190 research outputs found

    Chemical bond and electronic states in the CaF2-Si(111) and Ca-Si(111) interfaces

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    The first stage of formation of the CaF2-Si(111) and Ca-Si(111) interfaces is studied through the employment of the surface linear-muffin-tin-orbital approach in the atomic-sphere approximation. The interfaces are simulated by monolayers of F-Ca and Ca on Si(111), respectively. Both valence- and core-electron states have been calculated: their analysis gives important information about the nature of the Ca-Si and Ca-F bonds. These results are successfully compared with the available experimental data. The importance of considering the Madelung contribution in the interpretation of surface-core-level shifts is pointed out

    Dinámicas de la interacción social vinculada a la conflictividad escolar entre estudiantes, pertenecientes a una institución educativa del Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

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    Se anexa carta de petición solicitando ayuda para el afrontamiento de conflictividad en la institución educativa, diarios de campo, transcripción de entrevistas, apartes del PEI, del Manual de convivenciaLa presente investigación fue realizada en una institución educativa del Valle del Cauca- Colombia, con un grupo representativo de la comunidad educativa cuyo objetivo general se centró en conocer las dinámicas de interacción social vinculadas a la conflictividad escolar entre los estudiantes, caracterizando las principales acciones agresivas, identificando el tipo de clima escolar que pueda favorecer su desarrollo y los recursos utilizados para resolver los conflictos con el propósito de redescubrir estrategias psicosociales que les permitan construir un ambiente de armonía desarrollando competencias ciudadanas y habilidades para la vida. La metodología utilizada fue la cualitativa fundamentada en el método etnográfico educativo, entre cuyas técnicas de investigación aplicadas se destacan la inmersión en la institución, la observación de aula de clase, de recreo y de juego, la entrevista individual y entrevista de grupo y de revisión en documentos tales como el Manual de Convivencia, PEI del establecimiento educativo, observadores de aula, registros del coordinador escolar y del Comité Escolar de Convivencia. Entre los resultados principales establecidos se encuentra que docentes y estudiantes perciben la convivencia en la institución como buena, aunque se presentan algunos problemas vinculados a las relaciones interpersonales y de indisciplina al interior de la escuela identificándose la necesidad de fortalecer los espacios de diálogo, escucha y participación desde el gobierno escolar y de adopción de recursos para resolver los conflictos. Se concluye que los problemas de convivencia escolar están vinculados con el maltrato verbal, el cual está ligado a la burla y al Bullying y presentan una fuerte conexión con la convivencia en el contexto social y en las familias. Se evidenció que la formación está centrada en la visión hegemónica de la normatividad y del saber, lo que posiblemente justifica el escaso desarrollo de las competencias ciudadanas en las modalidades de competencias comunicativas, emocionales, cognitivas e integradoras. La comunidad educativa desarrolla estrategias y acciones positivas y negativas que requieren ser reflexionadas, se plantean estrategias para la emergencia de las competencias ciudadanas y la resolución adecuada de los conflictos. Se concluye que la institución podría reconsiderar su modelo de enseñanza centrado en la adquisición de conocimientos, por el modelo de desarrollo de competencias que permite al estudiante llevar a la praxis los conocimientos encontrados en el proceso formativo, que responda a las necesidades del contexto. Igualmente se establece como necesario para la superación de las situaciones de agresión escolar la implementación de políticas diseñadas desde el Comité escolar de Convivencia para la prevención de la violencia escolar, la participación efectiva de los integrantes de la comunidad educativa en el gobierno escolar y adopción de la normatividad por acuerdos y participación de los actores escolares en el Manual de Convivencia. Se concluye igualmente que el consumo de Spa es un factor de riesgo que la institución educativa debe asumir desde la prevención mediante la realización de los proyectos transversales, entre otros. Se recomienda la realización de jornadas de sensibilización, reflexión y de movilización social en contra del maltrato verbal y del Bullying, al igual que jornadas periódicas del buen trato entre los actores sociales y de las familias.Summary The present investigation was carried out in an educational institution in Valle del Cauca, Colombia, with a representative group of the educational community whose general objective was to know the dynamics of social interaction linked to school conflict among high school students, characterizing the main aggressive actions, identifying the type of school climate that may favor their development and the resources used to resolve conflicts with the purpose of rediscovering psychosocial strategies that allow them to build an environment of harmony developing citizenship skills and life skills. The methodology used was qualitative based on the ethnographic educational method, among which applied research techniques include immersion in the institution, classroom observation, recreation and play, the individual interview and group interview and review in documents such as the Handbook of Coexistence, PEI of the educational establishment, classroom observers, records of the school coordinator and the School Committee of Coexistence. Among the main results established is that teachers and students perceive the coexistence in the institution as good, although there are some problems related to interpersonal relationships and indiscipline within the school, identifying the need to strengthen spaces for dialogue, listening and participation from the school government and the adoption of resources to resolve conflicts. It is concluded that the problems of school coexistence are linked to verbal abuse, which is linked to mockery and bullying and have a strong connection with coexistence in the social context and in families. It was evident that training is centered on the hegemonic vision of normativity and knowledge, which possibly justifies the scarce development of citizen competencies in the modalities of communicative, emotional, cognitive and integrative competences. The educational community develops strategies and positive and negative actions that require reflection, strategies for the emergence of citizenship competencies and the adequate resolution of conflicts are proposed. It is concluded that the institution could reconsider its teaching model focused on the acquisition of knowledge, by the model of development of competences that allows the student to carry out the knowledge found in the training process, which responds to the needs of the context. It is also established as necessary to overcome situations of school aggression, the implementation of policies designed by the School Committee of Coexistence for the prevention of school violence, the effective participation of the members of the educational community in school governance and adoption of the regulations by agreements and participation of school actors in the Coexistence Manual. It is also concluded that the consumption of Spa is a risk factor that the educational institution must assume from the prevention through the realization of cross-sectional projects, among others. It is recommended to hold awareness days, reflection and social mobilization against verbal abuse and bullying, as well as regular days of good treatment between social actors and families

