267 research outputs found

    Out-of-plane capacity of cladding panel-to-structure connections in one-story R/C precast structures

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    AbstractThe interaction between cladding panels and the main structure is a crucial point to assess the seismic response, and above all the structural safety, of RC precast industrial building. In the past, connections were often designed to allow construction tolerances and to accommodate both thermal and wind-induced displacements. The lack of specific details to allow relative in-plane displacements between cladding panels and the main structure often led to the participation of cladding panels in the structure seismic-resistant system with consequent connection failures. In the last decades, a lot of experimental tests were performed to investigate the in-plane performance of panel connections, and some design recommendations have been developed accordingly. In the out-of-plane direction, the connections were often considered to be infinitely rigid and not to suffer any damage by the seismic load. This work deals with the out-of-plane response of panel-to-structure connections for vertical panels typical of industrial and commercial precast buildings. Both standard hammer-head strap and new devices, called SismoSafe, were investigated. Tests were performed in the Structures and Materials Testing Laboratory of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Florence, where a specific setup was designed to perform cyclic and monotonic tests on the connection devices. Standard connections showed a rather limited resistance, while the innovative connections exhibited a high out-of-plane resistance. Numerical analyses were also performed on a case study building to evaluate the distribution of the out-of-plane demand on the connections

    Traumatic Isolated Intramural Duodenal Hematoma Causing Intestinal Obstruction

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    A 21-year-old man was admitted 36 hours after a blunt abdominal trauma occurred during a sporting competition. He complained of colic epigastric abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. He was hemodynamically stable; blood counts and metabolic panel were normal. Abdominal CT showed an intestinal obstruction caused by an 8 Ă— 6 Ă— 11 cm hematoma on the right lateral duodenal wall without signs of active bleedin

    Unveiling pure-metal ejecta X-ray emission in supernova remnants through their radiative recombination continuum

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    Spectral analysis of X-ray emission from ejecta in supernova remnants (SNRs) is hampered by the low spectral resolution of CCD cameras, which creates a degeneracy between the best-fit values of abundances and emission measure. The combined contribution of shocked ambient medium and ejecta to the X-ray emission complicates the determination of the ejecta mass and chemical composition, leading to big uncertainties in mass estimates and it can introduce a bias in the comparison between the observed ejecta composition and the yields predicted by explosive nucleosynthesis. We explore the capabilities of present and future spectral instruments with the aim of identifying a spectral feature which may allow us to discriminate between metal-rich and pure-metal plasmas in X-ray spectra of SNRs. We studied the behavior of the most common X-ray emission processes of an optically thin plasma in the high-abundance regime. We investigated spectral features of bremsstrahlung, radiative recombination continua (RRC) and line emission, by exploring a wide range of chemical abundances, temperatures and ionization parameters. We synthesized X-ray spectra from a 3D hydrodynamic (HD) simulation of Cas A, by using the response matrix from the Chandra/ACIS-S CCD detector and that of the XRISM/Resolve X-ray calorimeter. We found that a bright RRC shows up when the plasma is made of pure-metal ejecta, and a high spectral resolution is needed to identify this ejecta signature. We verified the applicability of our novel diagnostic tool and we propose a promising target for the future detection of such spectral feature: the southeastern Fe-rich clump of Cas A. While there is no way to unambiguously reveal pure-metal ejecta emission with CCD detectors, X-ray calorimeters will be able to pinpoint the presence of pure-metal RRC and to recover correctly absolute mass and the chemical composition of the ejecta.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The supernova remnant SN 1006 as a Galactic particle accelerator

