101 research outputs found

    Analysis of the administration distrital of supply in last two years

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    Mediante este trabajo se busca reflexionar, analizar, estudiar, evaluar el trabajo y la contribución que ha desempeñado la administración del distrito capital, en pro del bienestar de la población escolar, con el fin de disminuir la deserción escolar de las niñas, niños y adolescente; Profundizaremos en una de las causas principales que origina la deserción escolar, siendo este el COMPONENTE DE ALIMENTACIÓN ESCOLAR. Entonces, por medio de una investigación intensiva, se identificara los mecanismos utilizados por la administración para reducir tan grave problema, que además afecta la calidad de vida de la comunidad infantil de nuestro país, observando los logros obtenidos, avances y como resultado que beneficios ha traído en los años 2012-2013.Through this work seeks to reflect, analyze, study, evaluate the work and contribution played by the capital management district for the welfare of the school population, in order to reduce the dropout rate of children and adolescents ; Delve into one of the main causes that causes dropouts, this being the school feeding component. Then, through intensive research, the mechanisms used by management to reduce this serious problem, which also affects the quality of life of childhood community in our country, noting the achievements, progress and has resulted in benefits was identified brought in year

    Crosslinguistic influence and morphological awareness in English (third language) writing

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    Aims: The aim of the present paper is twofold. Firstly, we look into the effects of a number of factors on crosslinguistic influence (study 1). Secondly, we analyse the role played by morphological awareness in the production of crosslinguistic instances (study 2). In this way, we contribute to the understanding of how crosslinguistic and metalinguistic dimensions of third language acquisition are intertwined. Methodology: We investigate lexical adaptations of the first language and second language in third language English (i.e. adapted loan words) and combine quantitative and qualitative research methods. A quantitative analysis explores the impact of the first language, the L2 factor, typology and proficiency in the target and the source languages (study 1). A qualitative analysis then proposes a categorization of the strategies used by participants to adapt their first language and second language to the target language (study 2). Data and Analysis: Language proficiency was evaluated in 222 compositions, 74 written in each language (Basque, Spanish and English). The adapted loan words found in English compositions were classified according to their source language, word category, word class and type/token categories (study 1). In addition, the strategies used by participants were identified and analysed (study 2). Findings: The results indicate that language typology is the main predictor of the source language of crosslinguistic influence, and a variety of strategies point at morphological awareness as a key factor in the strategic use of participants’ first language and second language. Originality: By mixing quantitative and qualitative methods, this paper provides additional support to the claim that crosslinguistic influence and morphological awareness are intertwined in third language writing. Significance: The overall results show that students who are morphologically aware make crosslinguistic and morphological associations and use them strategically in their third language

    Lexical crosslinguistic influence in Basque-Spanish bilinguals’ English (L3) writing

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    The present research examines the effects of a number of factors on crosslinguistic influence (CLI) in Basque-Spanish bilinguals’ third language (L3) writing. The main focus is on the levels of adapted and non-adapted loan words as illustrative of CLI. A quantitative analysis explores the impact of typology and proficiency in the target and the sourcelanguages. Language proficiency was evaluated in 399 compositions, 133 written in each language (Basque, Spanish and English). The adapted and non-adapted loan words found in English compositions were classified according to their source-language, word category, word class and type/ token categories. The results pointed at language typology as the main predictor of the source-language of CLI. Additionally, a linear association was detected between the learners’ degree of proficiency in the target language and the frequency of the CLI instances or adapted and nonadapted loan words. The overall results show that bilingual students use their entire linguistic repertoire to write in their third language (English)