    Supremacía parlamentaria y control de constitucionalidad en la perspectiva de Jeremy Waldron

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    This article proposes an analysis between the two institutions: Congress and the Constitutional Court, in order to establish which one is legitimized to guarantee the rights of the citizen in the Colombian State. All this study is carried out through the analysis of bibliography focused on the perspective of Jeremy Waldron, who argues that it should be the parliament, as a body elected by popular vote, the one that should prevail in a democratic country where it operates in accordance with the objectives established and respect for citizens. Subjects concerned about their rights, aware of these and respectful of the legal order and its operation, are empowered to enforce them, demanding them from the very conception of the law when choosing the parliamentarians who represent their interests, needs and values. This shows how in Colombia it is not possible to say with certainty between Congress and the Constitutional Court, which is the institution invested with legitimacy to protect the rights of Colombians. Finally, this panorama outlines the debate that Waldron raises in the exercise of the constitutional courts, and concludes the need to consider a paradigm shift in the conception of Congress and the Constitutional Court as opposed to generating modifications in the institutions in charge of producing laws. and protect the rights of citizens.Este artículo plantea un análisis entre las dos instituciones: el Congreso y la Corte Constitucional, con el fin de establecer cuál es la legitimada para garantizar los derechos del ciudadano en el Estado colombiano. Todo este estudio es realizado mediante el análisis de bibliografía enfocada en la perspectiva de Jeremy Waldron, quien plantea que debe ser el parlamento, como órgano elegido por voto popular, el que debe primar en un país democrático donde se funcione de manera acorde con los objetivos establecidos y el respeto por los ciudadanos. A los sujetos preocupados por sus derechos, conocedores de estos y respetuosos del orden legal y su funcionamiento, se les empodere para hacerlos respetar, exigiéndolos desde la concepción misma de la ley al elegir los parlamentarios que representan sus intereses, necesidades y valores. Con esto se pone en evidencia cómo en Colombia no es posible decir con certeza entre el Congreso y la Corte Constitucional, cuál es la institución investida de legitimidad para proteger los derechos de los colombianos. Finalmente, este panorama dibuja el debate que plantea Waldron en el ejercicio de las cortes constitucionales, y se concluye la necesidad de plantearse un cambio de paradigma en la concepción del Congreso y la Corte Constitucional frente a generar modificaciones en las instituciones encargadas de producir las leyes y proteger los derechos de los ciudadanos

