254 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the housing policy : a comparative analysis

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    Introduction. The quantitative assessment of the housing policy effectiveness in the context of the solving of a housing problem gives the possibility to estimate governments programs and tools in the given area and choose the most efficient of them. Purpose. Given the lack of the scientific papers devoted quantitative assessments of housing policy, the main purpose of the given article is developing of approach for the numerical estimation the housing policy effectiveness considering the complexity and variety tools which are simultaneously used by the government to solve the housing problem. Results. Proposed four-level model of the state housing policy allows maximally consider the complexity and ambiguity of the problems which must be solved in housing sphere and takes into account market development (economic efficiency) and performance of the government non-market tools (social efficiency). Using this approach, the effectiveness in 2015 only 14.29% (maximal value 100%) and decreasing trend of the housing policy in Ukraine within 2011-2015 have been received (the effectiveness was 35.7%). The main problems in housing policy in Ukraine were determined as increasing the gap between building activities and possibilities to use of the market and non-market tools to solve housing problems by citizens. Basing on received results concluded that housing policy in the UK has the higher effectiveness than in Ukraine. Conclusions. The main problem of housing policy in Ukraine was determined as the inconsistency ofthe positive trend inbuilding activity and solving the housing problems of neediest.Received results show that experience and the practical tools which are used in the UK within housing policy will be useful to explore and implementation by Ukraine's Government. Of particular interest are the instruments of transfer of new social and private homes to rent to citizens with limited resources.peer-reviewe

    Наукові підходи до тлумачення юридичних термінів (на прикладі судових рішень Верховного Суду Великобританії) (Semantic Features of British English Legal Terms (on the Example of the UK Supreme Court Judgments))

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню семантичних особливостей юридичної термінології на прикладі судових рішень Верховного Суду Великобританії. Автор аналізує визначення та ознаки юридичного терміна, його місце в загальній системі термінознавства та роль у розвитку юридичної лінгвістики. Здійснено семантичний аналіз юридичних термінів, виявлених у судових промовах. The article is devoted to the research of semantic features of legal terminology on the example of judgments of the United Kingdom Supreme Court. The author has analyzed definitions and features of a legal term, its place in the general terminology science system and the role in legal linguistics development. Besides, the examples of semantic features of legal terms and reasons of their emergence have been depicted. The types of legal terms of the British English according to the semantic features have been classified. The semantic analysis of legal terms revealed in the UK Supreme Court judgment shas been conducted. Tak ing into account that the legal text is the main element of the legal discourse that is the reason of social and legal development, the author takes into consideration the fact that legal texts stem from professional lawyers who create those texts paying attention to the peculiarities of community functioning. The fact that law status is very high and its language determines the culture level of law creators is undeniable. Functioning as a cognitive and ordering element, legal texts obtain the features of an academic text as well as the features of instruction. Therefore, this has served as a profound source for the linguistic research. Having studied the semantic peculiarities of British English legal terms, approximately 300 lexemes have been analyzed. Consequently, legal terms have been divided into intentional and extensional, and into polysemantic, monosemantic and nominatve. This classification has provided an opportunity to study a semantic derivation of legal terminology in detail, and has contributed to the appropriate usage of terms within legal discourse.

    Нормативне вживання мовознавчих термінів в умовах тестових завдань з української мови у форматі ЗНО

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    У статті схарактеризовано особливості використання в умовах тестових завдань з української мови у форматі зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання мовознавчої термінної лексики з погляду нормативності та відповідності академічній мовознавчій науці і шкільному курсу української мови на матеріалі сертифікаційних робіт з української мови і літератури за 2013–2015 роки. Досліджено неуніфіковане вживання окремих мовознавчих термінів і запропоновано науково обґрунтовані їхні відповідники. (The article describes peculiarities of using linguistic terms under the Ukrainian language test conditions in External Independent Testing format due to normativity and their correspondence to academic and linguistic science and Ukrainian language school course on the material of certification works in the Ukrainian language and literature for the period of 2013–2015. Uncontrolled use of certain linguistic terms is investigated and their scientifically-based equivalents are proposed. It is proved that outside of modern linguistics terminology standards there is a term «м’який знак» (miakyi znak), its modern normative equivalent should be considered «знак м’якшення» (znak miakshennia) which, firstly, corresponds to terminology of modern academic spelling; secondly, reflects the terminology base of school spelling recorded in the current curricula and textbooks for primary and basic school. It is not appropriate to use stylistically marked adjective маленький (malenkyi) as a part of a linguistic term «мала літера» (mala litera) because it breaks neutrality as one of the main features of the terms. According to the Russian-Ukrainian dictionary Ukrainian equivalent to Russian linguistic term «строчная буква» is «мала літера» (mala litera) and not «маленька літера» (malenka litera). Subordinate part should not be called subordinate sentence under the conditions of the Ukrainian language test in EIT format: the use of the term «subordinate sentence» instead of «subordinate part» is scientifically unfounded. Given examples of terminology variation do not enrich the vocabulary of terminology base of Ukrainian language school course but on the contrary – shake it. Based on this, when using linguistic terms under the test conditions in EIT format, it is important to remember that they should fully meet the academic and school grammar requirements.

