198 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect thermopiles based on flexible Co-rich amorphous ribbons/Pt thin-film heterostructures

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    Thermoelectric phenomena, such as the Anomalous Nernst and Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effects, are promising for sensor applications in the area of renewable energy. In the case of flexible electronic materials, the request is even larger because they can be integrated into devices having complex shape surfaces. Here, we reveal that Pt promotes an enhancement of the thermoelectric response in Co-rich ribbon/Pt heterostructures due to the spin-to-charge conversion. Moreover, we demonstrated that the employment of the thermopiles configuration in this system increases the induced thermoelectric current, a fact related to the considerable decrease in the electric resistance of the system. By comparing present findings with the literature, we were able to design a flexible thermopile based on LSSE without the lithography process. Additionally, the thermoelectric voltage found in the studied flexible heterostructures is comparable to the ones verified for rigid systems.This research was funded by different sources. M.A.C. thanks CAPES (8887.573100/2020-00) and CNPq. A.F. thanks the FCT (CTTI-31/18-C.F. (2) junior researcher contract). A.V.S. and G.V.K. were supported in the frame of the Priority-2030 Program of Ural Federal University

    Topological speckles

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    The time evolution of a topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain is analyzed through the statistics of speckle patterns. The emergence of topological edge states dramatically affects the dynamical fluctuations of the wavefunction. The intensity statistics is found to be described by a family of noncentral chi-squared distributions, with the noncentrality parameter reflecting on the degree of edge-state localization. The response of the speckle contrast with respect to the dimerization of the chain is explored in detail as well as the role of chiral symmetry-breaking disorder, number of edge states, their energy gap, and the locations between which the transport occurs. In addition to providing a venue for speckle customization, our results appeal to the use of speckle patterns for characterization of nontrivial topological properties.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    β-cyclodextrin/isopentyl caffeate inclusion complex: synthesis, characterization and antileishmanial activity

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    Isopentyl caffeate (ICaf) is a bioactive ester widely distributed in nature. Our patented work has shown promising results of this molecule against Leishmania. However, ICaf shows poor solubility, which limits its usage in clinical settings. In this work, we have proposed the development of an inclusion complex of ICaf in -cyclodextrin (-CD), with the aim to improve the drug solubility, and thus, its bioavailability. The inclusion complex (ICaf:-CD) was developed applying three distinct methods, i.e., physical mixture (PM), kneading (KN) or co-evaporation (CO) in different molar proportions (0.25:1, 1:1 and 2:1). Characterization of the complexes was carried out by thermal analysis, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and molecular docking. The ICaf:-CD complex in a molar ratio of 1:1 obtained by CO showed the best complexation and, therefore, was selected for further analysis. Solubility assay showed a marked improvement in the ICaf:-CD (CO, 1:1) solubility profile when compared to the pure ICaf compound. Cell proliferation assay using ICaf:-CD complex showed an IC50 of 3.8 and 2.7 µg/mL against L. amazonesis and L. chagasi promastigotes, respectively. These results demonstrate the great potential of the inclusion complex to improve the treatment options for visceral and cutaneous leishmaniases.This research was funded by Banco do Nordeste (grant FUNDECI/2016.0015), Coordenação Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) and Fundação de Ámparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sergipe (FAPITEC) (PROCESSO: 88887.159533/2017-00 extração, encapsulação e caracterização de bioativos para o interesse biotecnologico). Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq 301964/2019-0 Chamada 06/2019, and Chamada CNPq nº 01/2019) and from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) project UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of technologies to support the diagnosis of infectious diseases and cancer to support the primary health care

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    54/2017). Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Purpose: Primary Health Care (PHC) is the coordinator of health care in Brazil and needs to be strengthened in the diagnostic field to increase health care quality. Aiming to improve the diagnostic tools currently available in PHC, this work describes the process of development and validation of two point-of-care biomedical devices for screening patients with syphilis or different kinds of cancer. Methods: The development of these devices followed nine stages of action based on the requirements established by the Ministry of Health. During development, both systems followed the stages of circuit planning, software simulation to verify the components used, cost assessment for the acquisition of features, simulation in contact matrix, development of the embedded system, and planning of the printed circuit board and storage box. Results: Both devices underwent preliminary functionality tests to assess their quality. The performance tests applied on the device to diagnose syphilis performed 8,733,194 requests, with a flow of 2426 requests/second, reaching the desired parameters of robustness, integrity, durability, and stability. In addition, functioning tests on the cancer-screening device indicated the ability to detect standard fluorescence in a minimal (150 uL) sample volume. Conclusions: Together, the methodology used for developing the devices resulted in promising equipment to improve the diagnosis and meet the requirements for executing technologies for testing and triaging patients in PHC.publishersversionpublishe

    A vision-based system to support tactical and physical analyses in futsal

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    This paper presents a vision-based system to support tactical and physical analyses of futsal teams. Most part of the current analyses in this sport are manually performed, while the existing solutions based on automatic approaches are frequently composed of costly and complex tools, developed for other kind of team sports, making it difficult their adoption by futsal teams. Our system, on the other hand, represents a simple yet efficient dedicated solution, which is based on the analyses of image sequences captured by a single stationary camera used to obtain top-view images of the entire court. We use adaptive background subtraction and blob analysis to detect players, as well as particle filters to track them in every video frame. The system determines the distance traveled by each player, his/her mean and maximum speeds, as well as generates heat maps that describe players’ occupancy during the match. To present the collected data, our system uses a specially developed mobile application. Experimental results with image sequences of an official match and a training match show that our system provides data with global mean tracking errors below 40 cm, demanding on 25 ms to process each frame and, thus, demonstrating its high application potential

    Boosting predictive ability of tropical maize hybrids via genotype-by-environment interaction under multivariate GBLUP models.

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    Genomic selection has been implemented in several plant and animal breeding programs and it has proven to improve efficiency and maximize genetic gains. Phenotypic data of grain yield was measured in 147 maize (Zea mays L.) singlecross hybrids at 12 environments. Single-cross hybrids genotypes were inferred based on their parents (inbred lines) via single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers obtained from genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). Factor analytic multiplicative genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) models, in the framework of multienvironment trials, were used to predict grain yield performance of unobserved tropical maize single-cross hybrids. Predictions were performed for two situations: untested hybrids (CV1), and hybrids evaluated in some environments but missing in others (CV2). Models that borrowed information across individuals through genomic relationships and within individuals across environments presented higher predictive accuracy than those models that ignored it. For these models, predictive accuracies were up to 0.4 until eight environments were considered as missing for the validation set, which represents 67% of missing data for a given hybrid. These results highlight the importance of including genotype-by-environment interactions and genomic relationship information for boosting predictions of tropical maize single-cross hybrids for grain yield