1,615 research outputs found

    Nanocarriers for Nitric Oxide Delivery

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is a promising pharmaceutical agent that has vasodilative, antibacterial, and tumoricidal effects. To study the complex and wide-ranging roles of NO and to facilitate its therapeutic use, a great number of synthetic compounds (e.g., nitrosothiols, nitrosohydroxyamines, N-diazeniumdiolates, and nitrosyl metal complexes) have been developed to chemically stabilize and release NO in a controlled manner. Although NO is currently being exploited in many biomedical applications, its use is limited by several factors, including a short half-life, instability during storage, and potential toxicity. Additionally, efficient methods of both localized and systemic in vivo delivery and dose control are needed. One strategy for addressing these limitations and thus increasing the utility of NO donors is based on nanotechnology

    Sintomas do Brasil contemporâneo: tensões discursivas e a educação para a diferença

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    It is intended to reflect on the moment experienced in Brazil, understanding them as symptoms of Contemporaneity, thinking about social practices and discourses that strain and re-articulate all the time. The deconstruction of historical facts and the refutation of scientific events are some of the examples that we pursue in this reflection, asking us about the educational models and the ways of seeing History, which establish direct relations with the aspects of social exclusion and with subjective formations. In this sense, the truth seems to lose its privileged position and occupy with a certain fragility a place based on the belief in the figure of the modern subject. We propose new perspectives on the fields of knowledge, calling us to think about education for diversity as an indispensable perspective to face the rise of social barbarism.Tiene la intención de reflexionar sobre el momento experimentado en Brasil, entendiéndolos como síntomas de Contemporaneidad, pensando en prácticas sociales y discursos que se tensan y rearticulan en todo momento. La deconstrucción de hechos históricos y la refutación de eventos científicos son algunos de los ejemplos que buscamos en esta reflexión, preguntándonos acerca de los modelos educativos y las formas de ver la Historia, que establecen relaciones directas con los aspectos de exclusión social y con formaciones subjetivas. En este sentido, la verdad parece perder su posición privilegiada y ocupar con cierta fragilidad un lugar basado en la creencia en la figura del sujeto moderno. Depende de nosotros proponer nuevas perspectivas en los campos del conocimiento, llamándonos a pensar en la educación para la diversidad como una perspectiva indispensable para enfrentar el aumento de la barbarie social.Pretende-se refletir acerca do momento vivenciado no Brasil, entendendo-o como sintoma da Contemporaneidade, pensando práticas e discursos sociais que tensionam-se e rearticulam-se a todo instante. A desconstrução de fatos históricos e a refutação de eventos científicos são alguns dos exemplos que perseguimos nesta reflexão, indagando-nos acerca dos modelos educativos e os modos de ver a História, que estabelecem relações diretas com os aspectos de exclusão social e com as formações subjetivas. Nesse sentido, a verdade parece perder sua posição privilegiada e ocupar, com certa fragilidade, um lugar baseado na crença na figura do sujeito moderno. Nos coube propor novos olhares aos campos do saber, convocando-nos a pensar a educação para diversidade como perspectiva indispensável ao enfrentamento da ascensão da barbárie social

    Expression, purification and structural analysis of the Pyrococcus abyssi RNA binding protein PAB1135

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The gene coding for the uncharacterized protein PAB1135 in the archaeon <it>Pyrococcus abyssi </it>is in the same operon as the ribonuclease P (RNase P) subunit Rpp30.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Here we report the expression, purification and structural analysis of PAB1135. We analyzed the interaction of PAB1135 with RNA and show that it binds efficiently double-stranded RNAs in a non-sequence specific manner. We also performed molecular modeling of the PAB1135 structure using the crystal structure of the protein Af2318 from <it>Archaeoglobus fulgidus </it>(<ext-link ext-link-id="2OGK" ext-link-type="pdb">2OGK</ext-link>) as the template.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Comparison of this model has lead to the identification of a region in PAB1135 that could be involved in recognizing double-stranded RNA.</p

    CEBs stabilised with geopolymeric binders: mechanical performance of dry-stack masonry

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    The sustainability in the building industry is currently a sounding topic, seeking the development of more environmental friendly building materials. The incorporation of industrial wastes and the reuse of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in the production of building materials are methods being used to solve this problem. Furthermore, these methods contribute to fulfilling the targets defined by European Union for the valorisation of non-hazard waste. The construction with compressed earth blocks (CEBs) stabilised with geopolymeric binders is a solution that can contribute to this objective by incorporating both CDW (excavation soil) and industrial wastes. Despite some recent research done on this topic, it still deserves further investigation. This paper intends to contribute to the development of this topic by presenting an experimental program, continuing previous research. The experimental program is addressed to the mechanical characterisation of a dry-stack CEB (stabilised with geopolymer obtained from alkaline activation of fly ash) masonry system, and includes the evolution of the strength of the CEBs with the curing time. In general, the evolution of the strength of the CEBs cured under ambient condition was shown to be a slow process, which can have implications on the production process.Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) through the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028864 (FCT-PTDC/ECM-EST/2396/2012)

