32 research outputs found

    Student estimations of peer alcohol consumption: links between the Social Norms Approach and the Health Promoting University concept.

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    The Social Norms Approach, with its focus on positive behaviour and its consensus orientation, is a health promotion intervention of relevance to the context of a Health Promoting University. In particular, the approach could assist with addressing excessive alcohol consumption

    Negative Consequences of Substance Use in European University Students: Results from Project SNIPE

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    Background: University students are a risk group for heavy substance use and the experience of various potentially severe negative substance use consequences which may impact on their health, social, and academic functioning. Whilst the experience of negative consequences of substance use is well understood in North American student samples, there is little data on these experiences in European students. In order to develop effective harm prevention and reduction interventions for students’ substance use, there needs to be an understanding of the types of consequences experienced in European student samples. Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence and predictors of the experience of negative substance use-related consequences amongst university students in 7 European countries. Methods: University students (n = 4,482) in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey, and the UK completed an online survey of their substance use behaviours and the experience of associated negative consequences. Results: European students reported that experiencing a hangover or illness, missing class, being short of money, and experiencing memory loss were the most commonly experienced negative consequences of substance use. Not living with other students and using alcohol, cannabis, sedatives, and cocaine were also associated with higher odds of experiencing these negative consequences. Conclusions: In contrast to North American data, European university students tended to experience consequences that are associated with lower level health risks rather than more severe consequences (e.g., drink-driving and physical injury). Harm prevention and reduction interventions for students should be targeted towards those consequences that are most salient to the target group to ensure feedback is relevant and potentially more effective in changing students’ substance use behaviours

    Normative perceptions of cannabis use amongst European University students: associations between perceived peer use and peer attitudes with personal use and attitudes.

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    Objective: Perceptions of peer behavior and attitudes exert considerable social pressure on young adults to use substances. This study investigated whether European students perceive their peers’ cannabis use and approval of cannabis use to be higher than their own personal behaviors and attitudes, and whether estimations of peer use and attitudes are associated with personal use and attitudes. Method: University students (n = 4131) from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom completed an online survey as part of the Social Norms Intervention for Polysubstance usE in students (SNIPE) project, a feasibility study of a web-based normative feedback intervention for substance use. The survey assessed students’ (1) personal substance use and attitudes, and (2) perceptions of their peers’ cannabis use (descriptive norms) and attitudes (injunctive norms). Results: Although most respondents (92%) did not personally use cannabis in the past two months, the majority of students thought that the majority of their peers were using cannabis and that their peers had more permissive attitudes towards cannabis than themselves. Controlling for students’ age, sex, study year and religious beliefs, perceived peer descriptive norms were associated with personal cannabis use (OR: 1.42; 95% CI: 1.22, 1.64) and perceived injunctive norms were associated with personal attitudes towards cannabis use (OR: 1.46; 95% CI: 1.09, 1.94). Conclusions: European students appear to possess similar discrepancies between personal and perceived peer norms for cannabis use and attitudes as found in North American students. Interventions which address such discrepancies may be effective in reducing cannabis use. Keywords: cannabis, social norms, student health, social influenc