14 research outputs found
Inteligência computacional para estudos de diversidade genética entre genótipos de sorgo biomassa
The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of computational intelligence and canonical variables for studies on the genetic diversity between biomass sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes. The experiments were carried out in the experimental field of Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, in the municipalities of Nova Porteirinha and Sete Lagoas, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The following traits were evaluated: days to flowering, plant height, fresh biomass yield, total dry biomass, and dry biomass yield. The study of genetic diversity was performed through the analysis of canonical variables. For the recognition of the organization pattern of genetic diversity, Kohonen’s self-organizing map was used. The use of canonical variables and a self-organizing map were efficient for the study of genetic diversity. The application of computational intelligence using a self-organized map is promising and efficient for studies on the genetic diversity between biomass sorghum genotypes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial da inteligência computacional e de variáveis canônicas para estudos de diversidade genética entre genótipos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor) biomassa. Os experimentos foram realizados no campo experimental da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, nos municípios de Nova Porteirinha e Sete Lagoas, no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: dias para a floração, altura das plantas, produção de biomassa fresca, biomassa seca total e produção de biomassa seca. O estudo da diversidade genética foi realizado por meio da análise de variáveis canônicas. Para o reconhecimento do padrão de organização da diversidade genética, utilizou-se o mapa auto-organizável de Kohonen. O uso de variáveis canônicas e o mapa auto-organizável foram eficientes no estudo de diversidade genética. A utilização de inteligência computacional com mapa auto-organizável é promissora e eficiente para estudos de diversidade genética entre genótipos de sorgo biomassa
Redes neurais artificiais comparadas com modelos lineares generalizados sob o enfoque bayesiano para predição de resistência à ferrugem em café arábica
The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of artificial neural networks in comparison with Bayesian generalized linear regression to predict leaf rust resistance in Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica). This study used 245 individuals of a F2 population derived from the self-fertilization of the F1 H511-1 hybrid, resulting from a crossing between the susceptible cultivar Catuaí Amarelo IAC 64 (UFV 2148-57) and the resistant parent Híbrido de Timor (UFV 443-03). The 245 individuals were genotyped with 137 markers. Artificial neural networks and Bayesian generalized linear regression analyses were performed. The artificial neural networks were able to identify four important markers belonging to linkage groups that have been recently mapped, while the Bayesian generalized model identified only two markers belonging to these groups. Lower prediction error rates (1.60%) were observed for predicting leaf rust resistance in Arabica coffee when artificial neural networks were used instead of Bayesian generalized linear regression (2.4%). The results showed that artificial neural networks are a promising approach for predicting leaf rust resistance in Arabica coffee.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de redes neurais artificiais em comparação à modelagem por meio de modelos lineares generalizados na predição de resistência à ferrugem em café arábica (Coffea arabica). Foram utilizados 245 indivíduos provenientes de uma população F2, oriundos da autofecundação do híbrido F1 H511-1, resultante do cruzamento da cultivar suscetível Catuaí Amarelo IAC 64 (UFV 2148-57) e do genitor resistente Híbrido de Timor (UFV 443-03). Os 245 indivíduos foram genotipados com 137 marcadores. Realizaram-se análises com redes neurais artificiais e com modelos lineares generalizados sob o enfoque bayesiano. As redes neurais identificaram quatro marcadores importantes pertencentes a grupos de ligação que foram recentemente mapeados, enquanto o modelo generalizado bayesiano identificou somente dois marcadores pertencentes a esses grupos. Foram observadas taxas de erro de predição inferiores (1,60%) para predizer a resistência à ferrugem em café arábica, quando foram utilizadas as redes neurais artificiais em vez de modelos lineares generalizados sob o enfoque bayesiano (2,4%). Os resultados mostraram que as redes neurais artificiais são uma abordagem promissora para predizer a resistência à ferrugem em café arábica
Prediction of genetic potential of segregant populations of common bean derived from single-cross and double-cross hybrids
O sucesso na condução de um programa de melhoramento de plantas autógamas é dependente de decisões acertadas nas suas etapas iniciais. Um questionamento freqüente é como os genitores deverão ser cruzados para obtenção das populações segregantes. Visto que, na cultura do feijoeiro, existem poucos estudos a esse respeito, o presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar o comportamento de populações segregantes de feijoeiro oriundas de híbridos simples e duplos, predizer o potencial dessas populações com vista à extração de linhagens com produtividade superior a cultivar Valente e avaliar o efeito da interação genótipos x safras na predição do potencial genético de populações segregantes de feijão. Assim, foram cruzados 40 genitores obtendo-se, inicialmente, 20 híbridos simples, posteriormente, estes foram combinados num esquema de dialelo circulante obtendo-se, 20 híbridos duplos. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na estação experimental de Coimbra/UFV, Minas Gerais. As 40 populações segregantes oram avaliadas nas gerações F 4 , F 5 e F 6 , juntamente com nove testemunhas, nas safras da seca, do inverno e das águas, respectivamente, visando estimar, entre outros efeitos, o efeito da interação populações segregantes safras. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o látice triplo 7 x 7 com parcelas de quatro linhas de quatro metros. Utilizando dados de produtividade de grãos (gramas/planta) e a variância dentro das populações foi estimada a probabilidade de uma dada população produzir linhagens que supere, em 20%, a produtividade da cultivar Valente segundo a metodologia de JINKS & POONI (1976). Tanto com base nas produtividades de grãos (kg/ha) como na predição do potencial das populações em gerar linhagens promissoras não foram observadas diferenças entre as populações oriundas de híbridos simples e aquelas populações oriundas de híbridos duplos, indicando que o número de genitores envolvidos no cruzamento não foi determinante no desempenho final das populações segregantes. Foi constatado efeito significativo da interação populações segregantes x safras, cuja natureza foi predominantemente complexa, advertindo sobre a necessidade de condução e avaliação das populações segregantes nas diferentes safras da cultura do feijoeiro.The success in conducting a breeding program of self-pollinated plants depends on the decisions made in its initial steps. A frequent question is how the parents will have to be crossed in order to obtain segregant populations. Since, in common bean, few works exist that can help this decision, this study had as goals to evaluate the performance of segregant populations derived from single-cross and double-cross hybrids, to predict the potencial of that populations for lines extraction with surpass grain yield of Valente cultivar and evalute the effect of segregant populations x sowing dates interaction in the prediction of the genetic potencial of common bean segregant populations. Thus, 40 parents were crossed obtaining 20 single-cross hybrids. These hybrids were intercrossed according to the cycle diallel procedure obtaining, in that way, 20 double-cross hybrids. The experiment was conducted in Coimbra/ UFV experimental station, Minas Gerais. The populations were evaluated in the F 4 , F 5 and F 6 generation, with nine checks, the sowing dates being in dry, winter and wet seasons of 2002, respectively, aiming to study the effects of the interaction of segregant populations x sowing dates. The experimental design used was 7 x 7 triple lattice with plots of four lines, 4m long. Grain yield data (grams/plant) and genetic variance within the populations were used to estimate the probability of a given population to produce lines that could surpass grain yield of Valente cultivar by 20 percent, according to JINKS & POONI (1976) methodology. Based in average grain yield (Kg/ha) and also in the prediction of the populations potential of producing promising lines, any difference between the populations from single-cross hybrids and double-cross hybrids wasn t observed, indicating that the number of parents involved in the crossing to obtain the segregant populations wasn t determinant in the final performance of the segregant populations. The segregant populations x sowing dates interaction was significative, its nature was predominantly complex, warning about the necessity of the conduction and evaluation of segregant populations in the different sowing dates of the common bean culture.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorDissertação importada do Alexandri
The maintenance of genetic diversity is fundamental to ensure the population's viability on the mid- and long-term. Because evolutionary factors (e.g., genetic drift, selection, migration, and inbreeding) can change the genetic structure of a population, it is important to understand how these factors act on populations and to infer about the maintenance of genetic diversity throughout generations. The Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) is an interesting approach to organize the genetic diversity and to highlight the effects caused by dispersive and systematic factors in populations. Briefly, the SOM algorithm maps the data, weighting similarities among inputs while keeps similar inputs close to each other in a topological map. The upside of this approach is that it organizes populations in accordance to biological principles. SOM have shown to be efficient in organizing natural or breeding populations that are subject to processes that reduce variability, such as drift, inbreeding, and selection, and to processes that increase genetic variability, such as migration
High-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation impairs the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway in the liver and white adipose tissue of mouse offspring
14/18165-9; 13/10706-8476643/2012-0Cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAP) prevents inflammatory cytokines production. The main was to evaluate the effect of maternal obesity on cholinergic pathway in the offspring. Female mice were subjected to either standard chow (SC) or high-fat diet (HFD) during pregnancy and the lactation period. After weaning, only male offspring from HFD dams (HFD-O) and from SC dams (SC-O) were fed the SC diet. Key proteins of the CAP were downregulated and serum TNF-α was elevated in the HFD-O mice. STAT3 and NF-κB activation in HFD-O mice ICV injected with nicotine (agonist) were lower than SC-O mice. Basal cholinesterase activity was upregulated in HFD-O mice in both investigated tissues. Lipopolysaccharide increased TNF-α and IL-1β expression in the liver and WAT of SC-O mice, but this effect was greater in HFD-O mice. In conclusion these changes exacerbated cytokine production in response to LPS and contributed to the reduced sensitivity of the CAP.Cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAP) prevents inflammatory cytokines production. The main was to evaluate the effect of maternal obesity on cholinergic pathway in the offspring. Female mice were subjected to either standard chow (SC) or high-fat di422192202FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLOGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLOGICO14/18165-9; 13/10706-8476643/2012-014/18165-9; 13/10706-8476643/2012-0Les cages généralement utilisées en expérimentation animale peuvent empêcher les rats d'adopter la plupart des formes naturelles de comportement locomoteur. Ces animaux ont tendance a` adopter des habitudes sédentaires. Dans cette étude, nous démontrons