245 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure of the Aegean Region of Turkey from Local Earthquake Tomography

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    This study brings new insights to elucidate the 3-D seismic velocity structure of the Aegean region of Turkey by using Local Earthquake Tomography (LET). The study area has remarkable potential for geothermal resources. To provide the subsurface geological structure of seismogenic layers and geothermal areas, we develop new high-resolution depth-cross sections through Buyuk Menderes, Kucuk Menderes and Gediz grabens. Travel times of almost 265.000 readings (14.963 P-phase and 11.969 S-phase picks) from 2.085 well-located events recorded between 2007 and 2016 by a permanent seismic network of 75 broad-band seismometers were used to precisely interpret the 3-D Vp (lithological) and Vp/Vs (petrological) models of the study area. We detected four main layers down to 35-40 km depths with different Vp velocities ranging from 3.5 to 8.5 km/s. Mid-crustal interface (Conrad discontinuity) is discovered at 15 km depth in nearly all depth-cross-sections. Our results suggest an average of 25 km Moho depth in the Aegean region of Turkey. The depths range from around 18 km beneath SE of Aydin to 29 km beneath Aliaga, and approximate values of 19, 25 and 31 km beneath the Doganbey, Kutahya and Selendi-Demirci regions, respectively. The geothermal areas of the studied region are imaged by Vp and Vp/Vs anomalies. We propose the Aliaga, Denizli, Doganbey and Kosk areas as low Vp, low Vp/Vs anomalies which are an indicator of steam, CO2 or a mixture of both. Low Vp, high Vp/Vs models, suggesting geothermal fluids, are clearly visible near the Buharkent, Gumuskol, Guzelhisar, Kosk, Kuyucak, Saraykoy and Suzbeyli regions. We also report that the Bademler, Candarli, Kalekoy, Karahalli, Merdivenli, Ortakoy, Saruhanli, Yelki and Yuntdagikoseler regions might be good candidates for new potential geothermal resources

    Insidious Hepatitis B Virus and risk of community transmission: Case report

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV), which causes serious health problems worldwide, causes millions of people to get sick and hundreds of thousands to die every year, despite the precautions and vaccination campaigns. Health professionals providing services are at serious risk, particularly in terms of undiagnosed HBV carriers. The hepatitis B surface antigen value of five children who were born at home in a family living in rural areas, whose mother's were hepatitis B patient's, and who were not vaccinated against hepatitis B, were found to be positive. These individuals, who are excluded in any treatment and education program are an important risk factors for both health workers and society

    El efecto del entrenamiento cinético de vida en el aprendizaje de la técnica de tiro-put glide y parámetros motóricos

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    This study determined the effect of life kinetic (LK) training on the learning of glide techniques, shot performance and motor parameters of students in the faculty of sports sciences. A total of 54 students, 24 females (19.2±2.1years) and 30 males (19.6 ± 1.9 years), who were studying in faculty of sports sciences participated in the research.  Students participated in the track and field lesson twice a week for 12 weeks. The experimental group was made to exercise LK training for 30 minutes before each lesson after the general warm-up. Before and after the 12-weeks of training, measurements were taken from students two times. Willcoxon T-test was applied in order to determine whether or not there were differences between the pre-test and post-test which were applied before and after the training program. Mann Whitney U test was used in order to determine whether or not there was a difference between the two groups. Statistical significance level was taken as p<0.05As a result of the research, statistically significant differences were determined between the experimental and control group in the shot put distance, glide technique, agility, visual reaction, auditory reaction parameters. In brief, it may be stated that LK training positively affected the development of skills and technical learning of students.  Este estudio determinó el efecto del entrenamiento cinético de la vida (LK) sobre el aprendizaje de técnicas de deslizamiento, rendimiento de tiro y parámetros motores de estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias del deporte. Participaron de la investigación 54 estudiantes, 24 mujeres (19,2 ± 2,1 años) y 30 hombres (19,6 ± 1,9 años), que cursaban estudios en la facultad de ciencias del deporte. Los estudiantes participaron en la lección de pista y campo dos veces por semana durante 12 semanas. Se hizo que el grupo experimental ejercitara el entrenamiento LK durante 30 minutos antes de cada lección después del calentamiento general. Antes y después de las 12 semanas de formación, se tomaron medidas de los estudiantes dos veces. Se aplicó la prueba T de Willcoxon para determinar si existían diferencias entre la prueba previa y la prueba posterior que se aplicaron antes y después del programa de entrenamiento. Se utilizó la prueba U de Mann Whitney para determinar si había o no una diferencia entre los dos grupos. El nivel de significancia estadística se tomó como p <0.05 Como resultado de la investigación, se determinaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo experimental y control en la distancia de lanzamiento de bala, técnica de planeo, agilidad, reacción visual, parámetros de reacción auditiva. En resumen, se puede afirmar que la formación LK afectó positivamente el desarrollo de habilidades y el aprendizaje técnico de los estudiantes

