1,413 research outputs found

    Selection and geographic isolation influence hummingbird speciation: genetic, acoustic and morphological divergence in the wedge-tailed sabrewing (Campylopterus curvipennis)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mesoamerica is one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the world, yet we are far from understanding the geologic history and the processes driving population divergence and speciation for most endemic taxa. In species with highly differentiated populations selective and/or neutral factors can induce rapid changes to traits involved in mate choice, promoting reproductive isolation between allopatric populations that can eventually lead to speciation. We present the results of genetic differentiation, and explore drift and selection effects in promoting acoustic and morphological divergence among populations of <it>Campylopterus curvipennis</it>, a lekking hummingbird with an extraordinary vocal variability across Mesoamerica.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analyses of two mitochondrial genes and ten microsatellite loci genotyped for 160 individuals revealed the presence of three lineages with no contemporary gene flow: <it>C. c. curvipennis, C. c. excellens</it>, and <it>C. c. pampa </it>disjunctly distributed in the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Tuxtlas region and the Yucatan Peninsula, respectively. Sequence mtDNA and microsatellite data were congruent with two diversification events: an old vicariance event at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (<it>c</it>. 1.4 Ma), and a more recent Pleistocene split, isolating populations in the Tuxtlas region. Hummingbirds of the <it>excellens </it>group were larger, and those of the <it>pampa </it>group had shorter bills, and lineages that have been isolated the longest shared fewer syllables and differed in spectral and temporal traits of a shared syllable. Coalescent simulations showed that fixation of song types has occurred faster than expected under neutrality but the null hypothesis that morphological divergence resulted from drift was not rejected.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our phylogeographic analyses uncovered the presence of three Mesoamerican wedge-tailed sabrewing lineages, which diverged at different time scales. These results highlight the importance of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and more recent Pleistocene climatic events in driving isolation and population divergence. Coalescent analyses of the evolution of phenotypic traits suggest that selection is driving song evolution in wedge-tailed sabrewings but drift could not be rejected as a possibility for morphological divergence.</p

    Composición factorial del cuestionario ABPEF en universitarios mexicanos

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    El presente estudio pretende indagar si se replican los resultados psicométricos propuestos por Niñerola, Capdevila y Pintanel (2006) para el Autoinforme de Barreras para la Práctica de Ejercicio Físico (ABPEF) en universitarios mexicanos. Participaron un total de 1528 universitarios (edad media = 20.78 ± 2.45 años). La estructura factorial del cuestionario se analizó a través de análisis factoriales confirmatorios, que mostraron que una estructura de cuatro factores es viable y adecuada. Los cuatro factores (imagen corporal, fatiga, obligaciones y ambiente), atendiendo a criterios estadísticos y sustantivos, han mostrado adecuados indicadores de ajuste de fiabilidad y validez. Además, la estructura factorial, las cargas factoriales y los interceptos se consideran invariantes entre deportistas y no deportistas, existiendo diferencias en las puntuaciones entre ambas poblaciones. Futuras investigaciones deberían replicar estos hallazgos en muestras más amplias.The current study aims to search if the psychometric results proposed by Niñerola et al. (2006) for the Barriers for the Practice of Physical Activity Scale (BPPAS) are replicated in Mexican university students. A total of 1528 Mexican university students participated in this study (average age = 20.78 ± 2.45 years). The factor structure of the BPPAS was conducted by confirmatory factor analyses that showed a feasible and adequate fourfactor structure. The four factors (body image, fatigue, obligations, and environment), attending to statistical and susbstantive criteria, have shown fit indices of reliability and validity. Moreover, the factor structure, the standardized regression weights, and the intercepts were considered as invariants between athletic and non-athletic participants, obtaining differences in the factors punctuations. Future research should replicate these findings in wider samples.O presente estudo pretende indagar si poderem-se replicar os resultados psicométricos propostos por Niñerola et al. (2006) para o Autoinforme de Barreiras pala Prática de Exercício Físico (ABPEF) em universitários mexicanos. Um total de 1528 universitários (edade media = 20.78 ± 2.45 anos) participaram no estudo. La estrutura fatorial do questionário investigou-se através de análises fatoriais confirmatórios, que mostraram que uma estrutura de quatro fatores é viável e adequada. Os quatro fatores (imagem corporal, fadiga, obrigações e ambiente), de acordo com critérios estadísticos e substantivos, mostraram indicadores adequados de ajuste de fiabilidade e validez. Ademais, a estrutura fatorial, as cargas fatoriais e os interceptos consideram-se invariantes entre desportistas e não desportistas, existindo diferencias nas pontuações entre ambas povoações. Investigações futuras deveriam replicar estos achados em amostras mais amplias

