2,567 research outputs found

    Finite-size scaling considerations on the ground state microcanonical temperature in entropic sampling simulations

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    In this work we discuss the behavior of the microcanonical temperature S(E)E\frac{\partial S(E)}{\partial E} obtained by means of numerical entropic sampling studies. It is observed that in almost all cases the slope of the logarithm of the density of states S(E)S(E) is not infinite in the ground state, since as expected it should be directly related to the inverse temperature 1T\frac{1}{T}. Here we show that these finite slopes are in fact due to finite-size effects and we propose an analytic expression aln(bL)a\ln(bL) for the behavior of ΔSΔE\frac{\varDelta S}{\varDelta E} when LL\rightarrow\infty. To test this idea we use three distinct two-dimensional square lattice models presenting second-order phase transitions. We calculated by exact means the parameters aa and bb for the two-states Ising model and for the q=3q=3 and 44 states Potts model and compared with the results obtained by entropic sampling simulations. We found an excellent agreement between exact and numerical values. We argue that this new set of parameters aa and bb represents an interesting novel issue of investigation in entropic sampling studies for different models

    Peripheral Blood Leukocytes And Serum Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction Are Complementary Methods For Monitoring Active Cytomegalovirus Infection In Transplant Patients.

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    Human cytomegalovirus is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. Qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has proven to be a sensitive and effective technique in defining active cytomegalovirus infection, in addition to having low cost and being a useful test for situations in which there is no need for quantification. Real-time PCR has the advantage of quantification; however, the high cost of this methodology makes it impractical for routine use. To apply a nested PCR assay to serum (sPCR) and to evaluate its efficiency to diagnose active cytomegalovirus infection compared with PCR of peripheral blood leukocytes (L-PCR). Samples of 37 patients were prospectively evaluated. An internal control was created and applied to sPCR to exclude false-negative results. In total, 21 patients (57%) developed active cytomegalovirus infection. After analyzing the two methods for the diagnosis of active infection, higher sensitivity and negative predictive value of the L-PCR versus sPCR (100% versus 62%), and higher specificity and positive predictive value of sPCR versus L-PCR (81% versus 50% and 72%, respectively) were observed. Discordant results were observed in 11 patients who were L-PCR-positive but sPCR-negative for active cytomegalovirus infection, five of whom developed clinical symptoms of cytomegalovirus. Clinical symptoms were observed in 14 patients, 12 of whom were diagnosed with active infection by nested L-PCR (P=0.007) and seven by nested sPCR (P=0.02). Higher specificity and a positive predictive value for sPCR were observed. Nested L-PCR and sPCR were considered to be complementary methods for the diagnosis and management of symptomatic cytomegalovirus infection.24e69-7

    Characterisation of pulmonary function trajectories: results from a Brazilian cohort.

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    Background: Pulmonary function (PF) trajectories are determined by different exposures throughout the life course. The aim of this study was to investigate characteristics related to PF trajectories from 15 to 22 years in a Brazilian cohort. Methods: A birth cohort study (1993 Pelotas Birth Cohort) was conducted with spirometry at 15, 18 and 22 years. PF trajectories were built based on z-score of forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and their ratio using a group-based trajectory model. Associations with exposures reported from perinatal to 22 years were described. Results: Three trajectories, low (LT), average (AT) and high (HT) were identified in 2917 individuals. Wealthiest individuals belonged to the HT of FEV1 (p=0.023). Lower maternal pregestational body mass index (BMI) (22.4±0.2; p<0.001 and 22.1±0.14; p<0.001) and lower birth weight (3164.8±25.4; p=0.029 and 3132.3±19.4; p=0.005) were related to the LT of FEV1 and FVC. Mother's smoking exposure during pregnancy (37.7%; p=0.002), active smoking at ages 18 and 22 years (20.1% and 25.8%; p<0.001) and family history of asthma (44.8%; p<0.001) were related to the LT of FEV1/FVC. Wheezing, asthma and hospitalisations due to respiratory diseases in childhood were related to the LT of both FEV1 and FEV1/FVC. Higher BMIs were related to the HT of FEV1 and FVC at all ages. Conclusions: PF trajectories were mainly related to income, pregestational BMI, birth weight, hospitalisation due to respiratory diseases in childhood, participant's BMI, report of wheezing, medical diagnosis and family history of asthma, gestational exposure to tobacco and current smoking status in adolescence and young adult age

    Change and Aging Senescence as an adaptation

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    Understanding why we age is a long-lived open problem in evolutionary biology. Aging is prejudicial to the individual and evolutionary forces should prevent it, but many species show signs of senescence as individuals age. Here, I will propose a model for aging based on assumptions that are compatible with evolutionary theory: i) competition is between individuals; ii) there is some degree of locality, so quite often competition will between parents and their progeny; iii) optimal conditions are not stationary, mutation helps each species to keep competitive. When conditions change, a senescent species can drive immortal competitors to extinction. This counter-intuitive result arises from the pruning caused by the death of elder individuals. When there is change and mutation, each generation is slightly better adapted to the new conditions, but some older individuals survive by random chance. Senescence can eliminate those from the genetic pool. Even though individual selection forces always win over group selection ones, it is not exactly the individual that is selected, but its lineage. While senescence damages the individuals and has an evolutionary cost, it has a benefit of its own. It allows each lineage to adapt faster to changing conditions. We age because the world changes.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Introduction: “Engaging with the writings of Denise Ferreira da Silva”