    Adsorption performance of fixed-bed column for the removal of methylene blue dye using peach stone shell

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    Sabit yataklı kolonda sürekli adsorpsiyon çalışması, metilen mavisinin (MM) sulu çözeltiden giderilmesi için adsorbent olarak şeftali çekirdeği kabuğu kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Adsorpsiyon özellikleri üzerine başlangıç MM konsantrasyonu (20-60 mg/L), akış hızı (5-10 mL/dk) ve adsorbent miktarının (1.52.5 g) etkisi incelendi. Elde edilen veriler, breakthrough eğrilerinin akış hızına, başlangıç boya konsantrasyonuna ve adsorbent miktarına bağlı olduğunu doğruladı. Thomas, Yoon-Nelson ve AdamsBohart kinetik modelleri breakthrough eğrilerini tahmin etmek ve proses tasarımında faydalı olan kolonun karakteristik parametrelerini belirlemek için deneysel verilere uygulandı. Yanlızca AdamsBohart modeli dinamik prosesin başlangıç kısmını tahmin etmek için uygun bulundu.The continuous adsorption study in the fixed bed column was carried out using the peach stone shell as adsorbent to remove methylene blue (MB) from the aqueous solution. The effect of initial MB concentration (20-60 mg / L), flow rate (5-10 mL / min) and adsorbent amount (1.5-2.5 g) on adsorption properties were investigated. The data obtained confirmed that breakthrough curves were dependent on flow rate, initial dye concentration and adsorbent amount. To predict breakthrough curves and to determine the characteristic parameters of the column useful in process design, Thomas, Yoon-Nelson and Adams-Bohart kinetic models were applied to experimental data. Only the Adams-Bohart model was found suitable for predicting the initial part of the dynamic process

    Kafa travması sonrası karşı kulakta ileri derecede işitme kaybı: olgu sunumu

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    Hearing loss is a known outcome following head trauma. The conductive as well as sensorineural hearing loss have been demonstrated both in cases of head injury. The labyrinthine concussion is postulated to be the underlying mechanism, and it is a common finding in head traumas. There is no specific treatment for labyrinthine concussion. The diagnosis mainly relies on audiometric tests. We reported a case of labyrinthine concussion in the opposite ear of a patient who had head trauma. At 2-month of follow-up, we observed that the contralateral hearing loss of our case persisted.Kafa travması sonrasında işitme kaybı görülebildiği bilinmektedir. Kafa yaralanmaları sonrası hem iletim tipi hem de sensörinöral tip işitme kaybı meydana geldiği gösterilmiştir. Altta yatan mekanizmanın kafa travmalarında sıklıkla rastlanan labirentin konküzyon olduğu varsayılmaktadır. Labirentin konküzyonun özel bir tedavisi yoktur. Tanı esasen odyometrik testlere dayanır. Bu yazıda kafa travması sonrası karşı kulakta labirentin konküzyon nedeniyle işitme kaybı oluşmuş bir hasta sunduk. İki aylık takip sonrasında, karşı kulaktaki işitme kaybının düzelmediğini gözlemledik

    On New Conservation Laws of Fin Equation

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    We study the new conservation forms of the nonlinear fin equation in mathematical physics. In this study, first, Lie point symmetries of the fin equation are identified and classified. Then by using the relationship of Lie symmetry and λ-symmetry, new λ-functions are investigated. In addition, the Jacobi Last Multiplier method and the approach, which is based on the fact λ-functions are assumed to be of linear form, are considered as different procedures for lambda symmetry analysis. Finally, the corresponding new conservation laws and invariant solutions of the equation are presented

    Protez Kaide Materyaline Candida albicans Tutulumunda Protez Temizleyici Ajan Konsantrasyonu Ve Uygulama Süresinin Etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı protez kaide materyalinde Candida albicans tutulumu üzerine, farklı konsantrasyonlarda kullanılan kimyasal protez temizleyici ajanın farklı sürelerdeki antifungal etkinliğinin in vitro olarak değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma için C. albicans (ATCC 1023) straini kullanılmıştır. Temizleme tabletleri steril saf su ile hazırlanmış ve çözüldükten hemen sonra otoklanarak steril edilmiş protez kaide materyali polimetilmetakrilat örneklerine 3dk, 5dk, 15dk, 30dk ve 8 saat süre ile uygulama yapılmıştır. 1, 2 ve 3 adet temizleme tableti ile uygulamalar 8 saat süresince yapılmıştır. Örnekler tüm uygulamalar sonunda tekrar steril izotik çözelti ile hafifçe yıkanmıştır. Steril tüplere aseptik koşullara uygun olarak alınan parçaların üzerine 10 mL steril SDB eklenmiş ve 120 rpm 35 ˚C’de 36 saat süre ile inkübe edilmiştir. Süre sonunda kültür homojen olacak şekilde karıştırılmış ve gelişmekte olan kültürlerden izotonik çözelti içerisinde dilüe (10-5’e kadar) edilmiştir. Kültürler ve dilüsyonlardan yayma plak ekimleri yapılmış ve 35 ˚C’de 36 saat inkübe edilmiştir. Süre sonunda sayıma uygun dilüsyon ekimlerinin koloni sayımları yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Yapılan koloni sayımlarında temizleyici ajanın bekleme süresinin etkili olduğu ancak, konsantrasyon farklılığın kaide materyaline tutunan mikroorganizma miktarını etkilemediği görülmüştür. Sonuç: Kimyasal protez temizleme tabletlerinin 5 dakika ve üzeri sürede iyi antifungal özellik sergilerken, kimyasal temizleyici konsantrasyonunu artırmak sonucu etkilememiştir. Ürün kullanım talimatında belirtilen süre ve konsantrasyonun yeterli olduğu görülmüştür

