26 research outputs found

    El ciclo mitológico de Baal. : Nuevas perspectivas de interpretación

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    In this paper three recent approaches to the Baal Cycle are singled out as landmarks in current understanding of the central element of Ugaritic mythology: a grammatical review of the whole Cycle from the aspect of discourse analysis; an understanding of the political implications of the relationships between Baal's kingship and the actual kingship of Ugarit; an interpretation of Anat's role as a fertility goddess and the rather crude manner in which it was carried out in this connectio

    El ciclo mitológico de Baal. Nuevas perspectivas de interpretación

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    In this paper three recent approaches to the Baal Cycle are singled out as landmarks in current understanding of the central element of Ugaritic mythology: a grammatical review of the whole Cycle from the aspect of discourse analysis; an understanding of the political implications of the relationships between Baal's kingship and the actual kingship of Ugarit; an interpretation of Anat’s role as a fertility goddess and the rather crude manner in which it was carried out in this connection

    Job : problema y solución

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    The Biblical Book of Job puts forward a situation that has from long worried the faithful people: how can the good God allow the suffering of an innocent man? The problem had already received full attention in Old Babylonian wisdom literature that is analysed in the paper as hypotext of the biblical book as far as argument and literary form. Both are afterwards described in detail, enhancing the particular way of dealing with the problem of the biblical book and its significance as a literary scenic composition. Finally three modern literary works that take up thebiblical topic as hipertext are briefly analysed as witnesses of its permanent actuality

    Moisés y la Ley

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    Biblical narrative asserts itself as an anthology of biographies. Moses accordingly turns out to be the most outstanding figure, as protagonist of four biblical books. In them his function as lawgiver stands out as the most significant. Almost completely ignored in the rest of the biblical books, he comes to the fore during the Exile when “his” Law is compiled, becoming from this moment on the reference source of Judaism. The modern portrait of the biblical character in Th. Mann’s novel Das Gesetz is analyzed here along with three other important literary works by Faulkner, Halter and Wouk. The biography of the Vizier Beja, according to De Moor, could have been the prototype of Moses’ story

    Vocabularios hebreos del s. XVIII en bibliotecas de Barcelona

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    Religi\uf3n y pueblo en la perspectiva jud\ueda y cristiana

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    El judaisme

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    Després d'una breu digressió sobre els orígens del judaisme, l'autor centra l'atenció en l'anomenat judaisme normatiu i en les formes específiques que prengué al llarg dels segles fins als temps moderns. Malgrat que tota consideració de l'evolució del judaisme implica un cert grau de perspectivisme històric, l'article aborda el judaisme des d'un punt de vista clarament sincrònic, tot donant per sobreentès que la religió jueva és quelcom consolidat definitivament i assajant de determinar les seves estructures ideològiques i funcionals bàsiques. L'article examina els principals corrents religiosos que coexisteixen a l'interior del judaisme actualment i les dificultats que hi ha per a determinar-ne l'ortodòxia en alguns casos. L'existència de l'estat d'Israel ha posat encara més de manifest llurs diferències, a causa de la implicació de cada un d'aquests moviments en la realització del projecte polític de la nació jueva

    Las Muwaššaḥas de Ibn Ṣaddiq

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