199 research outputs found

    Structural Segmentation of Toru Takemitsu’s Piece, Itinerant, by Advanced Level Music Graduate Students

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    This work attempts to study the way higher music graduate students segment a contemporary music work, Itinerant, and to understand the influence of musical feature on segmentation. It attempts to test the theory stating that saliences contribute to organising the music surface. The 42 students listened to the work several times and, in real time, they were requested to indicate the places on the score where they perceived structural boundaries. This work is characterised by its linearity, which could hinder identification of saliences and thereby, the establishment of structural boundaries. The participants show stability in the points of segmentation chosen. The results show significant coincidences among the participants in strategic places of the work, which leads us to conclude, in line with other researches, although in a work with different characteristics, that listeners can find a structural organisation in contemporary music that could allow them to understand it.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by ''Secretaria de Estado del Gobierno de Espana'' under grant number I+D+I 2008-2011. EDU-2008-03401

    Estudio cualitativo sobre el uso de programas informáticos para el desarrollo de destrezas rítmicas en la enseñanza musical especializada

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    Abstract This study is the qualitative part of a more comprehensive work titled ¿Aural Training Computer Programs and Development of Rhythmic Abilities at Conservatories in La Rioja ¿Spain-¿. It was carried out with fourth-grade pupils ¿aged 12-14, predominantly females- thorough academic year 2003-04 at Conservatory of La Rioja ¿Spain-.Participants in the training sessions ¿the quantitative part of the research- and professors related with rhythmic training subjects were interviewed. The pupils¿ responses were analysed to obtain quantitative data related to motivation, musical aptitudes, computer knowledge, English language knowledge, opinions about the computer programs used and perceptions about the tests they did. The pupils find pleasurable the use of music computer programs in learning music. Although some of the pupils interviewed recognize their English level is low, the language of programs no hindered their understanding of music activities. Furthermore, they consider that music computer programs are a good tool as complement of classes and facilitate the learning of music at home.Keywords: music learning and teaching, music technology, Conservatories.Resumen Se presenta un estudio cualitativo que forma parte de un trabajo más amplio realizado en el Conservatorio Profesional de Logroño, titulado ¿Programas de adiestramiento auditivo y adquisición de habilidades rítmicas en la educación musical especializada en La Rioja¿ (Tejada, Laucirica, Ordoñana y Tejedor, 2004). La investigación fue realizada con alumnado de último curso de grado elemental y durante el año académico 2003-2004, trabajo financiado por el Instituto de Estudios Riojanos (IER), organismo dependiente del Gobierno de La Rioja Se realizaron 12 entrevistas abiertas al alumnado que participó en la parte experimental el estudio, así como a una muestra del profesorado implicado. El objetivo es indagar sobre el grado de aceptación, comprensión y eficacia de algunos programas informáticos de educación musical en lo que se refiere al desarrollo rítmico.En las entrevistas se analizó la motivación y aptitudes musicales, los conocimientos de informática, de inglés, y la opinión sobre los programas trabajados y sobre las pruebas que fueron realizadas. Se observa que la utilización de los programas resulta muy grata y que el inglés no obstaculizó la comprensión de las actividades propuestas por los programas, aunque hay quien reconoce que su nivel de informática o de inglés es bastante limitado. Asimismo, el alumnado participante considera que, sin abandonar el trabajo habitual del aula, los programas constituyen una buena herramienta que permite complementar las clases presenciales y que posibilita el estudio individual en el entorno doméstico

    Association between symptoms of sleep apnea and problem behaviors in young adult twins and siblings

