911 research outputs found


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    Changes in the economic base of old industrial cities have been characterised byurban regeneration processes, transforming their industrial districts into newinnovative, technological and creative territories. While maintaining the industrialvocation, this shift promotes the reinterpretation of industrial production and of theterritory’s historical past into new symbolic meanings and values, constituting assetsin the global city competition scenario. From these new forms of industrialproduction territorial changes result, with culture and innovation being a leadingengine in such transformations. This article discusses the results of these economicbased policies in Palo Alto’s urban regeneration process. This complex is one ofBarcelona’s leading examples of industrial reconversion into a creative hub, throughthe uses of entrepreneurial initiative, cultural production, heritage valorisation, andthe creation of new public spaces.Los cambios en la base económica de las antiguas ciudades industriales se han caracterizado por procesos de regeneración urbana, que transforman sus distritos industriales en nuevos territorios innovadores, tecnológicos y creativos. Mientras se mantiene la vocación industrial, este cambio promueve la reinterpretación de la producción industrial y del pasado histórico del territorio en nuevos significados y valores simbólicos, constituyendo activos en el escenario de la competitividad global entre ciudades. A partir de estas nuevas formas de producción industrial resultan cambios territoriales, con la cultura y la innovación como motores de estas transformaciones. Este artículo discute los resultados de estas políticas económicas basadas en los procesos de regeneración urbana, en Palo Alto. Este complejo es uno de los principales ejemplos en Barcelona de reconversión industrial en un hub creativo, a través de la iniciativa empresarial, la producción cultural, la valorización del patrimonio, y la creación de nuevos espacios públicos

    Hydrological impacts of microwatersheds in the Des Moines Lobe

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    Potholes are features with no evident natural outlet, formed in hydric landscapes, such as the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR). Potholes are commonly under cropland management, which is not consistent with their hydrological patterns since periodic flooding during the growing season is frequent. Although there are studies investigating undisturbed and/or restored potholes, there is limited information about the hydrology of features that are farmed and artificially drained, a common situation in the Des Moines Lobe, the Iowan part of the PPR. The estimation of pothole hydroperiod and water balance variations would allow their hydrological classification and estimation of their potential environmental impacts. To estimate pothole hydrology, Annualized Agricultural Non-Point Source model (AnnAGNPS), was used in this project to model two potholes located in Story County, IA, for which we had two years of periodic measurements of inundation depth. For a better understanding of the features, a high-resolution DEM was used to study their potential volume storage, before overflowing. A conserved scenario, in which the potholes were consider to be retired from cropland production and from artificial tile drainage was also simulated to estimate potential hydrological impacts of pothole conservation. After model calibration, AnnAGNPS was used to estimate pothole water volume and depth variations in the features under both current and conserved conditions, for 23 years of historical weather data. It was proved that AnnAGNPS can provide reliable representations of the observed data, particularly for water depth variations. Results include pothole hydroperiod, consecutive days of inundation, average water depth during ponding events, and frequency of overflow. In the current condition, the potholes water regimen suggests that these potholes are classified as semipermanent. Most ponding occurred in early stages of the growing season, and mostly lasted from one to two days, barely overwhelming their storage capacity. Nevertheless, crop failure is common within their extent, which indicates that their management does not agree with their hydrological patterns. In the conserved condition, potholes flooded more often, held water for longer periods, and exceed their maximum storage capacity more frequently than in the current scenario. Further research includes the assessment of potholes under different management conditions, improvement of AnnAGNPS tools to address wetland features, and investigation of the reliability of the results of pothole conservation

    Composite Material and Optical Fibres

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    Where to Invest Affordable Housing Dollars in Polk County?: A Spatial Analysis of Opportunity Areas

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    The objective of this report is to identify high impact areas within Polk County for future investment in affordable housing development. This analysis takes into account areas of existing need in the county as well as areas that are well served by bus service, schools, food markets, and medical facilities. Through a spatial analysis methodology that overlays these two sets of conditions (areas of need and areas with proximity to critical services), we are able to identify optimal areas for the development of new affordable housing in Polk County

