657 research outputs found

    Effect of turbulence on collisions of dust particles with planetesimals in protoplanetary disks

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    Planetesimals in gaseous protoplanetary disks may grow by collecting dust particles. Hydrodynamical studies show that small particles generally avoid collisions with the planetesimals because they are entrained by the flow around them. This occurs when StSt, the Stokes number, defined as the ratio of the dust stopping time to the planetesimal crossing time, becomes much smaller than unity. However, these studies have been limited to the laminar case, whereas these disks are believed to be turbulent. We want to estimate the influence of gas turbulence on the dust-planetesimal collision rate and on the impact speeds. We used three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of a fixed sphere (planetesimal) facing a laminar and turbulent flow seeded with small inertial particles (dust) subject to a Stokes drag. A no-slip boundary condition on the planetesimal surface is modeled via a penalty method. We find that turbulence can significantly increase the collision rate of dust particles with planetesimals. For a high turbulence case (when the amplitude of turbulent fluctuations is similar to the headwind velocity), we find that the collision probability remains equal to the geometrical rate or even higher for St≥0.1St\geq 0.1, i.e., for dust sizes an order of magnitude smaller than in the laminar case. We derive expressions to calculate impact probabilities as a function of dust and planetesimal size and turbulent intensity

    Drivers, Dynamics and Epidemiology of Antimicrobial Resistance in Animal Production

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    The effect of gas drag on the growth of protoplanets -- Analytical expressions for the accretion of small bodies in laminar disks

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    Planetary bodies form by accretion of smaller bodies. It has been suggested that a very efficient way to grow protoplanets is by accreting particles of size <<km (e.g., chondrules, boulders, or fragments of larger bodies) as they can be kept dynamically cold. We investigate the effects of gas drag on the impact radii and the accretion rates of these particles. As simplifying assumptions we restrict our analysis to 2D settings, a gas drag law linear in velocity, and a laminar disk characterized by a smooth (global) pressure gradient that causes particles to drift in radially. These approximations, however, enable us to cover an arbitrary large parameter space. The framework of the circularly restricted three body problem is used to numerically integrate particle trajectories and to derive their impact parameters. Three accretion modes can be distinguished: hyperbolic encounters, where the 2-body gravitational focusing enhances the impact parameter; three-body encounters, where gas drag enhances the capture probability; and settling encounters, where particles settle towards the protoplanet. An analysis of the observed behavior is presented; and we provide a recipe to analytically calculate the impact radius, which confirms the numerical findings. We apply our results to the sweepup of fragments by a protoplanet at a distance of 5 AU. Accretion of debris on small protoplanets (<50 km) is found to be slow, because the fragments are distributed over a rather thick layer. However, the newly found settling mechanism, which is characterized by much larger impact radii, becomes relevant for protoplanets of ~10^3 km in size and provides a much faster channel for growth.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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