331 research outputs found

    Large T Antigen-Specific Cytotoxic T Cells Protect Against Dendritic Cell Tumors through Perforin-Mediated Mechanisms Independent of CD4 T Cell Help.

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    Our newly generated murine tumor dendritic cell (MuTuDC) lines, generated from tumors developing in transgenic mice expressing the simian virus 40 large T antigen (SV40LgT) and GFP under the DC specific promoter CD11c, reproduce the phenotypic and functional properties of splenic wild type CD8α(+) conventional DCs. They have an immature phenotype with low co-stimulation molecule expression (CD40, CD70, CD80, and CD86) that is upregulated after activation with toll-like receptor ligands. We observed that after transfer into syngeneic C57BL/6 mice, MuTuDC lines were quickly rejected. Tumors grew efficiently in large T transgene-tolerant mice. To investigate the immune response toward the large T antigen that leads to rejection of the MuTuDC lines, they were genetically engineered by lentiviral transduction to express luciferase and tested for the induction of DC tumors after adoptive transfer in various gene deficient recipient mice. Here, we document that the MuTuDC line was rejected in C57BL/6 mice by a CD4 T cell help-independent, perforin-mediated CD8 T cell response to the SV40LgT without pre-activation or co-injection of adjuvants. Using depleting anti-CD8β antibodies, we were able to induce efficient tumor growth in C57BL/6 mice. These results are important for researchers who want to use the MuTuDC lines for in vivo studies

    Interleukin-35-Producing CD8α(+) Dendritic Cells Acquire a Tolerogenic State and Regulate T Cell Function.

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in shaping immunogenic as well as tolerogenic adaptive immune responses and thereby dictate the outcome of adaptive immunity. Here, we report the generation of a CD8α(+) DC line constitutively secreting the tolerogenic cytokine interleukin (IL)-35. IL-35 secretion led to impaired CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocyte proliferation and interfered with their function in vitro and also in vivo. IL-35 was furthermore found to induce a tolerogenic phenotype on CD8α(+) DCs, characterized by the upregulation of CD11b, downregulation of MHC class II, a reduced costimulatory potential as well as production of the immunomodulatory molecule IL-10. Vaccination of mice with IL-35-expressing DCs promoted tumor growth and reduced the severity of autoimmune encephalitis not only in a preventive but also after induction of encephalitogenic T cells. The reduction in experimental autoimmune encephalitis severity was significantly more pronounced when antigen-pulsed IL-35(+) DCs were used. These findings suggest a new, indirect effector mechanism by which IL-35-responding antigen-presenting cells contribute to immune tolerance. Furthermore, IL-35-transfected DCs may be a promising approach for immunotherapy in the context of autoimmune diseases

    Acute toxicity, bioaccumulation and effects of dietary 1 transfer of silver from brine 2 shrimps exposed to PVP/PEI-coated silver nanoparticles to zebrafish

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    The extensive use and release to the aquatic environment of silver nanoparticles (NPs) could lead to their incorporation into the food web. Brine shrimp larvae of 24 h showed low sensitivity to the exposure to PVP/PEI-coated Ag NPs (5 nm), with EC50 values at 24 h of 19.63 mg Ag L-1, but they significantly accumulated silver after 24 h of exposure to 100 μg L-1 of Ag NPs. Thus, to assess bioaccumulation and effects of silver transferred by the diet in zebrafish, brine shrimp larvae were exposed to 100 ng L-1 of Ag NPs as an environmentally relevant concentration or to 100 μg L-1 as a potentially effective concentration and used to feed zebrafish for 21 days. Autometallography revealed a dose- and time-dependent metal accumulation in the intestine and in the liver of zebrafish. Three-day feeding with brine shrimps exposed to 100 ng L-1 of Ag NPs was enough to impair fish health as reflected by the significant reduction of lysosomal membrane stability and the presence of vacuolization and necrosis in the liver. However, dietary exposure to 100 μg L-1 of Ag NPs for 3 days did not significantly alter gene transcription levels, neither in the liver nor in the intestine. After 21 days, biological processes such as lipid transport and localization, cellular response to chemical stimulus and response to xenobiotic stimulus were significantly altered in the liver. Overall, these results indicate an effective dietary transfer of silver and point out to liver as the main target organ for Ag NP toxicity in zebrafish after dietary exposure.MINECO (NanoSilverOmicsproject- MAT2012-39372) Basque Government (consolidated research groups IT810-13 and IT620-13; Saiotek S-PE13UN142) University of the Basque Country (UFIs 11/37 and 11/52)

