221 research outputs found

    Participación de los padres y de la sociedad circundante en las instituciones educativas

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    La participación de los padres y de la comunidad circundante en el proceso educativo de los niños constituye una de las "asignaturas pendientes" de nuestro actual sistema educativo. En el presente artículo se analizan las posibilidades y límites de la participación y su necesidad para una formación integral del alumno. Se ofrecen ,además, dos modelos educativos de educación infantil que han abordado el problema de la participación desde planteamientos globales y operativos

    Un folklore dispar: El leonés

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    En número dedicado a: León: El Bierzo y Vallegord

    La educación en valores y su práctica en el aula

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    The education in valours provokes a big social and educative interest untill being present as a specific part in curriculum scholastic in all educative levels. In the present article are analysed the principal causes that determine the crisis in the system of valours in nowadays society, the different ideologic positions that have been adopted for the valours selection, the teaching strategy and technics that have been used for its transmission and developpment, as well as the basic.conditions that have to be given in the classes for an education in valours.La educación en valores suscita un gran interés social y educativo hasta el punto de estar presente como un contenido específico en los currículos escolares de todos los niveles educativos. En el presente articulo, se analizan las causas principales que han determinado la crisis del sistema de valores en la sociedad actual, las diferentes posturas ideológicas que se han adoptado sobre la selección de los valores, las estrategias y técnicas de enseñanza que se han utilizado para su transmisión y desarrollo y las condiciones básicas que se han de dar en el aula para una educación en valores

    Forms of innovation throughout time: insights from the British business elite

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    Widening the scope to all forms of innovation and paying more attention to the service sector are some of the remaining challenges of innovation studies. The standard innovation indicators are not useful to deal with them, so other alternatives must be explored. Based on a prosopographic approach, we have constructed an ad hoc data set of significant innovations developed by the top two hundred British business leaders/firms active in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We have considered innovation in the wide Schumpeterian sense and included patented and non-patented as well as domestic and imported innovations. The main results are: that most innovations (63%) were not patented; that product innovations increased their relative importance compared to process ones up to 1920, the contrary happening afterwards; that in the long run the most ‘traditional’ Schumpeterian forms of innovation (the finding of new markets and new sources of supply) lost weight in favour of the most ‘modern’ ones (organisational and marketing innovations); that the innovations appeared in clusters over time; that the service industry showed greater innovative dynamism than manufacturing; and that the British business elite maintained a very low technological dependence over time

    Quality management and specific design of the admissions process in the spanish university system: Case study of a private university

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    En el curso académico 2017/18 se presenta para las universidades españolas de naturaleza pública la primera oportunidad de diseñar de forma específica sus procesos de admisión de estudiantes de Grado. Con tal motivo surge el propósito de investigar si proceder en este sentido ayuda a promover la calidad de las universidades entre sus estudiantes. Tras la realización de un cuestionario sobre 467 estudiantes de una universidad privada con experiencia en el diseño específico de sus procesos de admisión, se han obtenido evidencias de que aquél puede ayudar a promover la satisfacción de los estudiantes, así como servir para mejorar la percepción en términos de reputación e imagen de la universidad que los estudiantes tienen sobre ella, incentivándose por ello, según el modelo EFQM, una mejora en la gestión de la calidad basada en la excelencia por parte de la organización al promover el concepto fundamental de excelencia “añadir valor para el cliente”In the academic year 2017/18 there is an opportunity for the public Spanish universities to design specific processes of undergraduate admissions. With this aim, we have investigated whether proceeding in this direction helps to promote the quality of universities for their students. Taking as reference the structure of the EFQM model, we have studied the impact on student satisfaction regarding how to determine the admission of students and improving their perception in terms of the reputation and image of the institution. Following the completion of a questionnaire on a sample of 467 students from a private university with proven experience in the specific design of the admissions process, we have obtained evidence that a specific design can promote student satisfaction as well as serve to enhance the perception in terms of reputation and the image of the university students have of i

    Effect of cardiovascular prevention strategies on incident coronary disease hospitalisation rates in Spain; an ecological time series analysis

