382 research outputs found

    Competencia, problemas internalizantes y problemas externalizantes en cuatro grupos de adolescentes

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    Competence and dysfunction emerge from interaction between the individual and the environment. The target of this study was to point out profiles of competence and psychological problems in 160 adolescents (11-18 years): 1) students in public schools in extended period (TI), 2) students assisted by social/cultural equipment (AC); 3) sheltered students (AB), and 4) adolescents pregnant/mothers, (GM). Data was collected using YSR, by items about competence, internalizing and externalizing problems, examined in the variable age. A descriptive analysis indicated higher averages of competence in groups TI and AC. Groups GM and AB showed loss in competence. Internalizing problems appeared in group AB, as well as among the youngest in group AC. Group AB turned up with biggest difficulties, suggesting losses in the environmental context of their development. New studies are indicated for the increase of data and also the comparison among boys and girls.Competencias y disfunciones emergen de interacciones entre individuo y ambiente durante el desarrollo humano. Nuestro objetivo fue caracterizar perfiles de competencia y problemas psicológicos en 160 adolescentes (11-18 años) en los grupos: 1) estudiantes de escuela pública a tiempo integral (TI); 2) estudiantes asistidos por equipo sociocultural (AC); 3) adolescentes abrigados (AB); y 4) adolescentes embarazadas/madres (GM). Los datos fueron recogidos de las respuestas al YSR, en sus ítems de Competencia, Problemas Internalizantes y Problemas Externalizantes, en función de la edad. El análisis descriptivo indicó promedios mayores de Competencia en los grupos TI e AC. Los grupos GM y AB presentaron perjuicios en Competencia. Problemas Internalizantes fueron apuntados por adolescentes del grupo AB y por los más jóvenes del grupo AC. El grupo AB tuvo las mayores dificultades, con sugerencia de perjuicios en su ambiente de desarrollo. Nuevos estudios son indicados para ampliar esos datos comparando niños y niñas.Competências e disfunções emergem de interações indivíduo/ambiente, durante o desenvolvimento humano. O estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar perfis de competência e de problemas psicológicos em 160 adolescentes (11-18 anos) nos grupos: 1) estudantes de escola pública em tempo integral (TI); 2) estudantes assistidos por equipamento sociocultural (AC); 3) abrigados (AB); e 4) adolescentes grávidas/mães (GM). Os dados foram colhidos por autorreferência através do YSR, em seus itens de Competência, Problemas Internalizantes e Problemas Externalizantes, estudados na variável idade. Análise descritiva indicou médias maiores de Competência nos grupos TI e AC. Os grupos GM e AB apresentaram prejuízos em Competência. Problemas Internalizantes foram indicados nos adolescentes do grupo AB e nos mais novos do grupo AC. O grupo AB despontou com maiores dificuldades, sugerindo prejuízos no contexto ambiental de desenvolvimento. Novos estudos ficam indicados para ampliação desses dados e comparação entre meninos e meninas.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Se são tabus, é porque têm força: entrevista com Juliana Notari

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    Interview with Juliana Notari, artist and PhD in Visual Arts (Rio de Janeiro State University − Uerj), by Zoom on 11.11.2022. During the conversation with Clarissa Diniz, Michelle Farias Sommer, Claudia Oliveira and the journal staff, Juliana Notari addresses some of her more emblematic works, clarifying questions on her artistic practice and linking her work to themes crossed by the basic taboos of sexuality and of death, such as patriarchy, violence, feminine, feminisms, trauma, chance, perversion and encounters between animality and humankind.Entrevista com Juliana Notari, artista e doutora em artes visuais (Uerj), realizada via zoom em 11 de novembro de 2022. Durante a conversa com Clarissa Diniz, Michelle Farias Sommer, Claudia Oliveira e a equipe da revista,1 Juliana aborda alguns de seus trabalhos mais emblemáticos, explicitando questões de sua prática artística e relacionando-os a temas atravessados pelos tabus fundantes da sexualidade e da morte como patriarcado, violência, feminino, feminismos, trauma, acaso, perversão e encontros entre animalidade e humanidade


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    Introduction: adolescent pregnancy is of greatconcern in the context of social vulnerability, although protective factors in different environmental systems may interact in the development of adolescent mothers. Objective: verify risk and protection factors among adolescent mothers. Methods: an initial survey was conducted when the children were less than five months, followed by longitudinal steps: when they were three years, 10 years and 14 years. For survey of risk and protective factors observations and interviews in the homes of autobiographical free speech were conducted. Qualitative analysis of the results followed qualitative patterns. Results: there was association of risk factors and family problems, school difficulties and inclusion in environments pervaded by trafficking; protective factors were identified in the positive relationship with families of origin and parents of children. Conclusions: risk and protective factors were present in different environmental conditions and personal conditions

