749 research outputs found

    Geology, Petrography, and Geoschemistry of Fisher Property Rocks and their Altered Equivalents, and Relationships to Auriferous Quartz Veins, Glennie Domain, Northern Saskatchewan

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    The Fisher property is part of the Seabee Gold Operation in northern Saskatchewan, which also includes the active Santoy mine and the recently decommissioned Seabee mine. These Paleoproterozoic orogenic gold deposits are hosted by secondary shear zones in the Pine Lake greenstone belt of the Glennie Domain. This region has a complex geological history related to accretionary episodes during the development of the Reindeer zone of the larger Trans-Hudson Orogen. The structures and lithological units, which host the Santoy and Seabee deposits, are interpreted to extend to the Fisher property, located to the southeast of the Santoy mine. However, the characteristics of the supracrustal and intrusive rocks that host the auriferous quartz veins in the Fisher property are not well known. Representative samples of these rocks were collected from 13 drillholes along an 8 km trend of the extension of the Santoy shear zone through the Fisher property. Petrographic, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics were determined for these samples to test their correlation with rocks hosting the Santoy deposit. The host rocks are dominated by transitional to calc-alkaline basalts to dacites, with associated intrusive rocks dominated by granites and diorites, that formed in a maturing arc. All rocks were subsequently metamorphosed to lower amphibolite grade conditions. Sampling of variably altered rocks, and auriferous quartz (+/- pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, native gold) veins from outcrop and drill core show evidence of a thin (~50 cm), proximal calc-silicate alteration halo and a distal biotite-sericite halo. The alteration assemblage consists of variable proportions of biotite, chlorite, and sericite (+/- calcite, clinozoisite, epidote, diopside, actinolite, tremolite, tourmaline, scheelite) in mafic rocks, and sericite (+/- biotite, chlorite, tourmaline, epidote, calcite) in granitoids. Basalts from the Fisher property were further discriminated based on their chromium content. High Cr basalts (HCrB; typically > 60 ppm Cr) have a transitional to calc-alkaline affinity and stronger depletions in the LREEs, especially Nb. Low Cr basalts (LCrB; typically < 60 ppm Cr) have a tholeiitic to transitional affinity and are relatively enriched in LREEs. Textural relationships from auriferous quartz veins observed in thin section analysis have been used to constrain a paragenetic sequence encompassing sulphides, precious metals, and alteration phases. Of note, brecciated textures, Bi-tellurides, and pyrite were associated with high-grade gold. Petrographic observations also noted variations in alteration minerals morphology, colour and structural location. The chemistry of these minerals was studied using microprobe analysis to identify any corresponding chemical changes which were notably observed in chlorite, where a Fe-endmember chlorite is typical of vein-hosted chlorites, but were absent in other phases, such as biotite. Molar Element Ratio diagrams and mass change plots suggest that gains in K and losses in Na reflect feldspar destruction and subsequent sericite and/or biotite/chlorite formation, which tend to be stronger in HCrB relative to LCrB. Zr-weighted enrichment/depletion plots show HCrB have stronger enrichments in K, Rb, Ba, Pb, As, Mo and depletions in Na. Principal Component Analysis identified element clusters reflecting primary igneous features and a possible Au or chalcophile-related signature of Pb, As, As, Mo, W + Bi, Te, and Sb. Fluid conditions were likely constrained by low salinities, made evident by low concentrations of base metals, and were likely boron-enriched . Gold mineralization at the Fisher property likely has a strong relationship with structures, however, HCrB, LCrB, granites and metasedimentary rocks all have potential as favourable host rocks

    Earth Science Education #6. Lessons Learned: Organizing a Geoscience Outreach Program at the University of Saskatchewan