    A misoginia medieval e seus ecos nos Lais de Maria de França

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    Como fonte primária básica, utilizamos a edição bilíngüe (francês arcaico-francês) de Laurence Harf-Lancner. Todos os versos citados em língua portuguesa neste trabalho foram traduções nossas, visto que, optamos conservar, na medida do possível, a forma e o conteúdo - a versão de Laurence Harf-Lancner ainda que conserve os versos, adapta o conteúdo.Os Lais de Maria de França são um tipo específico de registro histórico acerca da sociedade aristocrática medieval e nos possibilita decifrar as hierarquias que regem o relacionamento entre homens e mulheres no período. Como muito bem explica Georges Duby, a sociedade medieval tende a se apresentar revestida de um caráter masculino devido, entre outros fatores, à sua latente misoginia. As mulheres eram colocadas sob a autoridade masculina; convencidos da sua superioridade natural, os homens as desprezavam, zombavam do seu sexo, ao mesmo tempo que as temiam, afinal, eram filhas de Eva. Dito disto, os Lais oferecem imagens femininas que não podem ser desprezadas, posto que expressam a ideia que a autora fazia das mulheres. Entretanto, como procuramos demonstrar neste artigo, Maria de França reflete as representações presentes nesta sociedade aristocrática cristã. Percebe-se aqui que não aspiramos neste artigo alcançar o real vivido, mas o significado histórico das imagens femininas presentes nos Lais.The Lais of Marie de France are a specific type of historical record about the medieval aristocratic society and enables us to decipher the hierarchies that govern the relationship between men and women in the period. As well explains Georges Duby, medieval society tends to present coated with a male character because, among other factors, its latent misogyny Women were placed under male authority, convinced of their natural superiority , the men despised , mocked her sex , meanwhile feared them, after all, women were Eve's daughters. So, Lais offer female images that cannot be ignored , since it express the author women's idea. However , as we seek to demonstrate in this article, Maria of France reflects the representations of the Christian society aristocratic. One note here that this article does not aspire to reach the actual circumstances, but the historical significance of female images present in the Lais

    An analysis of the profile of health secretaries: interfaces between health and political-electoral processes

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    The present paper aims to systematize information on health leaders inserted in state and municipal governments, to reflect on technical, academic and political influences in shaping their trajectories, seeking to contribute to the design an overview of Unified Health System (SUS) management at subnational bodies. The study is supported by research from secondary sources, including official databases, government portals and commercial news. Information from the secretaries of the 26 states and their capitals, in addition to the Federal District, in office in May 2021, was processed, generating 53 resumes, that were categorized as specialists (79%), health professionals (75%), career politicians (25%) and businesspeople (19%). Despite the significant partisan influence, a process of formation of bureaucratic cadres by the parties was found, beyond the electoral dispute. Of the thirteen career politicians identified, eleven were also typified by the analysis as ‘specialized’, questioning senses about the opposition between ‘technical’ versus ‘political’ profiles, suggesting the relevance of the intersections of trajectories. An exceptionality of technical insulation of health was not confirmed. Thus, the image that political party forces are antagonistic to academic training and experience in public administration is unrealistic, suggesting that health is simultaneously specialized and politicized.O trabalho objetiva sistematizar informações sobre os secretários de saúde inseridos em governos estaduais e municipais, para refletir sobre influências técnicas, acadêmicas e partidárias na conformação de suas trajetórias, buscando contribuir para o delineamento de um panorama da gestão do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) nas instâncias subnacionais. O estudo é apoiado em fontes secundárias, incluindo bases de dados oficiais, portais de governos e notícias divulgadas pela mídia comercial. Foram processadas informações dos secretários dos 26 estados e suas capitais, além do Distrito Federal, no cargo no mês de maio de 2021, gerando 53 currículos, que foram categorizados como especializados (79%), profissionais de saúde (75%), políticos de carreira (25%) e empresários (19%). Apesar da significativa influência partidária, encontrou-se um processo de formação de quadros burocráticos pelos partidos, para além da disputa eleitoral. Dos treze políticos de carreira identificados, onze também foram tipificados pela análise como ‘especializados’, interpelando acepções sobre oposição entre perfis ‘técnico’ versus ‘político’, sugerindo a relevância das interseções das trajetórias. Uma excepcionalidade de insulamento técnico da saúde não foi confirmada. Dessa forma, não é realista a imagem de que forças político-partidárias sejam antagônicas à capacitação acadêmica e à experiência na administração pública, sugerindo que a saúde se apresenta, simultaneamente, especializada e politizada