    Demographic Processes in Crimea Before and During the Second World War and their Consequences in the History of Ukraine

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    Крим – єдиний регіон України, де внаслідок насильницьких дій – політичні репресії, депортації сталінізму, фашистський геноцид – протягом кінця 30–40-х роках ХХ ст. докорінно змінився склад населення. Це призвело до виникнення принципово іншої ідейно-політичної, культурної, ментальної ситуації на півострові, яка дається взнаки й понині. Crimea is the only region of Ukraine, where because of the violence and political repression, deportation, Stalinism, the Nazi genocide – in the late 30−40s of the twentieth century, the population has changed dramatically. This has led to fundamentally different ideological and political, cultural, mental situation on the peninsula, which is known today

    Religious and Political Philosophy of the Social Education in Ancient China

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    In this paper we attempt to make the value assessment of the ancient Chinese philosophy in the context of the concept of the faith ontology. The creeds of Taoism, Confucianism and the most influential philosophical concepts are analyzed. It is proved that transformation of values from the tradition to ideology determines the priorities of personal identity through the rationalization of human consciousness. The given article will be interesting not only for philosophers, but also for all people interested in current problems of human and society.В статье предпринята попытка ценностного переосмысления древнекитайской философии в контексте концепции онтологии веры. Рассмотрены символы веры даосизма, конфуцианства и некоторых наиболее влиятельных философских концепций. Обосновано, что трансформация ценностей от традиции к идеологии определяет приоритеты личностной самоидентификации посредством рационализации человеческого сознания. Данная статья будет интересна не только философам, но и всем интересующимся актуальными проблемами человека и общества

    Способи перекладу юридичної термінології на заняттях англійської мови

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    У статті проаналізовано основні способи перекладу юридичної термінології на заняттях англійської мови. Крім того, автор досліджує лінгвістичні та екстралінгвістичні фактори, що впливають на переклад лексичних одиниць та їх розуміння реципієнтами. (The article deals with the analysis of the main translation ways of legal terminology at English classes. Besides, the author researches linguistic and extralinguistic factors influencing the translation of lexical units and their understanding by recipients.


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    The aim of our work is to study and compare interactive and traditional teaching methods of pharmacists-interns for first medical care at the post-graduate educational stage.To prove statistically or to deny advantages of interactive teaching methods, such as: simulation training, based on clinical cases, interactive lecture, close discussion, Peyton’s 4 steps approach, positive criticism, based on two groups of pharmacists-interns, assessing the formed competence, stress-resistance and motivation for giving first medical care.This is a prospective, randomized, pilot study with two groups of pharmacists-interns at studying at the internship from 2014 to 2017 year, based on the Institute of post-graduate education of the National medical university (NMU), named after O. O. Bogomolets, at one of learning stages – «Care at urgent states and acute intoxications”. The participants were randomized and divided in two groups. There was formed the control group (CG), including 95 pharmacists-interns of 2014 year of admission, and in further the training was started according to the traditional methodology that doesn’t provide interactive methods and simulation. The experimental group (EG) included 104 pharmacists-interns of 2015 year of admission that the program using interactive methods was elaborated for. Interactive methods used in the experimental group, included: simulation training, based on clinical scenarios, interactive lecture, close discussion, practical activity using Peyton’s 4 steps approach, positive criticism. Activities lasted 12 hours in groups of 16 persons, there were also used diverse handbooks and posters according to ERC recommendations. Exclusion criteria were missing classes or failing a course.Indices of the experimental group demonstrated the growth of assuredness level at giving urgent care (UC) up to 75,0 %. The number of interns, satisfied with the structure and methodology of giving information – up to 92,3 %. The analysis of data, received at assessing tests, demonstrated that 85,6 % (high and middle) of EG at the final level (FL) of assessing fixed correctly the signs of the blood circulation stop comparing with 17,3 % in the initial result (IR); 86,5 % (high and middle) indicated correctly the time, given for conforming the blood circulation stop at FL comparing with 22,1 % in IR; 80,8 % (high and middle) chose the tactics at the blood circulation stop correctly at FL comparing with 28,8 % in IR; the number of pharmacists-interns, who know medicaments, administered at CPR grew from 31,7 % at IR to 90,4 % (high and middle) at FL; at the beginning of studying only 6,7 % chose the tactics at giving first medical care to traumatized patients correctly, at the final assessment – 69,2 % (high and middle) in FR.; 88,4 % (high and middle) chose the technique of stopping bleeding in FR comparing with 54,8 % in IR.The results of the initial and final assessing of formation levels of the competence in the control group (CG) didn’t statistically differ.Our study considered the new model of the curriculum using interactive teaching methods comparing with the traditional one. Interactive methods such as simulation training, based on clinical scenarios, interactive lecture, close discussion, Peyton’s 4 steps approach, positive criticism demonstrated their effectiveness

