564 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo discute referenciais teóricos que servirão de ferramenta para avaliar a primeira fase de formulação e implementação das cotas na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) que ocorreu nos anos de 2008 a 2012. Na sequência, para contextualizar o tema, apresenta uma definição dos termos Ação Afirmativa e Cotas, realizando um breve panorama socio-histório sobre o surgimento dessas políticas no Brasil, nas universidades federais brasileiras e na UFRGS. Em seguida, realiza uma avaliação elementar dos índices de acesso dos estudantes inclusos durante o primeiro ciclo cotas na UFRGS


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    Phenology of Anacardium occidentale (Anacardiaceae) and its relationship with climatic factor. Anacardium occidentale (Anacardiaceae) is a species of great economic importance for central-west Brazil and few studies have been published on its phenology. This study aimed to describe the reproductive phenology of an A. occidentale population in Montes Claros de Goiás, state of Goiás, Brazil. The following phenophases were recorded monthly in 20 A. occidentale individuals between June 2012 and July 2015: flower bud, anthesis, underripe fruit, and ripe fruit. Data were analyzed using the Fournier index, presence-absence method, Spearman correlation, and circular statistics. Flowering and fruiting were synchronous in the dry season and the two events ended with the onset of the rains, resulting in a negative significant correlation between flowering and rainfall (rs = −0,73) and a positive significant correlation between fruiting and temperature (rs= 0,7). All reproductive events showed a seasonal pattern

    Can Endodontic Irrigating Solutions Influence the Bond Strength of Adhesives to Coronal Dental Substrates? : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of In Vitro Studies

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    Purpose: To systematically review the literature to analyze the influence of endodontic irrigating solutions on the bond strength of adhesives to coronal enamel or dentin. Materials and Methods: The PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science and Scopus electronic databases were used to select laboratory studies related to the research question, without publication year or language limits. From 2461 potentially eligible studies, 2451 were selected for full-text analysis, and 97 were included in the systematic review. Two authors independently selected the studies, extracted the data, and assessed the risk of bias. Pooling bond strength data were calculated using RevMan5.1 with random effects model (α = 0.05), comparing control (no endodontic irrigating solution) and experimental groups (one or more endodontic solutions). Results: No significant difference was found between the control and experimental groups (p = 0.12) in the overall meta-analysis and in the meta-analysis excluding chlorhexidine (p = 0.06). High heterogeneity was found in the meta-analyses. Most included studies in the systematic review were scored as having a high risk of bias. Conclusion: The different endodontic irrigating solutions evaluated showed no negative influence on the bond strength of dental adhesives to coronal dental substrates

    Practice nurse family health strategy in the prevention of diabetic foot

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    Objectives: to identify guidelines provided by nurses for people with DM about foot care; investigate the frequency of the examination of the feet and the aspects evaluated; check which health education activities are carried out by nurses for people with DM. Methods: a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, performed with 38 nurses of the Family Health Strategy, through a questionnaire, during May to July/2013. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. This study was approved by the CCS CEP/UFPB, CAEE nº 03459112.1.0000.5188. Results: it was found that 26 (68,4%) nurses guide on the use of comfortable shoes; 19 (50,0%) nurses assess hair and nails monthly; 12 (31,6%) nurses develop guidelines as health education activity. Conclusion: role of nurses in the Family Health Strategy helps in the prevention of diabetic foot, providing the realization of self-care

    Clinical Approach to Pulp Canal Obliteration: A Case Series

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    This article describes four cases with safe and feasible clinical treatment strategies for anterior teeth with pulp canal obliteration (PCO) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), digital radiography (DR), dental operating microscopy (DOM) and ultrasonic tips (US). Four anterior teeth with PCO were chosen. DR was taken with different angulations and analyzed with different filters. Subsequently, the access cavity was performed with the aid of DOM. If the canal was not identified, CBCT was requested. Sagittal and axial slices guided the direction of the ultrasonic tips. After identification of the canal, it was then negotiated and instrumented with the rotary instruments. All four canals were successfully identified, with no complications. In case 1, the canal was identified using DR, DOM and US tips. In cases 2, 3 and 4, the canals were identified with DR,DOM,UStips and CBCT. Complete root canal obliteration identified in radiography did not necessarily mean that pulp tissue was not visible clinically, either. The clinical evaluation of the access cavity with the aid of MO was crucial. If the canal was not identified, CBCT was mandatory in order to show more detailed view of the precise position of the canals, their directions, degrees of obstruction and dimensions. It served as a guide for the direction of the ultrasonic tips to keep them within the pulp chamber safely, with a low risk of iatrogenic injury.Keywords: Cone-beam Computed Tomography; Dental Operating Microscope; Digital Radiography; Guided Endodontics; Pulp Canal Obliteration; Ultrasoun

    Pleomorphic adenoma with extensive squamous metaplasia and keratin cyst formations in minor salivary gland: a case report

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    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA), the most common salivary gland tumor, accounts for 54 to 65% of all salivary gland neoplasias and 80% of the benign salivary gland tumors. It most frequently affects the parotid gland, followed by the submandibular and the minor salivary glands. Microscopically, mucous, sebaceous, oncocytic and squamous metaplasia, sometimes with the formation of keratin pearls, may be present, but the latter rarely results in the formation of extensive keratin-flled cysts lined by squamous epithelium. Extensive squamous metaplasia can be mistaken for malignancy, including mucoepidermoid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Here, we present an unusual case of PA with extensive squamous metaplasia and keratin cyst formations in a minor salivary gland, and discuss its microscopic features, including the immunohistochemical characteristics, and differential diagnosis of this uncommon presentation

    Fatores associados ao parto cesárea nos sistemas público e privado de atenção à saúde