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    The origin of cosmic rays is a pivotal open issue of high-energy astrophysics. Supernova remnants are strong candidates to be the Galactic factory of cosmic rays, their blast waves being powerful particle accelerators. However, super nova remnants can power the observed flux of cosmic rays only if they transfer a significant fraction of their kinetic energy to the accelerated particles, but conclusive evidence for such efficient acceleration is still lacking. In this sce nario, the shock energy channeled to cosmic rays should induce a higher post shock density than that predicted by standard shock conditions. Here we show this effect, and probe its dependence on the orientation of the ambient magnetic field, by analyzing deep X-ray observations of the Galactic remnant of SN 1006. By comparing our results with state-of-the-art models, we con clude that SN 1006 is an efficient source of cosmic rays and obtain an obser vational support for the quasi-parallel acceleration mechanism

    Quantitative histologic evaluation reveals different degree of liver atrophy in cachectic and starved dogs

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    Cases of neglect in dogs are among the forensic cases submitted most commonly for postmortem examination. Starvation is a form of primary protein-energy malnutrition in which the availability of food is severely restricted or absent; cachexia is a form of protein-energy malnutrition secondary to progressive metabolic derangement during chronic diseases. Despite both conditions leading to an emaciated appearance of the cadaver, discrimination between the two is crucial in forensic cases. We hypothesized that among emaciated dogs, the degree of liver atrophy in starved animals is higher than in cachectic ones, and that this can be investigated microscopically, regardless of the degree of cadaver decomposition. We studied 46 animals: 23 starved, 11 cachectic, and 12 control dogs. Portal tracts were identified by the presence of a bile duct and associated vascular structures recognizable by a thin rim of collagen still visible regardless of the degree of cadaver decomposition. The number of portal tracts per lpf (10Ă—) was used as an indirect measure of atrophy. The number of portal tracts in starved dogs was significantly higher ( p &lt; 0.01) compared to both cachectic and control dogs, indicating a higher degree of liver atrophy in starvation. Measuring the density of portal tracts offers a reliable additional tool for discrimination between starvation and cachexia. </jats:p

    Decoding conformational polymorphism in organic substances

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    Different polymorphs have different intensive physical properties and it is still impossible to predict from scratch if a change in the crystallization conditions will result in different crystal structures or not. In this contribution, possible correlations are highlighted among charge density features, molecular conformation and interaction energetics in the two known polymorphic forms of (DTC)[1,2], an isothiazole β-sultamic derivative. A tentative rationale is provided for the relative stability of the two forms on the basis of their different self-recognition patterns. Both polymorphs crystallize in the same P21/n space group and show very different non-covalent networks of weak C-H–X (X = N,O,π) interactions due to the dissimilar conformation of the asymmetric units (ASU). Accurate multi-temperature (100 K ≤ T ≤ 298 K) single-crystal X-Ray diffraction experiments were carried out and the evolution of crystal packing and self-recognition energetics were monitored through periodic quantum-mechanical calculations at fixed geometries. Preliminary results show that dispersive/repulsive and electrostatic non-covalent interactions dominate the crystal packing in both polymorphs. At T=100 K the form A have a tighter packing, as it shows a greater propensity in being involved in H bonds than B (see the Hirshfeld surface fingerprint plots[3] of forms A -left- and B -right- here reported). This reflects in greater density, whereas the estimated DFT cohesive energies of the two forms are similar. DTC has enough molecular flexibility to access various favourable arrangements during the nucleation, as the interconversion between the A and B conformers in the gas phase takes place with a very small activation energy. The possible role of the solvent in favouring either of the two observed conformations is discussed

    3D modeling from the onset of the SN to the full-fledged SNR: Role of an initial ejecta anisotropy on matter mixing

