65 research outputs found

    The physics of stratum corneum lipid membranes

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    The stratum corneum (SC), the outermost layer of skin, comprises rigid corneocytes (keratin-filled dead cells) in a specialized lipid matrix. The continuous lipid matrix provides the main barrier against uncontrolled water loss and invasion of external pathogens. Unlike all other biological lipid membranes (such as intracellular organelles and plasma membranes), molecules in the SC lipid matrix show small hydrophilic groups and large variability in the length of the alkyl tails and in the numbers and positions of groups that are capable of forming hydrogen bonds. Molecular simulations provide a route for systematically probing the effects of each of these differences separately. In this article, we present the results from atomistic molecular dynamics of selected lipid bilayers and multi-layers to probe the effect of these polydispersities. We address the nature of the tail packing in the gel-like phase, the hydrogen bond network among head groups, the bending moduli expected for leaflets comprising SC lipids and the conformation of very long ceramide lipids in multi-bilayer lipid assemblies

    Fluctuating viscoelasticity based on a finite number of dumbbells

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    Two alternative routes are taken to derive, on the basis of the dynamics of a finite number of dumbbells, viscoelasticity in terms of a conformation tensor with fluctuations. The first route is a direct approach using stochastic calculus only, and it serves as a benchmark for the second route, which is guided by thermodynamic principles. In the latter, the Helmholtz free energy and a generalized relaxation tensor play a key role. It is shown that the results of the two routes agree only if a finite-size contribution to the Helmholtz free energy of the conformation tensor is taken into account. Using statistical mechanics, this finite-size contribution is derived explicitly in this paper for a large class of models; this contribution is non-zero whenever the number of dumbbells in the volume of observation is finite. It is noted that the generalized relaxation tensor for the conformation tensor does not need any finite-size correction

    Frustration and thermalization in an artificial magnetic quasicrystal

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    Artificial frustrated systems offer a playground to study the emergent properties of interacting systems. Most work to date has been on spatially periodic systems, known as artificial spin ices when the interacting elements are magnetic. Here we have studied artificial magnetic quasicrystals based on quasiperiodic Penrose tiling patterns of interacting nanomagnets. We construct a low-energy configuration from a step-by-step approach that we propose as a ground state. Topologically induced emergent frustration means that this configuration cannot be constructed from vertices in their ground states. It has two parts, a quasi-one-dimensional ‘skeleton’ that spans the entire pattern and is capable of long-range order, surrounding ‘flippable’ clusters of macrospins that lead to macroscopic degeneracy. Magnetic force microscopy imaging of Penrose tiling arrays revealed superdomains that are larger for more strongly coupled arrays, especially after annealing the array above its blocking temperature

    Cooperative Intramolecular Dynamics Control the Chain-Length-Dependent Glass Transition in Polymers

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    The glass transition is a long-standing unsolved problem in materials science. For polymers, our understanding of glass formation is particularly poor because of the added complexity of chain connectivity and flexibility; structural relaxation of polymers thus involves a complex interplay between intramolecular and intermolecular cooperativity. Here, we study how the glass-transition temperature Tg varies with molecular weight M for different polymer chemistries and chain flexibilities. We find that Tg(M) is controlled by the average mass (or volume) per conformational degree of freedom and that a “local” molecular relaxation (involving a few conformers) controls the larger-scale cooperative α relaxation responsible for Tg. We propose that dynamic facilitation where a local relaxation facilitates adjacent relaxations, leading to hierarchical dynamics, can explain our observations, including logarithmic Tg(M) dependences. Our study provides a new understanding of molecular relaxations and the glass transition in polymers, which paves the way for predictive design of polymers based on monomer-scale metrics

    Quantitative imaging of concentrated suspensions under flow

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    We review recent advances in imaging the flow of concentrated suspensions, focussing on the use of confocal microscopy to obtain time-resolved information on the single-particle level in these systems. After motivating the need for quantitative (confocal) imaging in suspension rheology, we briefly describe the particles, sample environments, microscopy tools and analysis algorithms needed to perform this kind of experiments. The second part of the review focusses on microscopic aspects of the flow of concentrated model hard-sphere-like suspensions, and the relation to non-linear rheological phenomena such as yielding, shear localization, wall slip and shear-induced ordering. Both Brownian and non-Brownian systems will be described. We show how quantitative imaging can improve our understanding of the connection between microscopic dynamics and bulk flow.Comment: Review on imaging hard-sphere suspensions, incl summary of methodology. Submitted for special volume 'High Solid Dispersions' ed. M. Cloitre, Vol. xx of 'Advances and Polymer Science' (Springer, Berlin, 2009); 22 pages, 16 fig

    Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Human Metapneumovirus

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    Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) and human metapneumovirus (HMPV) are ubiquitous respiratory pathogens of the Pneumovirinae subfamily of the Paramyxoviridae. Two major surface antigens are expressed by both viruses; the highly conserved fusion (F) protein, and the extremely diverse attachment (G) glycoprotein. Both viruses comprise two genetic groups, A and B. Circulation frequencies of the two genetic groups fluctuate for both viruses, giving rise to frequently observed switching of the predominantly circulating group. Nucleotide sequence data for the F and G gene regions of HRSV and HMPV variants from the UK, the Netherlands, Bangkok and data available from Genbank were used to identify clades of both viruses. Several contemporary circulating clades of HRSV and HMPV were identified by phylogenetic reconstructions. The molecular epidemiology and evolutionary dynamics of clades were modelled in parallel. Times of origin were determined and positively selected sites were identified. Sustained circulation of contemporary clades of both viruses for decades and their global dissemination demonstrated that switching of the predominant genetic group did not arise through the emergence of novel lineages each respiratory season, but through the fluctuating circulation frequencies of pre-existing lineages which undergo proliferative and eclipse phases. An abundance of sites were identified as positively selected within the G protein but not the F protein of both viruses. For HRSV, these were discordant with previously identified residues under selection, suggesting the virus can evade immune responses by generating diversity at multiple sites within linear epitopes. For both viruses, different sites were identified as positively selected between genetic groups

    Rheo-PIV of a shear-banding wormlike micellar solution under large amplitude oscillatory shear

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    We explore the behavior of a wormlike micellar solution under both steady and large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) in a cone–plate geometry through simultaneous bulk rheometry and localized velocimetric measurements. First, particle image velocimetry is used to show that the shear-banded profiles observed in steady shear are in qualitative agreement with previous results for flow in the cone–plate geometry. Then under LAOS, we observe the onset of shear-banded flow in the fluid as it is progressively deformed into the non-linear regime—this onset closely coincides with the appearance of higher harmonics in the periodic stress signal measured by the rheometer. These harmonics are quantified using the higher-order elastic and viscous Chebyshev coefficients e [subscript n] and v [subscript n] , which are shown to grow as the banding behavior becomes more pronounced. The high resolution of the velocimetric imaging system enables spatiotemporal variations in the structure of the banded flow to be observed in great detail. Specifically, we observe that at large strain amplitudes (γ [subscript 0] ≥ 1), the fluid exhibits a three-banded velocity profile with a high shear rate band located in-between two lower shear rate bands adjacent to each wall. This band persists over the full cycle of the oscillation, resulting in no phase lag being observed between the appearance of the band and the driving strain amplitude. In addition to the kinematic measurements of shear banding, the methods used to prevent wall slip and edge irregularities are discussed in detail, and these methods are shown to have a measurable effect on the stability boundaries of the shear-banded flow.Spain. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) (Project FIS2010-21924-C02-02

    Phenomenology and physical origin of shear-localization and shear-banding in complex fluids

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    We review and compare the phenomenological aspects and physical origin of shear-localization and shear-banding in various material types, namely emulsions, suspensions, colloids, granular materials and micellar systems. It appears that shear-banding, which must be distinguished from the simple effect of coexisting static-flowing regions in yield stress fluids, occurs in the form of a progressive evolution of the local viscosity towards two significantly different values in two adjoining regions of the fluids in which the stress takes slightly different values. This suggests that from a global point of view shear-banding in these systems has a common physical origin: two physical phenomena (for example, in colloids, destructuration due to flow and restructuration due to aging) are in competition and, depending on the flow conditions, one of them becomes dominant and makes the system evolve in a specific direction.Comment: The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Recent experimental probes of shear banding

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    Recent experimental techniques used to investigate shear banding are reviewed. After recalling the rheological signature of shear-banded flows, we summarize the various tools for measuring locally the microstructure and the velocity field under shear. Local velocity measurements using dynamic light scattering and ultrasound are emphasized. A few results are extracted from current works to illustrate open questions and directions for future research.Comment: Review paper, 23 pages, 11 figures, 204 reference

    Scalar <i>φ</i><sup>4</sup> field theory for active-particle phase separation

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    Recent theories predict phase separation among orientationally disordered active particles whose propulsion speed decreases rapidly enough with density. Coarse-grained models of this process show time-reversal symmetry (detailed balance) to be restored for uniform states, but broken by gradient terms; hence detailed-balance violation is strongly coupled to interfacial phenomena. To explore the subtle generic physics resulting from such coupling we here introduce `Active Model B'. This is a scalar ϕ4\phi^4 field theory (or phase-field model) that minimally violates detailed balance via a leading-order square-gradient term. We find that this additional term has modest effects on coarsening dynamics, but alters the static phase diagram by creating a jump in (thermodynamic) pressure across flat interfaces. Both results are surprising, since interfacial phenomena are always strongly implicated in coarsening dynamics but are, in detailed-balance systems, irrelevant for phase equilibria.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure