953 research outputs found

    Source-Channel Coding under Energy, Delay and Buffer Constraints

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    Source-channel coding for an energy limited wireless sensor node is investigated. The sensor node observes independent Gaussian source samples with variances changing over time slots and transmits to a destination over a flat fading channel. The fading is constant during each time slot. The compressed samples are stored in a finite size data buffer and need to be delivered in at most dd time slots. The objective is to design optimal transmission policies, namely, optimal power and distortion allocation, over the time slots such that the average distortion at destination is minimized. In particular, optimal transmission policies with various energy constraints are studied. First, a battery operated system in which sensor node has a finite amount of energy at the beginning of transmission is investigated. Then, the impact of energy harvesting, energy cost of processing and sampling are considered. For each energy constraint, a convex optimization problem is formulated, and the properties of optimal transmission policies are identified. For the strict delay case, d=1d=1, 2D2D waterfilling interpretation is provided. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the structure of the optimal transmission policy, to analyze the effect of delay constraints, data buffer size, energy harvesting, processing and sampling costs.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Energy Harvesting Broadband Communication Systems with Processing Energy Cost

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    Communication over a broadband fading channel powered by an energy harvesting transmitter is studied. Assuming non-causal knowledge of energy/data arrivals and channel gains, optimal transmission schemes are identified by taking into account the energy cost of the processing circuitry as well as the transmission energy. A constant processing cost for each active sub-channel is assumed. Three different system objectives are considered: i) throughput maximization, in which the total amount of transmitted data by a deadline is maximized for a backlogged transmitter with a finite capacity battery; ii) energy maximization, in which the remaining energy in an infinite capacity battery by a deadline is maximized such that all the arriving data packets are delivered; iii) transmission completion time minimization, in which the delivery time of all the arriving data packets is minimized assuming infinite size battery. For each objective, a convex optimization problem is formulated, the properties of the optimal transmission policies are identified, and an algorithm which computes an optimal transmission policy is proposed. Finally, based on the insights gained from the offline optimizations, low-complexity online algorithms performing close to the optimal dynamic programming solution for the throughput and energy maximization problems are developed under the assumption that the energy/data arrivals and channel states are known causally at the transmitter.Comment: published in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Subclasses of meromorphically multivalent functions defined by a differential operator

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    In this paper we introduce and study two new subclasses \Sigma_{\lambda\mu mp}(\alpha,\beta)and and \Sigma^{+}_{\lambda\mu mp}(\alpha,\beta)ofmeromorphicallymultivalentfunctionswhicharedefinedbymeansofanewdifferentialoperator.Someresultsconnectedtosubordinationproperties,coefficientestimates,convolutionproperties,integralrepresentation,distortiontheoremsareobtained.Wealsoextendthefamiliarconceptof of meromorphically multivalent functions which are defined by means of a new differential operator. Some results connected to subordination properties, coefficient estimates, convolution properties, integral representation, distortion theorems are obtained. We also extend the familiar concept of % (n,\delta)-$neighborhoods of analytic functions to these subclasses of meromorphically multivalent functions

    Some properties of certain subclasses of analytic functions with negative coefficients by using generalized Ruscheweyh derivative operator

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    summary:By making use of the known concept of neighborhoods of analytic functions we prove several inclusions associated with the (j,δ)(j,\delta )-neighborhoods of various subclasses of starlike and convex functions of complex order bb which are defined by the generalized Ruscheweyh derivative operator. Further, partial sums and integral means inequalities for these function classes are studied. Relevant connections with some other recent investigations are also pointed out

    An extension of the univalence criterion for a family of integral operators

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    The main object of the present paper is to extend the univalence condition for a family of integral operators. Relevant connections of some of the results obtained in this paper with those in earlier works are also provided

    Univalence criterion for meromorphic functions and Loewner chains

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    The object of the present paper is to obtain a more general condition for univalence of meromorphic functions in the U*. The significant relationships and relevance with other results are also given. A number of known univalent conditions would follow upon specializing the parameters involved in our main results

    Classes of Analytic Functions Defined by a Differential Operator Related to Conic Domains

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    Let A be the class of functions f(z) = z + ∑ k = 2∞ a k z k analytic in an open unit disc ∆. We use a generalized linear operator closely related to the multiplier transformation to study certain subclasses of A mapping ∆ onto conic domains. Using the principle of the differential subordination and the techniques of convolution, we investigate several properties of these classes, including some inclusion relations and convolution and coefficient bounds. In particular, we get many known and new results as special cases.Нехай A — клас функцій f(z) = z + ∑∞k = 2akzk, аналітичних у відкритому одиничному крузі Δ. До вивчення деяких підкласів A, що відображають Δ на конічні області, застосовано узагальнений лінійний оператор, тісно пов'язаний з перетворенням множення. За допомогою принципу диференціального підпорядкування та техніки згорток вивчено деякі властивості цих класів, що включають деякі співвідношення включення та згорток, а також оцінки для коефіцієнтів. Наприклад, низку відомих та нових результатів отримано як частинні випадки