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    Geology Outreach at the University of Saskatchewan was initiated during the 2018/19 academic year as a free and informal education opportunity for K–12 educators and their students in Saskatchewan. The program was 100% volunteer-run by undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. We estimate reaching more than 1000 students in Saskatoon and surrounding areas following two years of outreach offerings. Hands-on activities offered included ‘Rocks and Minerals’, ‘Fossils’, ‘Meteorite Impacts’ and ‘Volcanoes’ and also involved a tour of the Museum of Natural Sciences when completed on campus. The overall intent of these activities was to foster excitement about the Earth Sciences. Typically, Educators who booked our program taught grades 4–7, where the Earth Sciences are strongly represented in Saskatchewan’s science curriculum. Most outreach offerings occurred on the University of Saskatchewan campus, but some were offered remotely at elementary schools and various Girl Guides of Canada events. During the 2019/20 academic year, we booked every outreach event planned for that year within two days and had a waiting list of more than 30 teachers across the province. The demand for geoscience outreach in Saskatchewan is high, and we hope to continue providing engaging, relevant, and fun educational outreach opportunities. University departments across Canada should allocate funds for community and school outreach initiatives and hire science communicators to oversee programs such as this.Le programme « Geology Outreach » de l'UniversitĂ© de la Saskatchewan a dĂ©butĂ© au cours de l'annĂ©e universitaire 2018/19 en tant qu'opportunitĂ© d'Ă©ducation gratuite et informelle pour les Ă©ducateurs de la maternelle Ă  la 12e annĂ©e et leurs Ă©tudiants en Saskatchewan. Le programme Ă©tait gĂ©rĂ© Ă  100% par des Ă©tudiants bĂ©nĂ©voles de premier cycle et des cycles supĂ©rieurs du DĂ©partement des sciences gĂ©ologiques de l'UniversitĂ© de la Saskatchewan. Nous estimons atteindre plus de 1 000 Ă©tudiants Ă  Saskatoon et dans les rĂ©gions voisines aprĂšs deux annĂ©es d'offres de sensibilisation. Les sujets des activitĂ©s pratiques proposĂ©es comprenaient « Roches et minĂ©raux », « Fossiles », « Impacts de mĂ©tĂ©orites » et « Volcans », et impliquaient Ă©galement une visite du MusĂ©e des sciences naturelles quand les activitĂ©s Ă©taient proposĂ©es sur le campus. L'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de ces activitĂ©s Ă©tait de susciter de l'enthousiasme pour les sciences de la Terre. En rĂšgle gĂ©nĂ©rale, les Ă©ducateurs qui ont fait la demande de notre programme enseignaient aux Ă©lĂšves de la 4e Ă  la 7e annĂ©e, oĂč les sciences de la Terre sont fortement reprĂ©sentĂ©es dans le programme des sciences de la Saskatchewan. La plupart des activitĂ©s de sensibilisation ont eu lieu sur le campus de l'UniversitĂ© de la Saskatchewan, mais certaines ont Ă©tĂ© offertes Ă  distance dans les Ă©coles Ă©lĂ©mentaires et lors de divers Ă©vĂ©nements des Guides du Canada. Au cours de l'annĂ©e scolaire 2019/20, toutes les offres de sensibilisation pour cette annĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©servĂ©es en deux jours et nous avions une liste d'attente de plus de 30 enseignants Ă  travers la province. La demande de sensibilisation gĂ©oscientifique en Saskatchewan est Ă©levĂ©e, et nous espĂ©rons continuer Ă  offrir des opportunitĂ©s de sensibilisation Ă©ducative engageantes, pertinentes et amusantes. Les dĂ©partements universitaires Ă  travers le Canada devraient allouer des fonds aux initiatives de sensibilisation communautaire et scolaire et embaucher des communicateurs scientifiques pour superviser des programmes comme celui-ci

    Minnesota Secondary School Principal Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Classroom Management Skills of First Year Traditionally Trained Teachers Compared to Non-Licensed Community Experts