    Mejora de stocks en el sudeste del Mar Negro, mediante la liberación de rodaballos, Psetta maxima, criados en cautividad: análisis de la captura, migración, crecimiento y dieta

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    In this study, the capture, growth, migration and diet of hatchery-released turbots (Psetta maxima) were examined in the southeastern Black Sea region for six years (2009-2014). A total of 9933 turbots were marked with individual serial-numbered T-bar anchor tags and released at Trabzon, Turkey. The mean TL and weight of the released turbots were 12.91 cm (±1.25) and 35.41 g (±12.38) and the same measurements for the captured turbots were 31.17±0.86 cm and 878.08±69.47 g, respectively. A total of 2.7% (270 fishes) of the tagged individuals were captured during the study period and the age of the captured tagged fishes was between 0+ and 5+ years. Growth of the captured turbots was analytically examined. Movements of the tagged turbots were expressed as “resident” and “migratory”. Three prey groups showed the majority of forage organisms; teleost fishes, crustaceans and mollusks in the stomach of the captured turbots. The hatchery-released turbots might be used for stock enhancement due to their high growth rate and commercial value, and their relatively limited migration range.En este estudio se examinaron datos de captura, crecimiento, migración y dieta, de rodaballos (Psetta maxima) criados en cautividad y liberados en zonas del sudeste del Mar Negro, durante seis años (2009-2014). Se marcaron individualmente un total de 9933 rodaballos, utilizando marcas numeradas en serie (marcas de plástico tipo T) y se liberaron en Trabzon (Turquía). Las medias de longitud total (TL) y peso total de los rodaballos liberados fueron de 12.91 cm (±1.25) y 35.41 g (±12.38), y las mismas medidas para los rodaballos capturados fueron de 31.17±0.86 cm y 878.08±69.47 g, respectivamente. Un 2.7% (270 peces) de los individuos marcados fue capturado durante el periodo de estudio y la edad de estos individuos osciló entre 0+ y 5+ años de edad. El crecimiento de los rodaballos capturados se examinó analíticamente. Los movimientos de los rodaballos marcados fueron expresados como “residentes” y “migratorios”. La mayoría de los organismos presentes en los estómagos de los rodaballos capturados pertenecían a tres grupos de presas: peces teleósteos, crustáceos y moluscos. Los rodaballos criados en cautividad y liberados podrían ser usados en la mejora de stocks debido a su elevada tasa de crecimiento, valor comercial, y su relativamente limitado rango de migración

    Evaluation of preoperative model surgery and the use of a maxillary sinus surgical template in sinus floor augmentation surgery

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    Maxillary sinus augmentation is an accepted technique for dental implant placement in presence of insufficient maxillary bone. There are various techniques in the literature, either by crestal or lateral approach in maxillary sinus augmentation that have high percentage of success, while all have complications. Schneiderian membrane perforation is the most common complication encountered during surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefits of preoperative model surgery and the ease of use of a maxillary sinus surgical template (MSST) during maxillary sinus augmentation surgery with a lateral approach. Ten patients included in the study needed rehabilitation of a partially or totally edentulous maxilla with an implant-supported fixed prosthesis and requiring sinus augmentation. A questionnaire was asked to performing surgeons, and study results showed the use of an MSSTwas found to be effective in terms of adaptation (62.5%), window preparation (87.5%), ease of elevation (95.9%), ease of grafting (95.9%), reduction of perforation risk (91.7%), and achieving immobility during the procedure (62.5%); however, the use of an MSST was also found to prolong the surgical procedure (100%) and restrict the view of the surgical area (79.2%). Maxillary sinus augmentation appears to be a useful tool for locating an appropriate entrance to the sinus cavity, allowing for safe elevation of the sinus membrane and effectively grafting the sinus floor