29 research outputs found

    The Metamorphosis Of Charlie Wong Mambo In China Town By Jean Kwok

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    Kata kunci : Metamorphosis,point of view, character, main character,Chinatown in America. Karakter adalah salah satu aspek penting di dalam sebuah karya sastra. Karakter utama di dalam sebuah cerita memiliki peran penting sebagai penggerak cerita. Terdapat dua jenis karakter di dalam karakterisasi, karakter datar (flat character) dan karakter bulat (round character). Karya sastra juga memiliki sudut pandang tertentu yang ditentukan oleh penulis. Sudut pandang adalah cara penulis menaruh narator di dalam sebuah cerita atau bagaimana penulis menceritakan karya sastra tersebut. Perubahan karakter utama pada novel ini sangat jelas tergambar dari yang sebelumnya Mambo in Chinatown, Mambo sendiri adalah jenis dansa yang berasal dari Amerika latin. Pengarang novel mengambil tema Mambo in Chinatown karena karakter utama di dalam novel ini adalah seorang penari yang menggeluti tarian tersebut. Metamorphosis adalah kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan karakter utama yang mana dari seseorang yang sangat kaku dan merasa tidak memiliki talenta apapun kemudian berubah menjadi seseorang yang sangat berbeda dari sebelumnya dan karakter utama menemukan hal yang baru di dalam dirinya yaitu ternyata Ia memiliki talenta menjadi seorang penari profesional. Inilah tema dari novel Mambo in Chinatown, novel karya Jean Kwok, penulis asal Hongkong yang menulis buku ini berdasarkan hampir seperti pengalaman pribadinya Studi ini berbicara mengenai perubahan drastis dari karakter utama dalam novel ini. Dimana dari yang sebelumnya Ia sangat tidak percaya diri kemudian mengambil keputusan besar dalam hidupnya untuk beralih profesi menjadi seorang penari dan karakter utama menemukan jati diri yang baru. Sangat jelas tergambar di dalam cerita bagaimanaperjuangannya menyembunyikan dari ayahnya karena Ia tahu bahwa ayahnya akan sangat tidak setuju jika mengetahui pekerjaan barunya sebagai penari. Ayah karakter utama adalah tipikal orang yang sangat mempertahankan budaya tionghoa walaupun mereka sudah pindah ke Amerika

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Nasabah Dari Wanprestasi Bank Dalam Take Over Kredit (Studi Putusan Nomor 29/Pdt.G/2014/Pn.Mtp

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    Posisi Kasus pada Perkara Nomor 29/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Mtp tentang wanprestasi dalam pengambilalihan (take over) kredit antara Hendri (penggugat) melawan PT Bank Danamon (tergugat) terjadi karena tergugat (Bank Danamon) melakukan pengambil alihan kredit milik penggugat yang semula berada di Bank Mandiri yang sekarang berada pada Bank Danamon (Tergugat). Perkara ini menimbulkan kerugian bagi nasabah bank dalam menggunakan fasilitas take over kredit. Berdasarkan uraian latar belakang diatas, penelitian ini menganalisis mengenai bagaimana Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Nasabah Dari Wanprestasi Bank Dalam Take Over Kredit. Untuk menjawab permasalahan diatas, penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum yuridis normatif menggunakan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan analitis. Bahan-bahan hukum yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif dan metode deduktif sehingga dapat dituangkan dalam penulisan yang lebih sistematis untuk menjawab isu hukum yang diangkat. Dari analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pertimbangan Hakim memenangkan Tergugat wanprestasi dalam putusan Nomor 29/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Mtp terkait Bank dalam take over kredit terdapat ketidak adilan dimana hakim memenangkan tergugat wanprestasi dan menimbulkan kerugian bagi nasabahnya. Hakim dalam pertimbangan hukumnya sama sekali tidak memperhatikan Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen serta Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 1/POJK.07/2013 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan. Bila dikaitkan dengan Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen dan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 1/POJK.07/2013 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan, Bank Danamon wajib memberikan ganti rugi kepada Nasabah Hendri karena tidak melaksanakan perjanjian yang sudah disepakati dan diatur oleh Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen serta Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 1/POJK.07/2013 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan. Bentuk Perlindungan hukum yang dapat diberikan kepada nasabah perbankan ada dua yaitu preventif dan represif. Perlindungan hukum preventif bagi nasabah dari wanprestasi bank dalam take over kredit berdasarkan KUH Perdata, berdasarkan Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen, berdasarkan POJK Nomor: 1/POJK.07/2013 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan. Perlindungan hukum represif bagi nasabah dari wanprestasi bank dalam take over kredit yaitu dengan adanya sanksi penggantian rugi yang telah diatur di dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata, Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan dan juga di dalam Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran (Produk, Harga, Lokasi, Dan Promosi) Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Hotel Budget Di Kawasan Surabaya Pusat