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    Background: Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders and it is related to multiple negative health consequences. Previous studies have shown that sleep apnea is influenced by genetic factors. However, studies have not investigated the genetic and environmental influences of symptoms of sleep apnea in young adults. Furthermore, the underpinnings of the relationship between apnea symptoms and internalizing/externalizing problems are unknown. The objectives of this study were to estimate the magnitude of: 1) genetic and environmental influences on self-reported apnea symptoms; 2) the relationship between self-reported apnea symptoms and internalizing/externalizing traits; 3) genetic and environmental influences on the associations between self-reported apnea symptoms, internalizing behaviors and externalizing behaviors. Methods: In a twin/sibling study, univariate and multivariate models were fitted to estimate both individual variance and sources of covariance between symptoms of sleep apnea and internalizing/externalizing behaviors. Results: Our results show that genetic influences account for 40% the variance in sleep apnea symptoms. Moreover, there are modest associations between depression, anxiety and externalizing behaviors with apnea symptoms (ranging from r = .22 to .29). However, the origins of these associations differ. For example, whereas most of the covariation between symptoms of depression and sleep apnea can be explained by genes (95%), there was a larger role for the environment (53%) in the association between symptoms of anxiety and sleep apnea. Conclusions: Genetic factors explain a significant proportion of variance in symptoms of apnea and most of the covariance with depression

    Twin studies of subjective sleep quality and sleep duration, and their behavioral correlates: Systematic review and meta-analysis of heritability estimates

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    Twin studies have shown that a substantial proportion of the variance for sleep variables is due to genetic factors. However, there is still considerable heterogeneity among research reports. Our main objectives were to: 1) Review the twin literature regarding sleep quality and duration, as well as their behavioural correlates; 2) Estimate the mean heritability of subjective sleep quality and sleep duration; 3) Assess heterogeneity among studies on these topics; and 4) Search for moderator variables. Two parallel meta-analyses were carried out for sleep quality and sleep duration. Seventeen articles were included in the meta-analysis. Mean MZ correlations were consistently higher than DZ correlations. A mean heritability of 0.31 (95% CI: 0.20, 0.41) was found for subjective sleep quality (range: 0-0.43) and 0.38 (95% CI: 0.16, 0.56) for sleep duration (range: 0-1). Heterogeneity indexes were significant for both sleep quality (I2 = 98.77, p < .001) and sleep duration (I2 = 99.73, p < .001). The high heterogeneity warrants further research considering possible moderators that may affect heritability

    Phenotypic, Genetic and Environmental Architecture of the Components of Sleep Quality

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    The genetic and environmental underpinnings of sleep quality have been widely investigated. However, less is known about the etiology of the different sleep quality components and their associations. Subjective sleep quality has been studied most commonly using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Therefore, this work aimed to study the structure of sleep quality dimensions in a population-based twin sample by examining the etiology of the associations among the PSQI components themselves and between them. The sample comprised 2129 participants from the Murcia Twin Registry. In order to study the phenotypic, genetic and environmental structure of the PSQI we used three alternative multivariate twin models including all seven sub-scales of the PSQI (subjective sleep quality, latency, duration, efficiency, disturbances, use of sleeping medication and daytime dysfunction): a multivariate model (with seven separate correlated factors), a common pathway model and an independent pathway model. The multivariate correlated factors model showed the best fit to the data. All twin models indicated significant genetic overlap among most of the PSQI components, except daytime dysfunction and use of sleep medication. Bivariate heritability explained between 25 and 50% of the covariance for most associations between dimensions. Furthermore, the common pathway model showed that around one third of the variance (0.32; CI 95% of a latent factor common to all questionnaire dimensions is explained by genetic factors. Genetic influences on a latent factor common to all questionnaire dimensions produced the same heritability estimates as the PSQI global score. However, sleep quality dimensions showed considerable specificity regarding its genetic-environmental structure.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. GRANT SUPPORT: Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Spain (RTI2018-095185-B-I00) co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)

    Defining a Standard Set of Health Outcomes for Patients With Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck in Spain