    Порівняння освітніх програм в розрізі досяжності компетентностей і результатів навчання обов’язковими освітніми компонентами

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    The most important elements of educational programs are the educational components (disciplines), as well as the competencies and learning outcomes they provide. The article presents a comparative analysis of some compulsory disciplines of the educational and professional program "Informatics" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 12 "Information Technology", specialty 122 "Computer Science" with disciplines of educational and professional programs of the same level and specialties of other institutions of higher education. The work analyzes the educational and professional program "Computer Science" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 122 "Computer Science". It is implemented by the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in terms of comparing compulsory educational components educational-professional program "Informatics" and provided (achievable) standard learning outcomes and competencies with compulsory educational components of other educational programs. Pages of the article in the issue: 129 - 136 Language of the article: UkrainianНайважливішими елементами освітніх програм є освітні компоненти (дисципліни), а також компетентності й результати навчання, що ними забезпечуються. У статті наведено порівняльний аналіз окремих обов’язкових дисциплін освітньо-професійної програми «Інформатика» першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти галузі знань 12 «Інформаційні технології», спеціальності 122 «Комп’ютерні науки» з дисциплінами освітньо-професійних програм того ж рівня та спеціальності інших закладів вищої освіти. В роботі проаналізовано освітньо-професійну програму «Інформатика» першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти за спеціальністю 122 «Комп’ютерні науки», що реалізується факультетом комп’ютерних наук та кібернетики Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка в розрізі порівняння обов’язкових освітніх компонент освітньо-професійної програми «Інформатика» та забезпечуваних (досяжних) ними стандартних результатів навчання й компетентностей з обов’язковими освітніми компонентами інших освітніх програм

    Iconoclasm in political and legal model of Bysantium empire

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    Розглянуто вплив іконоборcтва на політико-правову модель Візантійської імперії. З’ясовано обставини уваги держави до іконоборства, зумовлені суперечностями між управлінсько-регулятивною діяльністю держави та інтересами церковної ієрархії. Показано роль іконоборства в модернізації системи управління Візантійської імперії, політиці влади на підпорядкування Східної Церкви державному апарату, в реалізації державного контролю, формуванні ідеологічних постулатів відповідно до соціальних проблем держави.The articledeals with the ideological and political essence of iconoclasm as a specific trend of religion and its impact on political and legal model of governmental policy of supreme authority of Bysantium Empire. The author defines circumstances of a special attention of the state to iconoclasm under a certain period of Bysantium Empire development — a factor, provoked by growing contradictions between the administrative and regulative activities of the state authority and the interests of the Church hierarchy, first of all big monasteries; reveals the role of iconoclasm in the process of modernization of legal and political models of Bysantium Empire, as well as in the policy of Emperors power aimed at submitting of interests of Eastern Church (Patriarch of Constantinople) to state apparatus. Among the problems under discussion is the role of iconoclasm in realization and strengthening of the state control of Bysantium Empire, its influence upon the modernization process of the ideological postulates of the state done according to the renewed social relations of the state.Расссматривается влияние иконоборчества на политико-правовую модель Византийской империи. Выясняются обстоятельства внимания государства к иконоборчеству, определяемые противоречиями между управленческо-регулятивной деятельностью государства и интересами церковной иерархии. Показывается роль иконоборчества в модернизации системы управления Византийской империи, политике власти на подчинение Восточной Церкви государственному аппарату, в реализации государственного контроля, формировании идеологических постулатов соответственно социальным проблемам государства