    Herramienta autor Indesahc para la creación de cursos hipermedia adaptativos

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    Un elemento fundamental dentro de una plataforma de gestión del aprendizaje (Learning Management Systems, LMS) es la herramienta autor para la producción del material didáctico. En este artículo presentamos un sistema de desarrollo integrado para la creación y evaluación de cursos hipermedia adaptativos accesibles, basados en páginas Web. INDESAHC (Integrated Development System for Adaptive Hypermedia Courses), facilita la introducción del mapa de contenidos del curso, según un modelo del dominio basado en temas, lecciones, conceptos y escenarios tipos, en los cuales se realiza la integración de los archivos de media mediante un entorno visual intuitivo basado en plantillas. Una vez definidas las relaciones entre los temas y los niveles de dificultad de cada lección, se genera el curso hipermedia adaptativo, cuyo diseño final puede ser evaluado a través de una herramienta accesorio llamada EPRules (Educational Prediction Rules). Esta herramienta utiliza algoritmos de minería de datos, para el descubrimiento de información útil para facilitar un proceso de retroalimentación. Se describe además, el modelo didáctico en que se basa INDESAHC y se presenta una metodología eficaz, para evitar los problemas de desorientación y sobrecarga de contenidos en la navegación.In this paper we present an integrated development system for Web Based Adaptive Hypermedia Courses. We have developed an authoring tool called INDESAHC (Integrated Development System for Adaptive Hypermedia Courses) for this purpose. This tool facilitates to the course designer introducing the conceptual map, according to a domain model based on topics, lessons, concepts and learning components. Furthermore, the program allows the integration of media files in the course by means of an intuitive visual environment based on templates. Once defined the relationship among the topics and the difficulty level of each lesson, the user can generate the hypermedia adaptive course. The final design could be evaluated with an accessory tool called EPRules (Educational Prediction Rules). This tool is based on data mining algorithms in order to discover useful information for feedback. We also discuss on how our methodology can avoid the problems of disorientation and cognitive overload

    β-Catenin Signaling Drives Differentiation and Proinflammatory Function of IRF8-Dependent Dendritic Cells.

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    β-Catenin signaling has recently been tied to the emergence of tolerogenic dendritic cells (DCs). In this article, we demonstrate a novel role for β-catenin in directing DC subset development through IFN regulatory factor 8 (IRF8) activation. We found that splenic DC precursors express β-catenin, and DCs from mice with CD11c-specific constitutive β-catenin activation upregulated IRF8 through targeting of the Irf8 promoter, leading to in vivo expansion of IRF8-dependent CD8α(+), plasmacytoid, and CD103(+)CD11b(-) DCs. β-Catenin-stabilized CD8α(+) DCs secreted elevated IL-12 upon in vitro microbial stimulation, and pharmacological β-catenin inhibition blocked this response in wild-type cells. Upon infections with Toxoplasma gondii and vaccinia virus, mice with stabilized DC β-catenin displayed abnormally high Th1 and CD8(+) T lymphocyte responses, respectively. Collectively, these results reveal a novel and unexpected function for β-catenin in programming DC differentiation toward subsets that orchestrate proinflammatory immunity to infection

    Dendritic Cells Cause Bone Lesions in a New Mouse Model of Histiocytosis.

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease caused by the clonal accumulation of dendritic Langerhans cells, which is often accompanied by osteolytic lesions. It has been reported that osteoclast-like cells play a major role in the pathogenic bone destruction seen in patients with LCH and these cells are postulated to originate from the fusion of DCs. However, due to the lack of reliable animal models the pathogenesis of LCH is still poorly understood. In this study, we have established a mouse model of histiocytosis- recapitulating human disease for osteolytic lesions seen in LCH patients. At 12 weeks after birth, severe bone lesions were observed in our multisystem histiocytosis (Mushi) model, when CD8α conventional dendritic cells (DCs) are transformed (MuTuDC) and accumulate. Most importantly, our study demonstrates that bone loss in LCH can be accounted for the transdifferentiation of MuTuDCs into functional osteoclasts both in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, we have shown that injected MuTuDCs reverse the osteopetrotic phenotype of oc/oc mice in vivo. In conclusion, our results support a crucial role of DCs in bone lesions in histiocytosis patients. Furthermore, our new model of LCH based on adoptive transfer of MuTuDC lines, leading to bone lesions within 1-2 weeks, will be an important tool for investigating the pathophysiology of this disease and ultimately for evaluating the potential of anti-resorptive drugs for the treatment of bone lesions

    Targeted knock-in mice expressing the oxidase-fixed form of xanthine oxidoreductase favor tumor growth.