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    OBJECTIVE Identifying factors associated to Caesarean sections among the residents of Maringá-PR, according to the financing source for delivery. METHODS A cross-sectional study with data from 920 postpartum women interviewed between October 2013 and February 2014. Association analysis was performed by logistic regression. RESULTS Caesarean section rates were 55.5% in the Unified Healthcare System (SUS) and 93.8% in the private system. Factors associated with Caesarean section in the SUS were: previous Caesarean section (OR=8.9; CI=4.6-16.9), desire for Caesarean section early in pregnancy (OR=2.0; CI=1.1-3.6), pregestational overweight/obesity (OR=1.8; CI=1.1-2.8), and per capita family income higher than one minimum wage (OR=2.1; CI=1.3-3.4). In the private system, desire for Caesarean section early in pregnancy (OR=25.3) and a previous Caesarean section (OR=11.3) were strongly associated to its performance. CONCLUSION It is necessary to properly orientate all pregnant women who desire a Caesarean delivery, from both the SUS and the private system, about the inherent risks of the surgical procedure without indication. In the public health sector, guidelines should be focused on pregnant women with previous Caesarean delivery, with a per capita income higher than one minimum wage and those who are overweight or obese, as these women are more likely to have a Caesarean section.OBJETIVO Identificar factores asociados con la cesárea entre residentes de Maringá-PR, según la fuente de financiación del parto. MÉTODO Estudio transversal con datos de 920 puérperas entrevistadas entre octubre de 2013 y febrero de 2014. El análisis de asociación se hizo por regresión logística. RESULTADOS La tasa de cesáreas fue del 55,5% y del 93,8% en el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) y en el sistema privado, respectivamente. Se asociaron a la cesárea en el SUS: realización de cesárea anterior (OR=8,9; IC=4,6-16,9), deseo por la cesárea en el inicio de la gestación (OR=2,0; IC=1,1-3,6), sobrepeso/obesidad pre gestacional (OR=1,8; IC=1,1-2,8) y renta familiar per capita mayor que un sueldo mínimo (OR=2,1; IC=1,3-3,4). En el sistema privado, el deseo por la cesárea en el inicio de la gestación (OR=25,3) y una cesárea anterior (OR=11,3) estuvieron fuertemente asociados con su realización. CONCLUSIÓN Es necesario orientar adecuadamente a todas las gestantes que desean el parto cesárea, en el SUS y el sistema privado, acerca de los riesgos inherente al procedimiento quirúrgico sin indicación. En el sector público de salud, deben ser foco de las orientaciones las gestantes con parto cesárea anterior, las con renta familiar per capita mayor que un sueldo mínimo y con sobrepeso u obesidad, quienes tienen más probabilidades de realizar cesárea.OBJETIVO Identificar fatores associados à cesárea entre residentes de Maringá-PR, segundo a fonte de financiamento do parto. MÉTODO Estudo transversal com dados de 920 puérperas entrevistadas entre outubro de 2013 e fevereiro de 2014. A análise de associação foi feita por regressão logística. RESULTADOS A taxa de cesariana foi de 55,5% e 93,8% no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e no sistema privado, respectivamente. Associou-se à cesárea no SUS: realização de cesárea anterior (OR=8,9; IC=4,6-16,9), desejo pela cesárea no início da gestação (OR=2,0; IC=1,1-3,6), sobrepeso/obesidade pré-gestacional (OR=1,8; IC=1,1-2,8), e renda familiar per capita maior que um salário mínimo (OR=2,1; IC=1,3-3,4). No sistema privado, o desejo pela cesárea no início da gestação (OR=25,3) e uma cesárea anterior (OR=11,3) estiveram fortemente associados à sua realização. CONCLUSÃO É necessário orientar adequadamente todas as gestantes que desejam o parto cesárea, no SUS e no sistema privado, sobre os riscos inerentes ao procedimento cirúrgico sem indicação. No setor público de saúde, devem ser foco das orientações as gestantes com parto cesárea anterior, as com renda familiar per capita maior que um salário mínimo e com sobrepeso ou obesidade, as quais têm mais chances de realizar cesárea

    Violência e desigualdades de gênero: relato de experiência sobre ações desenvolvidas e resultados alcançados durante o mês da mulher em um hospital universitário

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    Introdução: O 8 de março, Dia Internacional da Mulher, é uma data mundialmente lembrada como momento oportuno de reflexão e discussão sobre inúmeras desigualdades ainda vivenciadas pelas mulheres, que impactam a saúde dessa parcela da população. Objetivo: Apresentar ações desenvolvidas por um grupo de trabalho multiprofissional de um hospital universitário e os resultados alcançados. Relato de Experiência: Desde 2022, o hospital institucionalizou a comemoração do 8 de março, como uma data para ações e atividades informativas, orientativas e de acolhimento junto a colaboradores e usuários. Em 2023, foram escolhidos dois temas centrais para discussão: Trabalho/Família e Violência contra a Mulher. Dessa forma, foram promovidas rodas de conversa com trabalhadores em visita aos setores e salas de espera com usuários, norteadas por materiais didáticos confeccionados sobre os dois temas. Também houve panfletagem e apresentação musical no dia 8 de março, além de capacitação oferecida aos profissionais de saúde da instituição, abordando a relação entre corpo feminino e peculiaridades no atendimento à saúde. Conclusão: Durante as ações desenvolvidas, as mulheres puderam expressar suas realidades e rotinas, conhecer dados que comprovam desigualdades e leis que garantem direitos. Pode-se destacar, como resultado alcançado, a discussão das questões históricas e culturais de menosprezo à mulher como responsáveis por iniquidades, com prejuízos à saúde física e mental feminina. É dever de toda a sociedade combater a violência doméstica/familiar, incluindo como aliadas nessa batalha as instituições de saúde e educação integrantes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)