    Mejoramiento del proceso de elaboración de jugo de caña en un ingenio azucarero

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    El propósito de implementar una ayuda al proceso de extracción de jugo de caña, mediante la estandarización del proceso de toma muestras y realización de análisis, para el de proceso de extracción de jugo en caña de azúcar, con el fin de determinar si los cambios de las variables del proceso le afectan y como contrarrestarlo, mediante el seguimiento continúo aplicado. La realización de mejorar del proceso de extracción de jugo de caña, mediante la implementación de un método de muestreo y análisis que nos sea representativo con el funcionamiento del tándem (molino), teniendo en cuenta todas las variables del proceso a la hora de realizar las pruebas, para determinar la eficiencia de equipos que hacen parte de todo el tándem y que juegan un papel importante en el proceso de extracción del jugo.The purpose of implementing an aid to the cane juice extraction process, through the standardization of the sampling process and analysis, for the juice extraction process in sugarcane, in order to determine if the changes of the variables of the process affect it and how to counteract it, by means of continuous follow-up applied. The realization of improving the process of extraction of cane juice, by implementing a method of sampling and analysis that is representative of the operation of the tandem (mill), taking into account all the variables of the process when making the tests, to determine the efficiency of equipment that is part of the whole tandem and that play an important role in the juice extraction process

    Assessment of the Water Quality in the Salt River Prior to Its Impoundment in Anderson and Spencer Counties, Kentucky

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    Monthly water samples were taken and analyzed to determine the water quality of the Salt River in Anderson and Spencer counties Kentucky prior to the river\u27s impoundment. Sediments from the area watershed were analyzed to total acid digestion, barium chloride extraction, and aqueous extraction methods. Rainwater and runoff water were collected and analyzed for major cations and anions from two sites in the watershed. The Salt River at Taylorsville is characterized by hard water with high levels of calcium (33.5-74.8 mg/1), bicarbonate (136-236 mg/l), specific conductance (200-535 μmhos/cm), and sulfate (16.5-71.5 mg/l). Nitrates (0.6-5.7 mg/l), phosphates (0.2-2.4 mg/l), sodium (3.2-20.3 mg/l), and potassium (1.3-5.6 mg/l), are moderate. Iron, manganese, copper, and nitrites are less than 0.5 mg/1. Suspended solids in the river (4.0-l ,684.0 mg/l) are highly variable and directly related to fluctuations in discharge. Sediments from the Salt River Basin are high in potassium (12.4-213.3 mg/g) and iron (23.4-135.1 mg/g), with moderate levels of calcium (0.8-45.7 mg/g), sodium (4.5-10.5 mg/g), magnesium (3.2-6.3 mg/g), and phosphate (1.3-15.3 mg/g). Approximately 10% of the total ionic composition of these sediments is exchangeable and may be extracted with barium chloride. Calcium (309-3,292 μg/g), was the most readily adsorbed cation, with lower levels of potassium (17.6-490.5 μg/g), sodium (12.9-458.1 μg/g), and magnesium (89.4-266.2 μg/g). In the aqueous extractions, calcium (18-486 μg/g), potassium (16.6-69.5 μg/g), sodium (11.1-30.8 μg/g), and magnesium (6.6-68.7 μg/g) comprised about 10% of the exchangeable fraction. Ranges of rainwater ions from the Salt River Basin were: sulfate (8.3-27.8 mg/l), calcium (0.3-10.7 mg/l), potassium (0.4-15.4 mg/l), sodium (0.0-0.7 mg/l), and magnesium (0.1-2.8 mg/l). Ionic composition and sediment yield of runoff water was variable and was related to magnitude of rainfall and runoff sampler placement. Ranges for selected constituents at the two samplers near Taylorsville were: suspended solids (44.0-8,808.0 mg/l), potassium (1.1-84.0 mg/l), magnesium (l.5-7.1 mg/l), calcium (9.5-33.0 mg/l), and sodium (0.6-3.0 mg/l). Calcium and bicarbonate in the Salt River originate from weathering of calcite, although mole ratios of these two ions greater than 1:2 suggest that weathering of magnesium carbonates also contributes bicarbonate to the water. Carbonate equilibrium calculations using field pH and ionic strength suggest calcium is at saturation in the Salt River. High levels of sulfate in rainwater indicate some of this anion may be introduced into the area watershed by atmospheric precipitation

