4,112 research outputs found

    Refletindo sobre violência de gênero e mulheres negras : a experiência da Ong Maria Mulher/ Porto Alegre - Brasil

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    As condições socioeconômicas, políticas e culturais das mulheres negras são precárias, a maioria se encontra abaixo da linha da pobreza, com baixa escolaridade, em situação de exclusão social e sem acesso efetivo às políticas públicas. A experiência da ONG Maria Mulher evidencia a discriminação racial em relação a mulheres negras como um fator que potencializa a violência de gênero e causa prejuízos à qualidade de vida e saúde das mulheres. Essa pesquisa buscou compreender os efeitos da discriminação racial na construção de identidades e modos de subjetivação de mulheres negras atendidas no programa SOS Racismo. O referencial teóricometodológico foi o das práticas discursivas, entendidas como a forma pela qual as pessoas produzem sentidos nas relações sociais. Na análise foram identificados o sofrimento provocado pela discriminação racial e os efeitos nas identidades e modos de subjetivação dessas mulheres. O grupo produziu novos sentidos para as violências sofridas, transformando a narrativa pessoal em denúncia pública.The African American women's socioeconomic, political and cultural conditions are unstable; many of these women face social exclusion situations and have no access to public policies. The experience of the NGO Maria Mulher has considered racial discrimination in relation to African American women as a fact which empowers gender violence and causes damage to life quality and to health. This research tried to understand the effects of racial discrimination to the identities construction and to the subjectivation modes of African American women attended by the SOS Racism program. The women showed intense emotional suffering due to discrimination and racism they have faced. In the group process new meanings for the violence were produced, transforming the personal narrative into a public report

    a contribution to its understanding

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    an empirical analysis of university post-graduates perspectives

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    a pertinent discussion to adult education

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    In this paper we present a systematization of ideas that have emerged from a theoretical and epistemological reflection, relating the concepts of experience (Honoré, 1992, Larossa, 2002, 2011), knowledge from experience (Larossa, 2002, 2011, Freire, 1992, 2007, Sá-Chaves, 2004) developed within the conceptual field of adult education. Our purpose is to contribute to the discussion of the notion of experientiality, that we consider central to understand experiential learning processess and thus to contribute to adult education reflection, situating it in the epistemological framework of the complexity approach of Edgar Morin, where we find the basis and the presuppositions of this proposal. In this presentation, the concepts of experience and experientiality are analysed from the perspective of the complexity approach and the complex thinking (Morin, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1991, 1999,…, Nicolescu, 2003). We argue that is not possible to understand the complexity of adult learning processes without consider the existence of a central dimension — experientiality —, which has not been enough valued both in traditional theoretical educational approaches nor in adult learning settings. We will work the concept of experientiality evidencing its articulation with the concepts of experience and knowledge produced from experience, trying to evidence the existing epistemological links with the complexity approach and with the complex thinking of E. Morin. We also argue that the awareness of experientiality and experiential learning processes can be a basis for strengthening the transformative dimension of adult education (Freire, Mezirow), leading to the development of emancipatory practices and projects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    recezione verdiana e rifiuto della storia nazionale

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    in search of a transnational approach

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    UID/EAT/00693/2013In Portugal, an old popular saying states that "From Spain, neither a good wind nor a good marriage". This proverb reflects an anti-castilianism that hasn’t always been shared by the whole Portuguese society. But the message it expressed, even if decontextualized, allows us to understand the distances that were forged, for centuries, between the two states that make up the peninsula. In the 19th-Century, however, when perceived from Italy and by opera producing agents, the political-administrative divisions within the Iberian peninsula appeared blurred. This suggests the outset of a transnational approach. Nevertheless, neither Portuguese nor Spanish Musicology seem so far to have been interested in this type of approach. The main exception is David Cranmer’s article, “Intercâmbio entre Portugal e Espanha no campo da ópera entre 1793 e 1828” (Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, 1 (1991), pp. 205-210), where he discusses the relationship between the theatres of the two countries and the circulation of repertoires, singers and other theatre professionals. Starting from an opera like Donizetti’s Il furioso all'Isola di San Domingo, which was premiered in Rome in 1833 and had a wide circulation in Italian theatres, this paper aims to explain the reasons and conditions that characterized its success in this geographical space. These are: 1) the fact that in some cities Rossini’s heritage enjoyed a larger acceptance than the Romantic models; 2) in Spain, the fact that the opera is based on an episode of Don Quijote; 3) in the Portuguese reception, the attempt to adapt it both to the demands of a prima donna and a more openly Romantic taste; 4) in both countries, the fascination with tropical environments, in a context of strong colonial connections with Central and South America. Finally, the opera's Iberian dissemination and reception reveals a set of regional circuits inside the Península which ultimately allows us to overcome political boundaries.publishersversionpublishe

    Physiotherapy intervention for fatigue in palliative care: a systematic review

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    Background: Fatigue is recognized as one of the most prevalent, distressing and debilitating symptoms experienced by people in palliative care. Appropriate interventions may bring considerable improvements in quality of life to palliative care patients and their families, reducing physical, psychological and spiritual distress. Aims: To evaluate the effect of physiotherapy intervention on fatigue in palliative care patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perspectives on portfólios' contributions

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    In this article we present and discuss some of the preliminary national results of the project “Empowering Eportfolio Process” (EEP), an Erasmus+ KA2 program. At this stage of the research, the Portuguese team of the College of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (ESE-IPS) will present some of the emerging ideas that have come to light from the first stage of the ongoing qualitative study, which is focused on the students’ perspectives on the use of ePortfolios — more specifically the students of the International Semester. We will discuss into what extent these practices can contribute to students’ empowerment and to develop transformative capabilities — such as autonomy, reflexivity, critical thought, creativity and cooperation, amongst others. We also intend to discuss these practices implications to Higher Education, particularly orienting the discussion to the scope of pedagogy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O presente artigo teve como objetivo determinar indicadores relacionados à pesquisa científica na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), com base nas políticas institucionais e nacionais concernentes à gestão da pesquisa nas universidades. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva de cunho qualitativo e quantitativo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de análise documental, buscando-se dados que versam sobre a pesquisa científica no âmbito das universidades brasileiras, além de documentos e sistemas institucionais da UFSC e do CNPq. O estudo permitiu identificar que a gestão da pesquisa na UFSC é realizada por meio de uma estrutura consolidada e que a instituição possui objetivos definidos para a pesquisa científica. Os indicadores mostram um elevado número de produção científica, com evidência à grande quantidade de produção bibliográfica, principalmente advinda dos bolsistas de produtividade em pesquisa