93 research outputs found

    Deliberative Context-Aware Ambient Intelligence System for Assisted Living Homes

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    Monitoring wellbeing and stress is one of the problems covered by ambient intelligence, as stress is a significant cause of human illnesses directly affecting our emotional state. The primary aim was to propose a deliberation architecture for an ambient intelligence healthcare application. The architecture provides a plan for comforting stressed seniors suffering from negative emotions in an assisted living home and executes the plan considering the environment's dynamic nature. Literature was reviewed to identify the convergence between deliberation and ambient intelligence and the latter's latest healthcare trends. A deliberation function was designed to achieve context-aware dynamic human-robot interaction, perception, planning capabilities, reactivity, and context-awareness with regard to the environment. A number of experimental case studies in a simulated assisted living home scenario were conducted to demonstrate the approach's behavior and validity. The proposed methods were validated to show classification accuracy. The validation showed that the deliberation function has effectively achieved its deliberative objectives

    Neanderthal teeth from Lezetxiki (Arrasate, Iberian Peninsula): New insights and reassessment

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    Objectives: We reassess the taxonomic assignment and stratigraphic context of a permanent upper first molar and a permanent lower third premolar recovered from the archeological site of Lezetxiki in the North of the Iberian Peninsula. Materials and Methods: We assessed the external and internal morphology of the teeth using qualitative descriptions, crown diameters, dental tissue proportions, and geometric morphometrics. The teeth from Lezetxiki were compared with Middle Pleistocene specimens, Neanderthals, Upper Paleolithic modern humans, and recent modern humans. Results: Both teeth were consistent with a Neanderthal classification. The upper first molar shows taurodontism, and its cusp proportions and overall morphology match those of Neanderthals. Geometric morphometric analyses of occlusal anatomy classify this molar as a Neanderthal with a posterior probability of 76%. The lower third premolar, which was originally classified as a lower fourth premolar, also shows a Neanderthal morphology. This premolar is classified as a Neanderthal with a posterior probability of 60%. Discussion: These teeth represent the only adult Neanderthal teeth from the Western Pyrenees region found to date. The teeth were found at a stratigraphic level (designated Level III) that marks the transition level from Mousterian to Aurignacian, and are among the most recent Neanderthal remains from the north of the Iberian Peninsula


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    The zonation of vegetation in the salt-marsh of Mundaka-Gemika (Bay of Biscay, N. Spain) is studied along a small scale topographic gradient. Species distribution appears closely linked to abiotic factors deriving from topographical level, such as organic matter, pH, moisture and conductivity. The redox potential and the compactness of the soil vary in other ways, thus increasing the heterogeneity of the habitat. There is a critica1 elevation, close to MHW level, after which coexistence processes give way to dominance by the best equipped species. A model of the zonation is given. In this model the degree of overlap decreases towards the top area, where there is competitive exclusion and segregation of interior species to the most exposed area. It can not be concluded that the marked segregation of the species along the gradient is exclusively due to physiological requirements of the plants. Tidal dispersal probably plays an important role on the distributional pattem of the annual species Salicornia and Suaeda, but a minor role on the species with vegetative expansion, Spartina maritima, Arthrocnemum perenne, Halimioneportulacoides, and Arthrocnemumfr.uticosum. Plant zonation can only be explained bearing in mind associated processes such as physical disturbance and interspecific competition. As other authors found in higher latitudes, these processes will need to be considered in relation to edaphic factors in elucidating the underlying mechanisms of salt marsh plant zonation. Experimental work in field and laboratory is needed to determine the niche position of each species in the salt marshes in this part of the Atlantic Coast.Se ha estudiado la zonación de la vegetación a lo largo de un gradiente topográfico a pequeña escala en la marisma de Mundaka-Gemika (Norte de España, Golfo de Vizcaya). La distribución de las especies aparece estrechamente ligada a los factores derivados de la topografía, como son la materia orgánica, el pH, la humedad y la conductividad. El potencial redox y la compactación del suelo varían independientemente, aumentando la heterogeneidad del hábitat. La altura media de las pleamares es el nivel a partir del cual los procesos de coexistencia dan paso a la dominancia de las especies competidoras. Se plantea un modelo de zonación. En este modelo, el grado de solapamiento disminuye hacia tierra adentro, donde se produce una competencia y una segregación de las especies inferiores hacia los lugares más expuestos. No se puede concluir que la marcada segregación de las especies a lo largo del gradiente sea debida exclusivamente a los requerimientos fisiológicos de las plantas. La dispersión mareal juega probablemente un importante papel en la distribución de las anuales Salicornia y Suaeda, pero escaso en las especies con crecimiento vegetativo, Spartina maritima, Arthrocnemum perenne, Halimione portuhcoides, y Arthiocnemum fruticosum. La zonación de las plantas debe ser explicada teniendo en cuenta procesos asociados como la perturbación física y la competencia interespecífica, que deben ser considerados en relación con los factores edáficos, para explicar los mecanismos subyacentes de tal zonación. Es necesario el trabajo en el campo y en el laboratorio para determinar el nicho de estas especies en las marismas de esta parte de la Costa Atlántica