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    : The rapid growth of hospitality industry, which lately more focusing on hotel budget in the center of Surabaya, causing a very high competition between those hotels. This research is done to get to know which marketing mix factor has significant effect towards customer's buying intention of hotel budget in the center of Surabaya city. The data processing method is done with quantitative causal with analitical descriptive statistic and multiple linear regression. Researchers find out that product, price, and promotion has positive and significant impact towards customer's buying intention. Promotion is the most influential factor towards customer's buying intention of hotel budget in the center of Surabaya city


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    Abstract In the study conducted a proper exercise to improve the ability of students, especially on the motion of split and high kicks, as the researcher's guidance to practice split and high kicks using dynamic and static exercise drill methods, research design in research using pre experiment method that is using one group pretest and postest, split is a motion of the form stretching the legs as wide as possible with the possession of good split motion will greatly affect the comfort of motion when the practice movement there are 2 kinds of split motion that is split front and side split. Split front movement is stretching your legs forward and backward, split aside stretching both legs to the left and right side. Kick motion is an attacking movement in pencak silat required a good split motion split to get a good kick results, Kick motion is an attacking movement in martial arts required a good split motion split to get a good kick results = 0,000 (0,000 < 0,05) on split side = 0,000 (0,000 < 0,05) at the kick height of A = 0,000 (0,000 < 0,05) at the kick height of T = 0.001 (0.000 <0.05) Dynamic cultivation exercises and static formation can enhance split and high kick motion capabilities in which the effect is muscle shape resulting in a wide range of motion split and kicker heights.Key Word: Elasticity, split motion, high kic

    LPP3 mediates self-generation of chemotactic LPA gradients by melanoma cells

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    Melanoma cells steer out of tumours using self-generated lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) gradients. The cells break down LPA, which is present at high levels around the tumours, creating a dynamic gradient that is low in the tumour and high outside. They then also migrate up this gradient, creating a complex and evolving outward chemotactic stimulus. Here we introduce a new assay for self-generated chemotaxis, and show that raising LPA levels causes a delay in migration rather than loss of chemotactic efficiency. Knockdown of the lipid phosphatase LPP3 - but not its homologues LPP1 or LPP2 - diminishes the cell's ability to break down LPA. This is specific for chemotactically active LPAs, such as the 18:1 and 20:4 species. Inhibition of autotaxin-mediated LPA production does not diminish outward chemotaxis, but loss of LPP3-mediated LPA breakdown blocks it. Similarly, in both 2D and 3D invasion assays, knockdown of LPP3 diminishes melanoma cells' ability to invade. Our results demonstrate that LPP3 is the key enzyme in melanoma cells' breakdown of LPA, and confirm the importance of attractant breakdown in LPA-mediated cell steering

    Kedudukan hukum dan hak waris anak hasil inseminasi buatan dari ayah yang telah meninggal

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    This research aims to analyze Artificial Insemination Children’s Standing anddiscover Their Hereditary Right from a Deceased Father viewed in Indonesia’sPositive Law. Judgment will affect to whether artificial insemination from the deceasedhusband’s sperm can be performed or not. Further, the judgment that decidethe artificial insemination can be performed will affect children’s standing from adeceased father. If the children are born alive, then the standing is legal based on Article 250 of Civil Code, Islamic Law (Sharia law), and customary law. In addition,customary law claims the standing as adopt them on culture. Artificial inseminationchildren’s hereditary right from a deceased father has the right to inherit (asheir). How to cite item: Susanto, C., Siti Hamidah, S., Rachmi Sulistyarini, R. (2020). Kedudukan hukum dan hak waris anak hasil inseminasi buatan dari ayah yang telah meninggal. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 11(3). 302-312.doi:10.26905/idjch.v11i3.5475

    Melanoma cells break down LPA to establish local gradients that drive chemotactic dispersal.

