476 research outputs found

    Complex sine-Gordon-2: a new algorithm for multivortex solutions on the plane

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    We present a new vorticity-raising transformation for the second integrable complexification of the sine-Gordon equation on the plane. The new transformation is a product of four Schlesinger maps of the Painlev\'{e}-V to itself, and allows a more efficient construction of the nn-vortex solution than the previously reported transformation comprising a product of 2n2n maps.Comment: Part of a talk given at a conference on "Nonlinear Physics. Theory and Experiment", Gallipoli (Lecce), June-July 2004. To appear in a topical issue of "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics". 7 pages, 1 figur

    Symmetries of Differential Equations via Cartan's Method of Equivalence

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    We formulate a method of computing invariant 1-forms and structure equations of symmetry pseudo-groups of differential equations based on Cartan's method of equivalence and the moving coframe method introduced by Fels and Olver. Our apparoach does not require a preliminary computation of infinitesimal defining systems, their analysis and integration, and uses differentiation and linear algebra operations only. Examples of its applications are given.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    Nonlocal aspects of λ\lambda-symmetries and ODEs reduction

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    A reduction method of ODEs not possessing Lie point symmetries makes use of the so called λ\lambda-symmetries (C. Muriel and J. L. Romero, \emph{IMA J. Appl. Math.} \textbf{66}, 111-125, 2001). The notion of covering for an ODE Y\mathcal{Y} is used here to recover λ\lambda-symmetries of Y\mathcal{Y} as nonlocal symmetries. In this framework, by embedding Y\mathcal{Y} into a suitable system Y′\mathcal{Y}^{\prime} determined by the function λ\lambda, any λ\lambda-symmetry of Y\mathcal{Y} can be recovered by a local symmetry of Y′\mathcal{Y}^{\prime}. As a consequence, the reduction method of Muriel and Romero follows from the standard method of reduction by differential invariants applied to Y′\mathcal{Y}^{\prime}.Comment: 13 page

    Thermally-induced vacuum instability in a single plane wave

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    Ever since Schwinger published his influential paper [J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. \textbf{82}, 664 (1951)], it has been unanimously accepted that the vacuum is stable in the presence of an electromagnetic plane wave. However, we advance an analysis that indicates this statement is not rigorously valid in a real situation, where thermal effects are present. We show that the thermal vacuum, in the presence of a single plane-wave field, even in the limit of zero frequency (a constant crossed field), decays into electron-positron pairs. Interestingly, the pair-production rate is found to depend nonperturbatively on both the amplitude of the constant crossed field and on the temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Conditional Lie-B\"acklund symmetry and reduction of evolution equations.

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    We suggest a generalization of the notion of invariance of a given partial differential equation with respect to Lie-B\"acklund vector field. Such generalization proves to be effective and enables us to construct principally new Ans\"atze reducing evolution-type equations to several ordinary differential equations. In the framework of the said generalization we obtain principally new reductions of a number of nonlinear heat conductivity equations ut=uxx+F(u,ux)u_t=u_{xx}+F(u,u_x) with poor Lie symmetry and obtain their exact solutions. It is shown that these solutions can not be constructed by means of the symmetry reduction procedure.Comment: 12 pages, latex, needs amssymb., to appear in the "Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General" (1995

    Central factorials under the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform of polynomials

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    We show that slight modifications of the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform lead to an automorphism of the vector space of polynomials. This circumstance along with the Mellin transformation property of the modified Bessel functions perform the passage of monomials to central factorial polynomials. A special attention is driven to the polynomial sequences whose KL-transform is the canonical sequence, which will be fully characterized. Finally, new identities between the central factorials and the Euler polynomials are found.Comment: also available at http://cmup.fc.up.pt/cmup/ since the 2nd August 201

    Propagation of charged particle waves in a uniform magnetic field

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    This paper considers the probability density and current distributions generated by a point-like, isotropic source of monoenergetic charges embedded into a uniform magnetic field environment. Electron sources of this kind have been realized in recent photodetachment microscopy experiments. Unlike the total photocurrent cross section, which is largely understood, the spatial profiles of charge and current emitted by the source display an unexpected hierarchy of complex patterns, even though the distributions, apart from scaling, depend only on a single physical parameter. We examine the electron dynamics both by solving the quantum problem, i. e., finding the energy Green function, and from a semiclassical perspective based on the simple cyclotron orbits followed by the electron. Simulations suggest that the semiclassical method, which involves here interference between an infinite set of paths, faithfully reproduces the features observed in the quantum solution, even in extreme circumstances, and lends itself to an interpretation of some (though not all) of the rich structure exhibited in this simple problem.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figure

    Construction and implementation of asymptotic expansions for Jacobi-type orthogonal polynomials

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    We are interested in the asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials of the generalized Jacobi type as their degree n goes to ∞. These are defined on the interval [−1, 1] with weight function: w(x)=(1−x)α(1+x)βh(x),α,β>−1 and h(x) a real, analytic and strictly positive function on [−1, 1]. This information is available in the work of Kuijlaars et al. (Adv. Math. 188, 337–398 2004), where the authors use the Riemann–Hilbert formulation and the Deift–Zhou non-linear steepest descent method. We show that computing higher-order terms can be simplified, leading to their efficient construction. The resulting asymptotic expansions in every region of the complex plane are implemented both symbolically and numerically, and the code is made publicly available. The main advantage of these expansions is that they lead to increasing accuracy for increasing degree of the polynomials, at a computational cost that is actually independent of the degree. In contrast, the typical use of the recurrence relation for orthogonal polynomials in computations leads to a cost that is at least linear in the degree. Furthermore, the expansions may be used to compute Gaussian quadrature rules in O(n) operations, rather than O(n2) based on the recurrence relation

    On the notion of conditional symmetry of differential equations

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    Symmetry properties of PDE's are considered within a systematic and unifying scheme: particular attention is devoted to the notion of conditional symmetry, leading to the distinction and a precise characterization of the notions of ``true'' and ``weak'' conditional symmetry. Their relationship with exact and partial symmetries is also discussed. An extensive use of ``symmetry-adapted'' variables is made; several clarifying examples, including the case of Boussinesq equation, are also provided.Comment: 18 page

    Edgeworth Expansion of the Largest Eigenvalue Distribution Function of GUE Revisited

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    We derive expansions of the resolvent Rn(x;y;t)=(Qn(x;t)Pn(y;t)-Qn(y;t)Pn(x;t))/(x-y) of the Hermite kernel Kn at the edge of the spectrum of the finite n Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUEn) and the finite n expansion of Qn(x;t) and Pn(x;t). Using these large n expansions, we give another proof of the derivation of an Edgeworth type theorem for the largest eigenvalue distribution function of GUEn. We conclude with a brief discussion on the derivation of the probability distribution function of the corresponding largest eigenvalue in the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOEn) and Gaussian Symplectic Ensembles (GSEn)
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