bacterial coinfection (VBC) in non-intensive care unit (ICU) hospitalized adults with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is poorly characterized. We aim to determine risk factors, features, and outcomes of VBCCAP in this setting. Methods. This is a prospective cohort of adults admitted to conventional wards with CAP. Patients were divided into VBC-CAP, viral CAP (V-CAP), and bacterial CAP (B-CAP) groups. Independent risk and prognostic factors for VBC-CAP were identified. Results. We documented 1123 episodes: 57 (5.1%) VBC-CAP, 98 (8.7%) V-CAP, and 968 (86.1%) B-CAP. Patients with VBCCAP were younger than those with B-CAP (54 vs 71 years; P < .001). Chronic respiratory disease was more frequent in patients with VBC-CAP than in those with V-CAP (26.3% vs 14.3%%; P = .001). Among those with influenza (n = 153), the VBC-CAP group received empirical oseltamivir less often (56.1% vs 73.5%; P < .001). Patients with VBC-CAP also had more respiratory distress (21.1% VBC-CAP; 19.4% V-CAP, and 9.8% B-CAP; P < .001) and required ICU admission more often (31.6% VBC-CAP, 31.6% V-CAP, and 12.8% B-CAP; P < .001). Me 30-day case-fatality rate was 3.5% in the VBC-CAP group, 3.1% in the V-CAP group, and 6.3% in the B-CAP group (P = .232). Furthermore, VBC-CAP was associated with severity criteria (odds ratio [OR], 5.219; P < .001) and lack of empirical oseltamivir therapy in influenza cases (OR, 0.401; P < .043). Conclusions. Viral and bacterial coinfection-CAP involved younger patients with comorbidities and with poor influenza vaccination rate. Patients with VBC-CAP presented more respiratory complications and more often required ICU admission. Nevertheless, 30-day mortality rate was low and related either to severity criteria or to delayed initiation of oseltamivir therapy