69 research outputs found

    Representación de aspectos candidato en esquemas preconceptuales

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    Actualmente las empresas son más complejas y requieren procesos de negocio flexibles que sean soportados efectivamente en toda la empresa por sistemas de tecnologías de la información (TI). La implantación de una arquitectura empresarial parte del establecimiento de un conjunto de directrices arquitectónicas que permitan asegurar un desarrollo armónico entre los modelos y necesidades de la empresa, con los procesos de negocio y las tecnologías de información. Este conjunto de directrices estratégicas de TI debe partir de la misión de la empresa y del reconocimiento de las estrategias y actividades de negocio que soportan dicha misión, y derivan en la información necesaria para la operación de la organización, las tecnologías requeridas para soportar la operación y los procesos para implementar nuevas tecnologías como respuesta a los cambios y necesidades de la empresa, en la medida en que las prioridades cambian. En este artículo se hace referencia a los orígenes del concepto de arquitectura empresarial, a los dominios de arquitectura que representan las vistas del negocio y a los beneficios que representa la arquitectura empresarial para una organización

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of scientific contributions in agribusiness

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    The agribusiness is a major generator of employment and income worldwide and contributes to food security and nutrition. Therefore, the objective was to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the scientific contributions in agribusiness. A bibliographic consultation was made in Scopus and "Agribusiness" was used as keyword. A textual analysis was performed on 407 scientific papers from 2020, through Nvivo 12 software using the following analysis codes: Mega trade agreements and institutional harmonization, farm-level technology pricing and contracts, market power related to the mega consolidation of companies, new agricultural technologies, emergence of agrocorporations, institutional land access rules, property rights regimes and their consequences, private enforcement of property rights, farmer class action studies and territorial reconversion. Two more codes emerged in the analysis process: Environmental impact and human health impact. Current scientific contributions in agribusiness are focused on new agricultural technologies (24%), environmental impact (17%) and local actions of farmers (14%). A qualitative improvement of the contributions is observed as more elements that support the complex processes agribusiness generates are increasingly incorporated. From focusing on economic and financial aspects, sustainability-oriented and social commitment domains are now considered. A modern and innovative concept defines agribusiness as economic activities with different forms or models of production, derived from or linked to agricultural products. It considers production-consumption processes and farmers are inserted in a differentiated way according to their economic rationality. These activities are not only focused on the generation of monetary value, but also on the social processes it produces, where multiple actors are involved

    Physiological and agronomic characters of commercial cultivars heliconias (Heliconia sp.) in Veracruz, Mexico

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    Heliconias belong to the group of tropical flowers, which generate economic benefits in the agricultural sector with their agronomic peculiarities. Besides providing the social actors involved with benefits aimed at sustainability in different tropical areas. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the physiological and agronomic characteristics of three commercial cultivars of Heliconias in three locations of a community in the municipality of Fortín, in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Three sites were identified based on the type of agriculture: agroforestry system with Heliconias (site 1), agroforestry system - monoculture, with Heliconias (site 2) and monoculture (only Heliconias, site 3). A randomised complete block design with a split-plot arrangement (A x B) and six replications was used. Factors were: A) In situ cultivation sites, corresponding to three plots (sites) in the municipality of Coapichapan, Mexico, and B) Heliconias cultivars (Heliconia psittacorum, Heliconia wagneriana and H. bihai). The variables evaluated were tillers traits and inflorescence traits. The results show that in an agroforestry system with Heliconia, Heliconia bihai showed better performance in eight variables except for inflorescence number and bract number. In an agroforestry and monoculture system with Heliconia, Heliconia bihai shows better results in leaf length and inflorescence length. In an agroforestry system and monoculture with Heliconia, Heliconia wagneriana performed better in bract number, pseudostem width and leaf length. In monoculture, Heliconia bihai responded best to inflorescence length. Due to the tropical nature of this ornamental, the best growing conditions for Heliconia are in agroforestry systems. Due to its physiological characteristics, Heliconia bihai shows its agronomic potential in this type of agriculture even under monoculture conditions. Therefore, the conditions offered by an agroforestry system have a positive effect on the cultivation of Heliconia

