23 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Elicitation of Committee and Voters' Preferences

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    Co-localisĂ©es avec la Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (PFIA 2019)International audienceSocial choice deals with the problem of determining a consensus choice from the preferences of different voters. In the classical setting, the voting rule is fixed beforehand and full information concerning he preferences of the voters is provided. Recently, the assumption of full preference information has been questioned by a number of researchers and several methods for eliciting preferences have been proposed. In this paper we go one step further and we assume that both the voting rule and the voters’ preferences are partially specified. In this setting, we present an interactive elicitation protocol based on minimax regret and develop several query strategies that interleave questions to the chair and questions to the voters in order to attempt to acquire the most relevant information in order to quickly converge to optimal or a near-optimal alternative

    Towards automatic argumentation about voting rules

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    Voting rules aggregate a group\u27s preferences to make decisions. As multiple reasonable voting rules exist, the axiomatic approach has been proposed to exhibit both their merits and paradoxical behaviors. It is however a difficult task to characterize a voting rule by such axioms, and even when a proof exists, it may be difficult to understand why a specific rule fails to satisfy a given axiom. In this article, we present an automatic method which determines whether a given rule satisfies a set of axioms. It produces evidence which can be used by non-expert users to comprehend why a rule violates some axiom and may serve to argue in favor of rules which satisfy it. Our method is based on the software analysis technique “bounded model checking”, which enables bounded verification of software programs. The method can be applied to arbitrary voting rules; we demonstrate it on the case of the Borda axiomatization and compare the Borda rule to both the Black and the Copeland voting rules

    Elicitation indirecte de modĂšles de tri multicritĂšre

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    The field of Multicriteria Decision Aid (MCDA) aims to model in a formal way the preferences of a decision maker (DM) in order to bring informations that can help her in a decision problem. MCDA is interested in situations where the available options (called alternatives) are evaluated on multiple points of view. This work suggests elicitation methods: ways of questioning a DM or a group of DMs in order to obtain one or several preference models. These methods rely on socalled disaggregation techniques, which use exemplary decisions as a basis for building the preference model. In our context, the preference models are sorting models: they determine a way of assigning alternatives to preferenceordered categories. We are interested in a class of sorting models called MR Sort. We present a method that helps a group of DMs converge to a unique sorting model. It uses mathematical programs. We also analyze in detail the difficulties due to numerical imprecision when implementing these programs, and we propose an algorithm allowing to compare two MR Sort models. We introduce a novel way of interrogating the DM in order to take her hesitations into account, through the expression of degrees of credibility, when she gives assignment examples. Results of the method let the DM examine possible compromises between credibility and precision of the conclusions. We propose a method to choose portfolios. It encompasses two dimensions: absolute evaluation, in order to ensure that the selected alternatives are sufficiently good, and balance of the resulting portfolio. We also explain how this method compares to affirmative action. We describe the reusable software components that we have submitted to a web services platform, as well as functionalities developed in a library that implements the methods this work proposes. A data scheme exists that aims to standardize encoding of data related to MCDA methods, in order to ease communication between software components. We propose a new approach aiming to solve some drawbacks of the current approach. We develop as a perspective a proposal that aims to integrate preference modeling into the framework of realistic epistemology.Le champ de l’Aide MulticritĂšre Ă  la DĂ©cision (AMCD) propose des maniĂšres de modĂ©liser formellement les prĂ©fĂ©rences d’un dĂ©cideur de façon Ă  lui apporter des Ă©claircissements. Le champ s’intĂ©resse aux problĂšmes impliquant une dĂ©cision et faisant intervenir plusieurs points de vue pour Ă©valuer les options (ou alternatives) disponibles. Ce travail vise principalement Ă  proposer des mĂ©thodes d’élicitation, donc des façons de questionner un dĂ©cideur ou un groupe de dĂ©cideurs pour obtenir un ou plusieurs modĂšles de prĂ©fĂ©rence. Ces mĂ©thodes utilisent des techniques dites de dĂ©sagrĂ©gation consistant Ă  prendre des exemples de dĂ©cision pour base de la modĂ©lisation. Dans le contexte Ă©tudiĂ©, les modĂšles de prĂ©fĂ©rence sont des modĂšles de tri : ils dĂ©terminent une façon d’affecter des alternatives Ă  des catĂ©gories ordonnĂ©es par prĂ©fĂ©rence. Nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  la classe de modĂšles de tri MR Sort. Nous prĂ©sentons une mĂ©thode permettant de faire converger un groupe de dĂ©cideurs vers un modĂšle de tri unique. Elle s’appuie sur des programmes mathĂ©matiques. Nous analysons Ă©galement en dĂ©tail les difficultĂ©s liĂ©es aux imprĂ©cisions numĂ©riques posĂ©es par l’implĂ©mentation de ces programmes. Nous proposons aussi un algorithme permettant de comparer deux modĂšles MR Sort. Nous introduisons une maniĂšre novatrice d’interroger le dĂ©cideur d’une façon qui permet de prendre en compte ses hĂ©sitations, via l’expression de degrĂ©s de crĂ©dibilitĂ©s, lorsqu’il fournit des exemples d’affectation. Les rĂ©sultats de la mĂ©thode permettent au dĂ©cideur de visualiser les compromis possibles entre la crĂ©dibilitĂ© et la prĂ©cision des conclusions obtenues. Nous proposons une mĂ©thode de choix de portefeuille. Elle intĂšgre des prĂ©occupations d’évaluation absolue, afin de s’assurer de la qualitĂ© intrinsĂšque des alternatives sĂ©lectionnĂ©es, et des prĂ©occupations portant sur l’équilibre du portefeuille rĂ©sultant. Nous expliquons Ă©galement en quoi cette mĂ©thode peut constituer une alternative Ă  la discrimination positive. Nous dĂ©crivons les composants logiciels rĂ©utilisables que nous avons soumis Ă  une plateforme de services web, ainsi que les fonctionnalitĂ©s dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans une bibliothĂšque qui implĂ©mente les mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es dans ce travail. Un schĂ©ma de donnĂ©es existe visant Ă  standardiser l’encodage de donnĂ©es de mĂ©thodes d’AMCD en vue de faciliter la communication entre composants logiciels. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche visant Ă  rĂ©soudre un certain nombre d’inconvĂ©nients de l’approche actuelle. Nous dĂ©veloppons en guise de perspective une proposition visant Ă  inscrire la modĂ©lisation des prĂ©fĂ©rences dans une Ă©pistĂ©mologie de type rĂ©aliste