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    Head and neck cancer; Outcome measurement; Patient-centered careCáncer de cabeza y cuello; Medición de resultados; Atención centrada en el pacienteCàncer de cap i coll; Mesura del resultat; Atenció centrada en el pacientPurpose: A systematic, standardized collection of health outcomes during patient treatment and follow-up, relevant from the perspective of all stakeholders, is a crucial step toward effective and efficient disease management. This project aimed to define a standard set of health outcomes for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Methods: The project was led and coordinated by a scientific committee (SC). It comprised: (1) a literature review (to identify variables used during SCCHN management); (2) 1st-SC meeting (to select the variables for presentation during nominal groups-NG); (3) five NG (n=42 experts) and four interviews with patients (to reach consensus on the variables for inclusion); and (4) final-SC meeting (to review the results of NG ensuring consensus on the variables where consensus was not reached). Results: Experts agreed to include the following variables in the standard set: treatment-related (treatment intent and type, response to treatment, treatment toxicity/complication, treatment completion), degree of health (performance status, patient-reported health status, pain, dysphonia, feeding and speech limitations, body image alteration, tracheotomy), survival (overall and progression-free survival, cause of death), nutritional (weight, nutritional intervention), other variables (smoking status, alcohol consumption, patient satisfaction with aftermath care, employment status), and case-mix variables (demographic, tumor-related, clinical and nutritional factors). Conclusions: This project may pave the way to standardizing the collection of health outcomes in SCCHN and promote the incorporation of patients’ perspective in its management. The information provided through the systematic compilation of this standard set may define strategies to achieve high-quality, patient-centered care.The project was sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb

    La formación del profesorado de música de primaria en Francia e Italia

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    La formación inicial del profesorado representa una etapa fundamental en lo que respecta a la capacitación de los profesionales del ámbito de la educación. En estos momentos en los que las universidades se incorporan al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y los nuevos planes de estudio correspondientes a los estudios de Grado de Maestro se establecen, el perfil académico del profesor de Educación Primaria se reconduce hacia la figura del maestro generalista en muchos países. En el presente artículo se describe brevemente la situación de Francia e Italia, en lo que respecta a la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Primaria y la Educación Musical y se hace una reflexión sobre las implicaciones que pueden sacarse para la formación del profesorado de música en otros contextos

    Music teacher training in Primary Education in France and Italy

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    La formación inicial del profesorado representa una etapa fundamental en lo que respecta a la capacitación de los profesionales del ámbito de la educación. En estos momentos en los que las universidades se incorporan al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y los nuevos planes de estudio correspondientes a los estudios de Grado de Maestro se establecen, el perfil académico del profesor de Educación Primaria se reconduce hacia la figura del maestro generalista en muchos países. En el presente artículo se describe brevemente la situación de Francia e Italia, en lo que respecta a la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Primaria y la Educación Musical y se hace una reflexión sobre las implicaciones que pueden sacarse para la formación del profesorado de música en otros contextos.Initial teacher training is basic in the preparation of teachers. With the upcoming of the European Space for Higher Education, many changes are coming to these programmes to train teachers, with a new profile leading towards generalists in many countries. In this paper we briefly describe the situation of France and Italy with regard to the initial teacher training in Primary Education and music education. We also discuss the lessons we can learn from these programmes which might be useful in other settings.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    Adherencia al tratamiento. Una revisión desde la perspectiva farmacéutica

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    El incumplimiento terapéutico constituye un importante problema asistencial que puede afectar a la salud de los pacientes. Es una de las posibles causas del fracaso de los tratamientos, afecta seriamente a la calidad de vida y genera importantes costes para el sistema de salud. Por estos motivos, el conocimiento de las tasas de incumplimiento resulta de gran interés sanitario. Así, para la planificación de intervenciones efectivas es necesaria la mejora de los instrumentos de medida del comportamiento en la adherencia terapéutica, así como el estudio de los factores relacionados con un apropiado cumplimiento, individual y comunitario. De acuerdo con la revisión realizada, y de forma general, se estima que un 40% de los pacientes no cumple con las recomendaciones terapéuticas. En el caso de las enfermedades agudas, la tasa de incumplimiento llega al 20%, mientras que en las enfermedades crónicas alcanza el 45%. Los principales factores que influyen en la adherencia terapéutica están relacionados con el propio paciente (creencias y motivaciones, edad o estatus socioeconómico), el tipo de enfermedad, el tratamiento propuesto para afrontarla y el propio sistema de asistencia sanitaria. El presente artículo ofrece una visión actualizada de la adherencia terapéutica, con una revisión de los diferentes métodos de medida utilizados, y se identifican los factores relacionados con ella y las principales intervenciones de mejora, incluidas las llevadas a cabo por el profesional de farmacia