74 research outputs found

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    Honeys are described possessing different properties including antimicrobial. Many studies have presented this activity of honeys produced by Apis mellifera bees, however studies including activities of stingless bees honeys are scarce. The aim of this study was to compare the antimicrobial activity of honeys collected in the Amazonas State from Melipona compressipes, Melipona seminigra and Apis mellifera against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Chromobacterium violaceum, and Candida albicans. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined using the agar dilution method with Müller-Hinton agar (for bacteria) or Saboraud agar (for yeast). Staphylococcus aureus and E. faecalis were inhibited by all honeys at concentrations below 12%, while E. coli and C. violaceum were inhibited by stingless bee honeys at concentrations between 10 and 20%. A. mellifera honey inhibited E. coli at a concentration of 7% and Candida violaceum at 0.7%. C. albicans were inhibited only with honey concentrations between 30 and 40%. All examined honey had antimicrobial activity against the tested pathogens, thus serving as potential antimicrobial agents for several therapeutic approaches.Méis são descritos possuindo diferentes propriedades, incluindo a antimicrobiana. Muitos estudos têm apresentado essa atividade de méis produzidos por abelhas Apis mellifera, no entanto estudos incluindo atividades de méis de abelhas sem ferrão são escassos. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a atividade antimicrobiana de méis de Melipona compressipes, Melipona seminigra e A. mellifera, coletados no Estado do Amazonas, contra Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Chromobacterium violaceum, e Candida albicans. As concentrações inibitórias mínimas foram determinadas usando o método de diluição em ágar, com ágar Muller-Hinton (para bactérias) ou ágar Sabouraud (para a levedura). S. aureus e E. faecalis foram inibidos por todos os méis em concentrações inferiores a 12%, enquanto E. coli e C. violaceum foram inibidos por méis de abelhas sem ferrão em altas concentrações entre 10 e 20%. A. mellifera inibiu E. coli na concentração de 7% e C. violaceum em baixa concentração (0,7%). C. albicans foi inibida apenas em concentrações entre 30 e 40% dos méis. Assim, todas as variedades de mel testadas apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana sobre os patógenos testados, servindo assim como agente antimicrobiano potencial para diversas abordagens terapêuticas

    Prevalence of Streptococcus pyogenes as an oropharynx colonizer in children attending daycare: a comparative study of different regions in Brazil

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    Thirty percent of acute pharyngotonsillitis is caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, which increased the risk of glomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever. Children attending daycare centers have a higher incidence of these infections. AIM: to identify and compare the prevalence of Streptococcus pyogenes in the oropharynx of children who are enrolled and who are not enrolled in daycare centers in different regions of Brazil. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study of two hundred children from São Paulo/SP and Porto Velho/RO. Children from each city were divided into two groups: those attending, and those not attending daycare centers. Swabs of the oropharynx were taken for bacteriological culture and identification. RESULTS: The prevalence of Streptococcus pyogenes in the São Paulo groups were 8% and 2% for daycare and control groups, which was statistically significant (p=0.02). The prevalence in children from Porto Velho/RO was 24% and 16% for daycare and control groups, which was statistically significant (p=0.015). Statistical analysis also showed a significant difference between the corresponding groups in the two locations (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: These results show that daycare attendance is a risk factor for oropharyngeal streptococcal colonization; this was seen in different populations, but was statistically significance in only one of the two samples.Trinta por cento das faringotonsilites agudas são de etiologia estreptocócica com potencial de complicações como a glomerulonefrite difusa aguda e febre reumática. Crianças de creches apresentam maior incidência destas infecções. OBJETIVO: Identificar e comparar a prevalência do Streptococcus pyogenes na orofaringe entre crianças que freqüentam creches e crianças não-institucionalizadas, em duas regiões do Brasil. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo com 200 crianças, provenientes da cidade de Porto Velho/RO e São Paulo/SP, em quatro grupos, freqüentadoras ou não de creches. Realizou-se swab de orofaringe e cultura para identificação do Streptococcus pyogenes. RESULTADOS: Prevalência de 8% e 2% entre as crianças de São Paulo que atendem a creches e do grupo controle, respectivamente, apresentando valor estatístico (p=0,02). Prevalência de 24% e 16% nos grupos de Porto Velho/RO que freqüentam creche e controle respectivamente, não caracterizando diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,18). Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos creche e controle de São Paulo/SP aos seus correspondentes de Porto Velho/RO (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo nos permitem sugerir que freqüência em creches representa um fator de risco para a colonização de orofaringe pelo Streptococcus pyogenes, fato observado em populações distintas, porém com significância estatística em apenas uma das duas amostras.UNIFESP-EPMUniversidade Federal de RondôniaUniversidade de São PauloIPEPATROUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Levels of noise in a public hospital laundry