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    The high mortality of melanoma is caused by rapid spread of cancer cells, which occurs unusually early in tumour evolution. Unlike most solid tumours, thickness rather than cytological markers or differentiation is the best guide to metastatic potential. Multiple stimuli that drive melanoma cell migration have been described, but it is not clear which are responsible for invasion, nor if chemotactic gradients exist in real tumours. In a chamber-based assay for melanoma dispersal, we find that cells migrate efficiently away from one another, even in initially homogeneous medium. This dispersal is driven by positive chemotaxis rather than chemorepulsion or contact inhibition. The principal chemoattractant, unexpectedly active across all tumour stages, is the lipid agonist lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) acting through the LPA receptor LPAR1. LPA induces chemotaxis of remarkable accuracy, and is both necessary and sufficient for chemotaxis and invasion in 2-D and 3-D assays. Growth factors, often described as tumour attractants, cause negligible chemotaxis themselves, but potentiate chemotaxis to LPA. Cells rapidly break down LPA present at substantial levels in culture medium and normal skin to generate outward-facing gradients. We measure LPA gradients across the margins of melanomas in vivo, confirming the physiological importance of our results. We conclude that LPA chemotaxis provides a strong drive for melanoma cells to invade outwards. Cells create their own gradients by acting as a sink, breaking down locally present LPA, and thus forming a gradient that is low in the tumour and high in the surrounding areas. The key step is not acquisition of sensitivity to the chemoattractant, but rather the tumour growing to break down enough LPA to form a gradient. Thus the stimulus that drives cell dispersal is not the presence of LPA itself, but the self-generated, outward-directed gradient

    Athetosis: a novel form of granzyme a-mediated cell death

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    © 2011 Dr. Olivia SusantoCytotoxic lymphocytes (CL) are an essential component of the immune system responsible for recognition and elimination of tumour and virus-infected cells. A major mechanism of CL-induced cell death is by granule exocytosis, which involves delivery of serine proteases known as granzymes and the pore-forming delivery molecule perforin to the target cell. Once released onto the target cell, perforin facilitates the translocation of granzymes into the target cytosol, where they cleave various substrates to induce target cell death. Several different granzymes have been identified thus far, however the best characterised is granzyme B, which is the only granzyme definitively demonstrated to induce caspase-dependent apoptosis (Shi et al. 1992b). In some cases, various other granzymes have also been demonstrated to induce target cell death in vitro (Johnson et al. 2003b; Kelly et al. 2004; Zhao et al. 2007a; Hou et al. 2008; Shi et al. 2009). However, more recent studies have suggested that the other granzymes are unlikely to display cytotoxic activity, and may play a more significant role in cytokine modulation (Kaiserman et al. 2006; Metkar et al. 2008; Anthony et al. 2010). One reason for the discrepancies between these studies may be the use of purified recombinant granzyme protein to induce cell death, which may involve delivery of non-physiological concentrations of granzymes, without replicating the conditions of CL-mediated granule exocytosis. Thus, it was unclear whether granzymes other than granzyme B could truly induce cell death when delivered by CL in a physiological setting. In addition, there was ambiguity as to whether the other granzymes induced apoptotic or non-apoptotic cell death, or whether this death may simply be necrotic. Using timelapse microscopy to observe cell death induced by NK cells from granzyme B-deficient (GrB-/-) mice, a novel form of target cell death morphologically distinct from both apoptosis and necrosis was identified and characterised. Target cells killed by GrB-/- NK cells appeared elongated and displayed a unique “writhing” morphology, in the absence of apoptotic membrane blebbing, early phosphatidylserine externalisation and cell shrinkage. This alternate form of cell death was termed “athetosis”, and was shown to require the presence of granzyme A, as NK cells from granzyme A and B-deficient (GrA-/-B-/-) mice produced only minimal killing in comparison, and these few dying cells did not display the morphology of athetosis. Investigation into the molecular mechanisms of granzyme A-mediated athetosis demonstrated that it was quite separate from apoptosis, as it occurred independently of caspase activation, cytochrome c release, loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential and could not be inhibited by overexpression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. While early generation of ROS has been shown to be a critical event during cell death induced by purified human granzyme A, increased ROS production was not detected during GrB-/- NK cell-mediated athetosis. However, inhibition of actin polymerisation was demonstrated to block GrB-/- NK-mediated cell death, suggesting that a functional actin cytoskeleton was required for athetosis. As this data suggested that both granzyme A and B could induce different forms of cell death, the contribution of granzyme A-mediated cell death to WT NK cytotoxicity was investigated. Despite the ability of granzyme A to induce athetosis, the level of GrB-/- NK cell-mediated killing was consistently lower than WT NK cells. This indicated that granzyme-deficient NK cells may display some other functional impairment, or that perhaps granzyme A-mediated cell death took significantly longer to be initiated. However, it was demonstrated that granzyme-deficient NK cells did not displayed impairment in their activation status, in their development of various functional subsets, motility or ability to degranulate in response to target cell stimulation. Furthermore, it was shown that granzyme A-mediated athetosis was initiated at a similar rate to granzyme B-mediated apoptosis, but took somewhat longer to be completed. This suggests that WT NK cells induce apoptosis and athetosis simultaneously, however the phenotype of apoptosis appears to be dominant. Together, this body of work indicates that when delivered by NK cells, granzyme A does indeed display cytotoxic ability. The unique form of cell death mediated by granzyme A represents an alternate pathway to cell death, which may be exploited in future to enhance elimination of tumour or virus-infected target cells in a therapeutic setting