    Positioning system for 3D scans inside objects

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    En este trabajo presentamos un sistema de posicionamiento de visión activa para el escaneo 3D del interior de piezas. El diseño del sistema propuesto consta de dos módulos: un sistema de dimensionamiento 2D de visión activa, y un sistema que posiciona el módulo de visión activa. El sistema de posicionamiento es capaz de determinar la profundidad del sistema de dimensionamiento 2D de visión activa en el interior del objeto a escanear usando varios sensores. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo son la caracterización del sistema de dimensionamiento 2D, y el desarrollo de algoritmos de posicionamiento de la luz activa con énfasis en el modelado y fusión de sensores. El sistema puede utilizarse como un sistema de dimensionamiento en aplicaciones industriales como la industria metal mecánica, la aeronáutica, la medicina, en el control de calidad y en áreas de visión por computadora.In this work we present an active positioning system for 3D scan of interior parts. The design of the proposed system consists of two modules: an active 2D dimensional system and positional system based on active vision. The active 2D dimensional system is able to determine the depth of the 2D dimensional system inside the object to be scanned using several sensors. The main contributions of this work are the characterization of the 2D dimensional system and the development of active light positioning algorithms with emphasis on the modeling and fusion of the sensors. The system can be used as a dimensional system in industrial applications such as the metal mechanical industry, aeronautics industry, medicine, quality control and computer vision.Peer Reviewe

    Sensitivity analysis in a camera-LiDAR calibration model

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    Recientemente, la fusión de datos entre una cámara y un sensor de profundidad del tipo LiDAR se ha convertido en un problema de gran interés en la industria y en la ingeniería. La calidad de los modelos 3D producidos depende, en buena manera, de un proceso correcto de calibración entre ambos sensores. En este artículo, se realiza un análisis de sensibilidad en un modelo de calibración cámara-LiDAR. Se ha calculado individualmente la variabilidad de cada parámetro por el método de Sobol, basado en la técnica de ANOVA, y el método FAST, que se basa en el análisis de Fourier. Se han definido los parámetros más sensibles y con mayor tendencia a introducir errores en nuestra plataforma de reconstrucción. Se han simulado múltiples conjuntos de parámetros para su análisis y comparación utilizando los métodos de Monte Carlo e Hipercubo Latino. Se muestran estadísticas sobre la sensibilidad total y global de cada parámetro. Además, se presentan resultados sobre la relación de sensibilidad en la calibración cámara-LiDAR, el costo computacional, el tiempo de simulación, la discrepancia y la homogeneidad en los datos simulados.Recently the data fusion between a camera and a depth sensor of LiDAR type, has become an issue of major concern in industry and engineering. The quality of the delivered 3D models depends greatly on a proper calibration between sensors. This paper presents a sensitivity analysis in a camera-lidar calibration model. The variability of each parameter was calculated individually by the Sobol method, based on ANOVA technique, and the FAST method, which is based on Fourier analysis. Multiple sets of parameters were simulated using Monte Carlo and Latin Hypercube methods for the purpose of comparing the results of the sensitivity analysis. We defined which parameters are the most sensitive and prone to introduce error into our reconstruction platform. Statistics for the total and global sensibility analysis for each sensor and for each parameter are presented. Furthermore, results on the sensitivity ratio on camera-LiDAR calibration, computational cost, time simulation, discrepancy and homogeneity in the simulated data are presented.Peer Reviewe

    Spiking Central Pattern Generators through Reverse Engineering of Locomotion Patterns

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    In robotics, there have been proposed methods for locomotion of nonwheeled robots based on artificial neural networks; those built with plausible neurons are called spiking central pattern generators (SCPGs). In this chapter, we present a generalization of reported deterministic and stochastic reverse engineering methods for automatically designing SCPG for legged robots locomotion systems; such methods create a spiking neural network capable of endogenously and periodically replicating one or several rhythmic signal sets, when a spiking neuron model and one or more locomotion gaits are given as inputs. Designed SCPGs have been implemented in different robotic controllers for a variety of robotic platforms. Finally, some aspects to improve and/or complement these SCPG-based locomotion systems are pointed out