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    The aim of this work is to bridge the gap between CC SNe and their remnants by investigating how post-explosion anisotropies in the ejecta influence the structure and chemical properties of the remnant at later times. We performed three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical simulations starting soon after the SN event and following the evolution of the system in the circumstellar medium (consisting of the wind of the stellar progenitor), for 5000 years, obtaining the physical scenario of a SNR. Here we focused the analysis on the case of a progenitor red supergiant of 19.8 M_sun. We also investigated how a post-explosion large-scale anisotropy in the SN affects the ejecta distribution and the matter mixing of heavy elements in the remnant, during the first 5000 years of evolution. In the case of a spherically symmetric SN explosion without large-scale anisotropies, the remnant roughly keeps memory of the original onion-like layering of ejecta soon after the SN event. Nevertheless, as the reverse shock hits the ejecta, the element distribution departs from a homologous expansion, because of the slowing down of the outermost ejecta layers due to interaction with the reverse shock. In the case of a large-scale anisotropy developed after the SN, we found that the chemical stratification in the ejecta can be strongly modified and the original onion-like layering is not preserved. The anisotropy may cause spatial inversion of ejecta layers, for instance leading to Fe/Si-rich ejecta outside the O shell, and may determine the formation of Fe/Si-rich jet-like features that may protrude the remnant outline. The level of matter mixing and the properties of the jet-like feature are sensitive to the initial physical (density and velocity) and geometrical (size and position) initial characteristics of the anisotropy.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted to A&

    Inulin-enriched pasta improves intestinal permeability and modifies the circulating levels of zonulin and glucagon-like peptide 2 in healthy young volunteers

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    Apart from the intestinal environment, inulin induces physiological effects, which includes a reduction in glucose and lipid concentrations and modulation of gastrointestinal motility through the release of different peptides. We hypothesized that inulin-enriched pasta may also improve small intestine permeability in relation to zonulin and glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) levels in healthy young subjects. Twenty healthy, young male volunteers completed a randomized, double-blind crossover study consisting of a 2-week run-in period and two 5-week study periods (11% inulin-enriched or control pasta), with an 8-week washout period in between. The intestinal barrier function was assessed by lactulose-mannitol excretion in urine. Zonulin values and GLP-2 release were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In the inulin group, the urinary lactulose recovery was significantly lower than the other 2 groups. There were no significant differences in urinary mannitol levels between groups. Accordingly, the lactulose-mannitol excretion ratio was significantly decreased in the inulin-enriched pasta group compared with the other 2 groups. The inulin-enriched pasta group had significantly lower zonulin serum values and significantly higher GLP-2 basal values when compared with the baseline and control pasta groups. The dietary use of inulin-enriched pasta preserves intestinal mucosal barrier functioning and modulates circulating levels of zonulin and GLP-2, suggesting that prebiotics could be used in the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders

    1000 Days: The “WeCare Generation” Program—The Ultimate Model for Improving Human Mental Health and Economics: The Study Protocol

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    Abstract Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic stressed the necessity of a new resilience of the human population and health system. The “WeCare Generation” program is a new proposal of territorial intervention, with a new paradigm, on the diseases of the human body and mind. Background: In recent decades, the independent strands of investigation on brain plasticity and early trauma consequences have demonstrated that traumatic experiences in the period from pregnancy to the age of 3 years have an enormous impact on an individual’s future development, and both physical and mental health. Research shows that adverse child experiences (ACEs) are associated with a strong risk of conditions such as: harmful alcohol use, smoking, illicit drug use, high body-mass index, depression, anxiety, interpersonal violence, cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke respiratory diseases and, as a consequence, to a high financial cost in Italy and also across Europe (1–9% GDP) and the USA (total annual costs estimated to be USD 581 billion in Europe and USD 748 billion in North America). All this suggests that an early intervention on that traumatized-slice of population leads to multiplied savings. Methods: A multi-center, randomized, controlled trial was designed. The parents of the future neonatal population (from pregnancy to delivery) with trauma will be enrolled, and randomized to treatment, or control arm. The article describes in detail how the primary outpoint (cost to the national health system), and some secondary outpoints, will be collected. Discussion: An overall rate of return on investment (ROI) statistically significant 13.0% per annum with an associated benefit/cost ratio (BCR) of 6.3 is expected as the primary outcome of the “WeCare Generation” program. Our proposed model predicts a new medical paradigm aiming to empower new generations, with a strong return on economy and health
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