    Programa de extensão lazer e saúde

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: EducaçãoO programa de extensão “Lazer e Saúde” compreende o lazer como um espaço privilegiado para vivências lúdicas importantes para o desenvolvimento humano e para a promoção da saúde, permitindo a manifestação individual e coletiva de situações que possibilitam, para além do divertimento e do descanso, o desenvolvimento pessoal e social. Esta iniciativa parte do princípio de que as atividades recreativas e educacionais podem influenciar positivamente a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. Como objetivo geral visa promover ações comunitárias relacionadas ao lazer e à saúde, atendendo associações, centros de saúde, escolas, creches e a Guarda Municipal de Florianópolis (SC). Este programa é constituído por dois projetos de extensão: “Lazer e Recreação” e “Saúde das mulheres na Guarda Municipal de Florianópolis” e por um evento de extensão: “Brinca CEFID”. As ações promovidas são constituídas por aulas teóricas, expositivas e participativas, e aulas práticas específicas referentes aos diferentes conteúdos culturais do lazer, da recreação, da saúde e exercício físic

    Cementoblastoma affecting the maxilla of a pediatric patient: A case report

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    AbstractCementoblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumor, classified as a rare lesion, of slow growth, with expansion of the cortical bone; it is associated with the root of a tooth with pulp vitality, appearing more commonly in the posterior region of the mandible. In this paper, a rare case report of a surgically treated benign cementoblastoma affecting the maxilla of an 11-year- old patient is presented. Furthermore, the diagnostic methods, the clinical, imaging and histopathological features, and the treatment options are discussed. Finally, correlations are made with findings in the scientific literature

    Ensiling of Forage Crops in Semiarid Regions

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    Edaphoclimatic condition of the semiarid region is unfavorable for the forage production of livestock. Silage is considered a better alternative to conserve forage crops. Ensiling is a technique for preserving forage, in which the ensiled mass is acidified under anaerobic conditions. The lactic acid bacteria present in the environment produce lactic acid, thereby making the environment acidic, and convert soluble substrates into organic acids. Many microorganisms are involved in the fermentation process of silage and their development depends on the characteristics of ensiled materials, such as dry matter, water-soluble carbohydrate content, buffering capacity and presence of indigenous microbial. Ensiling is a favorable technque used in the semiarid region because it preserves the nutritional values of the crops and the water. Some plant species are produced in semiarid regions because they are resistant to water deficit and high solar radiation. The main crops of semiarid regions are sorghum, pearl millet, grasses, cactus pear, and leguminous. Due to agronomic conditions available for their production during periods of rain, for ensiling these plants are important for the fermentation profile of each species because the ratio of the dry matter to water-soluble carbohydrate content and buffering capacity directly influence the end product of silage

    Thymus Atrophy and Double-Positive Escape Are Common Features in Infectious Diseases

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    The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ in which bone marrow-derived T-cell precursors undergo differentiation, leading to migration of positively selected thymocytes to the T-cell-dependent areas of secondary lymphoid organs. This organ can undergo atrophy, caused by several endogenous and exogenous factors such as ageing, hormone fluctuations, and infectious agents. This paper will focus on emerging data on the thymic atrophy caused by infectious agents. We present data on the dynamics of thymus lymphocytes during acute Trypanosoma cruzi infection, showing that the resulting thymus atrophy comprises the abnormal release of thymic-derived T cells and may have an impact on host immune response

