13 research outputs found

    The Implicit Contribution of Principal’s Self-Awareness Towards Teacher Self-Efficacy

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    The main focus of this study was to look at the influence of the authentic leadership of the principals and the self-efficacy level of teachers in Pendang district, Kedah. The quantitative survey method using the questionnaire was adopted in this study. The study respondents consisted of 254 teachers randomly selected from 10 national secondary schools in Penang district, Kedah. The benchmark used for authentic leadership is to use the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ -Version 1) of the original instrument developed by Avolio, Gardner, and Walumbwa (2007). Similarly, the teacher self-efficacy questionnaire was used in Hoy and Woolfolk's (1993) short form of the Teacher Efficacy Scale developed by Moran, Hoy, and Hoy (1998). The findings show that there is a significant relationship between the dimensions of authentic leadership and the self-efficacy of teachers in Pendang, Kedah. However, there is only one dimension that influences the teacher's self-efficacy, which is the dimension of self-awareness. Based on the findings of this study, it is hoped that it will contribute useful information to help educators in cultivating the principals' leadership style and high levels of teacher self-efficacy to produce symmetrical human capital


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    The purpose of this paper is to compare the coping strategies among university student-athletes between Indonesia and Malaysia. A sample of 469 students athletes of Indonesia (226: female-69; male-157) and Malaysia (243: female-95; male-148) were randomly selected as the sample for this study. The age for Indonesia student-athletes (M=21.05, sd=2.31) and Malaysia student athletes (M=21.41, sd=2.50). The samples were selected from four major universities in Indonesia and Malaysia. Of the sample, 2.6% of Indonesian and 2.3% of Malaysian representing National team and 4.3% of Indonesian and 5.8% of Malaysian student-athletes representing state level during their study. However, 3.8% and 13.9% of Indonesian sample representing National and state during their high school year, respectively, 8.5% and 21.7% of the Malaysian sample representing National and state team during their high school year. The instrument used in this study was The Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI-28). Results show that there are significantly difference between Indonesia and Malaysia athletes in coping in adversity, concentration, mental preparation and goal setting, peaking under pressure and freedom from worries. Out of that, the Indonesian student-athletes score higher than Malaysian student-athletes in subthemes of freedom from worries. While, the others the Malaysia student-athletes score higher. Results were further discussed and recommended for future research

    The strategies for character building through sports participation

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    The sport participation has been a major part of our life in the societies. Studies on sports participation have found that sports have both positive and negative influence on character buildings. It has been on-going debate on whether ‘sports build character’ but through literature analysis, author had found that ‘with the intention, sports do build character.’ Therefore, strategies of building character through sports are suggested in this paper

    Penggunaan Narkotika dikalangan Olahragawan Malaysia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti penggunaan narkotika dikalangan atlet mengikut kemahiran, iaitu yang mewakili peringkat Nasional (negara), negeri, daerah dan universiti. Selain itu, ia juga untuk melihat perbezaan penggunaan narkotika dikalangan atlet berdasarkan gender. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel 111 atlet Malaysia (Negara = 31; Negeri = 35; Daerah = 19; Universitas = 26), yang dipilih secara random semasa pertandingan olahraga antara universitas. Manakala dari segi gender, atlet lelaki adalah 66 dan atlet perempuan adalah 45. Angket Penggunaan Narkotika (Drug Use Questionnaire) digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengukur tahap penggunaan narkotika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tujuan utama penggunaan narkotika adalah untuk menang. Selain itu, penggunaan narkotika dikalangan atlet lelaki lebih tinggi daripada perempuan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan narkotika lebih tinggi diguna oleh olahragawan yang mewakili peringkat Nasional (Negara). Ahli-ahli psikologi olahraga harus memainkan peranan penting untuk menggurangkan ketagihan penggunaan narkotika dengan memberi terapi yang berkesan. Pemerintah Malaysia harus melarang olahragawan yang menggunakan narkotika terlibat dalam pertandingan olahraga

    The Morale of Supervision: The Impact of Technical Supervision Skills of Teaching and Learning on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy

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    The Minister of Education Malaysia specifically issues Circular 3/1987, which notes that it is the responsibility of the principal or director to practice his position as a supervisor in the management of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This is show that the importance of supervisory processes. However, oversight can be assigned to senior assistants in the case of any obstacle to its execution. The consistency of monitoring is frequently contested because of several issues and vulnerabilities. Recognizing the importance of supervisory processes to enhance teacher professionalism, this study was conducted to examine the influence of teaching and learning supervision and teacher self-efficacy. This research was conducted among 211 teachers who engaged in the teaching and learning supervision process in 13 primary schools chosen by the Jeli District Education Office, Kelantan. The questionnaire was used to gather data and information. The study also indicates that the dimension of professional supervision skills has the greatest effect on the instructor's self-efficiency. In brief, the evaluation of teaching and learning cannot be overlooked, because the findings of the study suggest that these factors have to do with the self-efficacy of the teacher, and cannot be discounted as a factor in the performance of the school

    The morale of supervision: the impact of technical supervision skills of teaching and learning on teachers' self-efficacy

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    The Minister of Education Malaysia specifically issues Circular 3/1987, which notes that it is the responsibility of the principal or director to practice his position as a supervisor in the management of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This is show that the importance of supervisory processes. However, oversight can be assigned to senior assistants in the case of any obstacle to its execution. The consistency of monitoring is frequently contested because of several issues and vulnerabilities. Recognizing the importance of supervisory processes to enhance teacher professionalism, this study was conducted to examine the influence of teaching and learning supervision and teacher self-efficacy. This research was conducted among 211 teachers who engaged in the teaching and learning supervision process in 13 primary schools chosen by the Jeli District Education Office, Kelantan. The questionnaire was used to gather data and information. The study also indicates that the dimension of professional supervision skills has the greatest effect on the instructor's self-efficiency. In brief, the evaluation of teaching and learning cannot be overlooked, because the findings of the study suggest that these factors have to do with the self-efficacy of the teacher, and cannot be discounted as a factor in the performance of the schoo

    Examining a Stage-Based Intervention and Predictors of Exercise Behavior among Iranian Sedentary Adolescents

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    This study evaluated the effect of an intervention based on Transtheoretical Model on exercise behavior and examined TTM constructs as predictors of stages of change among Iranian adolescents. Fifty-six sedentary adolescents completed an assessment at baseline, 2 months, and 4 months. Repeated measures ANOVA and logistic regression were used to analyze the data. The analysis showed a statistically significant difference in the mean scores on stages of change for the experimental group. Thus, students in the experiment group significantly improved their stages compared to the baseline. Furthermore, stages of change were found to correlate with TTM constructs, and self-efficacy was shown to be a strong predictor of stages of change. This study indicated that a stage-based intervention using TTM constructs could effectively improve adolescents’ intention to engage in physical activity. Moreover, the level of physical activity in adolescent can be improved by increasing their self-efficacy to exercise. Keywords: Physical Activity; Stage of Change; Processes of Change; Decisional Balance; Self-efficacy; Transtheoretical Mode

    The student-athletes coping strategy and sources of stress

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the sources of stress and coping strategies among university athletes. Fifteen athletes from a selected university Rugby Sport of Excellence Program in Malaysia aged between18 to 23 years old agreed to participate in this study. Starting from the top level, only 7% of the players have the experience playing at national level, a majority of 60% of them have the experience playing at the state level, 20% at the district level while 13% of the players only play at school level. Qualitative methodology was utilized in this investigation and the interview transcript was analyzed inductively. The results show four sources of stress: feeling nervous before the game, injuries, disruption from the audience and personal problems. Whereas, there are five coping strategies: social support, positive self-talk, mind set, remembering previous success and physical preparation. Recommendations were also suggested in the paper


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    The purpose of this paper is to compare the coping strategies among university student-athletes between Indonesia and Malaysia. A sample of 469 students athletes of Indonesia (226: female-69; male-157) and Malaysia (243: female-95; male-148) were randomly selected as the sample for this study. The age for Indonesia student-athletes (M=21.05, sd=2.31) and Malaysia student athletes (M=21.41, sd=2.50). The samples were selected from four major universities in Indonesia and Malaysia. Of the sample, 2.6% of Indonesian and 2.3% of Malaysian representing National team and 4.3% of Indonesian and 5.8% of Malaysian student-athletes representing state level during their study. However, 3.8% and 13.9% of Indonesian sample representing National and state during their high school year, respectively, 8.5% and 21.7% of the Malaysian sample representing National and state team during their high school year. The instrument used in this study was The Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI-28). Results show that there are significantly difference between Indonesia and Malaysia athletes in coping in adversity, concentration, mental preparation and goal setting, peaking under pressure and freedom from worries. Out of that, the Indonesian student-athletes score higher than Malaysian student-athletes in subthemes of freedom from worries. While, the others the Malaysia student-athletes score higher. Results were further discussed and recommended for future research