    Active role of flower shops in the commercialization of roses

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    Retail florist activities are essential elements in the rose (Rosa spp.) market since they generate significant income and employment. In these jobs, florists gain recognition by their designs that captivate consumers. At the same time, they are key entrepreneurs in the commercialization of roses. Then, the objective of the research was to know the entrepreneurial role of florists in the commercialization of roses (Rosa spp.) in southern Veracruz, Mexico. An exploratory research was conducted in flower shops, five in Coatzacoalcos, nine in Minatitlán and six in Acayucan. Interviews were conducted with florists (n = 20). The categories of analysis used were the demographic, psychosocial and sociocultural profile of the florists as innovative entrepreneurs. In regards to the demographic profile, these economic agents have the experience and knowledge necessary to develop their activity. In short, florists are identified as family micro-enterprises with establishments that are 20 years old. In the psychosocial profile, florists present low innovative capacity with respect to the composition of their floral arrangements; however, they are characterized as risk takers with the ability to solve problems. Finally, the sociocultural profile demonstrates the florists-intermediary-producers collaboration; such entrepreneurial activity generates economic incentives with local-regional influence. Therefore, florists need to strengthen their links with other florists, producers and distributors to improve their innovative capabilities that will benefit both themselves and consumers

    Feasibility Study of an Electrodialysis System for In-Home Water Desalination and Purification in Urban India

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    Desalination of high salinity water is an effective way of improving the aesthetic quality of drinking water and has been demonstrated to be a characteristic valued by consumers. Across India, 60% of the groundwater, the primary water source for millions, is brackish or contains a high salt content with total dissolved solids (TDS) ranging from 500 parts per million (ppm) to 3,000ppm. The government does not provide sufficient desalination treatment before the water reaches the tap of a consumer. Therefore consumers have turned to in-home desalination. However, current products are either expensive or have low recovery, product water output per untreated feed water, (∼30%) wasting water resources. Electrodialysis (ED) is a promising technology that desalinates water while maintaining higher recovery (up to 95%) compared to existing consumer reverse osmosis (RO) products. This paper first explores the in-home desalination market to determine critical design requirements for an in-home ED system. A model was then used to evaluate and optimize the performance of an ED stack at this scale and designated salinity range. Additionally, testing was conducted in order to validate the model and demonstrate feasibility. Finally, cost estimates of the proposed in-home ED system and product design concept are presented. The results of this work identified a system design that provides consumers with up to 80% recovery of feed water with cost and size competitive to currently available in-home RO products

    Concentración de nutrientes de dos formulaciones de fertilizantes fermentados (bioles) elaborados con insumos locales

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    En el contexto actual de la transición agroecológica, se ha intensificado el uso de fertilizantes fermentados o bioles. El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar la concentración nutrimental de dos formulaciones de fertilizantes fermentados elaborados con insumos locales. Se diseñaron biodigestores artesanales y se utilizó estiércol de ovino y pasto Kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum). Se generaron dos formulaciones: Biol 1 (20% pasto kikuyo, 30% estiércol ovino y 50% agua) y Biol 2 (50% estiércol ovino y 50% agua), las cuales se fermentaron durante 100 días y se tuvieron tres repeticiones de cada formulación. En los bioles se determinó la materia orgánica y la concentración de los macronutrientes N, P y K, así como la concentración de los micronutrientes Fe, Cu, Mn y Zn. El Biol 1 tuvo mayor concentración de materia orgánica, N y Fe (P ≤ 0.05), es decir, se concluye que se mejoró la concentración nutrimental del biol cuando se agregó el pasto en el proceso de fermentación. El uso de insumos locales, de bajo costo y de fácil acceso puede ser una alternativa para producir bioles

    Efecto de la fertilización orgánica foliar y al suelo con “Biol” sobre el rendimiento y sanidad de maíz (Zea mays), en el ciclo O-I en Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz, México