    CD30-positive primary cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders: molecular alterations and targeted therapies

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    Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders are the second most common subgroup of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. They include two clinically different entities with some overlapping features and borderline cases: lymphomatoid papulosis and primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Molecular studies of primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma reveal an increasing level of heterogeneity that is associated with histological and immunophenotypic features of the cases and their response to specific therapies. Here, we review the most significant genetic, epigenetic and molecular alterations described to date in primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, and their potential as therapeutic targets

    DUSP22-rearranged anaplastic lymphomas are characterized by specific morphological features and a lack of cytotoxic and JAK/STAT surrogate markers

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    This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competence (MINECO, RTICC ISCIII and CIBERONC) (SAF2013-47416- R, RD06/0020/0107-RD012/0036/0060 and Plan Nacional I+D+I: PI16/01294 and PIE15/0081), AECC and the Madrid Autonomous Community

    e-Tourism: a tourist recommendation and planning application

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    e-Tourism is a tourist recommendation and planning application to assist users on the organization of a leisure and tourist agenda. First, a recommender system offers the user a list of the city places that are likely of interest to the user. This list takes into account the user demographic classification, the user likes in former trips and the preferences for the current visit. Second, a planning module schedules the list of recommended places according to their temporal characteristics as well as the user restrictions; that is the planning system determines how and when to realize the recommended activities. Having the list of recommended activities organized as an agenda (i.e. an executable plan), is a relevant characteristic that most recommender systems lack.This work has been partially funded by Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00022 project, by the Spanish Government MICINN TIN2008-6701-C03-01 project and by the Valencian Government GVPRE/2008/384 project. We thank J. Benton for having provided us with the system Sapa to execute our experiments.Sebastiá Tarín, L.; García García, I.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E.; Gúzman Álvarez, CA. (2009). e-Tourism: a tourist recommendation and planning application. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 18(5):717-738. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218213009000378S71773818

    FMAP: Distributed Cooperative Multi-Agent Planning

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    This paper proposes FMAP (Forward Multi-Agent Planning), a fully-distributed multi-agent planning method that integrates planning and coordination. Although FMAP is specifically aimed at solving problems that require cooperation among agents, the flexibility of the domain-independent planning model allows FMAP to tackle multi-agent planning tasks of any type. In FMAP, agents jointly explore the plan space by building up refinement plans through a complete and flexible forward-chaining partial-order planner. The search is guided by h D T G , a novel heuristic function that is based on the concepts of Domain Transition Graph and frontier state and is optimized to evaluate plans in distributed environments. Agents in FMAP apply an advanced privacy model that allows them to adequately keep private information while communicating only the data of the refinement plans that is relevant to each of the participating agents. Experimental results show that FMAP is a general-purpose approach that efficiently solves tightly-coupled domains that have specialized agents and cooperative goals as well as loosely-coupled problems. Specifically, the empirical evaluation shows that FMAP outperforms current MAP systems at solving complex planning tasks that are adapted from the International Planning Competition benchmarks.This work has been partly supported by the Spanish MICINN under projects Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00022 and TIN2011-27652-C03-01, the Valencian Prometeo project II/2013/019, and the FPI-UPV scholarship granted to the first author by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Torreño Lerma, A.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E.; Sapena Vercher, O. (2014). FMAP: Distributed Cooperative Multi-Agent Planning. Applied Intelligence. 41(2):606-626. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-014-0540-2S606626412Benton J, Coles A, Coles A (2012) Temporal planning with preferences and time-dependent continuous costs. In: Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on automated planning and scheduling (ICAPS). AAAI, pp 2–10Borrajo D. (2013) Multi-agent planning by plan reuse. In: Proceedings of the 12th international conference on autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (AAMAS). IFAAMAS, pp 1141–1142Boutilier C, Brafman R (2001) Partial-order planning with concurrent interacting actions. J Artif Intell Res 14(105):136Brafman R, Domshlak C (2008) From one to many: planning for loosely coupled multi-agent systems. In: Proceedings of the 18th international conference on automated planning and scheduling (ICAPS). AAAI, pp 28–35Brenner M, Nebel B (2009) Continual planning and acting in dynamic multiagent environments. J Auton Agents Multiagent Syst 19(3):297–331Bresina J, Dearden R, Meuleau N, Ramakrishnan S, Smith D, Washington R (2002) Planning under continuous time and resource uncertainty: a challenge for AI. In: Proceedings of the 18th conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence (UAI). Morgan Kaufmann, pp 77–84Cox J, Durfee E (2009) Efficient and distributable methods for solving the multiagent plan coordination problem. Multiagent Grid Syst 5(4):373–408Crosby M, Rovatsos M, Petrick R (2013) Automated agent decomposition for classical planning. In: Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on automated planning and scheduling (ICAPS). AAAI, pp 46–54Dimopoulos Y, Hashmi MA, Moraitis P (2012) μ-satplan: Multi-agent planning as satisfiability. Knowl-Based Syst 29:54–62Fikes R, Nilsson N (1971) STRIPS: a new approach to the application of theorem proving to problem solving. Artif Intell 2(3):189–208Gerevini A, Haslum P, Long D, Saetti A, Dimopoulos Y (2009) Deterministic planning in the fifth international planning competition: PDDL3 and experimental evaluation of the planners. Artif Intell 173(5-6):619–668Ghallab M, Nau D, Traverso P (2004) Automated planning. 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    A Better-response Strategy for Self-interested Planning Agents