    Estudo de pórticos metálicos enrijecidos com alvenaria

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    Este trabalho aborda o estudo experimental e numérico do comportamento de pórticos metálicos preenchidos com painel de alvenaria constituído por blocos de concreto celular autoclavado, levando-se em consideração a contribuição do painel de alvenaria na rigidez global da estrutura. O conjunto pórtico-painel foi submetido à acção de carga horizontal aplicada no eixo da viga superior do pórtico. Foram utilizadas barras de aço lisas, na forma de estribos, soldadas às mesas dos pilares metálicos, denominadas barras de aço “ferro-cabelo”, numa tentativa de retardar o descolamento precoce existente na interface pórtico-painel. A pesquisa consta de uma série de 6 ensaios experimentais do conjunto em escala real, 2 ensaios com o pórtico metálico isolado (sem o painel de preenchimento) e de análises numéricas, onde a alvenaria foi considerada um material não-linear

    Mechanical performance of masonry made with CEB stabilised by alkali activated fly ashes

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    Ao longo dos últimos anos foi possível observar uma crescente preocupação ao nível da sustentabilidade e da preservação do meio ambiente. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo prestar um contributo nesse sentido, nomeadamente através do desenvolvimento de ummaterial mais sustentável, com menor impacto ambiental, recorrendo a uma técnica que permite encarar os resíduos industriais como matérias-primas. A terra, como material de construção, tem já uma utilização milenar, comprovada pelos importantes monumentos que chegaram até aos nossos dias. A ativação alcalina, enquanto técnica para a produção de ligantes alternativos, tem demonstrado um grande potencial, evidenciado ao longo dos últimos anos. Através da utilização de solo e da ativação alcalina de cinzas volantes foi possível desenvolver um material para fabrico de blocos de terra compactada (BTC) com desempenho mecânico, quer a nível individual quer ao nível da própria alvenaria resultante, adequado ao funcionamento deste tipo de estrutura.Over the last years it was possible to observe an increasing concern in terms of sustainability and environmental preservation. This work aims to make a contribution in this direction, particularly through the development of a more sustainable material, with lower environmental impact, employing a technique that allows to face the industrial waste as raw materials. The earth as building material has a millenary use, proven by the important monuments that have survived till nowadays. The alkaline activation, while technique for the production of alternative binders, has shown a great potential, evidenced over the last years. Through the use of the soil and alkali activated fly ashes was possible to develop a material for the manufacture of compressed earth blocks (CEB) with mechanical performance, either individually or at the level of the masonry itself, suitable for use in this type of structure.FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Ta ecnologia), através do ISISE, com o projeto IUD/ECI/04029/201

    Detecção digital de doenças e vigilância participativa: panorama e perspectivas para o Brasil

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    This study aimed to describe the digital disease detection and participatory surveillance in different countries. The systems or platforms consolidated in the scientific field were analyzed by describing the strategy, type of data source, main objectives, and manner of interaction with users. Eleven systems or platforms, developed from 1996 to 2016, were analyzed. There was a higher frequency of data mining on the web and active crowdsourcing as well as a trend in the use of mobile applications. It is important to provoke debate in the academia and health services for the evolution of methods and insights into participatory surveillance in the digital age.O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a detecção digital de doenças e vigilância participativa em diferentes países. Os sistemas ou plataformas consolidados no meio científico foram analisados por descrição da estratégia, do tipo de fonte de dados, dos objetivos principais e da forma de interação com os usuários. Foram analisados 11 sistemas ou plataformas, desenvolvidos entre 1996 e 2016. Observou-se maior frequência de mineração de dados na web e crowdsourcing ativo e tendência no uso de aplicativos móveis. É importante provocar o debate nos âmbitos acadêmico e dos serviços de saúde para evolução dos métodos e percepções sobre a vigilância participativa na era digital

    ColabSaber: A pedagogical support framework in the collaborative construction of knowledge / ColabSaber: Uma estrutura pedagógica de apoio na construção colaborativa do conhecimento

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    This paper proposes the ColabSaber Framework, which aims to change the traditional format of lecture-based classes with the use of the learning principles defended by Vygotsky, such as language, culture and social interaction. ColabSaber uses the fundamentals of Group Storytelling as educational support for elementary school students. This paper points out the importance of the collaborative construction of comic books as an intermediate support in the traditional teaching-learning process, also considering the technological advances and the ease of students in handling new technologies. As a result, the article concludes a significant improvement in the academic performance of the participating students and a motivational element of the academic engagement of the participating students

    Strategies for cancer treatment based on photonic nanomedicine

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    Traditional cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, are still the most effective clinical practice options. However, these treatments may display moderate to severe side effects caused by their low temporal or spatial resolution. In this sense, photonic nanomedicine therapies have been arising as an alternative to traditional cancer treatments since they display more control of temporal and spatial resolution, thereby yielding fewer side effects. In this work, we reviewed the challenge of current cancer treatments, using the PubMed and Web of Science database, focusing on the advances of three prominent therapies approached by photonic nanomedicine: (i) photothermal therapy; (ii) photodynamic therapy; (iii) photoresponsive drug delivery systems. These photonic nanomedicines act on the cancer cells through different mechanisms, such as hyperthermic effect and delivery of chemotherapeutics and species that cause oxidative stress. Furthermore, we covered the recent advances in materials science applied in photonic nanomedicine, highlighting the main classes of materials used in each therapy, their applications in the context of cancer treatment, as well as their advantages, limitations, and future perspectives. Finally, although some photonic nanomedicines are undergoing clinical trials, their effectiveness in cancer treatment have already been highlighted by pre-clinical studies