    Angiolipoma in a Dog

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    Background: Angiolipoma is a benign tumor composed of endothelial cells and mature adipocytes. Tumors reported in domestic species include two variants; infiltrative or non-infiltrative. Bitches and intact males seem predisposed. This mesenchyme tumor is commonly mistaken with lipoma due to its soft texture and subcutaneous site and often requires histopathology to confirm its diagnosis. Microscopic examination also enables the evaluation of surgical margins and rule out possible infiltrative sites. Complete surgical excision is usually curative. This study reports a case of non-infiltrating angiolipoma in a dog.Case: A 14-year-old mixed-breed dog was presented to a veterinary clinic in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. On palpation, a painless mass was noted, with high mobility and covered by intact hirsute skin in the right subcutaneous ventrolateral region. Computed tomography of the chest showed an expansive mass of uptake only from the edges of the soft tissues of the right subcutaneous ventrolateral region. The mass was homogeneous and well delimited, suggesting a neoplastic process. Subsequently, the mass was surgically removed, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and sent for histopathological analysis. On macroscopic examination, the mass was well delimited, without skin coverage, and measured 2.3 × 1.9 × 0.6 cm. The consistency was smooth and unctuous in appearance with a compact cream-colored surface with blackish multifocal spots. Under microscopy, the histological sections showed neoplasm of mature adipocytes and of endothelial cells of blood vessels benign were filled with a marked amount of red blood cells. Multifocal fibrin thrombi and a mild inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and rare mast cells were evident. There was no infiltration in the regional skeletal musculature. Thus, a diagnosis of non-infiltrative angiolipoma was established.Discussion: The diagnosis of non-infiltrating angiolipoma in this case was established through the results of histopathological examination. The occurrence of this neoplasm in dogs is uncommon, and the data reported in the veterinary medicine literature are scarce. However, in this study, it was found that the neoplasm on screening presented a behavior like that of lipomas, with noninvasive growth and the absence of local recurrence. The canine species does not commonly convey pain on palpation during a clinical examination, as observed in the present case. In humans, multiple angiolipoma nodules are common; this clinical presentation differs from that in animals, in which solitary nodules are generally observed. In dogs, as in the present case, they seem to have a predilection for the trunk. In animals, the pathogenesis of angiolipomas is not established, but in humans, it is based on theories that include the reaction to harmful stimuli and congenital malformation of adipose tissue. In humans, the presence of fibrin thrombi on the periphery of the region of cell proliferation are microscopic findings that can assist in the diagnosis of angiolipomas, an approach that was implemented in the present case. The occurrence of this neoplasm in dogs is uncommon, and the data reported in the veterinary medicine literature are scarce. The importance of an adequate description of angiolipomas is based on the need to provide information about its epidemiology, biological behavior, and prognosis

    Pibid na educação física: formação e intervenção de professores

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    Introdução: O PIBID proporciona ao estudante a aproximação com a escola, com o campo de intervenção profissional e com referenciais teóricos que sustentam a Educação Física. Objetivo: Assim, este estudo apresenta como objetivo analisar os fatores que contribuíram para a formação e intervenção de egressos do PIBID vinculados ao curso de licenciatura em Educação Física de uma universidade pública de Santa Catarina. Métodos: A investigação caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa descritiva, que fizeram parte 16 egressos do curso de licenciatura em Educação Física. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário composto de duas partes: uma destinada aos dados de identificação e a outra parte composta pelo questionário adaptado de Assis (2016), que refere as informações quanto à formação, a interdisciplinaridade, as perspectivas profissionais futuras e as oportunidades na participação no PIBID. Na análise de dados foi utilizada a estatística descritiva, tendo dentro de sua análise a classificação dos indicadores em consenso forte e consenso fraco, realizados por meio da média, desvio padrão, moda e mediana. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos nas categorias em sua maioria foram em consenso forte, com exceção dos indicadores de interdisciplinaridade onde em duas afirmativas o consenso foi fraco, porém o que indicou que o programa proporciona e trabalha com a interdisciplinaridade. Conclusão: Dentre os resultados encontrados como consenso forte nos quatro indicadores da pesquisa é que o PIBID auxilia e tem um resultado positivo na formação profissional do docente. ABSTRACT. PIBID in physical education teachers: teacher training and intervention. Background: The PIBID provides the student with an approach to the school, with the field of professional intervention and with theoretical references that support Physical Education. Objective: Thus, the study aims to analyze the factors that contributed to the formation and intervention of graduates of the PIBID linked to the licentiate course in Physical Education of a public university of Santa Catarina. Methods: The research is characterized as a descriptive research, which included 16 graduates of the degree course in Physical Education of a public university. For data collection, a questionnaire was used consisting of two parts: one for identification data and the other part composed of the questionnaire adapted from Assis (2016), which refers to information on training, interdisciplinarity, future professional perspectives and opportunities in participation in PIBID. In the data analysis, the descriptive statistics was used, having within its analysis the classification of the indicators in strong consensus and weak consensus, performed through means, standard deviation, median and mode. Results: The results obtained in the categories were mostly in strong consensus, except for the indicators of interdisciplinarity where in two affirmations the consensus was weak, but what indicated that the program provides and works with interdisciplinarity. Conclusion: Among the results found as a strong consensus in the four indicators of the research is that the PIBID helps and has a positive result in the professional formation of the teacher