    Insatisfacción corporal en universitarios mexicanos deportistas y no deportistas

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    El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en determinar las diferencias y similitudes entre universitarios mexicanos que practican un deporte de manera regular con los que no lo hacen, en cuanto a la percepción sobre su imagen corporal actual, ideal, social e inconformidad corporal. La muestra total fue de 661 hombres estudiantes universitarios de 18-33 años de edad; 372 de ellos practican algún deporte y participan regularmente en torneos o competencias deportivas. El abordaje adoptado en la investigación se enmarcó dentro de un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño transversal de recogida de datos. Todos los participantes contestaron la Escala Informatizada para la Estimación del Contorno de la Figura (EIECF) adaptada e informatizada por Gastélum y Blanco (2006). Los resultados del análisis multivariante de la varianza, seguido por los análisis de varianza univariados, muestran que los universitarios que no participan de manera regular algún deporte son quienes eligen modelos más gruesos para su figura actual, ideal y social, además de mostrar mayor inconformidad corporal. Futuras investigaciones deberían replicar estos hallazgos en muestras más amplias. Abstract The aim of this study was to determine differences and similarities in present, ideal, and social body image perception, as well as in body size dissatisfaction, between Mexican university students who practice a sport on a regular basis and those who do not practice any sport. A total sample of 661 male university students aged 18-33 years old participated in this study; 372 of them practiced a sport and participated regularly in sport competitions. A quantitative research approach with a transversal data collection design was used. All participants completed the Contour Drawing Rating Scale adapted and computerized by Gastélum and Blanco (2006). Results of the one-way multivariate analysis of variance, followed by the oneway univariate analyses of variance, showed that university students who do not regularly participate in sports display thicker models for their present, ideal and social figure. In addition, they demonstrate higher body size dissatisfaction. Further research should focus on confirming these outcomes with larger sample

    Vulnerabilidad, Calidad de vida y Salud en pacientes con Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico (LES) en el Estado de Zacatecas

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that has no certain origin. origin, there are theories that affirm that it is a product of a great emotional stress suffered by a person, a genetic disorder or a emotional stress that a person suffers, some condition of genetic disorder or a simple bad joke of the simple bad joke of the immune system. It is a disease that affects young people young people where nine out of ten are women. Its manifestations can be and there is not a pattern that all patients fully comply with. It is called "the great pretender" because it can be everything and at the same time nothing. The patients, before reaching a diagnosis, go through a pilgrimage between different medical specialties that medical specialties that only cure the acute symptom but do not investigate beyond it. that is why their diagnoses can take years. Treatments are based on immunoregulators, immunomodifiers, steroids, analgesics and everything that can be added to the symptoms of the moment. symptoms. There is no cure. Treatments represent a considerable expense for the patient and the family around the patient. Many times there are more the adverse effects of medications than the disease itself can present on its own. the disease itself. Most patients are diagnosed at very young ages where their identity is significantly affected. their identity is significantly affected. Being an almost "invisible" disease "is misinterpreted and patients are rejected, relegated and vulnerable. vulnerable. It is important to say that the disease does not represent the condition at all. and that it is the disease that really afflicts the patient.El lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), es una enfermedad autoinmune que no tiene un origen certero, existen teorías que afirman ser producto de un gran estrés emocional que sufre una persona, alguna condición de desorden genético o una simple mala broma del sistema inmune. Es una enfermedad que atañe a personas jóvenes donde nueve de cada diez, son mujeres. Sus manifestaciones pueden ser muy variadas y no existe un patrón que cumplan todos los pacientes a cabalidad. Es denominada “la gran simuladora” ya que puede ser todo y a la vez nada. Los pacientes antes de llegar a un diagnóstico, pasan por un peregrinar entre distintas especialidades médicas que lo único que hacen es curar el síntoma agudo pero no indagan más allá de este, es por eso que sus diagnósticos pueden tardar años. Los tratamientos están basados en inmunoreguladores, inmunomodificadores, esteroides, analgésicos y todo lo que se pueda sumar a los síntomas del momento. No existe una cura. Los tratamientos representan un gasto considerable para el paciente y la familia alrededor de éste. Muchas veces existen más repercusiones con los efectos adversos de los medicamentos que la misma enfermedad puede presentar por si sola. La mayoría de los pacientes son diagnósticados a edades muy tempranas donde su identidad se ve afectada de forma significativa. Al ser una enfermedad casi “invisible”, se malinterpreta y los pacientes son rechazados, relegados y vulnerados. Es importante decir, que la enfermedad no representa para nada al padecimiento y que es éste lo que verdaderamente aqueja al pacient