    Indirect elicitation of multicriteria sorting models

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    Le champ de l’Aide MulticritĂšre Ă  la DĂ©cision (AMCD) propose des maniĂšres de modĂ©liser formellement les prĂ©fĂ©rences d’un dĂ©cideur de façon Ă  lui apporter des Ă©claircissements. Le champ s’intĂ©resse aux problĂšmes impliquant une dĂ©cision et faisant intervenir plusieurs points de vue pour Ă©valuer les options (ou alternatives) disponibles. Ce travail vise principalement Ă  proposer des mĂ©thodes d’élicitation, donc des façons de questionner un dĂ©cideur ou un groupe de dĂ©cideurs pour obtenir un ou plusieurs modĂšles de prĂ©fĂ©rence. Ces mĂ©thodes utilisent des techniques dites de dĂ©sagrĂ©gation consistant Ă  prendre des exemples de dĂ©cision pour base de la modĂ©lisation. Dans le contexte Ă©tudiĂ©, les modĂšles de prĂ©fĂ©rence sont des modĂšles de tri : ils dĂ©terminent une façon d’affecter des alternatives Ă  des catĂ©gories ordonnĂ©es par prĂ©fĂ©rence. Nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  la classe de modĂšles de tri MR Sort. Nous prĂ©sentons une mĂ©thode permettant de faire converger un groupe de dĂ©cideurs vers un modĂšle de tri unique. Elle s’appuie sur des programmes mathĂ©matiques. Nous analysons Ă©galement en dĂ©tail les difficultĂ©s liĂ©es aux imprĂ©cisions numĂ©riques posĂ©es par l’implĂ©mentation de ces programmes. Nous proposons aussi un algorithme permettant de comparer deux modĂšles MR Sort. Nous introduisons une maniĂšre novatrice d’interroger le dĂ©cideur d’une façon qui permet de prendre en compte ses hĂ©sitations, via l’expression de degrĂ©s de crĂ©dibilitĂ©s, lorsqu’il fournit des exemples d’affectation. Les rĂ©sultats de la mĂ©thode permettent au dĂ©cideur de visualiser les compromis possibles entre la crĂ©dibilitĂ© et la prĂ©cision des conclusions obtenues. Nous proposons une mĂ©thode de choix de portefeuille. Elle intĂšgre des prĂ©occupations d’évaluation absolue, afin de s’assurer de la qualitĂ© intrinsĂšque des alternatives sĂ©lectionnĂ©es, et des prĂ©occupations portant sur l’équilibre du portefeuille rĂ©sultant. Nous expliquons Ă©galement en quoi cette mĂ©thode peut constituer une alternative Ă  la discrimination positive. Nous dĂ©crivons les composants logiciels rĂ©utilisables que nous avons soumis Ă  une plateforme de services web, ainsi que les fonctionnalitĂ©s dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans une bibliothĂšque qui implĂ©mente les mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es dans ce travail. Un schĂ©ma de donnĂ©es existe visant Ă  standardiser l’encodage de donnĂ©es de mĂ©thodes d’AMCD en vue de faciliter la communication entre composants logiciels. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche visant Ă  rĂ©soudre un certain nombre d’inconvĂ©nients de l’approche actuelle. Nous dĂ©veloppons en guise de perspective une proposition visant Ă  inscrire la modĂ©lisation des prĂ©fĂ©rences dans une Ă©pistĂ©mologie de type rĂ©aliste.The field of Multicriteria Decision Aid (MCDA) aims to model in a formal way the preferences of a decision maker (DM) in order to bring informations that can help her in a decision problem. MCDA is interested in situations where the available options (called alternatives) are evaluated on multiple points of view. This work suggests elicitation methods: ways of questioning a DM or a group of DMs in order to obtain one or several preference models. These methods rely on socalled disaggregation techniques, which use exemplary decisions as a basis for building the preference model. In our context, the preference models are sorting models: they determine a way of assigning alternatives to preferenceordered categories. We are interested in a class of sorting models called MR Sort. We present a method that helps a group of DMs converge to a unique sorting model. It uses mathematical programs. We also analyze in detail the difficulties due to numerical imprecision when implementing these programs, and we propose an algorithm allowing to compare two MR Sort models. We introduce a novel way of interrogating the DM in order to take her hesitations into account, through the expression of degrees of credibility, when she gives assignment examples. Results of the method let the DM examine possible compromises between credibility and precision of the conclusions. We propose a method to choose portfolios. It encompasses two dimensions: absolute evaluation, in order to ensure that the selected alternatives are sufficiently good, and balance of the resulting portfolio. We also explain how this method compares to affirmative action. We describe the reusable software components that we have submitted to a web services platform, as well as functionalities developed in a library that implements the methods this work proposes. A data scheme exists that aims to standardize encoding of data related to MCDA methods, in order to ease communication between software components. We propose a new approach aiming to solve some drawbacks of the current approach. We develop as a perspective a proposal that aims to integrate preference modeling into the framework of realistic epistemology