    Acute Sheehan's syndrome manifesting initially with diabetes insipidus postpartum: a case report and systematic literature review

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    Purpose Acute Sheehan’s syndrome is a rare, but potentially life-threatening, obstetric event that can be complicated by diabetes insipidus. Little information on the diagnosis and treatment of Sheehan’s syndrome with diabetes insipidus is available. We report on a 28-year-old patient who developed acute Sheehan’s syndrome with diabetes insipidus after giving birth, and on a systematic review of similar cases. Methods We performed a systematic review of the literature cataloged in PubMed and Google Scholar using the keywords “Sheehan syndrome” OR “Sheehan's syndrome” AND “diabetes insipidus” to identify relevant case reports published between 1990 and 2021. Eight Reports met the inclusion criteria (English-language abstracts available, onset in the puerperium, information about the day of the onset). Results In the present case, postpartum curettage was necessary to remove the residual placenta. The total amount of blood loss was severe (2500 ml). On the second day postpartal, the patient developed polyuria. Laboratory analysis revealed hypernatremia with increased serum osmolality and decreased urinary osmolality. Hormone analysis showed partial hypopituitarism involving the thyroid, corticotropic, and gonadotropic axes. The prolactin level was elevated. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed pituitary gland infarction. Desmopressin therapy was initiated and resolved the polyuria. Hormone replacement therapy was administered. Four months later, the patient was well, with partial diabetes insipidus. The literature review indicated that this case was typical in terms of symptoms and disease onset. Most reported cases involve hypotension and peripartum hemorrhage, but some patients without hemorrhage also develop Sheehan’s syndrome. Elevated prolactin levels are uncommon and associated with poor prognosis in patients with Sheehan’s syndrome. Conclusion Acute Sheehan’s syndrome with diabetes insipidus involves nearly all pituitary hormone axes, indicating severe disease. Prolactin elevation could suggest that a case of Sheehan’s syndrome is severe

    Sonographic features of adenomyosis correlated with clinical symptoms and intraoperative findings : a case-control study

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    Purpose Adenomyosis is a common disease of females during their reproductive age. As of today, histologic examination of the uterus after hysterectomy constitutes the gold standard for diagnosis. The aim of this study was to determine the validity of sonographic, hysteroscopic, and laparoscopic criteria for the diagnosis of the disease. Methods This study included data collected from 50 women in the reproductive age of 18–45 years, who underwent a laparoscopic hysterectomy in the gynecology department of the Saarland University Hospital in Homburg between 2017 and 2018. The patients with adenomyosis were compared with a healthy control group. Results We collected data of anamnesis, sonographic criteria, hysteroscopic criteria and laparoscopic criteria and compared it with the postoperative histological results. A total 25 patients were diagnosed with adenomyosis postoperatively. For each of these; at least three sonographic diagnostical criteria for adenomyosis were found compared with a maximum of two for the control group. Conclusion This study demonstrated an association between pre- and intraoperative signs of adenomyosis. In this way, it shows a high diagnostic accuracy of the sonographic examination as a pre-operative diagnostic method of the adenomyosis

    Students' attitudes toward digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey conducted following an online course in gynecology and obstetrics