    Specialisation and Spanish journals of communication

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    Introducción. La especialización de las revistas se desprende de la clasificación que reciben en bases de datos y de los términos utilizados en su información pública (denominación, temática declarada y público destinatario). La especialización se manifiesta en la imagen proyectada por la revista y es decisiva para su elección y consideración; también indica el grado de consolidación del campo científico. Se adopta el enfoque de la Comunicación Estratégica. Metodología. Se realiza un análisis de contenido de las variables mencionadas en las webs y de las categorías de clasificación en IN-RECS, Dialnet, Carhus Plus+, RESH, DICE, MIAR e ISOC. La muestra está compuesta por 63 revistas académicas españolas de Comunicación. Resultados y conclusiones. La mayoría de revistas (80%) utiliza descriptores generalistas coincidentes con el campo científico o área de conocimiento. El 57% de revistas menciona subdisciplinas concretas manifestando un grado de especialización mayor. Se verifica que las denominaciones utilizadas por las bases de datos para nombrar el campo científico y el área de conocimiento presentan cierto desorden y no observan criterios comunes.Introduction. The specialisation of journals derives from their classification in databases and the terms used by journals to describe themselves (title, scope and target audience). A journal’s specialisation is manifested in the image it promotes, which is decisive for its selection and consideration by authors. In addition, the specialisation reflects the journal’s degree of consolidation in a particular field of knowledge. Method. This study incorporates the perspective of strategic communication and is based on the content analysis of the Spanish journals of communication’s websites and on their classification in the databases IN-RECS, Dialnet, Carhus Plus+, RESH, DICE, MIAR and ISOC. The sample of Spanish journals is composed of 63 publications. Results and conclusions. Most journals (80%) use general descriptors from the field of communication, while 57% mentions specific sub-disciplines and reflects a greater degree of specialisation. The terms used by the different databases to refer to the scientific field and area of knowledge are not uniform and do not reflect common criteria.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España durante el periodo 2012-2014, dentro del Plan Nacional I+D+i (EDU2011-13034-E) como acción complementaria, proyecto “Observatorio de Revistas Científicas de Ciencias Sociales”

    Effect of Calcium Carbonate Residues from Cement Industries on the Phenolic Composition and Yield of Shiraz Grapes

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    Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites synthesised in response to biotic or abiotic stress in plants.  This stress-induced increase in phenolic compound concentrations is generally activated by internal levels of abscisic acid (ABA). The exogenous application of ABA or calcium chloride on grapevines is also known to increase grape yield and alter the phenolic composition of grapes. Residues of cement industries such as calcium carbonates (CaCO3) are a safe environmental source of calcium that could be used to induce the synthesis of phenolic compounds and act as a yield promoter in grapes and other crops. Consequently, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cement industries’ CaCO3 residues (CaCO3R) on the yield and concentration of phenolic compounds in Shiraz grapes. Thirteen phenolic compounds were identified and quantified by HPLC-DAD. Malvidin-3-O-glucoside was the major anthocyanin found inShiraz grapes, and its concentration increased by more than 200% in CaCO3R-treated vines. Similarly, the concentration of cinnamic acid, the main precursor of phenolic compounds, increased by more than 900%in grapes treated with CaCO3 residues at harvest time. Finally, catechin, epicatechin and procyanidin B1 and B2 increased significantly at harvest time in CaCO3R-treated grapes relative to the controls. In general, it was found that foliar application of CaCO3 residues from the cement industry at véraison induced an increase in yield, and in the concentration and composition of phenolic compounds in grapes

    Editor for creating and applying computerise surveys

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    The parallel development of the psychometric assessments and the computer technologies determined a big revolution regarding the construction and the application of psychological and educational tests. This report describes a computerized system that allows researchers to creating, applying, and tabulating surveys and paper instruments in an automatized way. Many studies describe the use of this tool, highlighting its main characteristics. This system can be considered a useful tool, since it permits to input data with higher precision and no need for previous codifications. Further, it allows researchers to know the latency period from the answer to each and every item. The prospects about new versions of the system stress on: extending the number of measured topics; creating automatic corrections systems; managing data via internet; and selecting the most valid items to measure each matter or specific groups of persons