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    Cindy Olivia Susanto, Dr.Siti Hamidah, SH.,M.M., Dr. Reka Dewantara,S.H.,M.H. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Jalan MT.Haryono No. 169, Malang 65145, Indonesia Telp: +62-341-553898, Fax: +62-341-566505 Email : [email protected]   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dasar pertimbangan hakim yang memenangkan Tergugat dalam putusan Nomor 29/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Mtp terkait wanprestasi oleh bank dalam Take Over kredit serta untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Nasabah Dari Wanprestasi Bank Take Over Kredit. Pertimbangan Hakim dalam putusan Nomor 29/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Mtp terkait Bank dalam take over kredit terdapat ketidak adilan dimana hakim memenangkan tergugat wanprestasi dan menimbulkan kerugian bagi nasabahnya. Bentuk Perlindungan hukum yang dapat diberikan kepada nasabah perbankan ada dua yaitu preventif dan represif. Perlindungan hukum preventif bagi nasabah dari wanprestasi bank dalam take over kredit berdasarkan KUH Perdata, berdasarkan Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen, berdasarkan POJK Nomor: 1/POJK.07/2013 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan. Perlindungan hukum represif bagi nasabah dari wanprestasi bank dalam take over kredit yaitu dengan adanya sanksi penggantian rugi yang telah diatur di dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata, Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan dan juga di dalam Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen. Kata Kunci : Perlindungan Hukum, Nasabah, Bank, Take Over, Kredit ABSTRACT This research is aimed to analyse the basis of the Judge’s consideration over winning a defendant’s case in the Decision Number 29/Pdt.G/2014/PN&gt;Mtp regarding the case of the breach of contract by the bank in credit takeover and to describe the form of legal protection for the client regarding the breach of contract by the bank. There seemed to be unfairness in the Decision Number 29/Pdt.G/2014/PN.Mtp made by the Judge, in which it is obvious that the Judge won the defendant’s case, causing loss for the client. Preventive and repressive legal protection could be provided for the client. The preventive legal protection given must be based on Civil Code, Law of Consumer Protection, Regulation of Financial Services Authority (POJK) Number: 1/POJK.07/2013 on Consumer Protection in Financial Services Sector, while the later can be provided by imposing sanction in which compensation should be provided as regulated in Civil Code, in Regulation of Financial Services Authority on Consumer Protection, in the Sector of Financial Services, and also in Law of Consumer Protection. Keywords: legal protection, bank client, takeover, credit

    LPP3, LPA and self-generated chemotactic gradients in biomedical science

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    Chemotaxis is a major driver of cancer spread, but in most cases we do not know where gradients of attractant come from. In the case of melanoma, chemotaxis to LPA is an important driver of metastasis, and the gradients are made by the tumour cells themselves, by locally breaking down ambient LPA. We have now made a general assay for self-generated chemotaxis, and used it to show that the enzyme LPP3 is responsible for breaking down LPA and thus creating the gradients. Further analysis shows LPP3 is important in several invasion assays, in particular 3D ones in which cells spread outwards through matrix. The new assays will illuminate where physiological self-generated gradients occur; we believe they will be common throughout biology and pathology