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    En la actualidad la producción de maíz decrece debido a la degradación de los suelos con niveles bajos de fertilidad, aunado a altos costos de producción y que además las técnicas de producción y las condiciones ambientales favorecen la presencia de plagas y enfermedades, que impacta negativamente sobre la producción. El biol es un biofertilizante que contiene microorganismos que al estar disponibles en las plantas le ayudan a su nutrición y protección (Vessey, 2003), además de ser un complemento a la fertilización tradicional, debido a la actividad microbiana de la que provienen, puede impactar positivamente sobre la sanidad de mazorcas y como tal obtener mejores rendimientos. Por lo anterior se planteó un diseño experimental con el objetivo de evaluar el rendimiento, sanidad y análisis económico de cada una de las combinaciones de biol. La investigación se llevó a cabo en Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz, se utilizó un arreglo de bloques al azar con parcelas divididas evaluándose en parcelas grandes la aplicación de biol al suelo y en parcelas chicas fertilizantes foliares a base de biol. Se obtuvo como resultados que las aplicaciones de biol + harina de ave + melaza mejoraron la sanidad de mazorcas y generó el mayor rendimiento de grano de 2.79 t ha-1, además que los menores rendimientos estuvieron asociados con los mayores porcentajes de daño a mazorcas ocasionados por el hongo Fusarium moniliforme

    Headache associated with massive venous sinus thrombosis in the first trimester of pregnancy in a patient with thrombocytopenia

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    La trombosis de senos venosos intracraneales es una enfermedad poco frecuente en el primer trimestre del embarazo. De no realizar un tratamiento oportuno, tiene secuelas importantes y alta mortalidad. Presentamos un caso de trombosis de senos venosos intracraneales en el primer trimestre del embarazo que presentó cefalea, episodio convulsivo y trombocitopenia. Se obtuvieron imágenes por resonancia magnética cerebral (RM) simple y angiografía por RM que demostraron una trombosis de senos venosos. Fue tratada con heparina de bajo peso molecular con buena respuesta clínica.Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is a rare disease in the first trimester of pregnancy. If treatment is not timely, it has severe sequelae and high mortality. We present a case of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in the first trimester of pregnancy that presents with intense headache, convulsion and thrombocytopenia. Images were obtained by simple cerebral magnetic resonance (MR) images and MR angiography that evidences venous sinus thrombosis. The patient was treated with low molecular weight heparin with good clinical response

    Programa de desarrollo de sistemas integrales de infraestructura y movilidad colectiva. Nuevas formas de movilidad para la vida

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    Las poblaciones urbanas padecen diversos problemas ambientales, de salud, segregación y pérdida de espacios públicos, derroche energético, ruido, así como altas inversiones de tiempo y dinero. Estas situaciones poseen un denominador común: una tecnología inadecuada llamada automóvil unipersonal. Buscamos intervenir tecnológicamente el contexto de las ciudades mediante un sistema de movilidad público, eficiente, no invasivo, silencioso, de bajo costo, saludable y ecológico. En este trabajo presentamos diferentes soluciones, con la intención de ir llevando esta tecnología hacia su transferencia tecnológica.ITESO, A.C.CoecytjalIngenieros Sin Frontera

    Evolving trends in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 waves. The ACIE appy II study

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    Background: In 2020, ACIE Appy study showed that COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the management of patients with acute appendicitis (AA) worldwide, with an increased rate of non-operative management (NOM) strategies and a trend toward open surgery due to concern of virus transmission by laparoscopy and controversial recommendations on this issue. The aim of this study was to survey again the same group of surgeons to assess if any difference in management attitudes of AA had occurred in the later stages of the outbreak. Methods: From August 15 to September 30, 2021, an online questionnaire was sent to all 709 participants of the ACIE Appy study. The questionnaire included questions on personal protective equipment (PPE), local policies and screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection, NOM, surgical approach and disease presentations in 2021. The results were compared with the results from the previous study. Results: A total of 476 answers were collected (response rate 67.1%). Screening policies were significatively improved with most patients screened regardless of symptoms (89.5% vs. 37.4%) with PCR and antigenic test as the preferred test (74.1% vs. 26.3%). More patients tested positive before surgery and commercial systems were the preferred ones to filter smoke plumes during laparoscopy. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was the first option in the treatment of AA, with a declined use of NOM. Conclusion: Management of AA has improved in the last waves of pandemic. Increased evidence regarding SARS-COV-2 infection along with a timely healthcare systems response has been translated into tailored attitudes and a better care for patients with AA worldwide