157 research outputs found

    Valutazione della resistenza del bulbo di una classe Coppa America: ricerca di un modello di calcolo

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    In questo lavoro, ho investigato su quale sia ad oggi il modello di calcolo che piu’ si confa alla valutazione della resistenza del bulbo di una classe Coppa America e sul possibile sviluppo di un codice piu' avanzato. Essendo il bulbo un corpo a transizione e separazione libera, in generale si puo’ dire che ad oggi non esiste ancora un software che possa dare dei risultati affidabili. E’ stato investigato sul possibile utilizzo dei codici RANS, come Fluent, e dei codici che accoppiano il flusso potenziale e le equazioni dello strato limite. Sono stati poi ricercati i piu’ avanzati metodi per la valutazione della transizione dello strato limite, ed infine e’ stata organizzata una campagna di prove sperimentali da effettuarsi direttamente sulla barca in mare. Con una attenta analisi di mercato sono stati quindi ricercati gli strumenti piu’ adatti, e questi sono stati verificati con una campagna di prove svolta nella galleria del vento del laboratorio di aerodinamica applicata del dipartimento di ingegneria aerospaziale

    Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter dalam Dunia Pendidikan

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    Character of education, it is absolutely necessary not only in school but also at home, in the social environment. Event now this is no longer a participant character of education earlychildhood through adolescence but also adults. Absolutely necessary for the survival of this nation. Competition imagine what will emerge in the next years. Obviusly it would be our burden and parent for today. At that time, the children will face competition with colleagues from various countries around the world. In fact we are still going to work year will feel the same feelings.Demand the quality of human resources in the coming millennium certainly requires good character. However, the character is the key individual goal

    Neutrosophic crisp Sets via Neutrosophic crisp Topological Spaces

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    Diversity in the context of multicultural Australia: Implications for nursing practice

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    Cultural and social structures, such as race, religion, language, education, ethnicity, and economic status are major influences on peoples health and wellbeing. The Australian people represent a wealth of cultural diversity. The term culture in this chapter is used in the broad sense to mean the cultural and social structural dimensions or institutions in the environment that influence the development of an individuals beliefs, values and behaviour patterns. In addition to the Indigenous population, Australia’s cultural diversity has increased through immigration. Australia has one of the largest proportions of immigrant populations in the world, with an estimated 24% of the total population (4.96 million people) born overseas (Commonwealth of Australia 2008). Well over half of these, one in seven Australians, were born in a non-English-speaking country (Australian Institute of Health Welfare (AIHW 2008). In excess of 200 cultural and linguistic groups are represented in today’s Australian population (Commonwealth of Australia 2007). Diversity exists too in the wide range of contexts and environments in which people live. Variations in land, climate and settings compound diversity in social and cultural characteristics of people, as reflected in the diversity of settings in which health care is delivered. Health care is delivered in rural-remote areas, in community health settings, in the home, and in a number of acute settings within or outside hospitals in urban settings. The purpose of this chapter is to inform student nurses and to develop in them an awareness of the benefits and challenges of diversity, with the aim of promoting the delivery of nursing care to diverse populations in culturally meaningful and safe ways. ISBN-10: 1405100958 ISBN-13: 978-140510095

    On Generalized Closed Sets and Generalized Pre-Closed Sets in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

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    In this paper, the concept of generalized neutrosophic pre-closed sets and generalized neutrosophic pre-open sets are introduced. We also study relations and various properties between the other existing neutrosophic open and closed sets. In addition, we discuss some applications of generalized neutrosophic pre-closed sets, namely neutrosophic pT12 space and neutrosophic gpT12 space. The concepts of generalized neutrosophic connected spaces, generalized neutrosophic compact spaces and generalized neutrosophic extremally disconnected spaces are established. Some interesting properties are investigated in addition to giving some examples

    Вплив біологічних і хімічних агентів на проростання пилку інвазійного виду Impatiens parviflora DC. (Balsaminaceae)

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    Pollen germination of invasive species Impatiens parviflora DC. is investigated in different mediums separately and together with pollen grains of other plants using method in vitro. The score which characterize direction and intensity of different plants pollen interference – IAS (antagonism–synergism index) – is devised. The inhibition of pollen grains germination of Impatiens parviflora by pollen Rudbeckia hirta L., Rubus serpens Weihe ex Lej. et Court. and stimulation by pollen Lysimachia nummularia L. is observed. The methodology of two-factor experiment is revealed that the presence of antagonist species (biological agent) more severely increased effectiveness of pollen germination Impatiens parviflora than the presence of physiologically active substances (chemical agents).В умовах in vitro досліджено проростання пилку інвазійного однорічника Impatiens parviflora DC. на різних типах культурального середовища ізольовано та за наявності пилку інших видів. Запропоновано кількісний показник, який характеризує напрямок та силу взаємного впливу пилку різних видів, – індекс ПАС (показник антагонізму-синергізму). Встановлено пригнічення проростання пилку Impatiens parviflora пилком Rudbeckia hirta L., Rubus serpens Weihe ex Lej. et Court. та стимуляцію пилком Lysimachia nummularia L. За допомогою методології двофакторного експерименту показано, що наявність виду-антагоніста (біологічний агент) більшою мірою пригнічує проростання пилку Impatiens parviflora, ніж наявність фізіологічно активної речовини (хімічний агент)

    (Φ, Ψ)-Weak Contractions in Neutrosophic Cone Metric Spaces via Fixed Point Theorems

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    In this manuscript, we obtain common fixed point theorems in the neutrosophic cone metric space. Also, notion of (Φ, Ψ)-weak contraction is defined in the neutrosophic cone metric space by using the idea of altering distance function. Finally, we review many examples of cone metric spaces to verify some properties

    Multi-UAV Conflict Resolution with Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning

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    Safety is the primary concern when it comes to air traffic. In-flight safety between Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAVs) is ensured through pairwise separation minima, utilizing conflict detection and resolution methods. Existing methods mainly deal with pairwise conflicts, however, due to an expected increase in traffic density, encounters with more than two UAVs are likely to happen. In this paper, we model multi-UAV conflict resolution as a multiagent reinforcement learning problem. We implement an algorithm based on graph neural networks where cooperative agents can communicate to jointly generate resolution maneuvers. The model is evaluated in scenarios with 3 and 4 present agents. Results show that agents are able to successfully solve the multi-UAV conflicts through a cooperative strategy


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    Character of education, it is absolutely necessary not only in school but also at home, in the social environment. Event now this is no longer a participant character of education earlychildhood through adolescence but also adults. Absolutely necessary for the survival of this nation. Competition imagine what will emerge in the next years. Obviusly it would be our burden and parent for today. At that time, the children will face competition with colleagues from various countries around the world. In fact we are still going to work year will feel the same feelings.Demand the quality of human resources in the coming millennium certainly requires good character. However, the character is the key individual goal.Keyword: character education, education fiel