    ELECTRE and PROMETHEE MCDA methods as reusable software components

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    National audienceOpen source software components implementing features of the ELECTRE and PROMETHEE family of MCDA procedures have been developed at UniversitĂ© Libre de Bruxelles and École Centrale Paris, as part of the Decision Deck project. As these procedures share several computation routines, they have been implemented as a set of independent components which can then be assembled in various ways. Care has been taken to develop complete structures representing the underlying MCDA concepts, thereby providing easy to reuse artifacts. The goal was to make them easy to use for the end-user as well as for a developer usage, i.e. to allow building of more complex functionalities on top of these objects. The components deal with XMCDA conforming files (i.e., files conforming to the XMCDA grammar, a standard published by the Decision Deck consortium) in input and output and can also be helpful for a developer wanting to provide his own software with the ability to read or write such files. This article describes the architecture of the components and details some of their usage possibilities

    Dealing with numerical imprecision in mathematical programs for Electre Tri models disaggregation

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    In this paper, we are interested in decision problems formulated as multicriteria sorting problems, i.e., when a finite number of alternatives evaluated on a set of criteria are to be assigned to one of an ordered set of predefined categories. The assignment is done based on the comparison of the alternatives to external norms, rather than by comparison of the alternatives to each other. Most of the work on preference elicitation in Multicriteria Decision Aid focuses on representing the preferences of a single decision maker (DM). We are interested in elicitation procedures for multiple DMs that make it possible for each DM to provide individual preference information in order to build a multiple criteria sorting model accepted by each DM as representing the group preferences. Three linear and mixed integer programs have recently been proposed to help solving the described problem. This technical report gives detailed technical informations about how the disaggregation programs proposed in the companion article have been implemented, including choice of constants and strategies to avoid numerical errors

    Towards automatic argumentation about voting rules

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    International audienceVoting rules aggregate the preferences of a group to make decisions. As multiple reasonable voting rules exist, the ax-iomatic approach has been proposed to exhibit both their merits and paradoxical behaviors. It consists in characterizing a voting rule by a set of understandable properties called axioms. It is however a difficult task to characterize a voting rule by such axioms, and even when a proof exists, it may be difficult to understand why a specific voting rule fails to satisfy a given axiom, especially for untrained users. In this article, we present an automatic method which determines whether a given rule satisfies a set of axioms. When the rule does not satisfy an axiom, the automatic prover generates comprehensible evidence of the violation in the form of a counterexample. It can be used by non-expert users to comprehend the violation and may serve to argue in favor of other rules which satisfy the axiom. Our method is based on the software analysis technique bounded model checking, which enables bounded verification for properties of software programs. It translates the program together with user-annotations into a reachability problem for those profiles and outcomes which adhere to our specification. The method can be applied to arbitrary voting rules; we demonstrate it on the case of the Borda axiomatization and compare the Borda rule to both the Black and the Copeland voting rules