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    This is the final version. Available from Berghahn Journals via the DOI in this record. This interdisciplinary forum convenes a wide-ranging conversation centred around the writings of Denise Ferreira da Silva, whose unrelenting inquiry locates the workings of raciality in the very constitution of the modern subject, and, relatedly, global and historical consciousness. Da Silva’s excavation of raciality is consequently expansive in its implications and fundamental in its focus. Throughout her oeuvre, including Unpayable Debt (2022) and Toward a Global Idea of Race (2007), the crucial role of ‘law’ in legitimizing the modern, global racial and economic order remains a central problem. Da Silva’s decolonial agenda will meet with immediate sympathy from many in anthropology – a discipline that has engaged in sustained auto-critique of its own complicity in racialized colonial rule for decades (see Asad 1975; Lewis 1973; Pels and Salemink 2000; for a contemporary instance, cf. Price 2011). However, da Silva shows that any narrow focus on specifc direct linkages to related problematics of knowledge production occludes the constitutive role of modern subjectivity in the globalization of modern juridical rule itself. The ambition of da Silva’s excavation addresses, among other things, such recurring questions for legal anthropology as: ‘who has law and in what sense can diferent populations be said to have law?’; ‘how has the idea of “law” helped to reproduce the very world wrought by the post-Enlightenment?’; and ‘How might we test the limits of law?

    Tissue Localization and Extracellular Matrix Degradation by PI, PII and PIII Snake Venom Metalloproteinases: Clues on the Mechanisms of Venom-Induced Hemorrhage

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    20 páginas, 4 figuras, 3 tablas y 7 tablas en material suplementario.Snake venom hemorrhagic metalloproteinases (SVMPs) of the PI, PII and PIII classes were compared in terms of tissue localization and their ability to hydrolyze basement membrane components in vivo, as well as by a proteomics analysis of exudates collected in tissue injected with these enzymes. Immunohistochemical analyses of co-localization of these SVMPs with type IV collagen revealed that PII and PIII enzymes co-localized with type IV collagen in capillaries, arterioles and post-capillary venules to a higher extent than PI SVMP, which showed a more widespread distribution in the tissue. The patterns of hydrolysis by these three SVMPs of laminin, type VI collagen and nidogen in vivo greatly differ, whereas the three enzymes showed a similar pattern of degradation of type IV collagen, supporting the concept that hydrolysis of this component is critical for the destabilization of microvessel structure leading to hemorrhage. Proteomic analysis of wound exudate revealed similarities and differences between the action of the three SVMPs. Higher extent of proteolysis was observed for the PI enzyme regarding several extracellular matrix components and fibrinogen, whereas exudates from mice injected with PII and PIII SVMPs had higher amounts of some intracellular proteins. Our results provide novel clues for understanding the mechanisms by which SVMPs induce damage to the microvasculature and generate hemorrhage.This work was performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD degree for Cristina Herrera at Universidad de Costa Rica.Peer reviewe

    Correlation between the heterosis of maize hybrids and genetic divergence among lines

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate grain yield of maize single cross hybrids obtained from diallel crosses among contrasting lines, to estimate the combining ability of the lines, and finally to confirm if the genetic diversity among those lines assessed by molecular markers is correlated with single cross hybrids heterosis. The 36 single cross hybrids resulting from partial diallel and 12 parental lines were evaluated in Campinas in randomized block design, with three replicates and two control lines checks. General combining ability of the lines was estimated according to Griffing model 4. Correlations among matrices were estimated through Mantel statistics, considering heterosis, yield and specific combining ability with genetic divergence assessed by AFLP and SSR. The hybrids PM518 x L111 exhibited an outstanding yield and the lines PM518, IP4035 and L111 showed positive general combining ability. The estimate heterosis ranged from 927 to 6,698 kg ha(-1). A positive and significant correlation was observed in parental lines between heterosis and genetic diversity assessed by AFLP and SSR. The genetic divergence, however, was not enough to determine the specific combining ability and the hybrids yield.42681181

    A New Preconditioning Approachfor an Interior Point–Proximal Method of Multipliers for Linear and Convex Quadratic Programming

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    In this paper, we address the efficient numerical solution of linear and quadratic programming problems, often of large scale. With this aim, we devise an infeasible interior point method, blended with the proximal method of multipliers, which in turn results in a primal-dual regularized interior point method. Application of this method gives rise to a sequence of increasingly ill-conditioned linear systems which cannot always be solved by factorization methods, due to memory and CPU time restrictions. We propose a novel preconditioning strategy which is based on a suitable sparsification of the normal equations matrix in the linear case, and also constitutes the foundation of a block-diagonal preconditioner to accelerate MINRES for linear systems arising from the solution of general quadratic programming problems. Numerical results for a range of test problems demonstrate the robustness of the proposed preconditioning strategy, together with its ability to solve linear systems of very large dimension