173 research outputs found

    Badania szkodliwego wpływu czynników antropogenicznych na karpia za pomocą pomiarów niektórych parametrów biochemicznych

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Mapping QTL for sex and growth traits in Salt-Tolerant Tilapia (Oreochromis spp. X O. mossambicus)

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    In aquaculture, growth and sex are economically important traits. To accelerate genetic improvement in increasing growth in salt-tolerant tilapia, we conducted QTL mapping for growth traits and sex with an F2 family, including 522 offspring and two parents. We used 144 polymorphic microsatellites evenly covering the genome of tilapia to genotype the family. QTL analyses were carried out using interval mapping for all individuals, males and females in the family, respectively. Using all individuals, three suggestive QTL for body weight, body length and body thickness respectively were detected in LG20, LG22 and LG12 and explained 2.4% to 3.1% of phenotypic variance (PV). When considering only males, five QTL for body weight were detected on five LGs, and explained 4.1 to 6.3% of PV. Using only females from the F2 family, three QTL for body weight were detected on LG1, LG6 and LG8, and explained 7.9–14.3% of PV. The QTL for body weight in males and females were located in different LGs, suggesting that in salt-tolerant tilapia, different set of genes ‘switches’ control the growth in males and females. QTL for sex were mapped on LG1 and LG22, indicating multigene sex determination in the salt-tolerant tilapia. This study provides new insights on the locations and effects of QTL for growth traits and sex, and sets the foundation for fine mapping for future marker-assisted selection for growth and sex in salt-tolerant tilapia aquaculture

    Activation of NF- B protein prevents the transition from juvenile ovary to testis and promotes ovarian development in Zebrafish

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    Testis differentiation in zebrafish involves juvenile ovary to testis transformation initiated by an apoptotic wave. The molecular regulation of this transformation process is not fully understood. NF-κB is activated at an early stage of development and has been shown to interact with steroidogenic factor-1 in mammals, leading to the suppression of anti-Müllerian hormone (Amh) gene expression. Because steroidogenic factor-1 and Amh are important for proper testis development, NF-κB-mediated induction of anti-apoptotic genes could, therefore, also play a role in zebrafish gonad differentiation. The aim of this study was to examine the potential role of NF-κB in zebrafish gonad differentiation. Exposure of juvenile zebrafish to heat-killed Escherichia coli activated the NF-κB pathways and resulted in an increased ratio of females from 30 to 85%. Microarray and quantitative real-time-PCR analysis of gonads showed elevated expression of NF-κB-regulated genes. To confirm the involvement of NF-κB-induced anti-apoptotic effects, zebrafish were treated with sodium deoxycholate, a known inducer of NF-κB or NF-κB activation inhibitor (NAI). Sodium deoxycholate treatment mimicked the effect of heat-killed bacteria and resulted in an increased proportion of females from 25 to 45%, whereas the inhibition of NF-κB using NAI resulted in a decrease in females from 45 to 20%. This study provides proof for an essential role of NF-κB in gonadal differentiation of zebrafish and represents an important step toward the complete understanding of the complicated process of sex differentiation in this species and possibly other cyprinid teleosts as well

    Early depletion of primordial germ cells in zebrafish promotes testis formation

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    As complete absence of germ cells leads to sterile males in zebrafish, we explored the relationship between primordial germ cell (PGC) number and sexual development. Our results revealed dimorphic proliferation of PGCs in the early zebrafish larvae, marking the beginning of sexual differentiation. We applied morpholino-based gene knockdown and cell transplantation strategies to demonstrate that a threshold number of PGCs is required for the stability of ovarian fate. Using histology and transcriptomic analyses, we determined that zebrafish gonads are in a meiotic ovarian stage at 14 days postfertilization and identified signaling pathways supporting meiotic oocyte differentiation and eventual female fate. The development of PGC-depleted gonads appears to be restrained and delayed, suggesting that PGC number may directly regulate the variability and length of gonadal transformation and testicular differentiation in zebrafish. We propose that gonadal transformation may function as a developmental buffering mechanism to ensure the reproductive outcome

    Comparative analysis of the testis and ovary transcriptomes in Zebrafish by combining experimental and computational tools

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    Studies on the zebrafish model have contributed to our understanding of several important developmental processes, especially those that can be easily studied in the embryo. However, our knowledge on late events such as gonad differentiation in the zebrafish is still limited. Here we provide an analysis on the gene sets expressed in the adult zebrafish testis and ovary in an attempt to identify genes with potential role in (zebra)fish gonad development and function. We produced 10,533 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from zebrafish testis or ovary and downloaded an additional 23,642 gonad-derived sequences from the zebrafish EST database. We clustered these sequences together with over 13,000 kidney-derived zebrafish ESTs to study partial transcriptomes for these three organs. We searched for genes with gonad-specific expression by screening macroarrays containing at least 2600 unique cDNA inserts with testis-, ovary- and kidney-derived cDNA probes. Clones hybridizing to only one of the two gonad probes were selected, and subsequently screened with computational tools to identify 72 genes with potentially testis-specific and 97 genes with potentially ovary-specific expression, respectively. PCR-amplification confirmed gonad-specificity for 21 of the 45 clones tested (all without known function). Our study, which involves over 47,000 EST sequences and specialized cDNA arrays, is the first analysis of adult organ transcriptomes of zebrafish at such a scale. The study of genes expressed in adult zebrafish testis and ovary will provide useful information on regulation of gene expression in teleost gonads and might also contribute to our understanding of the development and differentiation of reproductive organs in vertebrates