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    Purpose The purpose of this survey was to assess medical students’ opinions about online learning programs and their preferences for specific teaching formats during COVID 19 pandemic. Methods Between May and July 2020, medical students who took an online gynecology and obstetrics course were asked to fill in a questionnaire anonymously. The questionnaire solicited their opinions about the course, the teaching formats used (online lectures, video tutorials featuring real patient scenarios, and online practical skills training), and digital learning in general. Results Of 103 students, 98 (95%) submitted questionnaires that were included in the analysis. 84 (86%) students had no problem with the online course and 70 (72%) desired more online teaching in the future. 37 (38%) respondents preferred online to traditional lectures. 72 (74%) students missed learning with real patients. All digital teaching formats received good and excellent ratings from > 80% of the students. Conclusion The survey results show medical students’ broad acceptance of the online course during COVID 19 pandemic and indicates that digital learning options can partially replace conventional face-to-face teaching. For content taught by lecture, online teaching might be an alternative or complement to traditional education. However, bedside-teaching remains a key pillar of medical education

    SHRuB: searching through heuristics for the better query-execution plan

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    An important aspect to be considered for systems aiming at integrating similarity-queries into RDBMS is how to represent and optimize query-plans that involve traditional and complex predicates. Toward developing facilities for such integration, we developed a technique to extract a canonical queryplan command tree from an similarity-extended SQL expression. The SHRuB tool, presented in this paper, is able to interactively represent a query parsetree. We developed a catalog model which allows estimating the execution cost as well as provides hints for optimizing the query-plan by adopting a three stage heuristic. Through a case study and initial experiments, we have demonstrated that the tool is able to find a local-minimum query-execution plan. Moreover, SHRuB can be plugged on existing frameworks that support similarity queries or employed as a course-ware aid for database teaching.FAPESPCNPqCAPE

    Modelo de gerencia con perspectiva de turismo de naturaleza para el parque ambiental Los Samanes del municipio de Hispania

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    Como registrar y analizar las acciones que la comunidad desarrolla en el Parque Ambiental Los Samanes del Municipio de Hispania – Antioquia, desde el momento de entrega de su remodelación, a fin de constituir una memoria archivística que opere como insumo para el análisis posterior de estrategias de sostenibilidad en función del uso, proyección de indicadores de impacto en términos de empoderamiento de la comunidad, satisfacción directa e indirecta de necesidades básicas y desarrollo de un perfil económico de turismo de naturaleza.Presentar un modelo gerencial para la optimización de la espacialidad pública del parque ambiental los Samanes del Municipio de Hispania, en el entendido que debe de estar conformado por elementos del desarrollo integral como el territorio y las dimensiones sociales, económicas, políticas, culturales y turísticas. Este territorio comprende dos elementos esenciales, la base físico-geográfica de las actividades humanas, definida como el ambiente natural del parque, el espacio, el paisaje, región geográfica y, también, como un lugar conformado por diversas unidades geomorfológicas (accidentes geográficos), el sistema ecológico global (la biosfera) y ecosistemas. Desde esta perspectiva, el territorio ofrece oportunidades pero también implica algunas restricciones, como pueden ser las normas para su uso: Acuerdo Municipal 008 de 2014, “Por el cual se reglamenta el uso y ocupación del espacio público en el Municipio de Hispania – Antioquia y se dictan otras disposiciones”, Decreto Reglamentario 075 del 18 de septiembre de 2014, su contenido alude predominantemente a las características que debe adoptar el mobiliario transitorio empleado por los comerciantes que accedan a la autorización de ocupación especial del espacio público para el desarrollo de actividades económicas, y el Decreto N° 105 del 04 de diciembre de 2014, a través del cual se reglamentó la circulación de vehículos en la zona urbana del Municipio de Hispania y se dictaron otras disposiciones, y la Formulación del Manual de uso Cultura Parque: el documento contiene una identificación completa de los componentes estructurales, técnicos y ambientales del Parque Ambiental Los Samanes y propone condiciones de uso y aprovechamientos tendientes a la conservación material de la obra