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Colorectal Cancer Risk: The First Replication Study in a South American Population

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) heritability is determined by the complex interaction between inherited variants and environmental factors. CRC incidence rates have been increasing specially in developing countries, such as Brazil, where CRC is the third most frequent cancer in both genders. Genome‐wide association studies (GWAS), based on thousands of cases and controls typed at thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), have identified several variants that associate with gastrointestinal cancer risk. Less of half of the familial risk has been elucidated through GWAS that identified common SNPs in almost exclusively European populations. Replication studies in admixed heterogeneous populations are scarce and most failed to replicate all the imputed SNPs. Population stratification by ethnic subgroups with different allele frequencies and so with different patterns of linkage disequilibrium may cause expurious associations. Here, we show the first replication study of CRC inherited susceptibility in South America and aimed to identify known SNPs, which are associated with CRC risk in European populations

    Medieval Misogyny and its echoes in the Lais of Marie de France

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    Resum disponible en anglèsThe Lais of Marie de France are a specific type of historical record about the medieval aristocratic society and enables us to decipher the hierarchies that govern the relationship between men and women in the period. As well explains Georges Duby, medieval society tends to present coated with a male character because, among other factors, its latent misogyny Women were placed under male authority, convinced of their natural superiority , the men despised , mocked her sex , meanwhile feared them, after all, women were Eve’s daughters. So, Lais offer female images that cannot be ignored , since it express the author women’s idea. However , as we seek to demonstrate in this article, Maria of France reflects the representations of the Christian society aristocratic. One note here that this article does not aspire to reach the actual circumstances, but the historical significance of female images present in the Lais

    Epidemiological analysis of external causes at urgency and emergency services in Cuiabá/Mato Grosso

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    OBJETIVO: Apesar da importância das causas externas como problema de saúde pública, pouco se conhece sobre a demanda de serviços de urgência e emergência. Este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar a morbidade por causas externas em unidades de urgência e emergência do município de Cuiabá/MT. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo transversal e descritivo. Foram analisadas 3.786 vítimas de causas externas atendidas pelas cinco unidades de urgência e emergência da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Cuiabá/MT, no período de 1 de maio a 30 de junho de 2005. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 88% dos atendimentos se referiam a vítimas de acidentes, 9% corresponderam a agressões e 2% a lesões autoprovocadas. Os acidentes de transportes representaram 22% dos atendimentos, sendo os motociclistas as principais vítimas (49%); as quedas foram as causas mais freqüentes no grupo de outras causas externas de traumatismos acidentais. A prevalência em homens superou a de mulheres. A maior parte das vítimas era menor de 40 anos (79%). No entanto, a análise por tipo de causa externa apresenta resultados diferentes segundo sexo e faixa etária. Cerca da metade dos eventos ocorreu em casa e, em sua maioria, as vítimas receberam alta após o atendimento, sendo que a taxa de mortalidade foi baixa (0,4%). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados revelam a importância da análise sistemática dos dados referentes às vítimas de acidentes e violência atendidas em unidades de urgência e emergência, como complemento às informações sobre mortalidade e morbidade hospitalar visando o monitoramento dessas causas.OBJECTIVE: Despite the importance of external causes as a public health problem, little is known about the demand for emergency services. This study aims to characterize the morbidity due to external causes in emergency units of Cuiabá/MT. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study. We analyzed 3,786 victims of external causes seen at five emergency units of Cuiabá/MT Health Department in the period from May 1 to June 30, 2005. RESULTS: Approximately 88% of cases involved victims of accidents, 9% were victims of assault, and 2% were victims of self-injury. Transportation accidents accounted for 22% of cases, whose main victims were motorcyclists (49%); falls were the most frequent causes in the group of other external causes of accidental injuries. The prevalence in men surpassed that of women. Most of the victims were younger than 40 years (79%). However, the analysis by type of external cause presents different results by gender and age. Nearly half of the events occurred at home, most of the victims were discharged after treatment, and the mortality rate was low (0.4%). CONCLUSION: The results show the importance of the systematic analysis of data on victims of accidents and violence seen at emergency services, to add information on hospital mortality and morbidity aimed at the surveillance of these causes.(CAPES) Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Programa de Qualificação Instituciona