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    The 2015 Minnesota Teacher Supply and Demand Report produced by the Minnesota Department of Education provides information regarding the number of teachers licensed and unlicensed throughtout the state. The report indicates “the use of traditionally trained teachers, licensed teachers who have completed a traditional teacher preparation program, comprise the vast majority of the Minnesota teacher workforce; yet, the number of non-licensed community experts teachers increased 25% since 2009” (Minnesota Department of Education, 2015, p. 22). The 2016 Office of the Legislative Auditors Report on Minnesota teacher licensing indicated non-licensed community experts (NLCEs) are employed in school districts or charter schools to assist in overcoming staffing difficulties (Minnesota OLA, 2016). A non-licensed community expert position is one that is granted by the Minnesota Board of Teaching to a school district or charter to employ an individual who does not hold a teaching license or has not completed preparation program but has a specific area of expertise that is related to the teaching assignment (Minnesota OLA, 2016, p. 21). Members of the Minnesota Board of Teaching have discussed with one another and with education stakeholders regarding special permission to allow Non-licensed Community Experts to teach in Minnesota (Minnesota OLA, 2016, p. 57). The first was that there are NLCEs who are not enrolled in teacher preparation programs; second, school districts submit repeated applications for NLCE status for individuals; and third was the belief that school districts are using NLCE permission to circumvent standard licensure requirements (Minnesota OLA, 2016, p. 58). Members of the Minnesota Board of Teaching (MN BOT) expressed concern that the use of NLCEs implies that formal teacher preparation training is not important (Minnesota OLA, 2016, p. 58). The purpose of the study was to identify perceptions of select Minnesota secondary school principals regarding the effectiveness of classroom management skills, the most beneficial classroom management skill, and optimal time to offer professional development in classroom management when comparing first year traditionally trained teachers and non–licensed community experts. The study focused on classroom management areas of: procedures and routines, learning strategies, student-teacher relationships, teacher expectations, and student engagement. The study revealed that Minnesota secondary school principals perceive a statistically significant difference in the effectiveness of first year traditionally trained teachers compared to non-licensed community experts. While the need for non-licensed community experts exist, the use of a comprehensive classroom management development plan for non-licensed community experts should utilize an instructional coach or mentor before the first day of school

    Probiotics and the Prevention of Clostridioides difficile: A Review of Existing Systematic Reviews

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    Clostridioides difficile is the leading cause of infectious diarrhea (Vernaya et al., 2017). Probiotics have been proposed to provide a protective benefit against Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). The objective of this literature review was to examine the research evidence pertaining to the use of probiotics for the prevention of CDI in individuals receiving antibiotic therapy. A systematic literature review of studies published between 2015 and 2019 was performed. Five databases were searched, which yielded 10 systematic reviews that met strict inclusion criteria. Overall, the majority of evidence indicated that probiotics versus no treatment, placebo, or usual care have the potential to reduce CDIs in patients on antibiotic therapy by 50% or greater. There was no increased risk of adverse events among those taking probiotics. Benefit is greater when the background risk of CDIs was over 5%. The optimal probiotic dose, duration, species, and formulation is not known, although multispecies or Lactobacillus probiotics may be more effective in addition to taking probiotics within one to two days of starting antibiotics. These findings are limited to patients that are not immune compromised, pregnant, elderly, critically ill, have not had recent surgery, and do not have prosthetic heart valves. Overall, due to the magnitude of the effect of probiotics and their favorable safety profile, providers should consider including a shared decision-making conversation with their patients taking antibiotics regarding their personal risk versus benefit option to take probiotics concurrently

    Methodology and process to accompany a virtual geotechnical database for the St. Louis metropolitan area

