7 research outputs found

    Internet-based public debate of CCS: lessons from online focus groups in Poland and Spain

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    This paper makes three contributions to the developing literature on public opinion and understanding of CCS. The first is a discussion of online focus groups as a deliberative method in experimental and perhaps consultative contexts. The second is the role of anchoring and associative reasoning in the development of public opinion of CCS, illustrated through the coincidental timing of the investigation with the Fukushima nuclear accident. The third is a discussion of managing public-facing energy messaging in an age of public access to online information. Two multi-day, online focus groups or "dialogue boards" were held, one in Poland and one in Spain, with participants drawn from regions with active CCS development potential. The nature of the groups led to participants being subject to wider social influence through discussion of the topic off-line. They were also able to research and present evidence on the topic to the group, deepening debate and allowing the emergence of 'experts'. The study illustrates and affirms the importance of trust in message source, the difficulties of challenging pre-existing concerns and opinion and the challenge potentially posed by access to conflicting online information

    [Photograph 2012.201.B0228.0320]

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    Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Our gal, Nora Belle Orignderff took these pictures from inside the lions cage.

    Slide Repairs

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    Photograph used for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "SLIDE REPAIRS on the embankments and roadways of the bridge on SH 9 near Lake Eufaula and a sister bridge nearby have caused the two to be closed for 120 days.

    A new approach to the measurement of adaptive behavior: development of the PEDI-CAT for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe use of current adaptive behavior measures in practice and research is limited by their length and need for a professional interviewer. There is a need for alternative measures that more efficiently assess adaptive behavior in children and youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory-Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI-CAT) is a computer-based assessment of a child's ability to perform activities required for personal self-sufficiency and engagement in the community. This study evaluated the applicability, representativeness, and comprehensiveness of the Daily Activity, Social/Cognitive, and Responsibility domains for children and youth with an ASD. Twenty professionals and 18 parents provided feedback via in-person or virtual focus groups and cognitive interviews. Items were perceived to represent relevant functional activities within each domain. Child factors and assessment characteristics influenced parents' ratings. In response to feedback, 15 items and additional directions were added to ensure the PEDI-CAT is a meaningful measure when used with this population

    Avaliação em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem Evaluation in virtual learning environments

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    A demanda por avaliações de projetos de aprendizagem virtual a distância tem requerido o emprego de conceitos e métodos que transcendem o campo exclusivo da Educação, destacando-se a multiplicidade de marcos teóricos e abordagens técnicas empregados nas estratégias avaliativas de aprendizagem online. A despeito da hegemonia dos métodos quantitativos na avaliação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, o emprego de métodos qualitativos nas avaliações de ambientes virtuais tem crescido ao longo das duas últimas décadas. A combinação de métodos quali-quantitativos possibilita uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos subjacentes ao uso das tecnologias para a aprendizagem online. Dado que a educação em ambientes virtuais refere-se a experiências de aprendizagem que utilizam recursos hipermidiáticos em ambientes apoiados por uma tecnologia de comunicação online, optou-se neste artigo enfocar alguns tópicos relativos à avaliação de tecnologias de informação e de aprendizagem nesses ambientes, aprofundando a discussão no que tange aos métodos relevantes à avaliação tanto dos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem quanto da aprendizagem nesse meio. Essa opção se deve tanto ao reconhecimento das especificidades das práticas pedagógicas da EaD que colocam em evidência a relação entre educação e comunicação, viabilizadas por meio das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, quanto aos diversos papéis, negativos e positivos, atribuídos às tecnologias de comunicação e informação na Educação.<br>The demand for evaluations of projects of virtual distance learning has required the use of concepts and methods that go beyond the strictly educational field, with emphasis on the multiplicity of theoretical frameworks and technical approaches employed in the assessment strategies of online learning. Despite the hegemony of quantitative methods in the evaluation of the technologies of information and communication, the use of qualitative methods in the assessment of virtual environments has increased throughout the last decades. The combination of qualitative-quantitative methods allows a better understanding of the phenomena underlying the use of technologies for online learning. Given that education in virtual environments relates to learning experiences that make use of hypermediatic resources within environments supported by an online communication technology, we have opted in the present article for focusing on topics associated to the evaluation of information and learning technologies in these environments, furthering the discussion concerning the methods relevant to the assessment both of the virtual learning environments and of the learning within this medium. This choice is due to the recognition of the specificities of the practices of distance learning, which stress the relationship between education and communication, made possible through the new information and communication technologies. It also recognizes the various roles, positive and negative, attributed to the information and communication technologies in education