    Elicitation indirecte de modĂšles de tri multicritĂšre

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    Le champ de l Aide MulticritÚre à la Décision (AMCD) propose des maniÚres de modéliser formellement les préférences d un décideur de façon à lui apporter des éclaircissements. Le champ s intéresse aux problÚmes impliquant une décision et faisant intervenir plusieurs points de vue pour évaluer les options (ou alternatives) disponibles. Ce travail vise principalement à proposer des méthodes d élicitation, donc des façons de questionner un décideur ou un groupe de décideurs pour obtenir un ou plusieurs modÚles de préférence. Ces méthodes utilisent des techniques dites de désagrégation consistant à prendre des exemples de décision pour base de la modélisation. Dans le contexte étudié, les modÚles de préférence sont des modÚles de tri : ils déterminent une façon d affecter des alternatives à des catégories ordonnées par préférence. Nous nous intéressons à la classe de modÚles de tri MR Sort. Nous présentons une méthode permettant de faire converger un groupe de décideurs vers un modÚle de tri unique. Elle s appuie sur des programmes mathématiques. Nous analysons également en détail les difficultés liées aux imprécisions numériques posées par l implémentation de ces programmes. Nous proposons aussi un algorithme permettant de comparer deux modÚles MR Sort. Nous introduisons une maniÚre novatrice d interroger le décideur d une façon qui permet de prendre en compte ses hésitations, via l expression de degrés de crédibilités, lorsqu il fournit des exemples d affectation. Les résultats de la méthode permettent au décideur de visualiser les compromis possibles entre la crédibilité et la précision des conclusions obtenues. Nous proposons une méthode de choix de portefeuille. Elle intÚgre des préoccupations d évaluation absolue, afin de s assurer de la qualité intrinsÚque des alternatives sélectionnées, et des préoccupations portant sur l équilibre du portefeuille résultant. Nous expliquons également en quoi cette méthode peut constituer une alternative à la discrimination positive. Nous décrivons les composants logiciels réutilisables que nous avons soumis à une plateforme de services web, ainsi que les fonctionnalités développées dans une bibliothÚque qui implémente les méthodes proposées dans ce travail. Un schéma de données existe visant à standardiser l encodage de données de méthodes d AMCD en vue de faciliter la communication entre composants logiciels. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche visant à résoudre un certain nombre d inconvénients de l approche actuelle. Nous développons en guise de perspective une proposition visant à inscrire la modélisation des préférences dans une épistémologie de type réaliste.The field of Multicriteria Decision Aid (MCDA) aims to model in a formal way the preferences of a decision maker (DM) in order to bring informations that can help her in a decision problem. MCDA is interested in situations where the available options (called alternatives) are evaluated on multiple points of view. This work suggests elicitation methods: ways of questioning a DM or a group of DMs in order to obtain one or several preference models. These methods rely on socalled disaggregation techniques, which use exemplary decisions as a basis for building the preference model. In our context, the preference models are sorting models: they determine a way of assigning alternatives to preferenceordered categories. We are interested in a class of sorting models called MR Sort. We present a method that helps a group of DMs converge to a unique sorting model. It uses mathematical programs. We also analyze in detail the difficulties due to numerical imprecision when implementing these programs, and we propose an algorithm allowing to compare two MR Sort models. We introduce a novel way of interrogating the DM in order to take her hesitations into account, through the expression of degrees of credibility, when she gives assignment examples. Results of the method let the DM examine possible compromises between credibility and precision of the conclusions. We propose a method to choose portfolios. It encompasses two dimensions: absolute evaluation, in order to ensure that the selected alternatives are sufficiently good, and balance of the resulting portfolio. We also explain how this method compares to affirmative action. We describe the reusable software components that we have submitted to a web services platform, as well as functionalities developed in a library that implements the methods this work proposes. A data scheme exists that aims to standardize encoding of data related to MCDA methods, in order to ease communication between software components. We propose a new approach aiming to solve some drawbacks of the current approach. We develop as a perspective a proposal that aims to integrate preference modeling into the framework of realistic epistemology.CHATENAY MALABRY-Ecole centrale (920192301) / SudocSudocFranceF