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    The St. Louis metropolitan (STL) area, which spans Missouri and Illinois, currently has no overarching organization of geospatial data (geodata). The two states have their own geodata, using their own individual standards. The development of a virtual geotechnical database (VGDB) encompassing the entire STL area on both sides of the Mississippi River is a solution to the data sharing and standardization problem of this area. The VGDB integrates geodata from disparate sources into a geographic information systems (GIS) database accessible via the internet. The creation of the STL area VGDB consisted of three parts: 1) compiling the geodata; 2) formatting the geodata in GIS and extensible markup language (XML); 3) making the VGDB viewable in an internet browser --Abstract, page iii

    Replacing important papers (2012)

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    "Recovery After Disaster : The Family Financial Toolkit."New 3/12/Web

    Disaster recovery resources for Missouri families (2015)

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    "Recovery After Disaster : The Family Financial Toolkit."New 3/12; Revised 2/15/Web

    Conducting a pedagogy : the influence of Maria Irene Fornes's teaching and the Padua Hills Playwright Workshop and Festival on three contemporary women playwrights

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    The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technica public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on January 27, 2011).Thesis advisor: Dr. M. Heather Carver.Vita.Ph. D. University of Missouri--Columbia 2009.In some circles, Maria Irene Fornes is as hallowed for her playwriting pedagogy as she is for her plays. Over the years, she developed a series of exercises and a method of presentation to guide students in what she described as "creating life." Many of these exercises were honed in various workshops including the legendary Padua Hills Playwrights Workshop and Festival under the direction of playwright Murray Mednick, whose pedagogical philosophy closely matched that of Fornes. In an effort to assess the broader implications of their combined approach to playwriting and its long-term effect on American theatre, this dissertation examines the impact of this playwriting pedagogy on the careers of three women playwrights, all alumnae of the Padua Hills Playwrights' Workshop and Festival, ultimately revealing how, as with Aristotle, teachers beget disciples who beget converts and so on, exponentially, ensuring the endurance of this unique approach to playwriting and the survival of the art.Includes bibliographical reference

    Reading in Binary Data and Creating an R User Interface

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    The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) employs Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) to measure variables such as Voltage, Frequency, and Phasor Angles every sixtieth of a second. These measurements result in terabytes of data which are analyzed to detect abnormalities in the power grid. Recently BPA has switched the data file format from DST to PDAT. A function does not currently exist to read in PDAT files in order to prepare the data for analysis. In order to do this the raw PMU data must be sorted and extracted to ensure its accuracy prior to analysis. This research worked to produce a method of reading in a PDAT file and converting it to an Rdata file that is used for analysis of the PMU data. Although the function is not working yet, when it is it will allow for BPA to have real time analysis of PMU data. The historical prices of Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) over their years of existence also create a large amount of data to analyze historical trends and predict future performance. The advancements in the R programming language allow for a more interactive User Interface (UI). This project worked on creating an interactive UI to be used in comparing Mutual Funds and ETFs using the R package “Shiny”. This allowed for interactive plots that provide additional information related to the desired fund. This investigation furthers the use of statistical anomaly detection analysis and plotting, such as that which is used in the BPA PMU analysis

    Management of Potato Leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), on Alfalfa with the Aid of Systems Analysis

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    Efficient management of the potato leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) on alfalfa requires a procedure for dealing with the complexities of the ecological and economic system. We developed a mathematical model to represent this agroecosystem and demonstrated how systems analysis can help to make management more efficient and less risky. Our management policies were based on two criteria: annual income calculated from the nutrient yields of three harvests, and level of carbohydrate reserve in the taproots at the end of the season, We determined the dynamic economic thresholds for controlling the leafhoppers as immigrants on each of the cuttings of alfalfa. During development of the thresholds we tested a variety of control tactics, including timing of harvests, We found that, for adult immigrants on the second crop, the economic thresholds increase exponentially as stem height increases, Tactics associated with these thresholds included insecticide treatments and early cutting of the second harvest. The results indicated that temperature pattern has an important effect on the economic thresholds and risk. Evaluation of the model and its results through sensitivity analysis, validation, and a comparison with current recommendations showed that the model can be a useful tool in research and managemen