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    [EN] When self-interested agents plan individually, interactions that prevent them from executing their actions as planned may arise. In these coordination problems, game-theoretic planning can be used to enhance the agents¿ strategic behavior considering the interactions as part of the agents¿ utility. In this work, we define a general-sum game in which interactions such as conflicts and congestions are reflected in the agents¿ utility. We propose a better-response planning strategy that guarantees convergence to an equilibrium joint plan by imposing a tax to agents involved in conflicts. We apply our approach to a real-world problem in which agents are Electric Autonomous Vehicles (EAVs). The EAVs intend to find a joint plan that ensures their individual goals are achievable in a transportation scenario where congestion and conflicting situations may arise. Although the task is computationally hard, as we theoretically prove, the experimental results show that our approach outperforms similar approaches in both performance and solution quality.This work is supported by the GLASS project TIN2014-55637-C2-2-R of the Spanish MINECO and the Prometeo project II/2013/019 funded by the Valencian Government.Jordán, J.; Torreño Lerma, A.; De Weerdt, M.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E. (2018). A Better-response Strategy for Self-interested Planning Agents. Applied Intelligence. 48(4):1020-1040. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-017-1046-5S10201040484Aghighi M, Bäckström C (2016) A multi-parameter complexity analysis of cost-optimal and net-benefit planning. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. AAAI Press, London, pp 2–10Bercher P, Mattmüller R (2008) A planning graph heuristic for forward-chaining adversarial planning. 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    Prevalence of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Spain: Higher than Previously Reported in other Countries?

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    [Abstract] Objectives: Prevalence of SLE varies among studies, being influenced by study design, geographical area and ethnicity. Data about the prevalence of SLE in Spain are scarce. In the EPISER2016 study, promoted by the Spanish Society of Rheumatology, the prevalence estimate of SLE in the general adult population in Spain has been updated and its association with sociodemographic, anthropometric and lifestyle variables has been explored. Methods: Population-based multicentre cross-sectional study, with multistage stratified and cluster random sampling. Participants were contacted by telephone to carry out a questionnaire for the screening of SLE. Investigating rheumatologists evaluated positive results (review of medical records and/or telephone interview, with medical visit if needed) to confirm the diagnosis. To calculate the prevalence and its 95% CI, the sample design was taken into account and weighing was calculated considering age, sex and geographic origin. Multivariate logistic regression models were defined to analyse which sociodemographic, anthropometric and lifestyle variables included in the telephone questionnaire were associated with the presence of SLE. Results: 4916 subjects aged 20 years or over were included. 16.52% (812/4916) had a positive screening result for SLE. 12 cases of SLE were detected. The estimated prevalence was 0.21% (95% CI: 0.11, 0.40). SLE was more prevalent in the rural municipalities, with an odds ratio (OR) = 4.041 (95% CI: 1.216, 13.424). Conclusion: The estimated prevalence of SLE in Spain is higher than that described in most international epidemiological studies, but lower than that observed in ethnic minorities in the United States or the United Kingdom