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    Objective: To assess the overall population impact of primary prevention strategies (promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention of smoking and use of vascular risk drug therapy) of coronary disease in Spain. Design: Ecological time series analysis, 1982–2009. Setting: All public and private hospitals in Spain. Participants: General population. Outcome: Incident coronary disease hospitalisation as derived from official hospital discharge data. Methods: Annual hospitalisation rates were modelled according to nationwide use of statins, antihypertensive, antidiabetic and antiplatelet drugs, and prevalences of smoking, obesity and overweight. Additive generalised models and mixed Poisson regression models were used for the purpose, taking year as the random-effect variable and adjusting for age, sex, prevalence of vascular risk factors and the number of hospital beds in intensive and coronary care units. Results: Across 28 years and 671.5 million personyears of observation, there were 2 986 834 hospitalisations due to coronary disease; of these, 1 441 980 (48.28%) were classified as incident. Hospitalisation rates increased from 1982 to 1996, with an inflection point in 1997 and a subsequent 52% decrease until 2009. Prevalences of smoking, obesity, overweight and use of vascular risk drug therapy were significantly associated with hospitalisation rates (p<0.001): incidence rates ratios (95% CI) for the fourth versus the first quartile were 1.46 (1.42 to 1.50), 1.80 (1.78 to 1.83), 1.58 (1.55 to 1.60) and 0.57 (0.51 to 0.63), respectively. These variables accounted for 92% of interannual variability. Conclusions: After decades of continuous rises, hospitalisation due to incident ischaemic heart disease has been cut by half, an achievement associated with the decline in smoking and the increase in vascular risk drug therapy. These results indicate that these two primary prevention strategies have been effective at a population level, thanks to an appropriate balance between financial and health goals, something that should be left intact despite the current economic crisis. Future strategies ought to lay special stress on excessive body weight preventionThis study was supported by Independent Clinical Research grant EC11-282 from the Ministry of Health, Social Services & Equalit

    Semiótica, publicidad y jóvenes: Discriminación de género en una marca de telefonía celular

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    En la investigación se elabora un análisis semiótico de la publicidad dirigida a jóvenes ecuatorianos por la marca de telefonía celular Tuenti realizada. Luego se realiza un estudio de percepción utilizando la técnica del focus group. El objetivo es conocer la percepción que tienen los jóvenes sobre los mensajes que trasmiten las piezas publicitarias de la mencionada marca, y si naturalizan la discriminación de género o el machismo. Los resultados evidencian que las imágenes analizadas utilizan la imagen de la mujer y reproducen estereotipos que son percibidos como discriminatorios y machistas.In this investigation we elaborate a semiotic analysis of advertisement addressed to young Ecuadorean people by the cellular telephone company Tuenti. Afterwards, we perform a perception study using the Focus Group technique. The objective is to find out the perception that young people have regarding the messages transmitted in the advertisements y the aforementioned brand, and whether thy normalize gender discrimination and machismo. The results evidence that the analyzed adverts use images of women and reproduce stereotypes which are perceived as discriminatory or machistas. © 2018, Universidad del Zulia. All rights reserved

    The Northern χ -Orionid meteoroid stream and possible association with the potentially hazardous asteroid 2008XM1

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    We present new orbital data and dynamic results pointing towards the origin of the Northern χ -Orionid meteoroid stream, which is a part of the Taurid meteoroid complex. A new software package was developed to establish the potential parent bodies of meteoroid streams based on the similarity of their orbits. The analysis of a Northern χ -Orionid fireball observed on 2011 December 6 identified two potential parent bodies: the near-Earth object (NEO) 2002XM35 (previously proposed as the parent of this meteoroid stream) and the more recently discovered potentially hazardous asteroid 2008XM1. The calculation of the evolution of the orbital elements performed by using the Mercury 6 symplectic integrator supports the idea that 2008XM1 is a better parent body. Our data sample was expanded by including also in the calculations the mean orbit of the χ -Orionid stream. The results are consistent with the fragmentation of a larger body in the past that could give rise to both NEOs and the Northern χ -Orionid stream. To confirm this, further observations to improve the orbital elements of these asteroids should be attempted before the objects are lost. The analysis of the emission spectrum recorded for this fireball supports a primitive nature for these meteoroids.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AYA2009-13227, AYA2009-14000-C03- 01, AYA2011-26522CSIC 201050I043Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM-455