65 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Calculation of Sinus Augmentation Volume after Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation

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    Abstract Objectives: This study aimed to calculate the volume of the maxillary sinus and grafted part of it with different modes of three-dimensional reconstruction software. Materials and Methods: This retrospective volumetric cone-beam computed tomography study was carried out on 21 patients/ 36 maxillary sinuses who had undergone maxillary sinus lift surgery using a lateral approach, between 2010 and 2016 at the Department Periodontology. All statistical analyses were performed by using the NCSS (Number Cruncher Statistical System, Kaysville, Utah, U.S.A.) software. P values 0.05). An occupied portion of the sinus cavity after lateral sinus floor elevation surgery was approximately 14.87 %. Furthermore, the volume through manual and automatical modes of the software do not affect the results (p>0.05). The right and left sides of the maxillary sinus volumes were not different from each other. Gender and measuring mode was not found to be related to volumetric values of the maxillary sinus cavity. Conclusions: The grafted volume of the sinus cavity was defined as a safe volume in terms of serious complications during and after the surgery

    The effect of local corticosteroid injection on F-wave conduction velocity and sympathetic skin response in carpal tunnel syndrome

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of steroid injection for the treatment of the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), with F-wave parameters and sympathetic skin response (SSR). Seventeen hands of 10 women patients were treated with local steroid injection with 2-month follow-up. All patients underwent single injection into the carpal tunnel. Response to injection was measured nerve conduction studies (NCSs), median nerve F waves, and SSR before and after treatment. To determine the normal values, 42 hands of 21 healthy women were also studied. There was a significant improvement of sensory and motor nerve conduction values when compared to baseline values (P < 0.01). At the end of follow-up period, the median sensory distal latency and the sensory latency differences between the median and the ulnar nerve were improved 35 and 65%, respectively. The maximum, mean F-wave amplitudes and chronodispersion showed a slight improvement with respect to baseline values and controls, but statistical significance was not achieved after treatment. Although no statistically significant improvements were observed in SSR parameters, slightly decreased amplitudes and increased habituation of SSR were noted at the end of the treatment. The present study shows that the local steroid injection results in improvement in NCSs values, but the F-wave parameters were not effectual in short-term outcome of CTS treatment. These findings suggest that the sensory latency differences between the median and the ulnar wrist-to-digit 4 are better parameters in the median nerve recovery after treatment than the median sensory distal latency. Furthermore, the SSR does not seem to be a sensitive method in follow-up of CTS treatment

    Real-world efficacy and safety of Ledipasvir plus Sofosbuvir and Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir +/- Dasabuvir combination therapies for chronic hepatitis C: A Turkish experience

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    Background/Aims: This study aimed to evaluate the real-life efficacy and tolerability of direct-acting antiviral treatments for patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) with/without cirrhosis in the Turkish population.Material and Methods: A total of 4,352 patients with CHC from 36 different institutions in Turkey were enrolled. They received ledipasvir (LDV) and sofosbuvir (SOF)+/- ribavirin (RBV) ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir +/- dasabuvir (PrOD)+/- RBV for 12 or 24 weeks. Sustained virologic response (SVR) rates, factors affecting SVR, safety profile, and hepatocellular cancer (HCC) occurrence were analyzed.Results: SVR12 was achieved in 92.8% of the patients (4,040/4,352) according to intention-to-treat and in 98.3% of the patients (4,040/4,108) according to per-protocol analysis. The SVR12 rates were similar between the treatment regimens (97.2%-100%) and genotypes (95.6%-100%). Patients achieving SVR showed a significant decrease in the mean serum alanine transaminase (ALT) levels (50.90 +/- 54.60 U/L to 17.00 +/- 14.50 U/L) and model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) scores (7.51 +/- 4.54 to 7.32 +/- 3.40) (p<0.05). Of the patients, 2 were diagnosed with HCC during the treatment and 14 were diagnosed with HCC 37.0 +/- 16.0 weeks post-treatment. Higher initial MELD score (odds ratio [OR]: 1.92, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.22-2.38; p=0.023]), higher hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels (OR: 1.44, 95% CI: 1.31-2.28; p=0.038), and higher serum ALT levels (OR: 1.38, 95% CI: 1.21-1.83; p=0.042) were associated with poor SVR12. The most common adverse events were fatigue (12.6%), pruritis (7.3%), increased serum ALT (4.7%) and bilirubin (3.8%) levels, and anemia (3.1%).Conclusion: LDV/SOF or PrOD +/- RBV were effective and tolerable treatments for patients with CHC and with or without advanced liver disease before and after liver transplantation. Although HCV eradication improves the liver function, there is a risk of developing HCC.Turkish Association for the Study of The Liver (TASL