    La detección de necesidades y la intervención socioeducativa

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    El trabajo se estructura en cuatro apartados: 1. Nuestro punto de partida -el ojo del observador-, donde se fundamenta la necesidad de la posición epistemológica que afirma «la construcción social de la realidad» para la intervención socioeducativa en equipo. Elemento fundamental para la comprensión y la transformación de la realidad como formación y desarrollo organizativo. Fundamentada esta posición resulta congruente la vinculación entre detección de necesidades e intervención. 2. Presenta modelos de proceso, inducidos desde la praxis, que permiten comprender el trabajo de un equipo socioeducativo. Señala la necesidad de formular nuevas «unidades de análisis», de manera que así se perciban necesidades y pueda actuarse desde síntesis situacionales. 3. Presenta algunos procedimientos y herramientas para el trabajo del equipo socioeducativo. Aspectos ambos que permiten la acción procesual-histórica del mismo. 4. Concluye avanzando aspectos que, son de utilidad a los procesos formativos (desde equipos universitarios) que facilitan tanto la transformación de la realidad como el aprendizaje.The terms that the title lists, historically placed, require a socioeducational team that conforms and constructs the reality where it works. Being conscious of it, this team elaborates an institutional reasoning that makes sense to the action and also to its history of transformation of the reality. The team becomes itself by means of this reasoning and learns theoretically through institutional innovation and development. From this starting point, tools that enable to apprehend the reality, in such way that it can be transformed (evaluated and improved) through socioeducational intervention, are offered. Finally, formative propositions are presented

    The use of augmentative and alternative communication in educational settings in the Basque Autonomous Community (Spain)

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    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to all forms of communication that can be used to support people with little or no functional speech. The present study was part of a broader European project that aimed at gathering information about the service provision in AAC in the Basque Autonomous Community, Spain. One hundred and fifty-three professionals in special education completed an electronically distributed question- naire comprising 19 questions that were divided into three sections: background information, participants’ AAC practices, and AAC spe- cific training. The findings from the analysis revealed that most of the participants have used systems of AAC at some point in their professional lives. Some participants reported not using AAC sys- tems due to a lack of knowledge, but most of them specified that they did not stop using them once they had started. We found that participants rely on a variety of AAC systems with the most used being communicative apps and software, along with printed com- munication tables and self-created instruments. Data suggest that professionals use low-tech self-created materials, and this may be related to the fact even though most of the participants received some type of short training they reported that it was insufficient.This research was funded by AAC@schools for social inclusion ERASMUS+ project reference number 2017-1-IT02-A201-036667

    The study of language learning in multilingual education: students’ perceptions of their language learning experience in Basque, Spanish and English

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    This paper focuses on teaching techniques for language learning as related to student satisfaction on multilingual compulsory education in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC), where Basque and Spanish are official languages and English is taught as a foreign language. Using a multilingual approach, the paper discusses similarities and differences between the relationships found for the teaching techniques and the satisfaction levels in the three languages (Basque, Spanish and English). The results of the T-test analysis show significant differences between the three languages in the use of teaching techniques and levels of satisfaction. Additionally, the patterns of relationship between the teaching techniques and the language learning satisfaction levels show some weak relationship in the three languages, being learner-centred teaching techniques related to satisfaction levels. Results are explained according to some assumptions in language acquisition, and related to the context of the study. Finally, we discuss some opportunities for language teaching in multilingual contexts with a minority language

    Promoting pedagogical translanguaging in preservice teachers’ training: material design for a multilingual context with a regional minority language

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    In recent years multilingual approaches to teaching have been widely discussed and translanguaging has been proposed as a pedagogy that offers very positive results in many contexts. Overall, the need to reverse monolingual assumptions among teachers and to adapt pedagogical translanguaging to each context has been highlighted. For that purpose, training preservice teachers on multilingualism, translanguaging and on how to transform their educational practises is fundamental. In the present study, we train 117 preservice teachers on translanguaging and materials’ design and analyse the created materials quantitatively and qualitatively. The outcomes reveal some common traces among the materials presented and these are analysed as related to infant and primary teachers’ professional development and to a broader educational context

    Rutinas de producción de información en los periódicos de La Guajira

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    La idea de esta investigación es hacer un contraste entre el discurso que se maneja en los medios de comunicación, las prácticas periodísticas y cuál es el resultado del trabajo noticioso que se hace actualmente en el departamento de La Guajira, tomando como base los tres periódicos más leídos e influyentes que conforman la muestra, estos son Diario del Norte, Ecos de La Guajira y Diario al Día.Comunicador (a) SocialPregrad