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    PURPOSE: to measure the noise levels in different shifts of Hospital São Paulo's (HSP) laundry and provide information on health and hearing conservation to the employees and supervisors of the sector. METHODS: this is a descriptive transversal study. The noise levels were checked using a Sound Pressure Meter in the Clean Area of the laundry, in three periods of the day: morning (between 7am and 8am), afternoon (between 12pm and 1pm) and night (between 5pm and 6pm), in three different days and each measurement lasted five minutes. The examiners also checked the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) by the employees. RESULTS: we observed 11 machines (skylarks, dryers and washers) in the sector, which contribute to an important variation of noise levels in the laundry (70 to 101 dB) in the checked periods. The use of PPE by employees was rare, observing the use by only six employees (12.76%). CONCLUSIONS: regardless of the shift, Hospital São Paulo laundry's employees, who do not effectively use PPEs, are daily exposed to high levels of sound pressure and as the number of machines in operation increased, the noise levels were also higher.OBJETIVO: mensurar os níveis de ruído em diferentes turnos da lavanderia do Hospital São Paulo (HSP) e prestar esclarecimentos sobre a saúde e a conservação auditivas aos funcionários e supervisores do setor. MÉTODOS: trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo. O ruído foi aferido por meio do medidor de pressão sonora na Área Limpa da lavanderia do HSP, em três períodos do dia: manhã (entre 7h e 8h), tarde (entre 12h e 13h) e noite (entre 17h e 18h), por três dias e cada medição durou cinco minutos. Observou-se o uso de Equipamento de Proteção Individual (EPI) pelos funcionários em cada ambiente do hospital. RESULTADOS: observou-se 11 máquinas (calandras, secadoras e lavadoras) no setor, que contribuiu para uma variação importante dos níveis de ruído na lavanderia (70 a 101 dB) nos períodos aferidos. O uso de EPI pelos funcionários foi raro, tendo sido observada sua utilização por seis funcionários (12,76%). CONCLUSÃO: independente do turno, os funcionários da lavanderia do Hospital São Paulo, os quais não fazem uso efetivo de EPIs, estão expostos diariamente a elevados níveis de pressão sonora, e que quanto maior o número de máquinas em funcionamento, maior foi o nível de ruído aferido.FESPUNIFESPUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Gestational malaria associated to Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum placental mixed-infection followed by foetal loss: a case report from an unstable transmission area in Brazil

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    Gestational malaria is a multi-factorial syndrome leading to poor outcomes for both the mother and foetus. Although an unusual increasing in the number of hospitalizations caused by Plasmodium vivax has been reported in Brazil, mortality is rarely observed. This is a report of a gestational malaria case that occurred in the city of Manaus (Amazonas State, Brazil) and resulted in foetal loss. The patient presented placental mixed-infection by Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum after diagnosis by nested-PCR, however microscopic analysis failed to detect P. falciparum in the peripheral blood. Furthermore, as the patient did not receive proper treatment for P. falciparum and hospitalization occurred soon after drug treatment, it seems that P. falciparum pathology was modulated by the concurrent presence of P. vivax. Collectively, this case confirms the tropism towards the placenta by both of these species of parasites, reinforces the notion that co-existence of distinct malaria parasites interferes on diseases' outcomes, and opens discussions regarding diagnostic methods, malaria treatment during pregnancy and prenatal care for women living in unstable transmission areas of malaria, such as the Brazilian Amazon

    Proteomic analysis of Chromobacterium violaceum and its adaptability to stress

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    Chromobacterium violaceum (C. violaceum) occurs abundantly in a variety of ecosystems, including ecosystems that place the bacterium under stress. This study assessed the adaptability of C. violaceum by submitting it to nutritional and pH stresses and then analyzing protein expression using bi-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and Maldi mass spectrometry. Chromobacterium violaceum grew best in pH neutral, nutrient-rich medium (reference conditions); however, the total protein mass recovered from stressed bacteria cultures was always higher than the total protein mass recovered from our reference culture. The diversity of proteins expressed (repressed by the number of identifiable 2-DE spots) was seen to be highest in the reference cultures, suggesting that stress reduces the overall range of proteins expressed by C. violaceum. Database comparisons allowed 43 of the 55 spots subjected to Maldi mass spectrometry to be characterized as containing a single identifiable protein. Stress-related expression changes were noted for C. violaceum proteins related to the previously characterized bacterial proteins: DnaK, GroEL-2, Rhs, EF-Tu, EF-P; MCP, homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase, Arginine deiminase and the ATP synthase β-subunit protein as well as for the ribosomal protein subunits L1, L3, L5 and L6. The ability of C. violaceum to adapt its cellular mechanics to sub-optimal growth and protein production conditions was well illustrated by its regulation of ribosomal protein subunits. With the exception of the ribosomal subunit L3, which plays a role in protein folding and maybe therefore be more useful in stressful conditions, all the other ribosomal subunit proteins were seen to have reduced expression in stressed cultures. Curiously, C. violeaceum cultures were also observed to lose their violet color under stress, which suggests that the violacein pigment biosynthetic pathway is affected by stress. Analysis of the proteomic signatures of stressed C. violaceum indicates that nutrient-starvation and pH stress can cause changes in the expression of the C. violaceum receptors, transporters, and proteins involved with biosynthetic pathways, molecule recycling, energy production. Our findings complement the recent publication of the C. violeaceum genome sequence and could help with the future commercial exploitation of C. violeaceum