    Management and Outcome of Cardiac and Endovascular Cystic Echinococcosis

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    Cardiac and vascular involvement are infrequent in classical cystic echinococcosis (CE), but when they occur they tend to present earlier and are associated with complications that may be life threatening. Cardiovascular CE usually requires complex surgery, so in low-income countries the outcome is frequently fatal. This case series describes the characteristics of cardiovascular CE in patients diagnosed and treated at a Tropical Medicine & Clinical Parasitology Center in Spain. A retrospective case series of 11 patients with cardiac and/or endovascular CE, followed-up over a period of 15 years (1995–2009) is reported. The main clinical manifestations included thoracic pain or dyspnea, although 2 patients were asymptomatic. The clinical picture and complications vary according to cyst location. Isolated cardiac CE may be cured after surgery, while endovascular extracardiac involvement is associated with severe chronic complications. CE should be included in the differential diagnosis of cardiovascular disease in patients from endemic areas. CE is a neglected disease and further studies are necessary in order to make more definite management recommendations for this rare and severe form of the disease. The authors propose a general approach based on cyst location: exclusively cardiac, endovascular or both

    Evaluation of the vision 2023 national technology foresight study

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    ÖZETVİZYON 2023 ULUSAL TEKNOLOJİ ÖNGÖRÜ ÇALIŞMALARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Araştırma maliyetlerinin artması ve kamu araştırma bütçelerinin verimli kullanılması zarureti nedeniyle, araştırma ve geliştirme önceliklendirme ihtiyacı, ulusal teknoloji öngörü çalışmalarına ilginin artmasına neden oldu. Teknoloji öngörüsü, bir ülkenin uzun dönemli hedefleri doğrultusunda en büyük ekonomik, toplumsal ve çevresel faydayı yaratabilecek stratejik teknolojilerin belirlenmesine yönelik bir süreçtir.Ulusal teknoloji öngörü çalışmalarının ana amacı, ilgili tüm kesimlerin (hükümet, sanayi ve toplum) işbirliği içinde çalışmasıyla ülkenin sosyal ve ekonomik ihtiyaçlarına uygun yapıyı oluşturacak, bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmeleri sağlayacak "sürekli ve ilerlemiş" "ulusal stratejileri" tanımlanmasıdır.Bu zamana kadar birçok teknoloji öngörü çalışması gerçekleştirilmesine ve birçok teknikler geliştirilmesine rağmen, bu çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi başlangıç aşamasındadır. Bu çalışmalar gerçekleştirilen projeye özel ve teknoloji politikaları geliştirme, teknoloji değerlendirme ve analiz yöntemleri konularını anlamayı gerektirecek çok disiplinli olmalıdır.Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de bu kapsamda yapılan ilk çalışma olan "Vizyon 2023 Teknoloji Öngörü Projesi"nin değerlendirilmesi, güçlü ve gelişmeye açık yönlerinin tüm yönleri ile analiz edilmesi ve böylece gelecek çalışmalara ışık tutacak önerilerin geliştirimesidir.Mart, 2005 Orhan DURSUN ABSTRACTEVALUATION OF THE VISION 2023 NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY FORESIGHT STUDY Because of increasing research costs and the necessity of using public research budgets effectively, the need to set research and development priorities has resulted in a growing interest in national technology foresight studies. Technology foresight is a systematic approach process to science, economics, environment and long-term future of the society in order to determine what should be done in the fields of science and technology to make the expected future available. The main purpose of the national foresight works is to define a "continuous and progressed" "national strategy" by bringing the developments in the science and technology to an appropriate form to the social and economics needs of the country with cooperation among government-industry-society.Although there have been performed many national technology studies and improved foresight methodologies, evaluation of these studies are in the initial stages. These evaluation studies should be special to each project and multidisciplinary, which requires the understanding of several fields, such as technology policy, technology assessment and evaluation methods.The aim of this study is to evaluate the Vision 2023 Technology Foresight Project, the first national technology foresight study in Turkey, and to advance a proposal to following studies by analysing the strengths and the weaknesses in its all facets. March, 2005Orhan DURSU

    Merkel cell carcinoma of the oral cavity: A case report

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare, but highly aggressive neuroendocrine neoplasm. It usually affects the head and neck region of the skin exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Although rare, there are primary oral cavity cases reported in the literature. Herein, we present an 80-year-old male case with a mucosal MCC located in the oral cavity as evidenced by both morphological and immunohistochemical findings

    Post-evaluation of foresight studies: Turkish case

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    Pin site metastasis of meningioma

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    Metastasis of meningiomas due to iatrogenic implantation of tumour cells is extremely rare and only four cases have been reported to date. In this study, we report a 45-year-old female patient who presented with meningioma metastasis at the pin site of head holder applied in the original operation