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    Xanthine oxidoreductase has been implicated in cancer. Nonetheless, the role played by its two convertible forms, xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and oxidase (XO) during tumorigenesis is not understood. Here we produce XDH-stable and XO-locked knock-in (ki) mice to address this question. After tumor transfer, XO ki mice show strongly increased tumor growth compared to wild type (WT) and XDH ki mice. Hematopoietic XO expression is responsible for this effect. After macrophage depletion, tumor growth is reduced. Adoptive transfer of XO-ki macrophages in WT mice increases tumor growth. In vitro, XO ki macrophages produce higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) responsible for the increased Tregs observed in the tumors. Blocking ROS in vivo slows down tumor growth. Collectively, these results indicate that the balance of XO/XDH plays an important role in immune surveillance of tumor development. Strategies that inhibit the XO form specifically may be valuable in controlling cancer growth

    Extensive remodeling of DC function by rapid maturation-induced transcriptional silencing.

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    The activation, or maturation, of dendritic cells (DCs) is crucial for the initiation of adaptive T-cell mediated immune responses. Research on the molecular mechanisms implicated in DC maturation has focused primarily on inducible gene-expression events promoting the acquisition of new functions, such as cytokine production and enhanced T-cell-stimulatory capacity. In contrast, mechanisms that modulate DC function by inducing widespread gene-silencing remain poorly understood. Yet the termination of key functions is known to be critical for the function of activated DCs. Genome-wide analysis of activation-induced histone deacetylation, combined with genome-wide quantification of activation-induced silencing of nascent transcription, led us to identify a novel inducible transcriptional-repression pathway that makes major contributions to the DC-maturation process. This silencing response is a rapid primary event distinct from repression mechanisms known to operate at later stages of DC maturation. The repressed genes function in pivotal processes--including antigen-presentation, extracellular signal detection, intracellular signal transduction and lipid-mediator biosynthesis--underscoring the central contribution of the silencing mechanism to rapid reshaping of DC function. Interestingly, promoters of the repressed genes exhibit a surprisingly high frequency of PU.1-occupied sites, suggesting a novel role for this lineage-specific transcription factor in marking genes poised for inducible repression

    Importance of EMT Factor ZEB1 in cDC1 "MutuDC Line" Mediated Induction of Th1 Immune Response.

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    The role of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) factor Zeb1 is well defined in metastasis and cancer progression but it's importance in dendritic cells (DCs) is unexplored until now. For the first time we report here that Zeb1 controls immunogenic responses of CD8α <sup>+</sup> conventional Type-I (cDC1) DCs. We found that ZEB1 expression increases significantly after TLR9 stimulation and its depletion impairs activation, co-stimulation and secretion of important cytokines like IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 in cDC1 MutuDC line. We further confirmed our findings in primary cDC1 DCs derived from bone marrow. Co-culture of these Zeb1 knock down (KD) DCs with OT-II CD4 <sup>+</sup> T helper cells skewed their differentiation toward Th2 subtype. Moreover, adoptive transfer of activated Zeb1 KD DCs cleared intestinal worms in helminth infected mice by increasing Th2 responses in vivo. Integrative genomic analysis showed Zeb1 as an activator of immune response genes in cDC1 MutuDCs as compared to other pathway genes. In addition, differentially regulated genes in Zeb1 KD RNA-seq showed significant enrichment of Th2 activation pathways supporting our in vitro findings. Mechanistically, we showed that decreased IL-12 secreted by Zeb1 KD DCs is the plausible mechanism for increased Th2 differentiation. Collectively our data demonstrate that Zeb1 could be targeted in DCs to modulate T-cell mediated adaptive immune responses