    Dissociative recombination of N2_2H+^+: A revisited study

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    Dissociative recombination of N2_2H+^+ is explored in a two-step theoretical study. In a first step, a diatomic (1D) rough model with frozen NN bond and frozen angles is adopted, in the framework of the multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT). The importance of the indirect mechanism and of the bending mode is revealed, in spite of the disagreement between our cross section and the experimental one. In a second step, we use our recently elaborated 3D approach based on the normal mode approximation combined with R-matrix theory and MQDT. This approach results in satisfactory agreement with storage-ring measurements, significantly better at very low energy than the former calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Hierarchies of Pain

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    Trauma has become a pervasive cultural model for representing individual and collective injuries and suffering. This process has produced what may be called a trauma aesthetic, a set of recognizable tropes in widespread use in trauma narratives. This chapter examines the adoption of this aesthetic in graphic narratives, focusing on the special capacities of the form. Familiar tropes, such as dissociation and the somatic trace, are presented in complex combinations of visual and textual components, often exploiting the differential appearance of text and image to introduce a dynamic of belatedness or disarticulation. This chapter analyses five works ordered according to their diminishing reliance on ‘trauma’. The trauma aesthetic is used, though not explicitly, in Catherine Meurisse’s La Légèreté (2016) about the Charlie Hebdo attack, Jean-Philip Stassen’s Déogratias (2000/2006) about the genocide in Rwanda, and Emmanuel Lepage’s Un printemps à Tchernobyl (2012) about the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. By contrast, it is absent from Mazen Kerbaj’s Beirut Won’t Cry (2007/2017) about the Israel-Hezbollah conflict and Josh Neufeld’s A.D. about Hurricane Katrina (2009). These works’ reliance on formalized and sanctioned trauma tropes not only is influenced by narrative characteristics, such as temporal distance from the event or the presence of a single narrator-protagonist but may also be motivated by the prestige conferred by trauma as recognized suffering, affecting the canonization and translatability of the graphic narratives in question

    Functional indications for transposase domestications - characterization of the human piggyBac transposase derived (PGBD) activities

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    Transposable elements are widespread in all living organisms. In addition to self-reproduction, they are a major source of genetic variation that drives genome evolution but our knowledge of the functions of human genes derived from transposases is limited. There are examples of transposon-derived, domesticated human genes that lost (SETMAR) or retained (THAP9) their transposase activity, however, several remnants in the human genome have not been thoroughly investigated yet. These include the five human piggyBac-derived sequences (PGBD1-5) which share ancestry with the Trichoplusia ni originated piggyBac (PB) transposase. Since PB is widely used in gene delivery applications, the potential activities of endogenous PGBDs are important to address. However, previous data is controversial, especially with the claimed transposition activity of PGBD5, it awaits further investigations. Here, we aimed to systematically analyze all five human PGBD proteins from several aspects, including phylogenetic conservation, potential transposase activity, expression pattern and their regulation in different stress conditions. Among PGBDs, PGBD5 is under the highest purifying selection, and exhibits the most cell type specific expression pattern. In a two-component vector system, none of the human PGBDs could mobilize either the insect PB transposon or the endogenous human PB-like MER75 and MER85 elements with intact terminal sequences. When cells were exposed to various stress conditions, including hypoxia, oxidative or UV stress, the expression profiles of all PGBDs showed different, often cell type specific responses; however, the pattern of PGBD5 in most cases had the opposite tendency than that of the other piggyBac-derived elements. Taken together, our results indicate that human PGBD elements did not retain their mobilizing activity, but their cell type specific, and cellular stress related expression profiles point toward distinct domesticated functions that requires further characterization

    Learning and Long-Term Retention of Large-Scale Artificial Languages

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    Recovering discrete words from continuous speech is one of the first challenges facing language learners. Infants and adults can make use of the statistical structure of utterances to learn the forms of words from unsegmented input, suggesting that this ability may be useful for bootstrapping language-specific cues to segmentation. It is unknown, however, whether performance shown in small-scale laboratory demonstrations of “statistical learning” can scale up to allow learning of the lexicons of natural languages, which are orders of magnitude larger. Artificial language experiments with adults can be used to test whether the mechanisms of statistical learning are in principle scalable to larger lexicons. We report data from a large-scale learning experiment that demonstrates that adults can learn words from unsegmented input in much larger languages than previously documented and that they retain the words they learn for years. These results suggest that statistical word segmentation could be scalable to the challenges of lexical acquisition in natural language learning.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF DDRIG #0746251