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    Application of Geospatial Techniques in the Locational Planning of Health Care Centers in Minna, Nigeria

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    Access to health care is an important component of an overall health system and a major indicator of growth. Health care planning and Geographic Information System (GIS) are two relevant fields that depend upon spatial data. GIS plays an essential role in helping public health organizations to understand population health and make decisions with the powerful tools and situation that GIS technology provides. The purpose of the study to investigated the spatial distribution of health care centers in Minna, Nigeria with a view to use Geographic Information System (GIS) technique in health care management and planning. The method is a qualitative research that is used in making decisions in order to have a strong understanding of government policies and programs.  Beyond the many uses of a GIS in health applications, the greatest power of a GIS lies in its ability to integrate information from disparate sources. Traffic disturbances and poor road network were observed to be the major factors militating against effective health care facilities location in the study area. Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, Healthcare, Planning, Remote Sensing, Research References ReferencesAbbas, I.I, Auta, S.Z and Na'iya, R.M (2012) Health Care Facilities Mapping and Database Creation Using GIS in Chikun Local Government, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Global Journal of Human Social Sciences (B) Vol. XII, Issue X, Version 1, pp 10-18 Abegunde, A.A.and Adedigba, A.M. (2011). Teaching Hospitals in African Nations: Infrastructure for Regional or Local Community Development? The African Symposium, Vol. 11, No. 2, p 49-59 Abubakar, M.S, Dalhatu, U. and Adamu M.Y (2008) Creating a GIS application for local health care planning in Nassarawa State. Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research; 4(4)557-592 Adejuyigbe, O. 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